Modules & VBA :: Make Control Invisible?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a control invisible?

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Modules & VBA :: Write A Loop To Make Certain Elements In Access Report Visible / Invisible

Aug 23, 2013

I am trying to improve my code by making it more readible. The following code works, but it is certainly not the most efficient way. I`m trying to write a loop to make certain elements in an Access report visible/invisible, but I can`t address the visibility property of these items while iterating over i.

DoCmd.OpenReport "tblInterval subreport", acViewDesign, , , acHidden
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp1.Visible = False
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp2.Visible = False
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp3.Visible = False


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Modules & VBA :: Loop For Labels Invisible / Not Invisible

Nov 8, 2013

I'm trying to get some labels and eventually text boxes to become visible on an input of a qty in a text box, but I can't get my syntax right.Here's what I have so far.

Private Sub More_qty_AfterUpdate()
Dim count As Integer
Dim pumplbl As String
For count = 1 To [More qty].Value
pumplbl = "pumplbl" & count
pumplbl.Visible = True

Next count

End Sub

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Make A Box Invisible

Apr 22, 2005

I belive I have done this before but I cant remember how!

I have a continuos form with two text boxes on it and a check box.

I am trying to say if text box1 = "1" then text box 2 is visible if text box 1 = 2 then text box 2 is invisible. I am doing this on a tick box (for other reasons) so my code looks like this:

If Me.Text1 = "1" Then
Me.Text2.Visible = True
End If
If Me.Text1 = "2" Then
Me.Text2.Visible = False
End If

It works, kind of. The trouble is because its a continuous form all the Text2 boxes become visible or invisible depending rather than just the one record i'm working on. Is there a soloution to this?

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Can You Really Make A Table Invisible??

Aug 2, 2006

Is it possible to make my Splash screen invisible after someone checked the "Do not show me this screen again" just while that current session? Is there a way of using flags and a system table or query that would allow me to do so? Thank you:)

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How To Make Zero Invisible In Form With Dataview

Jul 4, 2005

I have a form display project hours and also caculation of total for each project.

A user can spend time on multiple projects each day, I would like all zero invisiable. I had tried to set all default values to null (nothing) instead of zero. It causes problem in caculation of total.

I remember in Excel, it can make zero not to display, can we do this on an Access Form?

(Something I also want to know if this is possible. This is a time sheet, is anyway we can do on the form that projects (records) can be displayed horizonatally (on the top) while the dates can be displayed vertically (on the left), ,more like a transposed. But it would not change the struture of database (just display) so the date remains a field and projects are records.)

Thank you for help. Happy July 4th

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How To Make The Databse Window Invisible

Oct 6, 2004

hei hei
can you think for me 1 more second , PLEASE
because I made all my menus invisible in startup.
BUT when I open a form , for every form a taskbar icon is getting created.
whwen I click any of the taskbar button of my my project forms, the Database window is apearing.
I don't understand why is it coming , I don't want it to apear when users are working on the project.
but before it is not apeared but it is happening since yesterday only.
please help me in lettimg me the reason for the appearence of Database window.
thank you for your time.

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Make Textbox Invisible By A Checkbox

Jan 3, 2007

Dear All:

I have a checkbox called "display_field" and a textbox called "Amount".

Any ideas on how I can make the textbox invisible when I place a check in the checkbox?

thanking in advance,


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Forms :: Make A Field On Form Invisible

Mar 24, 2015

I have a main form that has 2 subforms. I have a field on both forms that I have marked as "Visible="No". Both are text box controls and I have made sure that both the label and the text box itself are marked "Visible="No". In the first subform, it works correctly, while on the second one, it still displays.

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Tab Control - Invisible / Visible

Mar 9, 2006

I was able to use coding for making controls visible or not in the attached database.

I have a main form with a tab control that has 3 tabs with subforms in them.

What I am not able to do is in the Tab Control I want the 3rd tab to be invisible and on the second tab where it says “May we go through the questions now?”, I have a check box. When that check box is checked I want the 3rd tab to become visible.

I am having problems figuring out this code to reference the Tab Control Page.

Do you have any suggestions?

I can attached the database if necessary.

I appreciate any help that you can give me.

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Reports :: Make Fields Invisible In Detail Or Field Header?

Aug 20, 2013

Is there a simple way, or special event, that can be used to turn off the visibility of fields when they are in the detail or in a created header for a field?

I tried using the report's Load event, but this kept giving me errors. Are any of the events in the detail able to allow this?

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Forms :: Make Column Invisible In Subform When Main Form Loads?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a column invisible in my subform when the main form loads?

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Forms :: Subform Visible / Invisible Based On Control

Jun 18, 2015

I need to have a subform that shows up smack dab in the middle of my main screen when visible - which is what I want - but only based on a specific value of a control on the main form. Specifically, if a control's value is "See Spreadsheet", I want the subform visible front and center as it contains the link to the server location for that specific record. If the control's value is not "See Spreadsheet", I want the form to be invisible.

My code:

If Me.BudgetsFacultyAccountNumber = "SEE SPREADSHEET" Then
Me.frmMsgBoxUpdateSpreadsheet.Form.Visible = True
Me.BudgetsFacultyServerLocation.Visible = True
Me.frmMsgBoxUpdateSpreadsheet.Form.Visible = False
Me.BudgetsFacultyServerLocation.Visible = False
End If

The red lines result in an MS VBA error: "Compile error: Method or data member not found."

I've tried referencing that subform a hundred different ways, but I can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Visible / Invisible Control Based On User Access?

Dec 2, 2014

My company has a new database that we will use to track PTO (paid time off/vacation), including the submission/approval process. Not everyone should have access to the approval dashboard as that should be restricted to only managers. Everyone will have the same basic form so that they can see their PTO history, hours remaining to be used, etc.

What I want to do is have a button on the form that is visible only if the person is a manager. The button will open the PTO approval form. How can I make a button visible/invisible based on user access levels?

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Modules & VBA :: Making Already Opened Excel File Invisible

Jan 14, 2014

I have the following code. In the Else part of the code, after the wb.Activate line, what code can I place here that will assign wb.Name to the objExcelApp object ao that when the line .Visible = False kicks in, it will make the already opened MS Excel file invisible.

Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Set objExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If objExcelApp Is Nothing Then
Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFile


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Make My Tab Control Go Away, Please!

Sep 11, 2006

I'm upgrading a form that was designed a while ago (not by me). It has various text boxes/combo boxes/etc. and one tab control that has 3 pages (TabCtl87). It works fine, I want to leave it there. My goal is to create another tab control on this form with two pages. One will include combo boxes and (hopefully) TabCtl87, which are already on the form. The other will have a new subform.
My problem is this: I set up the new tab control and cut and paste the combo boxes and TabCtl87 on the first page. When I click on the second page, which is where I want to put my subform, TabCtl87 still shows up!

I tried:

Me.TabCtl87.Visible = False

in the On Click event of the tab on my second page.

But it won't go away!

I also tried embedding my subform over top of the dreaded TabCtl87, but the tabs show through and make a mess of everything.

This is the first time I've delved into the world of Tab Controls and it's ruining my day (several days, actually).

Thank you!

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Forms :: How To Make Tab Control Stretch

Feb 2, 2015

I have an application designed for an 1280x 1024 screen working just fine. Unfortunately need hs arisen to run it on a widescreen laptop, with less than 1024 in y-direction.

On the front pge I have a form and subform. I shrink the subform vertically and then anchor it with a "stretch down" and everything is hunky dory. But, on the min operation page accessed form front page, I have a tb control with 4 subforms, and access to the bottom line under the form is essential in each case.

A tab-control has no anchoring properties, so how to make it shrink nevertheless? Essentially, imagine a form, at the bottom there is tab control, in it is a subform. How to accommodate smaller screens by shrinking the subform and the tab control?

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How To Make Control To Browse For Image And Enter It Into The DB

Dec 24, 2006

I know everyone is going to say DONT PUT IMAGES IN YOUR DB< PUT LINKS TO THEM IN!

I am not at liberty to change the structure of what my boss wants, he wants the images stored in the DB so that is what I am giving him.

My problem is this: I have a single form for entering data into my Table, and I want to add a control that will let the User Browse for the right image, and them add that image chosen into the DB with maybe an upload button or something.

Now, if it is VERY VERY poor design to do it this way, and it is SOO much better to do the link to image way, if you could please detail how it works in both ways, I may be able to talk my boss into changing. My problem is I am not very good at this DB Designing and such, and have no experience using OLE type fields.

Thank you for ANY assistance you may give!

PS: All images will be same type and size!

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Make Command Button Visible Based On Value Of Control On Another Form

Feb 27, 2015

Form 1: I have a combo box on my main menu(MenuMainF) called cboCompanyType with typical values 1,2,3,4,5,etc......

Form 2: I have a command button on my administration menu(MenuAdminF) called cmdDevelopment

My goal is to have the cmdDevelopment button of Form 2 be visible if cboCompanyType on Form 1 is equal to 1,2,3, or 4, but if it is any other value, then cmdDevelopment should be not visible.

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Forms :: Make Beep Sound When Try To Type Into Locked Textbox Control

Jan 31, 2015

Nothing else to explain really. How can I get my database to make a beep sound when something is trying to be typed into a locked textbox control?

This is so that my users can know that it's locked (much like when the delete button is pressed on a new record).

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Modules & VBA :: Make Folders From Query

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to make some folders from a Query list to my C drive.I found this code for making folders. I have a button on a form with this code. It works with making a folder but only gives me the first item in the query out of many rows. It is missing the rest of the items.Also I would like it to be able to make Sub Folders too from this query.Here is the code I found.

Private Sub MakePreservationTagFolder_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strFolder As String
strFolder = "C:UsersryanDocuments" & "Tag - " & DLookup("[Tag]", "Tags Qy")


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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Access Visible

Apr 27, 2014

From Excel, I open a database and start a macro with the following:

Set oApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
oApp.Visible = False
oApp.OpenCurrentDatabase db, True
oApp.DoCmd.RunMacro "Import_Data"

With the macro running and Access not visible, how can I make the database visible if an error occurs in the macro? Currently, if an error occurs in the macro, a 'Msgbox' message is generated (by the database macro). But with Access not visible and Excel visible, the process cannot continue unless the user knows to click on the 'Microsoft Access' icon in the task bar to bring Access to foreground and acknowledge the 'Msgbox' message.

I'd like to activate the Access window from within the database macro.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make One String Contains All Of A Column

Jul 25, 2013

i want to make a string that contains all of the fields in a column.

I have a table called UserSelectedComponentT with a column called ComponentName.

I want a string that is essentially all the different component names seperated by a " + " .

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Make Existing Date Into Today?

May 20, 2015

I've been using Allen Browns method [URL] to copy form and sub form data, and it works perfectly after some adaptation.

It changes dates to today from whatever the date 'was'.. perfect.. however, as I'm still learning SQL, is there a way, to make the copied subform's date into today as well...this is my adapted code from the SQL part..

'Duplicate the related records: append query.
If Forms!FRMREGISTERMain!frmJustSubRecordsDEPOSITS.Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount > 0 Then
strSql = "INSERT INTO [tblSplits] ( TopLineID, TransDate, Memo, Category, SubCategory, Credit, Debit) " & _


As I'm still learning, am I right in thinking that I'll use SELECT and/or WHERE somewhere in there?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Array And For Each Statement Work Together

Aug 23, 2013

how I can make an Array and For Each statement work together. I normally don't use either, but it would be good so I could write less code where plausible. Here is the example I have:

Dim Named As Variant
Dim Ctl As Control
Named = Array(Me.Namee, Me.ID, Me.Title)


I am unsure how I include the array in this statement. I have tried replacing "Me.Controls" with the array name, but I get a 424 runtime error (no object). What I am trying to accomplish is for each item in the array I want to make it not visible if it has a null value.

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Modules & VBA :: Add Text To Make Max Length In Field

Sep 26, 2014

I have 2 fields in a query which I want to write to a table. Eg ProductName (field length 10) and Product Code (field length 5) the fields need to be filled out so the length makes the maximum text

For example product name 'test' length is 4 i have to add 0 to make the length to 10 so the field will be 000000test same thing applies to Product code. I have 700 records like this, is there a way in VBA where it adds the extra text to make it the maximum length.

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