Modules & VBA :: How To Move Data From A Table To Another

Mar 30, 2015

My boss has assigned a task for me to move the details under a field name (eg:[Name]) in table 1 to table2 under another field name (eg [Insured Name]).

Previously, the software I planned to use is Excel, but my boss says Excel cannot handle large data as the computer will be hanging.So,he wants me to use Access to do the programming.I have some programming backgrounds (like C++) but it seems like I hardly understand how Access works! So can any Access expert here teach me how to do so that i won't get fired.

Firstly, We will have the data like this.


Name | PolicyNo | Age | Benefit
Chris | 123 | 21 | Death
Jane | 456 | 34 | TPD
Adam | 789 | 55 | DD

Secondly, we let the other staffs to key in which column to be mapped with the other. Manually Key in (both columns).Mapping Table:

Table1 | Table2
Name | InsuredName
Policy No | Pol_No
Benefit | InsuredBenefit
Age | InsuredAge

Thirdly, the staff will run the VBA and result would be like this.


InsureName | Pol_No | InsuredBenefit | InsuredAge
Chris | 123 | Death | 21
Jane | 456 | TPD | 34
Adam | 789 | DD | 55

As you can see the new table(table2) , field number 3 is the same with the field number 4 in table1. There is something like copy and paste job, but user can decide how the arrangement for the new table is.

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Move Record To New Table After Data Change In Combo Box Value In Original Table.

Nov 24, 2006

Ok my problem is this......

I have a form with a field "Property Status" on it. It has 4 possible values -

"C - SHELTERED (with warden charge)";"H - SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"J - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (With warden charge)";"M - WHEELCHAIR SHELTERED (No warden charge)";"X - DISCONNECTED"

When the value "X - DISCONNECTED" is selected in the form I want the record to be removed from its existing table and sent to a new table which keeps all the "X - DISCONNECTED" records together.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. How would this be coded?

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Move Data To Different Table Using Query

Sep 26, 2006

Ok here is what I've got.
I have a table called (EQUIP REG)
It contains all the information to the equipment in the hospitol.
next i have a table called (WO REG)
It contains all the information for the workorders for the equipment.

In the EQUIP REG table I have field titled (PM) this is the date that the equipment is due for PM's. Now I could just run a query for all the equipment on a given date called "MONTHLYPM" and then "open" the workorders by hand....but would be an all day job becuase there are nearly a thousand PM's a month. What i need is a wuery to run off of the above mention query that will copy the some data from the EQUIP REG table to the WO REG table. I only need the fields called "MMCN" "SERIAL" "MODEL" and "LOCATION"

I know very little about access and even less about VBA, so who ever is brave enough to help me must be able to talk on a very low level.
thanks for any help in advance. :)

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Move MS Access Table Data

Aug 26, 2004

I am working on a calibration database which keeps track of measurement equipment and their scheduled calibration date. There are several gages that become "In-Active" because they are old, lost, or whatever. I have two tables that have Active and In-Active gage listings containing all of the pertinent information regarding that gage. I would like to put a button in the Active gage form which in the event the gage becomes "In-Active", pressing the button moves all of the information in the "Active" page to a new page in the "In-Active" table. So essentially one can look at Active gages and In-Active gages depending on the switchboard button that is clicked.

I know that is probably a crazy question but any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Move Data From One Field To Another Within A Table.

Nov 21, 2006

Hello. My question is how do I go about moving data from one field to another within a table? I want to move the data in ReportDateClo to ReportDatCom when both ReportDateClo and SupAct are true by record which are identified by the field LogNum. It is probably very simple but I am having a brain cramp.

ReportDateClo and ReportDatCom are "short date" date fields. SupAct is a Yes/No field. LogNum is an autonumber.

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Modules & VBA :: Why Code Will Not Move To Last Record Of Table

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code:

techid = Forms!Main!txtCurrentUserID
Task = 2
note = "Work Instructions"
strSQL = "SELECT *"
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM [tblTracking] "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE ([EmpID]=" & techid & ");"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)


For whatever reason, this code will move to the last record that was entered in YESTERDAY, but I want it to move to the last record that was entered in TODAY. If I change the code to only records that are dated today, it claims there are no records (EOF), when there clearly are. why the code will not move to the last record of the table, it is only moving to the last record that was entered yesterday.

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Modules & VBA :: Move Parsed Fields Into A Table

Apr 23, 2014

I'm trying to build a command button to parse each line into a new record of my table [TBLRECORDS].I am able to parse a single line using this code but don't know how to insert the data into the table and loop through for all lines in my [memFile] control

On a form I have a text control [memFile].I populate it by pasting text from the body of an email into it and it is stored in a tables memo field [TBLFILES].[TEXTFILE].Each email can have countless rows of data in this format

H E74 Warranty end not prior to Serv start for XRC Status: M RecordId=897*7756*33*1D1PMB*20140418
H E74 Warranty end not prior to Serv start for XRC Status: M RecordId=897*7916*68*A1C558*20140418

Each line of data will always begin with "H " and each line of text will always have the same character count..For each line in me.memFile I want to create a new table record and populate this way



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Queries :: Move Data From One Table To Another Automatically

Jan 29, 2014

I have a Macro Which my team members fill and submit the information of their daily workload. And the person who Submits has a Pivot table to check if the Workload that he has submitted has been QCed or not.

I have made 2 Tables one is temporary database and other is a master Database, I keep clearing the Temp Database because when users refresh the Pivot table it takes less time if there is less data and Vice Versa.

Problem Statement: When a particular Column is updated for example "QC Result" column is updated as "Green" or "Red" the entire column needs to be moved to the Master Table.

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Tables :: Move Data From Listbox To Table

Aug 25, 2014

I have two listboxes on a form listbox1 and listbox2. listbox1 is populated by table1 which has 40 fields and 1000 records. listbox2 is populated by table2 which has identical structure to table1(same fields) but has no records.

For both listboxes Multi Select is set to simple. Rowsource is Select * statement from tables. Row Source Type is set to Table/Query.

I would like to select multiple records from listbox1 and add them to listbox2 and table2 or just table2. After selecting the records from listbox1 the user will click a button to add the records to table2. Also need to delete the values selected from table1 on same button click.

The database is saved with a .mdb file extension.

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Need To Move Data From Table A To Table B And Delete It

Sep 20, 2006

Well I have two tables, one is the workorder register and the other is the closed work orders. This is for maintenance. I have a form for creating and veiwing workorders. I need to link a command button to the form that will delete the record being viewed in the WO REG table and paste it in the Closed WO table. I think I need to use two append queries but have no idea what I am doing. Here is what I have so far.


Like I said I have no idea what I am doing, this is out of the SQL view for my "move to closed WO" query. the fields I need to move are WO, MMCN, TECH, NOMIN, FUALTS, TYPE, SECTION, CLOSEDATE, and OPENDATE.

Is this even remotly right? I know nothing of VBA an all these symbols mean nothing to me.

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How To Move Data From One Colum By Data Position To Other Fields

Dec 19, 2006

Hello Tech gurus,

I have a database with existing data, that is not normalized, and all the data is in one field...:eek: This what I am dealing with:

As you notice the first row of data in field1 C10A CHOLEST&TRIGLY has 3 spaces to the right the next row ALTORVASTIN has five spaces to the right, the next line LIPITOR has 7 spaces to the right, and so forth, hopefully you get at what I am trying to do, I just looked at the data and it is not showing up in view of the leading spaces, but I am trying to move the data based ONLY one the position of leading spaces, example all data that has 3 leading spaces would go into its own separate column, and all data that has 7 leading spaces would go into a separate column, I have tried to use the left, mid, len functions but I cannot figure out how to move the text and keep it whole only by data position of spaces.

Thanks so much for your help... :confused:

Nana :D

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Move Data From One Column To Another

Feb 13, 2006

OK, I have a truck mileage database with a columns for monthly "StartingMiles" and "EndingMiles" - At the beginning of each month I want to automatically move the entire content of the "EndingMiles" column to the "StartingMiles" so I can start a new reporting month. I'm assuming I can use an Update Query to do this - correct? How do I setup the Update query to perform this?
Or is there a better way?

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Move Data From One Listbox To Another

Nov 27, 2013

I have two particlular listboxes in an Access Form the first is named listEmp and the second is listAllocated

The source of the first is a query which is based on previous combo boxes.

How can I move selected or all items from one box to another and back if needed.

I need the items moved to be removed from the original box so the data is only in one or the other box.

Please include any VBA that may be needed.

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Modules & VBA :: Move To Next Record But Don't Create New If It Is Last

Oct 16, 2013

I have a database where on the bottom I have kept the record navigation buttons. When I move to the next record is fine, but when it reaches the end and I press once more, it will create a new one. How can I avoid this?

I made a button special for that purpose to creat new record). I guess the best option will be not to show the record navigation and create buttons to go back and forward and avoid that the next press of the button will create new record.

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Modules & VBA :: Move Entire Folder

Dec 12, 2014

I have a form which has a field called quote directory, this contains the path of the quote documents and sub folders, I also have a field called project directory.

When a quote is confirmed I have it all working so a new folder is created with specfic details like project number etc.What I want to do is move the folder from the quote directory and put it in the newly created folder in the project directory.

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Modules & VBA :: Move Between Records On A Form

Aug 11, 2014

i have a form, where a user inputs a account number inputting the account number, then populates all the relevant table fields, into the form for the user to edit.however if there is more than one account, with that account number, how do i get it so they can cycle through on the form?

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Modules & VBA :: Outlook Move Item

Jun 27, 2014

Right I have the code in place but it will only work first time out look is opened, unless I have a msgbox on the first line and, I cant work out how to make it work with out it, obviously the msgbox isn't code doing any thing but it must be setting focus or some thing, here is the code

Dim strID As String
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim objDestFolder As Object


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Modules & VBA :: Check If Data In Table 1 Matches With Any Of Data In Table 2

Dec 4, 2014

There are two tabs named Table1 and Table2. In actual there are two tables in Access database named Table1 and Table2. How the data is stored in ACcess tables, I have made two tabs in excel workbook. Now I want Access VBA code that will check if data in Reference field of Table1 matches with any of the data in Reference field of Table2.

If it matches then change the status of the corresponding record of Table2 with either "Withdrawn","Obsolete" or "Updated". SO it depends upon which field out of "WIthdrawn","Obsolete" and "Updated" in Table1 stores "Y". At a time only one of them will have "Y" and rest of two fields will have "N" as shown in the sheets.

As in the example, now Reference "R566" of Table1 matches with Table2 Reference so the status field in Table2 for that record will be "WithDrawn".

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Take Data From Rows And Move Into Columns.

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I have data from a form on my website in a text file, that corresponds to each visitor's input, each 13 lines in the form belongs to one visitor, as shown (twice) at the end of this message.

What I would like to do is have each visitors inputs translated to ONE row, with 13 columns/fields each. It could be appended to the same table or preferably generated in a new one. Note, there are no blank fields, some won't have data after their title, i.e. addy_line_2: is often blank, but at the very least, addy_line_2: or another field name is always there.

It would ROCK if I could also automatically take the name of each field out, i.e. each name is continuous characters up to the : (colon) ...

Thanks in advance, my Access knowledge is obviously limited, I'm sure this is fairly simple!

The fields:

Phone: 213-555-1212
Submit: Continue
addy_line_1: 1000 Melrose Place
city: Los Angeles
state: CA
Submit: Continue

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you !!

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Try To Move Data From Excel To Access

Nov 4, 2007


I was wondering if i can get some help here. The aim here is moving data from excel to Access '03.

At the moment, i'm having troubled in finding out a way to open a database and execute SQL - insert the data into the table.

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source= C:MydocumentsmyDB.mdb;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
End With

then, i got stuck in here whereby i need to execute the SQL insert command to insert record to the table.

Appreciates your help greatly

Thank you in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Not Allowing To Move Outlook To Next Line

Oct 10, 2014

When I build the statement I want to email and view it in a MsgBox the lines space correctly with the code vbCrLf.However when I send that text out as the body of the email, the spacing is no longer there and its just one big pile of nonsenses. In the MsgBox I see it correctly as:

Tool Box 5
Drawer 3 Tag Number 4
Drawer 2 Tag Number 6
Tool Box 7
Drawer 8 Tag Number 2

But in the Email it comes out as:
Tool Box 5 Drawer 3 Tag Number 4 Drawer 2 Tag Number 6 Tool Box 7 Drawer 8 Tag Number 2

How do I make Outlook correctly space?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Recordset Not Recognizing Next Move?

Aug 27, 2014

So I have a table "zztblArticles." Some fields should go to "tblArticles" and values in Tag_ID should go to a lookup table "tblTag" and a junction table "tblArticles_Tags." I'll explain the code I've written below:

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()

Dim db As Database
Dim strINSERT As String
Dim strVALUES As String
Dim rszztblArticles As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

The first loop through works fine, I get the records uploaded to all tables. The second loop through fails at

intArticleID = DLookup("ID", "tblArticles", "Sourcing_Date = " & !Sourcing_Date)

Because it can't decide which ID value to use. This is because the value has been duplicated in tblArticles after the code acts on the same record again. It has completely failed to move to the next record in the recordset, despite the .MoveNext before the Loop!

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Modules & VBA :: Move 10 Records At A Time Button

Nov 29, 2013

I'm using a form with next record and previous record buttons that works fine but as the size of the database has grown it's clear I need a faster way to move through records.

My solution was to have an advance 10 records at a time button but I'm having problems when reaching the far sides of the records.

For example: If I'm on record 9 and I press go back 10 button then access tries to go to record 0 (which doesn't exist) and brings up and error. The same happens if I try to advance more than total number of records.

I found a solution to this which was to disable the button when the recordcount was less than 10. This works except now if I'm on say record 14 and want to go back to 4, i press the button, i goes back to record 10, the button is disabled so it can't go back further and i get an error.

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Modules & VBA :: Move Field On Tabbed Form

Sep 11, 2014

If I have a field in a tabbed form (the form has pages), can this field be moved from a tab to another programatically?

The form is called "ProjectMain". The field is called "Lenght" and the page (form tab) it is on is "specs1". Sometimes I need to have this field in the page (form tab) "specs2"

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Using DblClick To Move Data Between List Boxes

Oct 8, 2006


I am looking for a way to use the dblClick function to move the current row of a list box to another. The idea is that users can look through data and pick certain rows to be printed in a report. I am not sure how to go about doing this and am not sure if it is the best way. The second listbox is so the user can review their selections before printing a report.



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Modules & VBA :: Copy Data In Sheet1 Using Sheet 2 And Access Table Data?

Aug 5, 2014

I am using Excel/VBA as a frontend and Access backend. The sheet2 stores the queue name and Queue number. We have to update the sheet1 from column L to column O by looking for the values from the Access table for the date selected from the comboboxes. Now In sheet 2 , it says Queue number and in actual in access table it is the combination of Type & Type1 & Type2. So we have to look for Type & Type1 & Type2 in the table and find out total Batches ,Total Envelopes,Total documents and total pages and then store the values in the ExcelSheet1 from column L to column O.

The following formulas will be used in the select statment:

Total Batches = count(BatchNo) for date selected
Total Envelopes=sum(Envelopes) for date selected
Total Documents=sum(Cases) for date selected
Total Pages=sum(Pages) for date selected

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