Modules & VBA :: Machinery Database To Match Parts Up With Equipment - How To Do Custom Sorts

May 24, 2014

I am creating a Machinery database to match parts up with equipment. So they can see what the Equipment is and all the available parts. The sort needs to be like this

First Sort:

If the manufacturer of the machine is the same as the manufacturer of the part sort that at top then sort alphabetical

Is this possible? Each equipment would have a different manufacturer so I can not do some type of hard coding.

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Equipment Rental Database

Oct 13, 2007

Hi, I am new to access and was if someone could assist me in designing a database exactly like the rentmaster software on this website( I was told to design a database just like this one but, I am not all that familiar with ms access 2003. I've try searching google and microsoft's website for database templatesand I didn't see anything similiar to it. Any help with this is greatly appreciated and if I didn't go about posting this in the correctly, I am extremely sorry. Please don't hesistate to tell me and/or guide me to the right place.

Thanks, Val

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Equipment And Personnel Check In And Out Database Using Barcode Reader

Jul 31, 2013

My desired output of this is to have a database to allow me to quickly check in and out equipment and personnel using a barcode scanner. I am using access 2013 and started with the asset tracking template downloaded from Microsoft. Where I am hung up right now is adding the personnel check in and out (each member of the team will have a barcode attached to their id) I want to be able to just scan their badge when they show up and again when they leave. At the end I will run a report that shows who was on scene (it is for a search and rescue team) during a certain day or time range.

I have added two new tables one check in and one check out the only fields are firedeptID and CheckIn or CheckOut a date/time field CheckIn and CheckOut Auto populatewith Now(). The first problem is that I think I need to turn off (if possible)the auto creation of a new record every time, when I scan in an ID right now that record gets the time stamp of the last time the new record was created IE.Last week when the last person scanned in and the new record was created. I assume I am going the same type of issue when I start working on checking out the equipment.

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Parts Database Qty In - Qty Out

Nov 8, 2006

Simple one for most, but I have having problems with a Database I am setting up
The database controls stock movement (i.e. inwards stock and outwards stock)

I have set up a Parts Inwards table with the following fields:
Part Number (linked)
Qty In
Stock Location

And I have set up a Parts Out bound with the following fields:
Part Number (linked)
Qty Out
Stock Location

Now for the problem, when I run a query to tell me how many parts I have left in the stock room i.e. Qty In - Qty Out, it duplicates the data in the Qty In.
I assume its got something to do with the fact that I have multiple Qty out’s for a single Qty In entry…hope this make sense?

Can someone help?

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Using Active Directory To Restrict Access To Parts Of A Database

Jun 25, 2013

how to restrict access to forms and reports using the Active Directory. It is a pretty simple method to pick up and easy to use in any database. My problem comes when I try to apply this same method to tables and queries as well.

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Forms :: DMax Criteria - Creating A Form To Input New Return Parts Into Database

May 22, 2013

I am currently creating a form to input new return parts into a database. I am trying to automatically generate a tracking number (##-AA-####-####). I have gotten myself to generate the ##-AA-#### in a list box and almost was able to generate the sequence number, 0001, 0002, etc. using the dmax function. I would like to generate the sequence number one higher than the highest, depending on part type and last 4 digits of part number. Our parts have unique last 4 different p/n but more than one can fall under the same type.

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All Sorts Of Day Counters

Feb 21, 2005

i receive a date and hour in the past
and i've got to make an form who displays the next things:

total amount of days from received day till today (day may only update after the received hour)
total amount of months from received day till today (month may only go 1 up after the received day/hour)
total amount of years from received day till today (year may only go 1 up after the received day/hour)

(the DateDiff function is good but isn't 100% correct)

and at the end of the form i got to give an conclusion like:

XX YEARS and XX months and XX days (not the totals but exp: --> 2 years 3 months 5 days 7 hours 3 minits)

i hope to find out the time myself, if the other are correct

anybody did anything like this before?
can anybody help me out?

thx Killroy

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Reports :: Multiple Sorts On One Group?

Apr 24, 2015

I have a union query of the Employees table and Dependents table on [Employee ID] which I build for a census report, and when I run the query, it sorts correctly, but it's not sorted at all on the report. I tried to add a sort on the group, but it just ignores it.

I need it grouped by [Employee ID], then sorted by [Last Name], then [Relationship], then [Age], so it will be alphabetical by the employees last name, then put the employee first, then the dependents by oldest to youngest. Is there a way to do this in the code, and where would I put that?

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Queries :: Multiple Sorts In A Query

Nov 5, 2013

I am looking to modify this query to only show my records that have a "no" answer. I have tried to sort each column by using the Like "no", but that only sorts the first question. Is there a way to get all NOs from all 68 questions in one query to work with trending?The goal is to be able to show what questions are trending with an answer of NO, in Desending order by question. So then I would in theory have a report that shows trending questions with the answer "no" in order of greatest to smallest.

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Forms :: Subform Conditional Formatting Of Sorts

Nov 2, 2014

I have a continuous form that is used as a sub form, and one of the fields is a check box which ideally I would like to set not visible; however, I would like the font colour of the other fields to turn red if this check box has a value of false.

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Modules & VBA :: Comparing Two Tables To See If There Is Any Match?

Jul 7, 2015

I have two access tables named as "DestructionTBL" and "AnnutiesTBL". Now I have to check each PolicyNumber of AnnutiesTBL with PolicyNumbers in "DestructionTBL". If match is found then add that PolicyNumber into "NODestructionTBL" and delete that PolicyNumber record from "DestructionTBL".

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Modules & VBA :: Copying From One Table To Another Where Values Don't Match

Jul 23, 2013

I have two tables. TableA and TableB They both have the same columns.

I need a query that will look at the diferences between TableA.Column1 and TableB.Column1 and copy whatever TableB.Column1 is missing from TableA.Column1

So I want it to copy over the entire record based on what TableA.Column1 has the TableB.Column1 does not have.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter To Match Any Part Of Criteria

May 3, 2014

I have a text box ( Supplier_Name) on the main form i would like to filter subform by any part of entered charactor on the feild (suplier_Name)

Private Sub Find_Click()
If Not IsNull(Supplier_Name) Then
Me.Suppliers_Details.Form.Filter = "[Supplier_Name] = '" & Me.Supplier_Name & "'"
.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

this code is work fine but i have to enter all the characters of long name , but i would like to only insert few chars.

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Custom Installer Of Database?

Aug 18, 2007

I'm looking at creating an automated system to install the database. I know that with the access developer kit it includes an installer package creator, however it doesn't have some features I'm after.

Basically, I want it to obviously copy the database file into a folder (that the user specifies) and create a shortcut if the user specifies to the desktop and/or start menu. But then there is a back end, so I want the option to specify if the machine it is being installed on will be hosting the backend or not.

Then it needs to install access runtime as well, then copy a DLL file and .bas file into the same directory as the front end, then copy a DLL file into a system folder and then register that DLL file within windows.

Do I need to create a separate program all together, or is there something that'll allow me to do this?

Thanks very much

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Modules & VBA :: Textbox Value To Loop Through Table And Find Match

Jun 26, 2015

I have an MS Access 2010 db that has a main form called switchboard. This has 4 command buttons that open diffrent forms. Also on the main switchboard form i have an unbound textbox called TxtUserName that captures the users environ"username" when the switchboard form is opened.

I have a table called "tblAccessUsers" that i manually enter who i want to use my db. This table will have up to 50 names added to it. Their is only one field name in this table and it is "User Login".

When the user hits any of the commandbuttons on the main switchboard form i need some code that will look at the value in TxtUserName and loop through tblAccessUsers for an exact match. If it finds a match then it will carry out the open form command or if not prompt the user with a message box.

My knowledge of Access and especially VB is quite limited. I managed to create this using a DLookup but that only returns the first record in the table. The logic works but it will not look past the first record.

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General :: Custom Database Icon

Oct 17, 2014

Creating and installing a custom icon for my database but I'm still seeing the access icon. I've done these things:

-I made a 32x32 bitmap in photoshop.
-I saved it in the same folder as my database.
-I opened access 2007 with my database
-I went to access options/current database/application options/application icon and browsed for my bitmap.
-Clicked on use as form and report icon.
-Closed everything and reopened my database.

I couldn't see my icon anywhere in explorer, access or my desktop shortcut for my database.I repeated all this except I put the bitmap into an online icon creator and downloaded an .icon for win vista and win 7 which I selected as above.

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Modules & VBA :: Match Partial Text String And Update Record

Jun 13, 2013

I am provided a spreadsheet that contains multiple rows of similar data; each row/record represents a different stage in the process of financial transactions (requisition, purchase order, & voucher payment). Each financial transaction has these three records, with the amounts in one of three columns (pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, and expense), depending on the process.

What I am really after is the fuller, more detailed description that is apparently only available for the two records I don't want to import into the database (which is tracking only expenses and not the other two stages of the process). There is apparently no way to cross-reference these multiple rows due to the way the original database was designed (and we apparently have no control over this).

After importing the spreadsheet into Access, I would like to match the partial text string (truncated description) to the full description in another record, and update the record with the truncated description to the full description. To make mattes more complicated, I will also have to match values in the "pre-enc" or "enc" field with the "exp" field across these three records to make sure the correct descriptions are being matched because the truncated description will match multiple distinct records with the longer description.

VOUJsmith-Instructor, 12/16/13$0.00$0.00$45.00
POJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Parking($45.00)$0.00$0.00
REQJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Parking$0.00$45.00$0.00
VOUJsmith-Instructor, 12/16/13$0.00$0.00$221.13
POJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Lodging($221.13)$0.00$0.00
REQJSmith-Instructor, 12/16/13, Course1, Lodging$0.00$221.13$0.00

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Modules & VBA :: Stop Export To Excel When No Records Match Criteria

Sep 22, 2013

I have a sales sytem in Access 2010.New customers have to be imported to MYOB daily. I have a query that finds new customers and appends them to a table for importing at a later stage. I export the records in that table if the field "imported" is set to false. The results are exported to Excel so they can be imported into MYOB after some additional data is added. If there are no records to append to the import table I want to stop the export from happening. I am new to VBA and don't know how to express that the select query "000 Append New Customers...." should only run if the append query has records. If there are no records found, I want to put a message saying "no records found". Here is the code I have behind the command button:

Private Sub PrepCustcmd_Click()
'Turn warnings off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "000 Append New Customers to MYOB Customers", acViewNormal, acEdit


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Equipment Reservation Db

Jul 11, 2006

I am currently creating a data base in access for reservation of audiovisual equipment. My form provides the selection of the equipment, the date and hour to be used and hour to be returned. My mayor concern is to not reserve the equipment twice(same day and hour). I want to be able to have a message telling the user that the equipment is not available upon the selection of the hour. Any ideas on this.


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Equipment Tracking Db

Dec 31, 2007

I need help finding an existing or making a db. This db does not have much to it, so I am getting frustrated finding/making one.

My company has equipment that is stored in one of three places, customers, trucks of employees, and other(like warehouse, or out for repair). The db should be able to give me a report of where everything is on a given day, and a report of what was in a given customers property during the job(this is not for a single day, but for the duration of the job).

If someone knows of an existing db like this, I would appreciate a link. If you want to help, it is appreciated. At this point I would not mind paying someone to do this for me, as long as it wont cost too much.

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Equipment Control Db

Jul 12, 2005


I am new to db and would like to do a simple db for items of equipment going out and coming back in showing who has been allocated what.

So one person could have many item but the item can only be issued once until it is booked back in. I would also like a history of transactions.

Only something simple, so we have a record who has what if we need to find something and when they had it etc.

Many Thanks


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Modules & VBA :: Event To Match Up Previous Entries And Insert Matching Data

Nov 19, 2014

The next stage I'd like to include is a match and enter pricing details. We get a lot of repeat work that is entered onto our system, due to the nature of the work we do each item is then checked individually. There is a portion of this that could be automated.Our order intake table has an amount of information, various bits of which are supplied by various customers, but not always all of the information is required or given.

Id like a price to be copied from a previous record where the "shots" field matches a previous entry.The other fields that would need to be similar are the "coverage" "drawing no" "pattern no"..But only when these fields are populated, we often, but not always put a - in these fields where the information is not given. I think this may be bad practice, but it shows us the information has not been supplied, and not just missed from the order.

To sum up, when an order is completed i'd like to have an afterupdate event that searches the previous records, where cover, drawing no / pattern no are *matching* and the shots do match, then copy the price of a matching record, where that record is within 12 months of today (using the date_rec field) and then tick an "automated_price" field so i know the price has been generated by the system.

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General :: Custom Security Permissions For Employee Database

Nov 28, 2012

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom security permissions in access. For example I have created an employee database, with security. I would like to have it when a manager logs on, it will only display his employee's information and no other departments. Is this possible?? In one of the tables is a field for the department the employee works on, can it based off of a table field?

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting With Custom Name

Jul 16, 2015

I have created 2 reports one that needs to be exported as an excel file and the other report as a PDF file. I have the exports working correctly for each on a button except this saves the files with the name of the report. The client wants the name of the file to appear as one of the fields on the report (the info that is in the description text box for example).

I have thought of two ways to do this and neither seems to be great - one is create a copy of the report with the new name and then export that saved file then delete the renamed report OR similar to that but instead rename the file save and rename it back (this causes all kinds of problems if the user cancels out that would need to be handled in the error handling - this is not a good way to go.

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Randomly Selecting Equipment Number

Dec 28, 2006

I have a table that consist of equipments. In it is a equipment number field. I need a way to randomly pull up these equipment numbers-kind of like a lottery. Please help.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Event Does Not Fire

Jul 8, 2015

Ihave implemented custom events to sync between open forms. I noticed that if the code is engaging in middle of the way referncing a form with form constant (Form_formName) then the listeners stops listening so the event isn't firing, without getting the reason of this i just avoid using it Now, i have a problem that i want to open multiple instances of the same form and i didn't find another way than set frm = new form_formName as this is the only way i seem to be able to reference a closed form, so my question as followes

1. whether the "breaking" issue can be solved without avoiding "Form_FormName"
2. or a way to open

eference a form without using "form_FormName"

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