Modules & VBA :: If Query Open Close And Reopen

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to run code to see if a query is open? Then if the query is open, program the database to close it and re-run it?

I have a query that is based on a field on my form. It runs fine the first time. However, if the user leaves the query open and goes back to the form, makes a new selection, and clicks the button to open the query, the query doesn't refresh. The user either has to close the query and re-run it or press the Refresh All button. I need a way for the query to refresh automatically if it is open already or not. The only other alternative I can think of is to program the database to close the query and re-open it. I tried using QueryName.Requery and QueryName.Refresh but in both cases, it tells me that an object is required and I don't know what it wants. I also tried setting the query definitions using VB, but the query is apparently too long because no matter what I do, I can't get it on one line and Access doesn't seem to like it if the query takes up two lines.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Database / Run A Query / Close Database

Aug 22, 2014

i have a database that runs updates from within itself.what i need is, this database to then open a another database run a update query, then close it.

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Modules & VBA :: Close All Open Objects

Jan 28, 2014

Code to close all open objects?

Using just DoCmd.Close only closes the active object. I have been specifying everything individually but this is not practical as my database grows.

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Close All Open Reports

Jul 26, 2005

Is it possible to close all open reports from one button on a form?

The form is a popup that appears if there are no records in a report. When the popup appears, and the user clicks OK, it is running a macro that closes the popup form and then the report. I would like to use this popup form for a number of reports, so obviously the macro cannot be used as it is only for one report.

Hope this makes sense and can anyone help?

Many Thanks.


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Help: Ways To Open/Close Db In ASP

Jun 7, 2005

I'm trying to find out what's the best (or good ways) to open and close a database (*.mdb) in ASP without
worrying about it staying open. The website stops running (page not displayed) after it has been visited several times
I think, or it's happening when I'm creating new scripts I made which crash several times during debugging. Not
sure what's causing it.

Here's how the db connections work. I'm basically using (includes) to do lots of this..
every web page that requires the DB, I do this format...

(includefile: open database)
(includefile: create constants/variables)
(includefile: load functions used)
- the html page, which access functions when needed -
(includefile: close database)

the includefile that holds all the function scripts does not open or close the db at all but only the recordsets
semi-example function
(function) "", cn <--- the cn was opened in the database script
- blah = the stuff -
(end function)

Is this a good way to work with the database? I'm using access. Yes, i know sql servers are better, but I was told that
since I have only access, I want to minimize the number of connections, so I open the database once during the page
being opened, and close at the end of the page.

Like I say, the problem is, the site works great for a while (no real visitors yet as it's new), but it suddenly says
"page not displayed" after a while. NORMALLY this happens when I'm making new functions/webpages and did the coding
wrong while the database is still open. I'm thinking it's crashing because there were too many errors during the database
being open.


BTW, is it possible to just run a script that finds ALL the open connections after a crash and close them?

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Open Form On Close Of RelationShip Window

Aug 12, 2005

i open my relationship window from a form and i after hide its visibility using the code below.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRelationships
Forms![frmRelations].Visible = False
I need to open the hidden form after clicking on the close(x) button of the relationship window.
Are there any ideas please.

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Need To Close An Open File Before A Macro Runs.

Nov 28, 2007

I need to find a way to close a file (spreadsheet) if it was left open by a user before my scheduled macros need to delete and remake that file to update it. Is there a way to do this in Access? I've been looking for scripts everywhere... Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rick.

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Command Line Arguments To Open AND Close Db

Jan 24, 2008

Is there a command line argument to open AND close a db? I am running a schedule task to open a db which has an autoexec macro but I don't want the db to stay open after running the macro. Or is there a close db function in a macro? I see close form but not db.

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Close Current Form And Open A New One Code

Aug 29, 2005


I need a button code in the OnClick event.

I want when clicking on the button, to close the currently opened form and open another one.

Any help will be very much appreciated!

Thanks guys!

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Open Form To Last Recored Accessed Before Close

Dec 1, 2005


I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of how to have a form open to the record it was on when it was closed. I know I've seen how to do this before, but I've spent some time searching and I can't seem to find it again.


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Forms :: Open / Close Form With Same Cmd Button?

Jan 10, 2014

I am tying to create a cmd btn called "Report" that when clicked opens a form [quick report] in dialog window. I have that done easy enough. But what I want is if that form [quick report] is open, and you click the same button "Report" for it to then close the form.

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If No Matches Reopen Form After Msgbox

Jul 18, 2012

I currently have an unbound form I am using as a switchboard. When a button is pressed it loads a form asking for the user to enter their password (the swtichboard is then closed). If the correct password is entered the form opens to their details, when that form is closed, the swtichboard re-opens. I want an action that if the correct password is not used, then a msgbox lets them know and then the Switchboard they were at re-opens. So far I have the following code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Password!"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

This works well, but I am unsure how to write that after the msgbox I want the Switchboard to open. I tried to add "DoCmd.OpenForm frmSwitchMain" in various places, but I am unsure on the proper procedure to do this.

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Correct Code Command To Keep Form Open After Selecting Close Control Box Button?

Oct 13, 2015

I am at my Login Screen, I want it to return to the Login Screen if you select "NO" and Close the DB if "YES"

Here is my current code:

Private Sub Form_Close()
If MsgBox("Would you like to EXIT the Database?", vbYesNo, "Quiting Database") = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub

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General :: Access Closes - Reopen With Blank Message Boxes

Jan 23, 2014

Every time I re-open Access 2010 it pops up stating the following with a blank text box:


I hit ok and the usual invoice_id param text box message box appears again.

Once that is over, I gain access. I can browse to the form - frm_system, open the sub-form sub_frm_invoices and remove the invoice_id field. Once I re-add it everything works fine (until I close the application).

I initially thought it was because the database was set to "compact on close" but I disabled that and it is still occuring .

I know this is the cause but as the sub-form itself uses a table record-source I know the field exists - not to mention I can simply delete and re-add it to fix it temporarily.

This behavior occurs when a field, a criteria, an expression, or a control in a query, a form, or a report references a name that Access cannot find. For example, a name could be misspelled or a field may not be available within that scope.

Basically it looks like the textbox displaying the invoice_id on the form is the problem. I can't figure out why though. When I remove it everything works - the queries work if I recreate it as well..

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Get Form To Close

Aug 26, 2013

I have a form I want to close but somehow the codes running before it cancel it out before my closing code can run.

Here is the full code for the form.

'Check for Null Fields
If IsNull(Me.cmb_to_customer) Or IsNull(Me.cmb_from_customer) Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a TO CUSTOMER and FROM CUSTOMER to continue.")
Cancel = True

[Code] .....

This is the ending code that will not run:

'Continue or Not, If yes then wipe all fields, If no then exit form
If MsgBox("Do you want to log-in/transfer more batteries?", vbOKCancel, "BATTERY LOG-IN/TRANSFER") = vbCancel Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FRM_LOGIN"
Me.cmb_from_customer = Null

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Open In Main Form The Oldest Case Taken From Query

Jul 7, 2015

I need to make a query that will show the oldest cases and then open this one in the main form. It will be possible that there could be several cases with the same date. For example the query runs and the results are 7, how could I get one of those cases in the main form.

The idea is that a person will click on a button called "next case", the query will run and then it will open the case in the main form.

How to get this started?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Close Form And Maximize Another

Dec 9, 2013

im try to close a form called "new job" and re-maxmise Form "main switch board"

i have manage to get my pop up form "main switch Board to minmise with Macro but unsure how to recall it when "new job" closed

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Modules & VBA :: Close A Form From A Message Box

Apr 11, 2014

All i want to do is after executing the following code, close the form " EmployeeFind" on completion?

Private Sub Form_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_DblClick
Dim stDocName As String
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
Msg = "Employee allocated to Job"
Style = vbOKCancel + vbInformation
Title = "Employee moved" ' Define title.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbOK Then


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Modules & VBA :: How To Close Pop Up Form When Click Somewhere Else

Aug 3, 2013

In the main form I have a list box, when I right click on each item on list box another form "frmshortcut" (pop up) will be open in the position of mouse that shows a list box for selecting items according to below code, now I would like when select another place (except "frmshortcut"), this form automatically will be close, like what we have in shortcut list of windows. Now when right click it is opened in the location of mouse click, but problem is, it is not closed automatically when click in other places of main form.

Option Explicit Private Type POINTAPI
x As Long y As Long End Type
Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private mp As [*clsMousePosition]

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Excel Instance Does Not Close From Access

Oct 4, 2013

I have two problems excel instance does not close at the end and two when I try to do the looking using text it works but soon as I try using date/time it returns nothing.

Private Sub Command84_Click()
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
On Error Resume Next


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Modules & VBA :: Close Main Form With If Statement

Jun 25, 2013

I have a subform that is used in multiple other forms. I wish to have a command button that will close whichever main form the subform is in. Is there some way I can make an if statement that is something like the following?

If (main form = A) then
Close (form A)
ElseIf (main form = B) then
Close (form B)
End if

Unfortunately the button has to be in the subform, not the main form (which would be easier). The purpose of the button is to delete the current records that are open and then close the form. The catch is that the subform is the parent record to the main form, so the command has to originate from the subform so that the cascade delete works properly.

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form Without Saving Record

Jun 3, 2015

I have a form I would like to close without saving the record using a button. here is the code I have but it closes the form and it also writes the record to the table.

Private Sub ClosewoSave_Click()
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMenu"
End Sub

I found in a thread that Cancel = True would not write the record.

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Modules & VBA :: Not Allow Form Close If Date Not Filled In

Feb 24, 2015

I have a problem when I close a form to stop it from closing if a date is not filled in.

If the field "Case_Status" is filled in with "response received" and the date field "response_received_date" is blank, it shows a message and fils in the text box with red background.

It simply fails to keep the form from closing till the date is filled in. Code I have so far:

Private Sub CloseForm_Click()
If Me.Case_Status = "response received" And IsNull(Me.response_received__date_) Then
Me.response_received__date.BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
MsgBox ("Please fill in manatory fields!!!")
End If
End Sub

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Open Form On Menu Then Close Old Form

Feb 19, 2005

I've a custom menu bar from which I can choose any of my forms. However when you choose a new form the old form stays open, sloppy in my mind. Is there any way i can choose the new form from the menu bar & close the previous form? I've tried to close on deactivate, w/ no luck.

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Modules & VBA :: Create And Open Variable Folders With Link Created In Access Query

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to set up something to be able to take me to a folder that holds various forms for personnel. I have a query that generates the link for each person. I have tried to set it up as a hyperlink in ACCESS 2013 and it displays as one but doesn't act like one.

I want to be able to click the link and have it open up a personnel folder for that individual. I can't find a MACRO that I can create to do it. Example of my query is that it creates a link K:Main BreakdownSection BreakdownPersonnel FoldersName and the name is the variable part.

My next problem will be to have it create that folder when we have new personnel arriving.

I would also note that I have not worked with ACCESS in many years and much of what I was able to do with 2002 and 2003 doesn't work with the newer versions of ACCESS.

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Modules & VBA :: Close All PowerPoint Files From Access Application

Apr 29, 2015

i want that if any powerpoint application is open after closing my access app all of these powerpoint files will be closed. i found this code for excel file and i changed it for powerpoint application. but i have an error message in this pink line?

error 438: object doesn't support this property or method


Public Function test()
Dim oApp As Object
Dim workbook1 As Object


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