Modules & VBA :: Login Form Data Mismatch?

Jun 23, 2015

I am doing a login form for my database using online references and videos.

Below is the code for my login form.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Security As Integer
Me.txtUser = Environ("USERNAME")
If IsNull(DLookup("UserSecurity", "Userslist_table", "[UserLogin]='" & Me.txtUser & "'")) Then
MsgBox "No Usersecurity set up for this user. please contact the Admin", vbOKOnly, "Login info"

[Code] ....

End Subi am facing problem for run-time error type mismatch '13': i have listed below field names which is used in above coding.

[SecurityID] is Autonumber field
[SecurityLevel] is Text field

[UserID] is autonumber field
[Username] is text field
[Userlogin] is text field
[Usersecurity] is text field
[Password] is text field

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Of Login Form - Data Saved As Back End In Access

Oct 8, 2013

Can i make an html of login form, whose data is saved in access as back end. I am curious to know. but of course simultaneous saving is considered yes in here...

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Modules & VBA :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Nov 8, 2014

The error I'm getting is "data type mismatch in criteria expression".

Private Sub BtnAddBooking_Click()
Dim CustomerID As String
Dim StaffID As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim BathValue As Integer
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim RemainingBookingExists As String
Dim RemainingBaths As Integer
Dim RemainingBathsExists As String


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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Data Type Mismatch Error

May 26, 2015

I am trying to get my VBA module to find the ID of a Member Number from a table using a dlookup but I keep getting a data type mismatch error,

Dim Answer As String
Dim varX As Variant
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As Integer
Dim stWhereStr As String
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] .....

In the table the ID field is an automatic number and the Member Number is a short text field.

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Modules & VBA :: Data Type Mismatch Error When Running Sql Query

Jan 16, 2014

I have vba code that creates the following SQL:

SELECT SubscheduleID, EventID, WeekOrder, DayID, StartTime, EndTime, Priority, CanJoin, PatientTitle, PatientNickname, IncludesPatient, IncludesAftercare, Letter1
FROM [qryScheduleCombinedDetails]
WHERE (SubscheduleID = 1 AND IncludesPatient = -1 AND DuringAftercare <> "AC only" AND (WeekOrder = "All" OR WeekOrder = 3 OR (WeekOrder = 1 AND Letter1 = "XYZ")) AND DayID = 2 AND StartTime <= #8:00:00 AM# AND EndTime >= #8:30:00 AM#);

When I try to run it, I get a "data type mismatch" error. When I put the same code into a query, I get the same error. However, it will run if I delete either condition from within the (WeekOrder = 1 AND Letter1 = "XYZ") pairing. I can't figure why it can run with either of those, but not both together.

WeekOrder is defined as String. Letter1 is calculated as Cstr(Nz(IIf(Letter,"XYZ","ABC"))) within [qryScheduleCombinedDetails], because I wanted to make sure that it would be recognized as a string.

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Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 3464 - Data Type Mismatch

Mar 15, 2014

I have built in code a long sql statement as follows:

SELECT Age, BirdType, Flock, House, [Lab#], Organ, Origin, SampleDate, SampleType, Site, Source, SourceGroup,
[VT#], ProfileID, APIName1, APIAmts1, APILevels1, FullVals1, Match1, APIName2, APIAmts2, APILevels2,
FullVals2, Match2, APIName3, APIAmts3, APILevels3, FullVals3, Match3, APIName4, APIAmts4, APILevels4,
FullVals4, Match4, APIName5, APIAmts5, APILevels5, FullVals5, Match5, APIName6, APIAmts6, APILevels6,
FullVals6, Match6, APIName7, APIAmts7, APILevels7, FullVals7, Match7, APIName8, APIAmts8, APILevels8,

[Code] ......

When I try to open a recordset based on this sql, it gives me the runtime error - which is odd since I don't have any criteria in the statement.

I think the problem may be that vba is somehow adding a line break between "fullvals" and "18", but I don't know why it would do so and it doesn't always (only if the string is long).

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Modules & VBA :: Run Time Error - Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Aug 11, 2014

I am getting Run-time error '3464': Data type mismatch in criteria expression when i execute the code:

Option Compare Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst1 As DAO.Recordset
Public verificacoes As Boolean


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Login SQL Server Linked Tables Automatic On Event Load Of Login Form

Apr 17, 2015

I have a ms access application in Front End and linked tables to sql server 2008 r2 in back end.. every time I open my application the linked tables ask to me for the user and password of the sql server user of the odbc conection. I want to connect to my sql database without login every time the user open the application, I know that can be possible if I start session from vba code...

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Forms :: Login Form On Opening Access Asking For Password And Login Name

Jun 17, 2013

I have access 2010, I currently have a database in place and operational. What I am wondering is there a way to have a form come up whenever someone opens access and asks for a password and login name. Also I would like to have a 2 tier system. One for Admins and the other for users with limited access.

Is this even possible to accomplish?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Login Form To Reappear After 10 Minutes

Mar 12, 2014

If the database sits dormant or unused for 10 minutes the login window needs to reappear for a possible new user.

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Modules & VBA :: Search And Validate For Login Form

Nov 27, 2014

I have a table called 'Klanten' which contains the rows 'password' and 'login' (and several rows not needed for this form)

So I'm trying to make a login form which first checks if something is entered (this part of the code seems to work).

Private Sub Knop13_Click()
'Check to see if data is entered into Username
If IsNull(Me.Username) Or Me.Username = "" Then
MsgBox "gelieve een login in te voeren.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"

[Code] ....

But from then on i seem to have some issues.. The part of the code underneath seems to only work for the first 'login' and 'paswoord' in my table called "Klanten".

-Username is the name for the field where they enter their 'login'.
-Password is the name for the field where they enter their 'paswoord'

If Username.Value <> DLookup("[login]", "Klanten", "[Username]='" & Username & "'") Then
MsgBox "Invalid Username. Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
Exit Sub
End If

If Password.Value <> DLookup("[wachtwoord]", "Klanten", "[Password]='" & Password & "'") Then
MsgBox "Invalid Password. Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Entry!"
Exit Sub
End If

Then as last part i would like to goto another form called 'Mainmenu' if both the Login and the Paswoord is correctly entered in the fields Username and Password. Here i have the most issues as this doesn't seem to do anything at the moment

If Password.Value = DLookup("[wachtwoord]", "Klanten", "[Username]='" & Username & "'") And Username.Value <> DLookup("[login]", "Klanten", "[Password]='" & Password & "'") Then DoCmd.OpenForm "Mainmenu"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Login Form And Users Permissions

Mar 30, 2014

I have been searching for info with users & permission levels. I have ready a lot about ULS (User Level Security) which doesnt seem to be my answer as I do not have admin rights and I believe it is not suitable with Access 2010.

Basically I have an 2010 Access database which is used by my department as a project management tool. It has various tables, forms, queries & reports, I have created a table with user names & passwords and a login form. So when the databases opens the login form is launched & the users selects their user name & enters their password, then the main menu is shown.

Everything works really well, but as the moment there is no difference between all the users. All I want to do is to be able to make one of the Logins read only, ie if the Reviewer is logged in they can see & read every form and run every report but they can not make any edits.

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Modules & VBA :: User Login Form With Different Levels Of Access?

Feb 21, 2015

I have recently started a project and become stuck already. I have a login form created that works (code below). What i want to do is allow access to the users of 1-7 in table (level of access) which will determine which page they view after logging in. IE if the have Access in table "Users" as "1" then when they log in the will see a form thats called L1. Same with 2,3,4,5,6 & 7.

Private Sub LoginButton_Click()
If IsNull(Me.LoginUsernameText) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Username", vbInformation, "Username Required"


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Login Form - How To Check 2 Data Entries To See If They Are In Table

Sep 28, 2012

I have a login form. 2 spots for users to input and ID and their name. I want to do error checking to see the user inputs a wrong name or wrong id with their corresponding name or ID. For example, I don't want User A to be able to login with User B's name. If User A inputs their ID and inputs User B's name, I want to show an error message stating the their is a mismatch of credentials. Here is my code

Private Sub Command12_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim txtID As Variant
txtID = Forms![LoginForm2]![txtEmployeeID]
txtName = Forms![LoginForm2]![Text13]
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM CoachTable WHERE EmployeeID = '" & txtID & "'", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Inventory Transaction Form - Append Query Data Type Mismatch

Dec 8, 2014

I'm receiving an error indicating there is a data type mismatch when running a query named qappInventoryTakeOn.

Data is entered into the Inventory Transaction Form. If the transaction type is "Take On", when the update button is clicked the record will be saved to tblInventoryMovements and then qappInventoryTakeOn should run to update tblInventory, but I keep running into the aforementioned error.

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Modules & VBA :: Locked Database - Login Security With Created Form

Jun 18, 2013

I am looking to lock my database until the user puts in the correct credentials.

I have already put the form on Pop Up and Modal. They can still select the "X" in the top right of the window.

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Modules & VBA :: Click Button On Form In Database And Login To Website?

Jul 11, 2014

I'm new to Access and I'm using Access 2010.

I would like to be able to click a button on a form in my data base and login to a website using my username and password.

The manual login, requires two clicks after username and password, "Login" and "Click to continue"

I have tried many solutions found on the internet, none work for me. One forum reply was to send me a link to another site and it was for Excel. Is the code the same? Didn't work anyway.

From the website I want to login to, I have copied the code into a Word doc from the "inspect element" to work out the names of the fields I'm trying to put my username and password into. (see attached)

I would also like to be able to use Google Chrome as my web browser if possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Login Form That Allows User To Change Temporary Password

Feb 25, 2014

I have been trying to create a login form that allows the user to change his/her temporary password logging it to the proper table along with timestamp and who done it info.But, after spending the morning trying to find the proper syntax I am flummoxed.

I can get everything to work accept the update of the fields. I can get the command to work (writes to the location) but it does the pop-up what is the parameter thing when it works. I have all the information just need to get it in so the command recognizes it.

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE lut_TeamList SET Pass = txt_Password.value WHERE TeamListID = Me.cbo_UserName.Value"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE lut_TeamList SET UpdatedBy = Me.cbo_UserName.Value WHERE TeamListID = Me.cbo_UserName.Value"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE lut_TeamList SET UpdatedWhen = Now() WHERE TeamListID = Me.cbo_UserName.Value
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

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Data Mismatch HELL!!!

Feb 21, 2006

Ok I've looked but can't find anything about this on the forum.

I have a query thats getting a Data Mismatch in an Expression error.

Is their a way to locate or identify this error, I have about 40-50 expression in the query. I've eye balled all of them and nothing is jumping out..

any ideas.. thanks

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Data Type Mismatch...

Jan 10, 2007

Ive been working at this problem for a while now and I can't figure it out. I have a table full of Work Orders, and on the form for inputing the Work Order data, there is a field for the date that the WO was received, and the date it is wanted. There is also a field that tells if this was a rush job (Yes/No) field.

I need to make a query that will grab all the rush jobs, and sort by how many days were between the date received and date wanted. This would be easy, just subtracting the dates, but I need to have it not include weekends and holidays. I found an algorithm to do that and it seems to work well. However, when I run the query, it gives me a "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." error. At this point, to debug it, I put in a message box to see if it processes any entries. It does process them one at a time, but once it gets to a certain point I get that error. I have checked all the dates, making sure they are all valid and they are. I'm just really stumped here. Here is the code for my query:

SELECT [Usable Orders].[AI Number], [Usable Orders].[District Name], [Usable Orders].[CCM Name], [Usable Orders].[8255 Received], [Usable Orders].[Date Wanted], [Usable Orders].Rush, WorkingDays2([8255 Received],[Date Wanted],[AI Number]) AS [Working Days]
FROM [Usable Orders]
GROUP BY [Usable Orders].[AI Number], [Usable Orders].[District Name], [Usable Orders].[CCM Name], [Usable Orders].[8255 Received], [Usable Orders].[Date Wanted], [Usable Orders].Rush
HAVING ((([Usable Orders].Rush)="Yes") AND ((WorkingDays2([8255 Received],[Date Wanted],[AI Number]))<=10));

and here is the code for my WorkingDays2 (counts all working days excluding holidays) the AINumber field I put in for debugging purposes to see which entries were being processed.

Public Function WorkingDays2(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date, AINumber As String) As Integer
'................................................. ...................
' Name: WorkingDays2
' Inputs: StartDate As Date
' EndDate As Date
' Returns: Integer
' Author: Arvin Meyer
' Date: May 5,2002
' Comment: Accepts two dates and returns the number of weekdays between them
' Note that this function has been modified to account for holidays. It requires a table
' named tblHolidays with a field named HolidayDate.
'................................................. ...................
On Error GoTo Err_WorkingDays2

Dim intCount As Integer
Dim rs As Object
Dim stSql As String
Dim con As Object
Dim Message As String

If StartDate > EndDate Then
MsgBox "Start Date is After End Date"
WorkingDays2 = -1
GoTo Exit_WorkingDays2
End If

stSql = "SELECT [HolidayDate] FROM tblHolidays"

'StartDate = StartDate + 1
'To count StartDate as the 1st day comment out the line above

intCount = 0
Set con = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open stSql, con, 1 ' 1 = adOpenKeyset
'MsgBox "Today is " & Weekday(StartDate) & ", " & StartDate & "Opening AI Number is " & AINumber
Do While StartDate <= EndDate
rs.Find "[HolidayDate] = #" & StartDate & "#"
If Weekday(StartDate) <> vbSunday And Weekday(StartDate) <> vbSaturday Then
If rs.EOF Then
intCount = intCount + 1
' Message = Message & " and today is a work day."
End If
' Message = Message & "and today is not a work day."
End If
' MsgBox Message
StartDate = StartDate + 1
'MsgBox "Closing AI Number " & AINumber & "Count is " & intCount
'MsgBox "After Loop count is " & intCount & " and today is " & StartDate
WorkingDays2 = intCount
'MsgBox "Date is " & StartDate & "AI Number is " & AINumber & " and there were " & intCount & " days."
Exit Function

Select Case Err

Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description & "Start date is " & StartDate & "End Date is " & EndDate
Resume Exit_WorkingDays2
End Select

End Function

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Data Type Mismatch?

Sep 6, 2007

I don't understand why this won't work.

I have a date field in a table. The default value for this field is Date().

The data type is Date/Time

The field is called Import Date.

Here is what I am trying to do in a query:

Month Imported: DatePart('m', 'Import Date')

I am getting a data type mismatch, and I don't see how.

If I put this:

Month Imported: DatePart('m', Date())

It works fine.

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Data Type Mismatch?

Jan 23, 2008

I am querying results using Access 97(Yes its old and no my company is not willing to upgrade.....:confused:). Anyhow, I am connecting to a corporate database that has two tables I am querying that should be joined on one field (wmg.wmgtk01_tnk.sys_i = wmg.wmgwo04_halfleg_actl.tnk_sys_i). I am running into a problem with these fields because they have been defined differently by my IT department. The "sys_i" field is a NUMBER of length 5, while the "tnk_sys_i" field is a NUMBER of length 20. Is there a way that I can trick Access into joining these fields even though they do not match? I am currently getting a "Data Type Mismatch" error when I attempt to create this join.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Data Type Mismatch...

Mar 1, 2005

I've been studying unbound for quite awhile and i've build to forms but i seem to get stumped with datatype mismatch. I've tried everything that i would possibly know. I guess i'm just to new in access to try this but it's the only thing that works for what i'm trying to do can some1 please provide me some assistance. I've attached both forms. YOUR HELP WILL BE GREATLY appreciated.

Now the problem, when adding or editing info i get datatype mismatch -21233 some number of that sort....


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Data Type Mismatch

Aug 1, 2006

Dear All:

I am trying to print letters from access using a command button. It works well, but when I try to print the displayed record, I get "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

The primary key is a 9-digit number where some have a leading zero. I have made this as text so I do not loose the leading zero.

Here is the code when the command button is pressed:

Private Sub Command1315_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.NewRecord Then 'Check there is a record to print
MsgBox "Select a record to print" _
, vbInformation, "Select a Record"
'The Student ID Number is the name of the Primary Key

strWhere = "[STUDENT_ID] = " & Me.[STUDENT_ID]
DoCmd.OpenReport "HONORS_LETTER", acViewPreview, , strWhere
End If
End Sub

Thanks for all the help.


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Modules & VBA :: Getting A Type Mismatch 13 Error

Jul 15, 2015

I am getting a "type mismatch 13" error on this line

PrinterSel = Nz(DLookup("Device", "tblPrinterSelection", "Doc='" & DocumentType & "'" And "Computer='" & sHostName & "'"), "No Printer")

All vba variables are defined as strings. All fields in the table are text.


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Modules & VBA :: Import Type Mismatch

Feb 24, 2014

I created some VBA imports from a saved Excel file. When I run it on my computer, it works fine. When my coworkers run it, they get an error "Type mismatch." Some files seem to upload despite the error, but I'd like to figure out why it's happening, especially for cases where the data doesn't import. As a band-aid, I added a line in my error handler that says if the error = "Type mismatch." then just resume.

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