Modules & VBA :: How To Save A Formula In A Access Form

Jan 21, 2015

I put the formula in the Text box field in the control source in the property's tool box and i don't know if it will save that calculation to the table. I was wondering if i can do VBA code to save the the calculation in the table.I have a field called CA Weigt and i put the formula in there as =[Weight] * 0.4536 and it works. How would i put it in a vba code.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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Modules & VBA :: Save Workbook To Access Db?

May 6, 2014

I have some vba code that exports the results of a query to a specific excel workbook. Code in this workbook then takes the exported data to "fill out" areas in the workbook. My staff will then use this workbook to perform analysis on a project. After they have completed the analysis, they will then save the excel workbook, and another person will then validate this excel and turn it into a PDF to send as an email attachment.

My question is, when my staff saves the excel workbook, is there a way they can save it directly to the access database? If not, would there be a way to use vba to "attach" this excel workbook to the appropriate record in the access db for future use?

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Modules & VBA :: Save As Dialog Box - Allow User To Save Copy Of Current Database At Desired Location

Feb 12, 2014

So I have this relatively simple problem: I need to create a button that once clicked will open the Save As dialog box and allow the user to save a copy of the current database where he wishes. The filename should contain todays date in DDMM format along with some pre-set text e.g. DDMM PresetText.

I am using Access 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Current Form Record Only As PDF

Jan 17, 2014

I'm using: DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "Frm_EL_PL_Bulk_Send", acFormatPDF, outputFileName1...To save a form as a PDF. The issue is, it saves all the records in that set in continuous form, and I'm trying to get it to only save the record its on.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Button For Both Form And Its Subform

Apr 22, 2014

i have a form with subform in it, and when i press the save button in the main form it saves only the records in it but it wont save the records in the subform

i found on microsoft this code
DoCmd.Save acForm, "New Employees Form"

how can i use it to save both the main form and subform together

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Modules & VBA :: Save Data From Form To Table

Oct 24, 2013

i got a form with three normal fields where i add data i then have two auto number fields i.e. SupplierID and PersonID the supplierID works fine, i can add a new record and click save and it will save the data in the suppliers table.The problem is with my PersonID field, i need it to retrieve the data from my subform and firstly display in the field on my main form and secondly, when i click save it should save save the number that is displayed into my Suppliers table.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Value Of Field And Use It Once Form Closed

Apr 22, 2015

I have a MainForm. Using a button on the MainForm i open an PopUp form which I enter values.

I want to save the value of a field (text), close the PopUp form. Then use the Saved value in the MainForm to find a record.

So far I have this but not working:

TempVars.Add "company", Me.CompanyName.Value
If Me.Dirty = True Then
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm"
DoCmd.FindRecord Forms![MainForm]![CompanyName] = TempVars("company")
DoCmd.GoToControl "Combo48"

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Modules & VBA :: How To Save A Form Filter To Reapply Later

May 11, 2015

I've taken over the running of the front end of an access database. It's old and antiquated, but is owned by our client and they don't want to move away from it. (it's probably worth pointing out I'm new to VBA, and not a programmer).

Most of what the users want in stored in one table which has a front end form. The users spend a lot of time setting up filters on the form (approx 20 different boxes to filter on).

I've been asked to add in a way of saving these filters so they can be recalled, and I'm wondering if there is an easy way of doing this?

I know that when a filter is set on a form that this creates a temporary query. So my thinking was to somehow save the SQL from the temp query to a new table (user can set a name for the filter from a subform when saving).

I was then hoping I could populate the sub form with a combobox (filtered on the logged in user) and display the appropriate items from the table.

The user could then select an item from the list, press apply, and the form would then be filtered using the previously saved query.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Force Save And Maintain Integrity Of Data Input To A Form

Jun 15, 2014

I have a button that when clicked moves a piece of data to a subform. I have put the whole sequence below. The trouble I am having is :

- The event will not happen until the form is saved. I think this is because fkTaskID is a new record (auto) number which hasn't generated yet.
- If I force the form to save it does work but then I get an error on the INSERT command when not all required fields of the form are complete (see sample in second part below).

Is there a way to save the record and maintain the integrity of the form input - and still have this code work?

Private Sub BTNAddReasonRw_Click()
Dim dIndex As Long
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
For dIndex = 0 To Me.LISTReworkReasonsUnselected.ListCount - 1

[Code] ......

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Reports :: Save Access Form Based On Order Number And Client Name Using VBA

Apr 28, 2013

I have an acces form to input client orders. Each order has its own order number a different client. On the same form I have a button to generate a report based on the inpuuted data on the same form which works perfectly fine.

Now I need to use same report to save each order in a specific folder on my computer in pdf format. However I would like to have the file generated as follows ordernumber "-" clientname.pdf. This way each order is saved in the same folder without overwriting the previous one.

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Formula In Access

Jan 10, 2006

Ok so I'm kinda new to access. What i want to happen is for there to be a textbox on a form that changes depending on what is in the other text boxes. Eg 1st box = 1, 2nd box = 2. I want the third box to equal the ammount of the first two added together (textbox1 + textbox2 = textbox3) how do i do it? Where do i put the formula. Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Formula To Code / Export To Excel Table

Sep 25, 2014

I have a report exporting to excel using late binding techniques. When exported into excel i have numbers for 1,2,3,4 tblPreSiteSurveys. PreSiteSurvey Stop TheClockReason entitie and I am trying to either change the numbers here casting from int to string

1 = a
2 = b

looping through the record set, Or i have a blank field in my SQL for the column "P" and adding the formular to that column, but it only goes into the first row of the record set, which is a expandable table.

On Error GoTo Command29_Click_Err
'Utilergy Master Update report
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim UserDate As Date


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Average Formula On Access

Jan 28, 2012

I was wondering if I could be able to use the average formula on calls in forms. I have begin date, end date, agent name, and I would want to take the difference between those dates and returns the average of calls. I was successfully able to return the difference dates, but I can't get the average calls to work. Here is what I use for the average formula:

=IIf([End Date]>[Date],DateDiff("d",[Date],[End Date])=Sum([Average wrap]),0). I put this formula inside TEXTBOX inside the form.

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Modules & VBA :: Formula Based On Record Number - Recordset Required?

Dec 14, 2014

In order to arrive at the required solution I have to perform a calculation, using data from each successive table record (in chronological order). The result of each calculation must then be used to arrive at the result for the next calculation.

In other words I have to update a variable based on data from each record, sorted in chronological order, and use the final result to populate a field on a form.

Is it time to break out my copy of "VBA For Dummies" and start learning how to use Recordsets?

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Convert Excel Formula For Use In Access

Feb 14, 2008

I have an excel worksheet with the following formula


and I would like to convert it for use in access.

I came up with the following:


I get the following error: "The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.

You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounding it with quotation marks."

I am probably missing something very simple here, but I have been unable to come up with a solution.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Entering Formula Into Access Fileds

Apr 24, 2007

I am completely new to Access, so thanks to anyone who does not think my questions are dumb :)
Ok, say for example I have a table that has my income information and my tax rate and I want to compute the income tax I need to pay by simply modifying total income with tax rate, how should I do it? there does not seem to be a function like formular bar in Excel in Access.

Thanks a lot!


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Translate An Excel Formula Into Access

Aug 8, 2005

In my worksheet there are 3 columns; 1. Date Completed (J), 2. New Review Date(K) and 3. Status(L)

I'm currently migrating from excel to access, the finishing tounces are needed, like the status.

The following excel function I want to convert to access


(K1= Next Review Date)

I did do a search, but I couldn't really find anything.

How do I convert this please?

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Excel Formula To Access Query

Jan 11, 2006

Hi does any body no the access syntax to create this excel formula


Into access



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Trying To Use A Formula In Access To Update A Table

Jan 22, 2005

I have a form that has 3 fields each representing a different table. I want the sum of 2 of the fields to update the third field. The third table has an existing value in it, but I need it to change when the formula is executed. I have a formula embedded in the form and can make the formula work, but it doesn't update my table. How can I make it do this? :confused:

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Queries :: Sumif Formula In MS Access

Apr 21, 2015

My Dataset:
ColunmA ColunmB Value
a b 1
b d 2
a q 3
c a 5
b e 2
d e 10
f q 1
q m 8
. . .
. . .
. . .

In Excel, I would do sumif( ColunmB,a2,Value), which gives me a result:

ColunmA ColunmB Value Result
a b 1 15
b d 2 2
a q 3 15
c a 5 8
b e 2 2
d a 10 2
f b 1 0
q c 8 0
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

So based on each string in ColunmA, it would search all ColunmB and return an aggregated value.How can i get the same result by Access/SQL query?

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Queries :: Use Formula In Access Query

Mar 14, 2013

How to apply the formula, IF (COUNTIF (O:O;O3)> 1; K3/SUMIF (O: O;O3; K: K), 1)from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access query.

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Convert Formula Into Formula Result

Apr 6, 2007

Hi All:running Access 2000.I have a qry with a formula field that performs some calculation (Extension: CCur(([OnHand]*[Price])/[UnitsPer]))and it works fine. How can I update the actual table with the result of the calculation for every record? The problem I have is that there's some null values in the results therefore when I try to get totals on that field, it errors out saying "invalid null use"thanks

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Moving Excel Formula/expression To Access

Jun 1, 2005

I have 5 fields(First,Second,Third,Sum,Sum1). The Sum field is the sum of the first, second and third. In excel I am using the following formula/expression to calculate the Sum1 field =IF(E1<0,E1+10,E1+0 - and it brings back single digit.
First=3, Second=5, Third=8, Sum=16, Sum=6
Can I do this in an Access query, if so how?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Trying To Import Or Recreate A Multiplier Formula From Excel To Access

Aug 9, 2005

Really need help on this one, here is an excel expression:

X Multipliers
$ ValueMultiplier

is less than5then *3.8
is less than50*3.2
is less than100*2.8
is less than200*2.4
is less than500*2
is greater than500*1.8

so if price is less then 5 then multiply by 3.8 and so on. In excel it's in a separate worksheet, and other worksheets linked to it and adjust their Sale Price from the Cost column. Someone else created this spreadsheet, and i couldn't find a multiple discount help in access. I tried creating a query
=([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=5)*3.8 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=50)*3.2 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=100)*2.8 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=200)*2.4 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=500)*2 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]>500)*1.8
but it doesn't work. Please help!!!!
Thank you very much


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Queries :: Access 2010 - Date Formula Not Working?

Apr 7, 2014

date formula that I was using in access 2007 doesn't seem to be working in 2010.

The formula that I had was

Between DateSerial(Year(Date())-IIf(Month(Date())<4,1,0),4,1)
And DateSerial(Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>3,1,0),3 ,31).

The calculation allowed me to count holiday hours taken between 1st April and 31st March. The problem is that it was working up till 31st march but is not now showing holidays taken since 1st April.

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