Modules & VBA :: Importing Excel Sheet Into A Table In Database

Jul 23, 2014

I am running this code to import an Excel sheet into a table in my database. This works fine if I set [HasFieldNames] to false. When [HasFieldNames] is set to true, I get the correct field names in the table, but don't get any data from the sheet.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "txlsRevenuePayback", _
"s:ProgramsReportingPayback Revenue Table - Master Copy.xlsx", True, "Actual Revenue By Province!A12000"

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Importing A Sheet From A Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005


I'm trying to import a sheet from a excel spreadsheet.

this is my "code"

The problem is that when i hit the run button, it imports blank sheets or more likely is not importing at all :confused: :(

On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
Dim dlgOpen2 As FileDialog
Dim countrystring2 As String

Set dlgOpen2 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With dlgOpen2

If txtFile2 <> "" Then
.InitialFileName = txtFile2
countrystring2 = txtFile2 & "!RB_UPDATES"
.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.Path
End If
.AllowMultiSelect = False
End With
If dlgOpen2.SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
txtFile2 = dlgOpen2.SelectedItems(1)
End If
Exit Sub

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "RB_UPDATES", countrystring2, True

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
End Sub

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Importing Excel Sheet Into Access, Phantom Lines

Apr 25, 2007


I have been importing excel spreadsheets succesfully for a long time now and this new problem I have never seen before. I don't know how to deal with it. I have had a look on here but could find nothing similar, I have not really had a any luck searching google, mainly because I am at wits end to find a suitable search term.

Here's what's happening:
When i upload the sheet as is, it works fine, bar a "data conversion error" for one column which contains mainly numbers but a few cells of letters.

as before, I have inserted a line at the top of the spreadsheet (below the column headings), and put a 1 in for each numeric column and a letter for each alphanumeric and text based column.

Now when i import to access, I get no conversion error, but access has inlcuded about 20'000 blank lines between the headings and the actual data.

I really don't know what is going on.

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Queries :: Importing Excel Sheet And Replacing Whole Records?

Jul 22, 2014

I need to import an excel sheet containing updated tickets to my access ticket database. They have unique IDs in the form of a "Ticket ID" field.

I could just use an append query to add the new tickets to my database, but there are some changes on the excel side to tickets that already exist in access as well. What would be the easiest way to facilitate this import and overwrite all tickets with matching Ticket IDs to the new ones contained in the excel file?

I already have the excel file imported into it's own table, so it's a matter of updating my main table off of this temporary table containing the excel tickets. The field names are the same across both tables, it's just a matter of updating the info contained in them.

This will need to be repeated for multiple different excel files, so the easier the better!

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Queries :: Importing Data From Excel 2007 When File Path And Sheet Name Always Same

Sep 29, 2014

I have an access file in which have a table name dataupdated

I have an excel 2007 file(Datanew) which have a sheet name data

I want to update table dataupdated at regular period

How can I create a query to import data from excel while file path and sheet name is always same and other steps to import data is same every time...

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Modules & VBA :: Store Data From Access Table To Excel Sheet In Corresponding Cells

Jan 28, 2015

I am writing the following code that will first of all display column headers dynamically using "Headers" field data from Access table and then find out the sum(volume) using column header and first column values. The following code works fine to display headers dynamically in Excelsheet from Access table but doesn't display sum(volume) in all the corresponding cells. As I can't attach the Access table so I have stored data from Access table to sheet named "Access Data" as attached. The sheet2 named "Report" should populate total volume .

Public Function Inputdata()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long
Dim i As Integer


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Modules & VBA :: Dynamically Create Headers In Excel Sheet Using Access Table Data

Apr 2, 2014

I have an access table and I want the code that will check two columns in the table "EnvelopeType" and "EnvelopeSize" and create headers in Excelsheet automatically. In the attached workbook, like in sheet1 the headers are already appeared, I want this to be done dynamically using vba code so that if new values get inserted in EnvelopeType and EnvelopeSize then we won't have to change the code to display more headers.

Please see attached workbook named Sample and Access table. E.g.

EnvelopeType EnvelopeSize
TNT 2nd Class C5
PP1 2nd Class C5
PPI 1st Class A4
Recorded A4
TNT 2nd Class C5
PP1 2nd Class C5
Recorded A4
PPI 1st Class A4
Recorded C5

With the code it should display following headers in excel sheet:

TNT 2nd Class C5
PP1 2nd Class C5
PPI 1st Class A4
Recorded A4
Recorded C5

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Values In Column A Of Excel Sheet Also Present In Access Table

Sep 2, 2014

In sheet 1, In column A all the Batch numbers are present. So I want to check if each of these is present in Access table named "tblmain". If its present then display its corresponding Policy number in Column B of attached workbook.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Data From Excel Sheet To Access Table And Then Compare Two Tables

Dec 2, 2014

I have a form where when the user clicks on the browse button then excel workbook filepath gets stored in the textbox as below:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Sub ChooseFile()
Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] .....

Please see attached the excel workbook. Everytime the user will select Excel workbook using Browse button. Now in that file , the first sheetname will always be "Summary". I want to perform the following steps:

1. So now I want VBA code to copy the data from columns "Withdrawn","Obsolete","Updated","LitRef" from Summary sheet to the Access table named tblSummary.

2. When the data gets copied in Access table then write So VBA code that will check if the data in field LitRef in table "tblSummary" is present in field "Reference" of Access table "tblliterature" . if its present then check in the tblSummary , which corresponding fields out of "Withdrawn","Obsolete" and "Updated" stores "Y" .
3. If "Withdrawn" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Withdrawn"
4. If "Obsolete" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Obsolete"
5. If "Updated" field value is "Y" then change the status of corresponding record of tblliteraure to "Updated" .

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Modules & VBA :: Check Policy Number In Access Table And Populate Related Data In Excel Sheet

Aug 14, 2014

See attached the Workbook. I need to check the policy Numbers in Column A of all the sheets in the attached workbook if its present in Access Table. If yes then write the corresponding ScanDate and BatchNo from Access table to columns I and J of all the sheets. I need to write VBA code to perform it.

In the attached workook, only Sheet1 contains the data but in actual there will be data in 5 sheets in the workbook.

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Modules & VBA :: Importing Excel Data To Access Table

Mar 25, 2015

I have a VBA function to syncsuppliers as below

Function SyncSuppliers()
On Error GoTo errhandle
Filename = DLookup("SupplierPath", "Setup", "SetupActive = True")
If Filename = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


The 5th row is where the problem is abbot and co will import n stop missing out the brackets (I need all the data). same for the last row A-BELCO LTD will import (HADAR LIGHTING) does not.

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Deleting Excel Sheet Linked To Database

Aug 7, 2015

I have a database that links to an excel sheet and take data from it. For a fail safe i put deletes in several places in case of user error to make sure the sheet is deleted. If it is already deleted the other deletes don't act well.

I need to write a conditional iff statement that if it doesn't exist it ignores the delete call. Not sure how to structure it.

Private Sub Command3_Click()
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Sheet1"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "District Select Form"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Add Row To Excel Sheet

Aug 16, 2015

find a way to automatically copy data from an access query to a sheet in excel at the end of every month we record financial data from our database into an excel sheet for our accountants. im still designing the query to format the data exactly the way we need it, which is why im not too clear on all the details (have a meeting with the accountants on wednesday to confirm everything, but im hoping to get most of the function written by then at least)

Ive already got the pathfilename and worksheet name stored in variables (excelFile and workSheet respectively) and ive worked out a way to store the row number (in a variable called simply rowNum), i just need to add one record to that specific row, from columns B to I) and for now lets just assume the query would be qryFinancialData. simple way to export the data, ill be formatting the query so that the first field in the query will go into column B, second field will be C, third field will be D, there a quick way to open the file, add the data to the right columns/row and close/save the excel file, all through VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting 2 Queries In One Excel Sheet

Nov 6, 2013

I have got the following code

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim exApp As Excel.Application
Dim exDoc As Excel.Workbook
Dim exSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim Dateiname As String
Dim SQL As String

[Code] ....

I'll get the following error:

error message 1004: can not give a sheet, the same name of the sheet

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Modules & VBA :: Msgbox Before Opening Excel Sheet

Sep 4, 2013

I have a query, which looks like that:

ID Year SAP Geris
1 2008 20,00 € 5,00 €
1 2009 40,00 € 4,00 €
1 2010 60,00 € 6,00 €
2 2007 80,00 € 4,00 €
2 2008 100,00 € 8,00 €
2 2009 100,00 € 4,00 €
3 2008 1.000,00 € 1,00 €
3 2009 100,00 € 8,00 €
3 2010 2,00 € 9,00 €
4 2008 9,00 € 10,00€

So each combination has an ID. It's called the SuWID. I want to Transfer the data to a fixed Excel sheet. I wrote the following code

Dim xlApp As Object ' Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Object ' Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Object ' Excel.Worksheet
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True

[Code] ....

The only Thing what i still want to have is that, before it opens the Excel form, which works already perfectly well, that a msgbox will Show up and ask me, which SuWID do you want to see in the Excel sheet.

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting To Excel - One Listbox Per Sheet

Jan 30, 2014

I am looking to export my listbox values to a single workbook BUT a new sheet is created per export. There are 6 listboxes in total and I already have the code to export a single listbox but if I try to use this code its going to overwrite the csv each time .

Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim strLine As String
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("D:DatabaseHomeExportCombinedHrs.csv", True)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Send Conditionally Formatted Excel Sheet By Email?

Dec 18, 2014

After I have run all my access queries is it possible to send a conditionally formatted excel worksheet all in access using vba?

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Modules & VBA :: Checking In Two Tables And Display Result In Excel Sheet

Sep 2, 2014

I want VBA code that will perform the following steps. The Table1 has following fields:


1. First of all look into Table1 the scandate<=29082014 and then check if there is No NewBatchNo of the corresponding record then capture its corresponding BatchNo of each record whose scandate<=29082014

2.Then check for the batchno that we have captured in another table Table2 and if its present then return corresponding PolicyNo. Now keep on searching that policy no in Table2 as it could be present 50 times in the table and then return corresponding batch numbers in excel sheet of that Policy No as below:

BatchNo - Policy No - Batch No1 - Batch No2 - Batch No3 ---------------

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Specific Sheet In Template Excel File

Feb 11, 2015

So I press a button on my Form1 and my tbl_customers table is exported onto a specific sheet in a templated Excel file "customer-template" that I have created.

This file has formulas on another sheet that based on the imported data.

The file is then saved to a specific location C:AccessCustomersHistory with the file name based on a date that was criteria from my original form E.g. "customers 11-02-15"

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Modules & VBA :: Error When Apply Condition Formats On Excel Sheet (from Access)

Oct 14, 2014

I am pushing some data to Excel from an Access query. When the data is in Excel I reformat the sheet by changing the fonts, applying borders and cell formats - I have got all of this to work fine.

The one thing I am struggling with is applying conditional formats. I am pretty sure it is something to do with incorrectly referencing the applcation/sheet. An extract of what i think to be the key parts of the code are below.

Dim ApXL As Object
Dim xlWBk As Object
Dim xlWSh As Object

Set ApXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWBk = ApXL.Workbooks.Add
ApXL.Visible = True

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To Excel And Delete Data From A Range On Specific Sheet

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to connect to excel from Access database. Once I make the connection I want to delete data from a range on a specific sheet. There are 4 columns on the spreadsheet but i wouldn't know how many rows. So for example, A150... but I may not know what the last row is. How would I be able to delete data from a range of columns to the last row?

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Export Recordset Data To Multiple Excel Range In Same Sheet

Feb 14, 2015

With below codes I am able to export recordset data to specified excel range if recordset count is 25. But I am unable to export the data greater than 25 to 2 specified range.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Table From A Different Database To Excel

Jan 31, 2014

I have 2 databases, mymacros.mdb and otherdb.mdb

I am writing some vba code in mymacros.mdb to try and export a table from otherdb to excel. I do this becuase there is a new copy of otherdb created on a daily basis.

I have tried using docmd.output and docmd.transferspreadsheet to achieve this but dont know how to specify that the table I am exporting is in the otherdb.mdb file.

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Tables :: Export Table In Excel Workbook With Separate Sheet Based On Value Of Field

Nov 7, 2012

How to export ms access table into excel workbook with separate sheet based on a value of field?

For Example:

I have One Table with three fields

Name Address Company
Steve a Apple
John b Apple
Josh c Dell
Pete d Dell
Pat e HP
Jacob f HP

Output in Excel(list for Employee by company):

Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3
Apple Dell HP
Name Address Name Address Name Address
Steve a Josh c Pat e
John b Pete d Jacob f

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet To Access Database Daily

Jun 1, 2006

I need some help on this one. :confused: I have two Crystal Report generated Excel spreadsheets that are auto-updated on a daily basis. One spreadsheet contains computer assets, type, model, locations, etc. The second spreadsheet has users assigned to them, phone numbers, etc. I need to import these in to existing tables with numerous filters into my Access database weekly. They don’t change a whole lot but I need the changes to be reflected in my database.

The way I have it setup now is through a linked table, then I use a “Make table query” to filter the data.

My problem is the filtered table has relationships set up that I have to delete then recreate every time I need to run the “Make table query” because it has to delete the old table first.

Is there a better way to make this happen?

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Modules & VBA :: Importing Excel Files

Jul 4, 2015

Access Version 2010
Excel Version 2010

I have 200 excel files in folder C:UsersLburchDocumentsHistoric DataTedan Data in Excel Worksheets - CopyAAA - Copy.The files only have one worksheet and the column format are the same. Worsheet name is different for every file though.Headings in first row.write a macro to import into 1 Access table so I don't have to do it manually.

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