Modules & VBA :: Main Form Load Event Firing On Application Quit?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm developing in Access 2007 and created a runtime version.

When the user clicks the X to close the runtime application, the main form's Load event fires. Any clues as to why this might be? Some of the code is based on other forms that do close, so of course errors start flying. Note, this is only in the runtime version; the accdb file works just fine.

My current workaround is to put the offending code into the forms On Current event, which I'm able to do in this context.

Is it wrong to think that a forms On_Load event shouldn't be firing when the application is closing?

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Modules & VBA :: Form OnCurrent Event Not Firing Properly

Aug 7, 2014

We use our CRM for entering client orders, which is done through our 'OrderEntry' form. On that form we have a subform that we use to enter order lines - as we have a range of products on offer, an order can be made up of one product or anything up to 100.We have an 'amount' textbox on the subform, that the users enter the cost of each line, and as they add more lines the total cost of the order is calculated using a textbox in the subform Footer, with the ControlSource set to =Sum([amount]).

On the main form, we have a Net textbox, that the user will add in the total cost of the order once they've added all the order lines, and providing the =Sum([amount]) textbox on the subform matches the figure in the Net textbox, a button to Proceed the order and go on to the next step appears.

The intermittent problem I have, is that the OnCurrent event I use to show the Proceed button does not seem to fire on its own - but when I stop the code and step through it, it will show the Proceed button without any problems.Here's the code:

(the Proceed button is referred to a 'Command80')

Dim OS As String
Dim UT As String
OS = OrderStatus
UT = fGetUserType


I've made the part that refers to the Proceed button bold, but thought I'd add in the whole OnCurrent event in case there was anything in there that was blocking it.

I added in the MsgBox code at the bottom to make sure the OnCurrent was firing, and that works fine.I've searched through the rest of the code, and there's nothing else in there that references the Visible property of the button.I've been through the decompile process detailed here, and also been through this similar thread with a fine toothcomb and this still won't work.

I've saved the form out as a textfile and then imported it back in, both through the immediate window, and short of importing everything in to a new DB and starting again

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Modules & VBA :: Application Quit Doesn't Work On Network Users

May 26, 2014

My database is used by a few users on a shared drive in "read-only" mode so they can't change any data.I set a scheduled task to copy an updated version of the database (which I edit) every morning.

The problem is that when the users forget to close the database file I can't overwrite it.For this purpose I wrote a small code that quits the application at 00:00 using Application.Quit.The code WORKS when I test it on my computer, but every morning when I try to open the file I see that it is opened by another user since I also open it as "read-only" - meaning the code didn't work...getting the code to work properly OR get a better solution to be able to overwrite the file even though it's opened by other users.

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Modules & VBA :: Dblclick Event Not Firing Immediately From Listbox

Jul 25, 2014

I have an issue with the dblclick event not firing immediately from my listbox. It does eventually fire if i mash the mouse button for long enough but obviously that is not an acceptable solution.The listbox also has an afterupdate event which is what fires when i double click.

I have also tried calling the code from an onclick command button which works fine but if i try and call that from the dblclick event it does not.

I have used the dblclick event in other projects with afterupdate and it has worked without problem.

Private Sub lstFileList_AfterUpdate()
strPDF = Me.lstFileList.Column(0)
Me.PDFViewer.LoadFile (strPDF)
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
strFileName = fso.GetFileName(strPDF)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Birthday Remainder On Access Form Load Event

Apr 26, 2015

I would like to have a birthday remainder on access form load event VBA...

I have tblEmp with 2 fields,

Name DOB
A 22/04/1977
B 25/03/1965
C 17/08/1985

I would like to compare Date and month with my system date to show in the message box "Mr. A Birthday Today" on the Form load event...

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My Code To Quit The Application Has A Bug!

May 19, 2005

Hi I have succsefully used the code suggested on theis excellent forum to boot user from the db to repair it. It is FE/BE set up and the ONTIMER on the login form is used to chuck people off over the network.

My ug is: I like to give people the waring before I chuck them off, but sometimes when they are using another application with the db running in the background they dont get the message, therefore dont click ok so my Code wont carry on and Quit application when I want it to.

The code is trapped in

MsgBox "Please finish what your doin, as the db will shut down", vbinformation

Is there any way I can make my code bypass this if they user hasnt clicked ok?

Many thanks in advance

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General :: Parameter Box Pops Up On Application Quit

Jul 17, 2013

When my database application is closed a parameter box pops up asking for parameter from text16 but only if the Navigation Pane is hidden.

Some information:

The application starts with a login screen that has a hidden text box (text16) that allows me to limit what users can access throughout the database by setting it as the query criteria.

If a form is open that is gathering its data from one of these querys and you try to close the application the parameter box opens which is simply annoying for my users who do not know about access.

The interesting thing about this is that if I unhide the Navigation Pane and close the application with one of these forms open it closes fine with no parameter box pop up.

The goal is to have the Navigation Pane hidden and the parameter box not pop up.

Added information if the navigation pane is hidden I can use a command button with a macro that closes all open forms then quits application and this does not cause the parameter box to pop up.

So another fix for my problem would be to disable the "X" close button at the top right of the application.

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Modules & VBA :: Main Form On Open Event To Show Tabbed Controls Only If There Is Data

Jul 24, 2013

I have a report that tracks scores for our employees. From the report, you can click a button to add a new score in a form or edit an existing score(frmscoretracker). On this form there are two subforms, in a tabbed control to track additional information about the score; what areas were marked down(Trends), and was it a failing score(AutoFail).

When this form opens I have it programmed to only show the subform if there is data in it. The goal being, if I am adding a new score and there is no existing trends or Autofails for this new record, neither subforms will show - I will add an after update even to show either trends or autofail depending on the score recorded. Also, if someone chooses to edit the score, whatever subform with data, will show as well.

When someone clicks to add a new score, opening this main form to a new record, both of the tabs show. However, if the form opens to an existing record, the appropriate tab shows. Here is the code


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'If the subform has a record, the tab is visible, if not, the tab is not visible
If Me.frmtrends.Form.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Or IsNull(Me.Trends) Then
Me.Trends.Visible = True
Me.TabCtl33.Visible = True
Me.Trends.Visible = False
End If


Both tabs are set as not visible in the default settings. Is there something in this code that is triggering then to be visible when there is no record in the main form?

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General :: Application Always Quit In Access Runtime On Every Run-time Error

Mar 24, 2014

I have setup a small application with front/back end in local network. On client machines i have installed access runtime. Although it works fine but it suddenly quit when there is any run time error while working on client machine. Although on server machine ( where full version is running it didn't close the application ).

What i need is an option to not quit the application completely. As i am not expert in coding of try/catch statements I need a simple solution for time being .

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Why Is Main Form Update Event Triggered When Subform Dirties Main Form?

Dec 1, 2005

I have a subform which makes a change to a field on the main form. When focus is returned to the main form, the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events fire. Why? I thought from the form's perspective, the subform is just another control.

BTW, I get the same behavior if I modify the field from within the Exit event of the subform control.

In either case, the main form's Dirty event is NOT triggered.

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Firing Event For Multiple Controls

Jan 10, 2006

i have 15 text boxes named Qty1, Qty, Qty3, etc...

and another 15 text boxes named Comment1, Comment2, Comment3, etc...

i'd like to write an AfterUpdate event code that will apply to all of the Qty controls..instead of write 15 individual AfterUpdate events..

is this possible at all?!

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Firing Off The AfterUpdate Event Procedure From VBA

Jan 29, 2005


I have an "After Update" event procedure for a field on a form that calls a VBA sub. When I use a different VBA sub to input a value in the above mentioned field, the "After Update" event does not occur, even thought the data in the field has been changed. (Of course if I manually enter the data, the field "After Update" event works.)

Is there a flag or condition that needs to be set in my VBA sub to let the field realize that it has been changed? Or possible a way to call the fields AfterUpdate Sub?

I tried having a my sub call the AfterUpdate sub to see what would happen, but didn't get it to work. I got a bunch of error and didn't feel like this was really the way to go.

I also could just duplicate all the code in the AfterUpdate sub for the field, but we all know that that is not a good idea.

Thank you for any help.

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Paste From Excel Not Firing AfterUpdate Event

Aug 9, 2006

I have structured a subform as a datasheet to allow users to copy and paste from Excel into the database. Datasheet has numerous fields and 18 rows. I have set up recalculations of other data in the AfterUpdate event of the fields in the datasheet. This works perfectly until the user copies multiple rows from Excel and pastes them (one column at a time) into the datasheet.
Is there an event I can capture when the user copies and pastes a column?
Muchas-Grasias for any assistance.

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Forms :: Control Update Event Not Firing

Jul 4, 2014

On a form I have a pair of controls, Price and PriceInUSD. If the user enters a new value into the Price field, then its AfterUpdate event fires, which looks up the relevant exchange rate and updates the PriceInUSD control accordingly. That all works fine.

Now in some circumstances (if a checkbox elsewhere on the form is checked), I generate a modal dialog box asking the user to confirm that the Price value is correct, or enter a new value.

That modal dialogue box's Enter button's On Click event then updates the Price control before closing the dialog. That bit works fine, too - but I had thought that this update of the Price control would fire its AfterUpdate event - but it doesn't.

So, my basic question is : do Control events only fire in response to user input, and not to programmed changes ?

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OnClose Event And Exit / Quit Buttons

Jul 24, 2012

I have a form (menu) that auto-loads along w/ the database that has a standard exit button at the bottom. On that form/menu, one item/button loads a table for editing (we'll call this 'edit table' button). I want a prompt to pop up asking whether or not the user would like to export the table to excel on exit, only when a user loads the table, regardless of whether other items from the menu are loaded during the session.

As of right now, I have a hidden form that loads when the 'edit table' button is clicked and I have an OnUnload event set on the hidden form to load an 'export to excel' form/prompt (loaded as dialog, form set to popup & modal). When I test this out by closing the hidden form (clicking it's 'x', or the 'exit' button on my main menu or access' 'x'), the 'export to excel' form loads beautifully and the 'export to excel' button works great except my other button on that form, the 'exit' button, does not work at all.

The exit button is set to 'quit -> prompt'. This is completely nitpicking, but how do I get this 'quit' button to work. Clicking on that form's 'x' button closes that window and continues the exit and I could just write I note saying 'click the x to exit', but I'd rather figure out what's broken here and fix that exit button. If I set that button to 'quit -> exit' I get an action failed error # 2950.

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Forms :: BeforeUpdate Event Of Linked Subform Firing Multiple Times

May 27, 2015

I have to maintain an Access form which contain a linked subform (using Master and Child fields).

Basically, in the main form (Form1), the user choose a value in a combobox and the subform (Form2) is automatically updated.

My issue is that I have a BeforeUpdate event on one field of my subform which is preventing to update the field (Cancel=true) when it does not meet the criteria. The alert msgbox should appear once if there is any error in the field but the BeforeUpdate event is always fired 3 times for unknown reason.

What I don't understand is that if I open the subform (Form2) as a main form or if i remove the child/master link fields in the subform property sheet, it is working as expected with the BeforeUpdate event being fired only once.

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Forms :: Recordsource - Slow Form Load Event

Mar 9, 2013

I've got a DB, which has 3 forms ( all 'under' 3 navigation buttons/tabs ). The main form ( Client's form ) is set to show first, and currently has a recordsource of about 1350 records. I think the size of the recordsource, and the fact it 'loads' the other two forms all 'in one go', is slowing it down ( between 5 and 10 secs. to load ).

I read I should set the Visible properties of forms, not shown immediately, to false, only setting them to True in the On_Load event - when Tab is selected. Ideal I thought. However, I can't find this property in the Form's property sheet.

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Modules & VBA :: Command To Execute When Form Is Closed Or Quit

Feb 5, 2015

There is a form where whenever the form is closed, the below code needs to execute:

If IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece1.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece2.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece3.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece4.Value) = True And IsNull(Me.CostPerPiece5.Value) = True Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings (0)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
DoCmd.SetWarnings (-1)
Call AppendQuoteCharges
End If

The If Then just looks at if certain fields are all null and if so, it deletes the current record. If at least one field is not null, the AppendQuoteCharges routine is called.

The form has 4 or 5 navigation buttons that close this form and send you to a different one. I've added the above code to each of those buttons before it runs the DoCmd.Close Form. I also have a Exit button that runs a DoCmd.Quit. I developed this months back but I'm pretty sure I added the above code under each button's click event rather than a Form On Close event because Form On Close does not execute after a DoCmd.Quit command

In rare cases, the form is being closed without the routine being ran. I think if a user clicks the Close button in the top right of Access (the X), it might be running a DoCmd.Quit which is doesn't run this code.

How can I be sure that whenever the form is closed or exited, the code is ran? Is there a way to tie this code to the user clicking the X in the top right?

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Calling A Subform Event From The Main Form.

Sep 27, 2006

I have a main form with a subform. I need to update values in the subform when a field on the main form is updated using afterupdate on that control.

main form name: mainform
control name: gst (on main form)

subform name: subform
records displayed as datasheet.
records field to update: retail

In main form gst control afterupdate event:

Hoping to call the afterUpdate procedure on the retail field.

Error message:
Method or data member not found.

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Sending Click Event On Subform To Main Form

Oct 24, 2004

This may be a really simple problem but it has me stumped. Working in Access 2002, I have a form with a subform (continuous). When the user clicks on a textbox in the subform, I need to capture the value and pass it to the main form so that it can be used to create a filter for yet another subform (not nested) on the main form. How could I accomplish this? Thank you in advance!

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Login SQL Server Linked Tables Automatic On Event Load Of Login Form

Apr 17, 2015

I have a ms access application in Front End and linked tables to sql server 2008 r2 in back end.. every time I open my application the linked tables ask to me for the user and password of the sql server user of the odbc conection. I want to connect to my sql database without login every time the user open the application, I know that can be possible if I start session from vba code...

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Undo Changes In Subform(in Datasheet View) From A Cick Event Of A Button In Main Form

Aug 5, 2005

Hi everyone!!
This is my first thread in this forum..Hope to get best from this site ..well i m facing a problem..i have a main form and a subform (which is in datasheet view) . Now i have a button called "close_form" in main form on whose click event i have writen this code :

Private Sub close_form_Click()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70
Me.Controls.Item("fees sub").SetFocus
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70
End Sub

1. If i run this form directly from Access and there are no changes i do in the form and click this button then it gets hang after showing error "run time error 2046 ; the command or action undo is not available now " "press End or Debug or help"

2. As i have created a Custom menu, if i run this form from that menu then it does not show any error. But it runs fine for the first time but nothing happens on clicking this button the second time i open the same form ( in same session).
What to do ?? Please help ..

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Which Event For "on Load Row In Form"?

Dec 27, 2005

Hi, I have a table in a form. I want to hook onto the event that occurs as each and every row is being loaded (ie to change the colour for a row). Which object and which event?

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On Load Event Not Working - Is This Correct?

Jul 15, 2007

Hope I explain this clearly -

I have a combo box with four choices. I then have four labels.
If i select A in the combo box i want LabelA to show up, B in combo box Label B (but not Label A) and so on.

I have set the property for all labels to (not) visible.

Then on the combo box I have put
(On Click) event if cmboxx is "A" then
me. label A.visible = true else me.label A.visible = false end if.

This works fine if I am entering a new dataset but when I exit from the database and then go back in, the label is not visible.
I have tried entering the code in the OnLoad event of the form but that doesn't work. Any ideas?

Also - if the combo box also has its selection made before I enter this code then the label is not visible until i go back and re-enter (ie" click) it. Any ideas

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Reports :: On Load Event SubReport

May 8, 2013

I have a main report with 3 sub reports.The Sub reports have onload events that fill up the text boxes with VBA code. When I open the sub report alone everything works fine. But when I open the main report, the on load of the subreport wont work.

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Reports :: Report Load Event And AcViewNormal

May 29, 2015

I have a report that runs code in Report_load, and based on the value of a field it sets some objects Visible=False and others Visible=True etc..

Now I'm trying to move away from acViewPreview and print direct to the printer with acViewNormal but the Report_Load event doesn't run. Is there a different way to run that code when printing directly?

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