Modules & VBA :: Insert CR / LF In Memo Field Based On Search String

Jan 16, 2014

I import a CSV field which has not preserved the CR/LF when it was exported from BCM Remedy. There is no setting for that. The memo field prints on my report like this:

A custom solution would be developed, that once implemented, could become the standard product in similar situation. Normally would assign to Network Engineering, but will work with Ray and the IPT Team to cost out the solution and get approval to proceed. 2012/05/24 10:44:28 AM PCOLLINS Sent to Ray Massie for review to determine if a solution needs to be proposed, or if they can wait for the National IPT solution to be ready in 2013.

I want to add VBA code that inserts a CR/LF in the memo field before all but the first occurance of a string that looks like a date, the first occurance doesn't need it. I will do it right after I import the CSV file into the table, so it happens only once, and it always prints and displays the CR/LF.

The memo field is called "NBS Update" and the table is called "CCRR Remedy Data"Here is what I have, but don't actually know what to put in to find the date and add a CR/LF:

Dim db As DAO.Database

Dim db As DAO.Recordset
Dim srtSQL As String


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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Textbox To Display Memo Field Based On Listbox Record Selection

Apr 21, 2014

My table:

- HeatTreatmentID - PK
- HeatTreatmentDesc - Text
- HeatTreatmentDetails - Memo

My form has a listbox (lstHeatTreatments - Multi-Select disabled) that displays Heat Treatment descriptions and an unbound textbox (txtHTDetails) that I would like to have display the corresponding memo field when a description is selected from the listbox.

This is my code so far:

Private Sub lstHeatTreatments_AfterUpdate()
Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim mySQL As String
Dim selectedRequirementKey As Long
Set myConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection


When I run the code I get an error:


Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':

The Value you entered isn't valid for this field

When I debug, it highlights:


Me.txtHTDetails = myRecordSet.Fields

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Query Field Based On A String From Input Box

Sep 10, 2013

How do I use a update sql query to update a field based on a string from an input box. Heres what i have been trying:


DoCmd.RunSQL sql

If i run the code and input 'PRIMARY' in the NETWORKBOX the sql query will return an 'enter parameter value dialog box' with the word 'PRIMARY' above the input field.

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Insert A Date Into A Memo Field.

May 17, 2005

I have an application that has a text box on a form that points to a memo data type.

On the form, I wish to allow the users to insert the system date with a short-cut key. (Trying to use Ctrl-D).

I have coded a Keypress Event that checks for the Ctrl-D. "Current" code is below:
Private Sub PM_Comments_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim MyString As String
Dim MyDate As Variant

'Check to see if user pressed Ctrl-D
If KeyAscii = 4 Then

MyDate = Date
MyString = Format(MyDate, "Short Date") & ":"
SendKeys ("") ' Perhaps I need to dump the Ctrl-D in the buffer???
SendKeys (MyString)

End If

End Sub
I say current because I have tried MANY variations. The code is executing properly on the Ctrl-D. I have watched the variables in debug mode and they contain what I want, namely "mm/dd/yy:" for the current date. Problem is, it inserts the TIME in the memo field. And it is the system time, not the integer of the date formatted into the time.

Crazy thing is, in debug mode, the darn thing will do what I want and insert the date in the VB editor page. Just won't do it in the memo field on the form.


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Insert Date Into Memo Field

Dec 15, 2005

We have a memo field that we use for on going notes.
Each day they may type more notes.
Is there a shortcut key, a button, or a way to automatically enter the date
and time before the notes?

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IIF Statement To Pull String From Memo Field

Sep 12, 2006

I have a 3rd party database where I have no control over how the data is entered. I've been given the task of creating a Crystal report that would need to gather data from two databases. The link between the two databases in my report would be on a quote number. In one database, the quote number is in it's own field. In the 3rd party database, the quote number is stored in a memo field along with other data.
Here's an example:

4000 C7875
9003267 T7761
4010 T7152A
TPCA #1756/2914

The data I'm after is
*No data from the 5th row since the data after the "T" isn't numerical

So far I'm thinking of using an IIF statement to check for the existance of a C or T, then if true, use a nested IIF statement within the first to check for numeric, if true, use the Mid function to pull out the quote number.

My first concern is this could become a complicated IIF statement and was wondering if there was another direction I should be looking in acheiving this.

My second concern is if I go with this method, some of the quote numbers have a space after them, some of them have no space after them, some may even have a "/" after them. How would I go about accomplishing this?

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Insert Bullet Points In Memo Field

Aug 30, 2006

My form has a Memo field that stores "To Do" descriptions. My user wants to be able to add bullet points next to their entries. There could be multiple To Do's in a single field.

Any help is appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Search 1 Field Based On Multiple User Input

Jul 4, 2013

I have a search form that looks up a value in a field and lets the user know if it is there or not, they have now asked to put in multiple values to search... eg. searching containers number, I will put user input box where they can put these numbers


This will search my container number field and show a pop up message box saying..
Please note below
NYKU023561 - has been found you cannot use this container
TRLU102356 - has not been found please check internal system
TCNU123023 - has beeen found you cannot use this container

Below is the basic search I had before which was all I needed.. how can I adapt this?

Private Sub Command256_Click()
If (CntSearch & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim CNT As String


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AutoNumber Field And SQL String INSERT INTO Statement

Apr 4, 2008

In my statment below the ID is an autonumber. I placed it in the first part ofthe SQL string..but not where I have to variables referenced...

I have to add it to the SQL statement...Its not a varible although I can make it one by getting the largest number nad adding one...
Do I have to make it a non-autonumber and do it like I said above

Or is there another way to treat the autonumber (ID) in the SQL INSERT INTO statement...


Code:MySQL = "INSERT INTO dbo_data ("MySQL = MySQL & "ID,Name,Owners_Residence,Notice_Expiration,Notes,N otice_Number,Status,Notice_Date,Property_Address,N uisance_Type,Addition_Name,Range,Lot,Block,Zip_Cod e,Display_PID,Sec_tion,Township,Property_City,Prop erty_State,Property_Zip"MySQL = MySQL & ") values ("MySQL = MySQL & "'" & varName & "','" & varOwners_Residence & "','" & varNotice_Expiration & "','" & varNotes & "','" & varNotice_Number & "','" & varStatus & "','" & varNotice_Date & "','" & varProperty_Address & "','" & varNuisance_Type & "','" & varAddition_Name & "','" & varRange & "','" & varLot & "','" & varBlock & "','" & varProperty_Zip & "','" & varDisplay_PID & "','" & varSec_tion & "','" & varTownship & "','" & varProperty_City & "','" & varProperty_State & "','" & varZip_Code & "'"MySQL = MySQL & ");"

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General :: Search Form For Memo Field

Feb 7, 2013

I'm developing a program to search several fields. One of which is a memo field with large characters. Using wildcard in the search form I made, it only returns the record if the first word of the field is typed in the search box. I want to type any word in any part of the field to return the record.

This is my code

' Check for LIKE Subject
If Me.txtsubject > "" Then
varWhere = varWhere & "[subject] LIKE """ & Me.txtsubject & "*"" AND "
End If

subject is a memo field.

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Forms :: Using A Form To Search Keywords In Memo Field

Dec 6, 2013

Currently, I am trying to search a memo field on a table by having the user enter keywords on a form (up to 10 keywords can be entered). It works when just one keyword is entered, however it doesn't work if more than one is entered. How do I account for more than one keyword being entered to search the memo field and return the recors where any of the terms show up in that field. Each one of the keywords [KW1] ...etc are in a separate unbound box.

Current formula looks as follows:
Like "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW1] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW2] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW3] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW4] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW5] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW6] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW7] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW8] & "*" OR "*" & "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW9] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW10] & "*"

Should I be using AND?

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Modules & VBA :: Enter A Keyword Or Phrase And Search 3 Memo Fields And Filter Records Found

Nov 7, 2013

I am trying to provide the user a custom search feature. They want to enter a keyword or phrase and search 3 memo fields and filter the form base on the records found. they also want to be able to search the whole phrase or any part of the phrase.

I have a like expression for any part of the phrase but I when I set it up for whole phrase it doesn't work. Even if I run a simple query and use

For example: There's an acronym the user is looking for : ACA

If I set my query up like this: [field1] like "*ACA*" or [field2] like "*ACA*" or [field3] like "*ACA*"

it not only finds records with that acronym but it also finds records where that combination is found in a word, for instance vacate.

How can I set up my query to find the whole word?

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Modules & VBA :: Database With Records - Search For Similar String

May 20, 2014

I am trying to write some code to search for similar strings. I am creating a database with records that all contain street addresses. These addresses may have more than one record attached to it, and we would like for folders to be created containing the records with similar street addresses. Problem is, all the existing records are from an excel spreadsheet that did not contain any data validation, so there are several instances of:

123 Street
123 st
123 street job 1
123 st job 2

So I am trying to write code to prevent this from happening in the future, by searching the database for a similar street address and asking the user if this is the address they are trying to enter. I have been trying to do this with the DLookUp function, as such:

Private Sub ProjectName_AfterUpdate()
Dim stLink, pName As String
pName = Me.ProjectName
stLink = DLookup("[ProjectName]", "tblMaster", "[ProjectName] LIKE '" & pName & "%'")
If IsNull(stLink) Or stLink = "" Then

[Code] ....

I have worded the stLink line different ways, and have used (*) instead of (%) but nothing is working. The CODE is working, as in no errors, but it is not finding a similar project that I know is present.

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Modules & VBA :: Edit A String Or Use Wildcard In Search Function

Jul 18, 2013

Access 2007

I can't figure out how to replace a period that is in the middle of a string and end up with 10 digits. For example 55.5555 would be 5500005555. I can use replace() but the tricky part is I have to end up with 10 digits.

Ultimately what I'm trying to do is - when a user enters 55.5555, 555.5, 5.5 or any variation they will be able to find the corresponding record. So a wildcard for the search or the replacement of the "." with enough zeros for 10 digits.

Here is what I'm using now - i making them enter the full 10 digit number but would like to give them the ability to use the period in place of the zeros.

Function Search()
Dim lssql As String
Dim lsSn As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim lsMessage As String
Dim sMsg As String
Dim vRetVal As Variant
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] .....

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Search Memo Field Using Another Field

Nov 8, 2006

I have a database and I need to search in the body of the memo field for information in another tables field. Please help.

table 1
field Driveline
data : 805983D1755

table 2
field memo
Turn on Speedometer Switches:
C/B D/L = 804248D1795
C/B Location @ 3204.0
ALUM STD 1810 3HOLE 16MM R036-226
X = 47.9
Y = 120.0
Ctr Brg Brkt = K257-223-11
Rear D/L = 805983D1755

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Search A String Within Subform To Find Information Stored On Main Form

Dec 2, 2013

I'm trying to search a for string within a subform to find information stored on the mainform to which the particular subform belongs.

The problem is that the subform is generated from a query which uses a number from the main form to generate.

So the subform record is only generated when the correct mainform record associated with it is loaded.

Now to solve my problem I've made a new query that brings up ALL the results that could be generated by the main form and from that I can search to find my search term I'm after and read off the ID number to tie it back to the mainform.

But all of this is done manually, I want a way to do all this using VBA in a way that the user can't edit any records as they are doing it.

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Modules & VBA :: Calendar Entries - Opening Recordset Based Off Of SQL String

Oct 30, 2014

I am currently developing a calendar and am trying to open a recordset based off of a SQL string. When I deleted the Where part of the SQL statement, the code ran fine. So I am pretty sure that the problem lies within the Where part of the code. I use this code to filter my query based on txtTaskTypeID but if the value is null then the query is suppose to return all values. I keep getting Run-time error"3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1".

strSQL = "SELECT tbl1CalendarEntries.ID, tbl1CalendarEntries.Title, tbl1CalendarEntries.StartDate, tbl1CalendarEntries.StartTime, " _
& "tbl1CalendarEntries.EndDate, tbl1CalendarEntries.EndTime, tbl1CalendarEntries.TaskTypeID " _
& "FROM tbl1CalendarEntries " _
& "WHERE (((tbl1CalendarEntries.TaskTypeID)" _
& " Like IIf(IsNull([forms]![frmProductionPlanning]![txtTaskTypeID])=True,""*"",[forms]![frmProductionPlanning]![txtTaskTypeID]))) "
& "ORDER BY tbl1CalendarEntries.Title;"

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Auto Insert Field Info Based Upon Combo Box

Mar 15, 2005

Someone once posted an database on how to do this but I was not able to see how they were able to automatically input the data into a text field.

I know how to do a combo box to query and input those results into a combo box but I am confused how they got the information from the combo box selection to automatically put the other variables into the testbox. They did this without using the dlookup command. In fact it was done without any code.

They showed how to do this automatically without code and with two other methods (one being dlookup). Can someone please help me if it is clearcut as I don't have too much time to search the forums for empty answers (believe me I have already wasted too much time) Thank You

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Forms :: Changing Format Of Field Based On String Length

Jun 11, 2014

I have a continuous form that displays data from a table. What I am trying to accomplish is to change the format of the field if the string length is equal to 11, to "@@@-@@@-@@@@-@". Otherwise if it is greater or less than 11 then no format.

I have tried it using code:

If Len(Me.FormFieldName)=11 Then
Me.FormFieldName.Format = "@@@-@@@-@@@@-@"
End If

Is it even possible and if so is my syntax correct or am I way off base?

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Modules & VBA :: Parse Records From Memo Field

Jul 8, 2013

Access 2003

I have a process which imports a txt file into a memo field of my TBLORIGINAL table Each file may have one record or it may have multiple records Every record begins (exactly) with


FRE Order Order RAD ShipDate Customer City State Postal Code

For each record in the memo field, I need to create a new record into my TBLPROCESSED table

This can probably be done while it is importing but I need to keep the original file intact

I suppose I could copy and paste but there must a vba way of doing this

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Modules & VBA :: Hyperlink Text In Memo Field

Apr 11, 2015

I want to create an app that works like Wikipedia. for example any word that have an explain and that's explain available in my database that word become hyperlink text with different color and so if operator click on that word open a new form and show the explain.

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Modules & VBA :: Find Each Date In A Memo Field

Jul 21, 2014

Memo field is called [Notes] and data is like this...

5/05/14 - Perry was on another call. LM 2/05/14 - Perry only at centre in the mornings, need to speak to him before sending samples. 13/06/13 - Perry in a meeting. lm 30/05/13 - See Little Hampton Early Learning - s/w Perry, has already received sample and info 29/05/13 - s/w Aspi, said to cb tomorrow and speak to Perry

I want to find each date in the Notes field so I can split the memo field data into another table where the memo field will become multiple records that hold date, text and customer/prospect ID fields. The customer table was easy because there was a <Div> tag before each date. However in the Prospects table there are no tags so how to change my vba code to search for each date before I split off the data.

Here is the part of the VBA code I used to find the <Div> tag in the customer notes field. How to find each date in the memo field? The date is in d/mm/yy format?

If Not rst.EOF Then
StrSplit = Split(rst![Notes], "<Div>")
For x = 1 To UBound(StrSplit)

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Modules & VBA :: Check Whether First Line Of A Memo Field Is Empty

Feb 10, 2015

Our quotation tool, which is built in access 2003, has a memo field, which is extracted in a .txt file, to be uploaded by another system.

When the user starts the memo field with a blank line, by hitting the enter key, the upload file writes the memo field as a new line, separating it from the line indicator and thus giving errors.

My question would be : How would I determine in VBA, whether the first line of the memo field is blank.

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Resize Memo Field In Subform

Apr 28, 2015

I have a subform that I use in a few different ways on my database. It has a comment log with a memo field for people to insert their comments. The struggle is some can be long some can be short. Is there any way to have each record height adjust to the length of the memo?

If it cannot be done for the subform in regular use, my main concern is having it formatted for reports that are generated for clients.

I clipped and attached an example from a report. Its not the best example but the extra column height is adding additional pages to my report to accommodate one long comment.

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Find And Format Section Of Text Within RTF Memo Field

Jul 8, 2013

I had the need every so often to quickly find all instances of any (particular) word within the database, without going to the bother of thinking about where that word/subject might be in the data base, I designed a report which does the job nicely. It uses a search form/control, searches and finds all instances of the word (or words) I have asked it to find, then does a report showing all instances of whatever RTF memo fields that contain the word(s).It has to be RTF memo field because (if I wish) it goes straight into the book text I'm writing, and also it searches the book's RTF memo field.
The trouble is, at present, I then have to manually "eye scan" the resulting report to find the occurrences of the "key searched for" word, nestling/hidden somewhere within sometimes quite large chunks of text. I would love to have the report show the found "key word(s)" highlighted in (say) light blue or whatever colour, so that I can quickly & easily lock on to it visually.

I enter the word I want Access to find, into a form called "formfindword" in a text box called Text0. I click on a command box on this form, to open up the report called "Querywhatsandhowschooseword" based on a query of the same name. The query's "what" field (from the main database) has the criteria

= Like "*" and [forms]![Formfindword]![Text0] & "*"

The query's "how" field criteria (in the "or" line of the query design) is also

= Like "*" & [forms]![Formfindword]![Text0] & "*"

I have tried to use the Conditional Format facility in Report Layout view, without any luck.I think therefore that I will need some VBA code (which is totally foreign to me, unfortunately) to make this simple concept a reality.

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Modules & VBA :: On Click Of Checkbox - Adding Notes To Memo Field

Feb 5, 2014

I have code which is attached to onclick of a checkbox,

What I want it to do is if the user clicks it and checks it then to add some note to a memo field, if the user clicks it and its already checked then it doesn't add a note to a memo field.

Private Sub Check45_Click()
If Check45 = 0 Then
Check45 = 1
If Len([Forms]![Customer]!Notes.Value & "") = 0 Then

[Code] ....

But I can't seem to add any other lines which make sense to me that it doesnt add "letter sent" to a memo field if its already checked?

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