Modules & VBA :: Listing Field Properties Indexed In Each Table

Mar 17, 2015

Is there a way to gain access to the Field Properties using VBA?

I'm trying to loop thru the Tables in a database and find out the Fields that are indexed in each table.

I can loop through the table Defs to get each table name and a list of Fields but I can't seems to get to the Field Properties, namely "INDEXED".

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Auto Populate An Indexed (no Dupes) # Field For A New Record

Jan 11, 2008

I have a database where my indexed field in my table is a number set up like this (ex, 1111-0108) where the first 4 numbers are the record # (so can't dupe) and the second 4 are the month and year. Of course the whole field is indexed with no dupes but changing the first 4 provides the change.

Right now we enter manually when starting a new record in a form. Is it possible to auto populate the new record with the next number in the sequence for the first 4 digits and the current month and year for the second 4? If not, is it possible to auto populate it with the next number in the sequence for the first 4 and leave the next 4 blank?

I'm a noob as far as programming goes, however I built the database so I have a "fair" understanding of access.



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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve Field Properties DAO Recordset

Jan 25, 2014

Is it possible to retrieve the format of a field when looping through recordset.

e.g you can get the field type by using



But the type for decimal or percentage is the same. It is the format that is different

I need to be able to see what is formatted as a percentage and what is formatted as fixed.

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Hotkey For Toggling Between Field Row In Table Design View And Its Field Properties?

Feb 15, 2013

I am making a new Record in the design view of a table (creating a new field in the table), and I am assigning it a date type, is there a hotkey that will select the field properties sheet so that I can select the format of the field without having to move my mouse?

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Importing Table With Field Properties

Jul 11, 2006

is there is an easy way to create a table with defined field properties.

I have an excel file with over 300 column names and there field length.

I can import the name by transposing the list and then importing however the field length will have to manually edited which i don't fancy doing,

any ideas???

Field NameLength

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Change Table Field Properties - Programmatically

Nov 27, 2005


I have a table that when imported from an external program (sage) has a number based property.

To achieve linkage with other tables, I have to manually change the field fom a number to text.

Is this possible to achieve programmatically.

Much appreciated on any advise.



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Table Field Properties - Bound Column Only Accept Numeric Value?

Oct 22, 2014

I try to put an expression for the property "bound column" so that my lookup values will be directly dependent on one of attribute's choice

I have got four options for my attribute. Each option will use a slightly different set of lookup values. I save all four sets in another table.

Then in my properties definition I refer directly to this table as lookup base. When I put bound column number equal to an expression so as to choose the right column of lookup values it refuses. It seems that it does notl ike anything other than a numeric value.

If that's a no-go, I am not sure how to achieve what I try to do then?

Essentially I have a table that 4 attributes: QID,itemID,CatType,Catchoice

CatType can have only 4 values. Each value will make Catchoice take on a different set of combo values

The problem I am having is that I am stuck at the Catchoice lookup definition because it is dependent on what kind of CatType the user picks.

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Listing All Records For Same Field In Multiple Tables

Oct 27, 2006


I want to list all the records of a particular field from all tables in my database. The field has the same name in all the tables. Ideally I would like one long list of the records. How can I do this?



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Listing All Records Not Linked To Another Table

Apr 22, 2006


Relevant to this query are two tables, tblNames and tblLinks.

I've been trying, with a very limited understanding, to generate a list of every tblName.Name where tblName.NameID IS NOT in tblLinks.NameID.

Is this something I can do in the query design view or do I need to work with raw SQL?

Any tips appreciated:)

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Queries :: Listing All Data From Table One And Two

Dec 16, 2013

My aim is to chart the career history of many people in my DB and my intention is to achieve this with two "Main" tables with many smaller tables linked to it.

Table 1 will contain the generic data about the individual, employee number, name, DOB, etc etc (there are many more fields) and Table 2 would hold their career history. Where they have worked, when, etc.

When viewing Table 1, I see all data, including a sub table showing career history, which is great. What I would like to do however, is have a query that will return all data from table 1 and Table 2 that refer to the employee number.

Attempts that I have made thus far, mean I have to enter the employee number twice (I would prefer to enter this only once) and then it gives me many pages (in report view) each page has all data from table 1, and one entry from table 2.

I would like to see all data from table 1 and then all data from table two, listed.

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Queries :: Listing Null Entries In A Second Table

Jul 31, 2013

I have a Membership List Table with a calculated field entitled Member Name.

The second table entitled Groups contains only 46 records each of which has up to 30 Fields also containing member names.

I Have written a query to establish which of the members from the single field of the first table do NOT featured in any of the fields and records of the second table. In the Query Design View I have listed 'Member name' from Table 1 followed by all the relevant member fields from Table 2, carrying the criteria 'Is Null'.

When I run the query, it merely lists all the members from Table 1.

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Indexed Objects In Forms EG Label1(1).caption

Mar 22, 2006

Hi Guys (second post in 11 minutes!),

In VB you can index objects, and create duplicates of them, like this...
Code:Load label1(1)label1(1).Caption = "This is a label" But to do it, you must first create the original object in Design view, and set it's Index property to a number (there is an Index field in the Properties window in VB). For examle, to do the above I would create a label called Label1(0) in design view.

However, I cannot find this Index Field in the Properties window in Access - can you even create arrays of objects?!?!


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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Macro Properties

Sep 19, 2013

Using Access 2007:

how to get macro properties using vba? I've attempted something similar to the below to try and divine macro properties:

Sub MacroDiscovery()
Dim mcr As AccessObject
Dim prop As AccessObjectProperty
For Each mcr In CurrentProject.AllMacros
Debug.Print mcr.Name
For Each prop In mcr.Properties
Debug.Print prop.Name
Debug.Print prop.Value
End Sub

Nothing comes up except the macro names. In my database, I have an AutoExec macro that I have manually added a description to; "This macro auto-executes when the database is opened by virtue of it's name." I can view the description by right-clicking on the macro and choosing 'Object Properties'.

Background:I am attempting to make a universal Access Database documenter for the many, many homemade databases on our network. I'm only interested in certain pieces of information and I would like to make a report to view the information how I want to view it. Thus, I don't care for the built-in documenter--I want to do it my way.

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New Field Properties In Form

Jul 14, 2005

I created and new field and made the source "Unbound" so that it is not connected to the field I copied it from. How do I now make that the information I enter in the new field does not duplicate in all of the similar fields in other entries.

Specifically, my database is a database of employees and the field Title is "Active". If I enter "Yes" by one employee entry, all employee entries will then state "Yes" by the Active field.

How can I change the properties so that by some employees I can write "Yes" and by others I can enter "No".

I am not so familiar with Access so if you can be specific I would greatly appreciate it.

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Modules & VBA :: Check Box To Alter Form Properties

Feb 3, 2015

I have a form called Orders.I need to lock this form once an invoice has been printed .

I have a check box on this form ,that if ticked should lock that specif order .

This is my Code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.lockorder = True Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
End If
End Sub

The problem is it does nothing . I am using the open event of the form .The checkbox is called LockOrder.

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Setting Text Field Properties

Nov 11, 2006

Hi All,

I have only been playing with MS Access for a little while and I do not know all there is to know yet so I figured I come here to ask a question.

I use MS Access in web design and lately I have been experiencing a problem with my registration form which inserts new users into an MS Access database table.

Lately my registration form has become a target for spammers trying to inject spam in the form of html code into the password field of the online registration form.

I figured that I could deter this from happening by only allowing the letters A - Z and numbers 0 - 9 in the field and not allowing characters like < > and ? and ".

I assume I can do this with a validation rule but I'm unsure as to how I would go about setting this up. Limiting the field size to only 50 characters does not seem to work unfortunately.

Any help on how to set up a validation rule would be appreciated.


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How I Can Set A Text Field’s Properties Enabled = No

Jun 12, 2006

In a simple data retrieve/update form, how I can set a text field’s properties Enabled to No based on that particular record value?

For instance, there are 4 fields, employeeid, employeename, employeetitle, employeephone
I would like to set the employeephone text field’s properties Enabled = No, if the employeetitle is Manager

Can anyone help?

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General :: Change Field Properties Using VBA

Apr 2, 2014

VBA syntax for changing various "Field Properties" on an EXISTING table. Specifically, the field properties I'm trying to change are:

Field Size (I want to make this 'Double')
Format (I want this to be 'Standard') and
Decimal (I want this to be '2')
The Data Type is already set as 'Number'.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Properties Not Working First Time On Subform

Jan 13, 2015

I have a form that uses a listbox. I can select multiple items and then update a subform. When I press a button with VBA and use the filter property on the subform for the first time, nothing happens. When I press the button a second time, it does - and it works thereafter with different selections. It only happens that first time, after loading the form and pressing the button for the first time.

I have tested that the list items are accessible via the vba variables and stepping through my code and the problem starts with the filter properties.

the statement:

Me.sbfrmCluster.Form.FilterOn = True
Me.sbfrmCluster.Form.Filter = strFilter

is not switched on first time (I have tried a requery and refresh statement after this). When I step through the code the first time, the FilterOn property remains false. A second button press and it is fine.

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Changing Table Properties With VBA

Sep 11, 2015

Ive got 4 tables with on field name MO_ID that is formatted as a number. I then have a make table/append query that takes these 4 tables and puts them all into one table. At this step, I need to convert the field MO_ID to being a text field so that I can use an update query to change some special scan codes into word equivalents. For example, 100066 is getting updated to "Admin".

The simple solution would seem to be to change the the original 4 table fields to a text, but that wont work in this case. I have several other queries that need to have relational properties with other tables that comparing numbers to numbers so that wont work.

Is there a way to make that field change to a text field? But only when I run a certain query and only in that one table?

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Problem In Accessing Table Properties

Nov 5, 2005

:rolleyes: hi
i am raza. i am facing a problem while accessing the properties page of access table.
when i gets its properties page it has no properties on it.i have attached the pic wich can explain the problem.
pls tell me if any body can solve this problem.

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Changing Properties Of A Linked Table

Dec 20, 2005

Is it possible to change the properties of a linked table from Number to Text and have this remain constant using VB code. If so, how can I do this?

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Dump Table Properties To A File

Feb 8, 2008

Is there a way to write the properties of a table out to a text file or excel sheet?

I'd like to be able to get the Field Name, Data Type, Field Size, and format for each field in my table.


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Forms :: True / False - Form Properties Based On Field Value

Sep 10, 2014

On my form ECOs

When my text box RELNUM is > 0 I want form properties AllowEdits set to FALSE.

When RELNUM is null I want form properties AllowEdits set to TRUE.

This must be possible, but not entirely sure where to start.

Since I can scroll through records in this form I'm thinking I have to put an event in ON LOAD, bbut beyond that I'm at a lost.

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Reports :: Show Table Properties In A Report?

Aug 29, 2013

I have a database created that imports data (stock levels) from a text file into a table and then email various suppliers with the current stock levels. The emails are all scheduled using scripts.

The weakest part of my set up is the text file, I am depending on someone remembering to run the report to create the text file, which cannot be automated.

I was thinking, if I could display the date the table was created in the report, I could add some disclaimer to make sure the created date equal report date. Is it possible to show the table properties date in a report?

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