Modules & VBA :: How To Minimize Access Window And Open The Form On Top
Nov 16, 2014
Who can tell me how to minimize Access window while it's form is on top of other open windows (e.g. other applications which are maximized like Excel). By using acCmdAppMinimize command, only the Access window is minimized and if other applications are maxmized, they will be on top. So is there any vba solution to do what I explained?
I have one button for doing the above action, it works.
when the form come out, there is only close window (x), it doesn't have minimize window (_) option. How can I make minimize window button at the top right corner?
Hello, I am a researcher creating critical editions of ancient texts by collating readings from several manuscripts (i.e. different mss all contain minor differences). I create my edition in Word and use footnotes to record the variant readings. I also have a database - created from the word file - in which I can add context to each variant e.g. decisions, history etc. So I have a word file containing the text and its variants uniquely identified with a footnote reference and a database with one table and a record per variant and where the variant records are also unique and share the same number as the footnote. I would very much like to be able to open a window on my variant form which displays the word file at the correct variant (i.e. footnote reference) location. This will make it easier for me to record my assessments of the variant in the dbase while looking at where the variant occurs in the text. Obviously I don't need to see the footnote window as I have this info in the dbase. I haven't got a clue how to do this and would appreciate any pointers. Many thanks in advance, Tim
Is there a command that I can use to export a spreadsheet to Excel...
I could use docmd.transferspreadsheet
however that would also mean i would need an input window where users would need to manually put in the location they wish to save to...
Instead, could i not get a "SaveAs" command window or a file browser at least for them to search that way? Alternatively, If it was possible to use VBA to pop up the "Export - Excel Spreadsheet" window, that would be just as good.
I am new to VBA for access. I am working on a form as a user interface. I have added an picture to the form and it will change, according to the selection in the combobox. It looks small, and not clear because of the size, and each image has different size. I would like to know if there is a VBA code that will allow me to click on it, and then it will open in another window so it is bigger with the right sizes.
I would like to open the MS Access Window in a certain position and size.
Somehow similar to open a form when using: - to set the position and size:
Private Sub Form_Load() Form.Move Left:=11500, Top:=6500, Width:=7000, Height:=6000 End Sub
I would like to open the MS Access Window within the screen area at a certain location, and having a certain size. Is there any option in the Access Menu, or I can write some code, and where has to be written, so when I double click on the *.mdb file, the MS Access Window will open where I want and the size I want.
doCmd.RunCommand acCmdAppMinimize in Form_Load (or Form_Open) events.
This works great to hide Access and only display the main form (like a standalone app).
But I have 2 issues:
1. The PopUp form (main or "switchboard" if you like) opens, then Access is minimized, but then the form looses focus. If there are other programs running, form will be behind them!
2. Access is first seen opening (for a moment) and THEN minimized (see 1.). Is there a way NOT TO SEE IT at all? :)
I'm working on a database that produces employee contracts. To make it look as professional as possible I hide the Access main window when the splash screen loads using the ShowWindow function. The various forms to check and enter details all pop up without any problem, but when I get to the last stage where I use a report to produce the contract and then open it in PrintPreview mode, it won't display (unless I show the main window again , which looks very untidy!). Is it actually possible to display a report with the main Access window hidden?
I have a main form which is open in a maximized window (which i want to leave as it is), i have a command button which opens a form, now i want the form to open up as the size of a box i have created in the form, without altering the size of the first form. Also is it possible to move the 2nd form to the bottom left hand corner of my screem.
This is code i have so far does minimize window to what i want it to but also restores first form, which i want t leave maximized: Code: Me.InsideHeight = Me.Box15.HeightMe.InsideWidth = Me.Box15.WidthDoCmd.Restore Thanks in advance for any help, M-.
Folks, i open my relationship window from a form and i after hide its visibility using the code below. DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRelationships Forms![frmRelations].Visible = False I need to open the hidden form after clicking on the close(x) button of the relationship window. Are there any ideas please.
I have a Form [frmLogon] which opens on db open to allow users to logon, once they have entered their username and password they click a cmdbutton which then minimises [frmLogon] and opens form [Navigation Menu].
On close of form [Navigation Menu] how can I get [frmLogon] to restore to its original open state from being minimised.By the way i have to keep [frmLogon] open as it provides an OpenArgs reference to another form for security data!
I would like to disable the Navigation Pane completely, based on the security level of the user that logs in, of course.
I have code that checks their level (I'm an "Admin" and everyone else is a "User"). If they are a user, then it hides the ribbon and minimizes the nav pane. If the login is mine, it enables everything.
That works, but the only problem is that the user can just maximize the Nav Pane on their own and access all the tables, and I don't want that. I can't find any code that completely disables the pane.
I have this code connected to my login button on my login form:
If Security = "User" Then DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType" DoCmd.Minimize Else DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarYes DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType" DoCmd.Maximize End If
I can go to the options menu and disable the nav pane completely, so I know since only I have access to the ribbon, I could always go in each time and recheck the display nav pane option on that menu. But, that could be a little bit of a pain having to do that each time.
Also, I know I could finish the design and convert the DB to an MDE, but since my DB isn't broken up into a front/back end, I have to access that same DB everyone else uses, and if any changes need to be made, I don't want to have to use my backup, transfer over the changes any user made to the records, and then reconvert it back to an MDE each time.
If it's possible, I'd like to do all this using VBA. If they aren't an ADMIN user, then disable everything for them, but if I login, enable everything for me.
We have an access database which has a form that has a list box that details particular records. See attach "list box".
What I would like to do is double click on the record and this would look in a powerpoint folder (see attach "path") and open the presentation if there is a match to the value in Listbox Column 5 i.e. Tool Number.
I can get it to open the presentation if I include the tool number in the path but I cannot seem to be able to get it to compare the values and only open if there is a match.
My application is developed in Access 2003 version. Recently we moved from Access 2003 to Access 2010. Now users are facing usability issues like - in Access 2003 all the forms are opening in different windows and they can move to forms easily. But in Access 2010 all the Forms are opening in same window, if they want to move to different forms then they need to close the current window or press ctrl+F6. How can I enable/open forms multiple window in Access 2010.
I need to have Access open with a form that does not take up the entire screen and I don't want to see the Access stuff behind it. How can I make just the start up form appear when I open the db?
Form_A (main form for the application - should always be open) Form_B (always open, but sometimes has visibility set to false) Form_C (opens from button on Form_B)
When I press the button on Form_B, the only code behind it is DoCmd.OpenForm "Form_C". This seems to hide Form_B, and open Form_C behind Form_A (which is the main form of the application) inside of an Access window.
I would like Form_C to open in front of Form_B. I suspect that I set up the form incorrectly or something when I created it, and it is therefore opening inside an Access window.
Hello everybody, it's been a while since i wrote on the forums and yet again I am in the need to ask for the help of this wonderful community. I have a form on which is a button that I want when pressed to open a Windows Explorer window displaying the contents of a directory. The exact way that I want this thing to work is like this : The user is browsing a form of lets say client details and on the form lies the button that when pressed will take the client's name and apply it to the path in order to open that Windows Explorer window and create a path like C:program filesclient name and display the contents of that window. I would like if possible someone who can point me as to how I can construct this button to work cause I cant see to get it done. Many thanks for your time :)
I was reading how to make a a button open a webpage. I found out how to and what to type in the Visual Basics. It worked but like another user said, when ever he clicks the button, the window opens for the website but the window is not maximized. He said "I set the open new window value to True".
I want to open different .doc files by a button from access.
I want that the vba code checks where the current access database is located. In which folder the the current access database is.
In this file folder i have a folder called documents.
In this folder i have the .doc files.
Right now i have the following code.
Public Function getPath(ByVal iPath As String) Dim fso As Object Dim drive As String Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") drive = fso.GetDriveName(CurrentDb.Name)
[Code] .....
The access database is in the folder Z:BUS MMM CGrimmMasterarbeitDatenbank