Modules & VBA :: Message Box If Never Change The Textbox Value?

Mar 31, 2015

I would like to display message box in access VBA if the user forget to change the text box value after clicking the submit button. Example: 1 card contains 9 rows when they input the 7th row message box should come out "please remember to Change the card Number"

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Modules & VBA :: Message Box With Textbox?

Nov 5, 2013

I am trying to put a value of a text box in my msgbox...


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Modules & VBA :: Update Subform To Unbound Textbox Value Change

Aug 4, 2015

As the unbound parent list box record selection is changed, I want the sub form to refresh. Do I put code in the Subform Current Record event?

Master Form Name: frmsr_NewWellEntry
Unbound Listbox - when record selected the primary key populates txtNavWellID (unbound) on parent form

subform Container fsubsrNavSHLBHL Link Master Fields =Forms![frmsr_NewWellEntry].[txtNavWellID]

The read-only form in the subform Record Source is something like: select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =90243..Key The Form used as the subform above will be re-used in multiple parent forms. The parent form data is form SQL Server, the subform from Oracle.

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Modules & VBA :: Change Number Of Decimal Places Based On Value In Textbox On Main Form

Apr 11, 2014

I have a subform that displays doubles in a textbox as fixed with 4 decimal places as default. I have been trying to change the number of decimal places based on the value in a textbox on the main form. I have tried this:

Forms![Main Form]![Holder_subform].Form![Final PCT].[DecimalPlaces] = CByte(Forms![Main Form].Numdecs)

where [Final PCT] is the textbox on the subform containing the decimal number and Numdecs is the textbox on the main form containing the number of decimals I want to use. I want to implement this Form_Current sub.

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Error Message: TextBox

Sep 28, 2005

My data is like that:

I open the "Input" form
there 2 textboxes
search1 => Field name from Table
value1 => value from the table depend on search1 name

it is a filter.
And, this form has "Input_sub" form, because I want to do filter.

// this case is work well
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Amy
//Do Again
search1: Date
value1: 8/31/2005
//Do Again
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Jimmy

// This case is Not OK, has error
// this one is OK
search1: Date
value1: 8/31/2005
// Do Again, Error come out
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Amy
//Error message appear
"The value you entered isn't valid for this field, For Example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the Fieldsize setting permits"

Please give me the direction to solve this problem. I tried many ways, it still be there. I ever change the Datatype of date to be Text of the "Input" Table, then it works, but I want to use datatype of Date to be Date/Time.

Please help.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

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Add Or Change Record Error Message

May 30, 2006

I am getting a "cannot change or add a record because a related record is required in table 'tblOrder'". I have scoured this site so forgive me if there is a post already on this.

My Order table has:


My Order detail table has:

I wasn't sure if by this you could point me in the right direction as to why it is saying this. I am very new to Access so bare with me. Thanks

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How To Change The Default Duplicate Message? And More...

Jan 14, 2005

Hello to you all, it's my 1st post here…

How can I change the default message (as you can see in the picture) that appear every time that I try to update my record?

I want to write something like "You Have to select a different Number"

And one more question, the message only appear when I'm pressing the record selectorbutton only after the user has already filled all the form) is there a possibility that I can write a code that will check for duplicate data immediately after the user typed it?

Thanks for your help


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Change Error Message - You Can't Go To Specified Record

Feb 17, 2014

I have set up a simple switchboard that gives the user a choice of 2 forms. The second from allows the user to navigate through a questionaire for a particualar individual. I have set up some buttons to advance thru the questions and answers. When I reach the end of the dataset, I get the error message "You can't go to the specified record." I also get this message when I am on the first question and try to page backwards. Is there a way to change this error message to something more meaningful to my users - like "End of questionaire" or "Beginning of questionaire"?

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Change Value Of Unbound TextBox Conditionally

Jan 10, 2006

Can anyone help me out here.
I need to use an unbound text control to return me a value if a field is populated else "Local" if the field is not populated.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible and show me the syntax if it is.
Help appreciated.

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Tables :: Change Duplicate Values Error Message

Aug 14, 2013

How to control the below message to something like this through VBA:

"The Job: " & JobNumber & " already exists in the table." or to open an alternate form where they can make the change. Allowing duplicates is not appropriate for what I am trying to accomplish. I just want a friendly way of rerouting a user to understandable answer.

instead of this:

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again."

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Forms :: How To Change Default Message Of Existing Table

Jan 7, 2014

How to change the default message of Exist table. the message shows like as. I wanna change this. How can i will do this?

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Change The Colour Of A TextBox / Field Depending On It's Value?

Jun 7, 2006

Hello fellow programmers, I have a tricky one for you. We have decided to split our local City up into different zones. Giving each zone a number and assigning it a colour. I have a form with all the customers who want jobs done in different parts of the city. This form has a text box on it called: Zone - (which has a 3 digit number it it). I want the colour of the text box to change depending on the Zone number, in the continuous Form view. So all the customers living in Zone=111, will have a Red background colour (color), all living in Zone=222 will have a Green background colour. I know conditional formatting through the properties of the Form can be used, but it only allows me to select 3 different situations. I have many more than 3 colours that I want to assign. I am working on a VB module to define what colour numbers from the MS Access Colour Map will be assigned to each Zone number. How can I now apply this module to the form, so when it opens, all the customers who live in Zone=111 will have a Red coloured background, those living in Zone=222 will have a green colour background, etc?

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Forms :: Using Textbox To Change Position And Length In Mid Function

Aug 6, 2015

I have a .csv file where I need to parse out the information.

I have imported the .csv file into access and all the data is in [Field1]

Instead of using query design, I want to create a user interface [Form] where anyone can input in the textbox the position and length of a mid function.


Last name: Position = 1 Length =15
First Name: Position = 15 Length = 30

Is it possible for users to input the numbers in texboxes to extract the data to another table?

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Forms :: Change Value In Textbox - Capture User Login

Apr 12, 2014

I would like to put a text box (user) and checkbox (check100) on a form, that when the checkbox is not checked the value in Gender switches. In an AfterUpdate I would use a code to capture the user login.

Private Sub Check100_AfterUpdate()
Me.User = Environ("UserName")
If Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Male" THEN
Me.Gender.Value = "Female"
ElseIf Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Female" Then
Me.Gender.Value = "male"
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Change Event - Cannot Access New Contents Of Textbox

Oct 2, 2013

I am developing a form whereby the user types a single character or a sequence of characters into textbox and a query WHERE clause is compiled upon each character being entered.

The query is the Row Source of a listbox which I requery upon each change in the text box contents.

In the Change event I cannot access the new contents of the textbox until focus moves to another control and then back to the textbox. This is not how I expect this event to work.

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Forms :: Textbox Background Color Change Dependent On Value

Oct 3, 2013

I have a question related to a textbox on a form.

In my table (tbl_data) I have a field named Rating. This can be anything from 1 - 10.

On my form (frm_input) I have a textbox (created using the wizard so at the moment I'll call it txt_Rating).

What I would like to know how to do is:

If the value in the textbox is 0-5 leave the background colour of the textbox white with black font.
If the value in the textbox is 6-7 turn the background colour pale yellow with black font.
If the value in the textbox is greater than 7.1 turn the background colour Red with white font.

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Textbox (text Change Affects Listbox Element Select)

Jan 18, 2006

I am totally new to ms access form development.
I have to construct a form with a text box a command button and listbox.
listbox contains the list of items.I have populated the list box with the items in the tables.Now on the same page I have to add new item via text box and when click command button it should be added(all these thing I have done).
Problem is that I have to do some thing like
if a type any letter in the text box all listbox item are arrange like that like

If Items are abcd,aaaa,aabb, aa,abb,bba,bcd,bab
I enter ba in the textbox then itme should be arrange like


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Forms :: Textbox Refresh - Getting Default Value To Reappear When Change Criteria

Jun 4, 2014

I am using a DLookup to default a value in my TextBox. This text box has an event attached to it that updates a table when a different value is entered.

I am having difficulty in getting the default value to reappear when I change my criteria.

For instance Manufacturer is Ford

Colour is default Black

I Change the colour to red

now I change Manufacturer to Audi

I need Default colour to go back to Black

The Lookup Table says Black its just that the default value only seems to run once, first time in and never again unless i exit the database and reopen it.

I have tried adding

to my afterupdate query

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Forms :: Change Textbox Background Colour Pending Value Of Two Textboxes On Form?

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form with two textboxes that get their values from two different queries that counts records from table. If textbox1.value equals texbox2.value the textbox2.value back ground colour is green. If they are not equal textbox2.value goes red. Itried with using conditional formatting, but it doesn't work all the time as the form is not updating when it is opened.

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Forms :: Change Textbox Color On Form In Access 2013 For Dyslexic User

Apr 29, 2014

I have a new staff member in my office that has informed me that she has a degree of dyslexia. To assist her I've trialled changing the textboxes on one form in my Access 2013 application to a light pink color & this has instantly worked for her to read/input text.

Is there a way to automatically change each textbox to light pink on every form in my application on startup based on user login (say using an IIF statement in the OnLoad event of the startup form).

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How Do You Change The "Default" Properties Of TextBox Control

Sep 22, 2006

Hello, how can I change the "default" textbox properites.

When ever I place a new textbox on the form it has certain properties which I must always change.

For example I want all my textboxes to be flat not sunken and to have a solid border style. Currently the default is sunken and transparent border so I must always change it.

I know how to do it via VBA... just want to do it immediately using default.

I am assuming it's somewhere in Windows Registry?


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Modules & VBA :: Cancel With Message Box

Feb 24, 2015

I have the below code that when a user will make a change in a combo box, it will pop up a message asking if they want to do so (to make them aware of it). How could I change it so there is a extra button cancel and when they hit cancel, the combo box will keep the value, if OK is hit, then make the change.

If Me.Business = "TYPE 1" And Me.Case = "Sent Email" Then
MsgBox ("You really want to change this!!!")
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Close A Form From A Message Box

Apr 11, 2014

All i want to do is after executing the following code, close the form " EmployeeFind" on completion?

Private Sub Form_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_DblClick
Dim stDocName As String
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
Msg = "Employee allocated to Job"
Style = vbOKCancel + vbInformation
Title = "Employee moved" ' Define title.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbOK Then


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Modules & VBA :: Display OLE Object In Message Box

Aug 8, 2013

I'm trying to display an image which is saved in the table as an OLE Object in a message box. The field with the object is "PowerCurve". This is what I'm trying to do. It allows me to get as far as clicking yes to view the second message box but then it results in an error when it tries to display the image.


Dim strDetails As String
strDetails = DLookup("Details", "ExistingDeviceDetailsQ")
Dim strCurve As String
strCurve = DLookup("PCurve", "DeviceT", "DeveloperProduct = '" & Forms!DeviceF!D_ExistingDeviceCmb & "'")
If strCurve = "No" Then
MsgBox strDetails, , "Device Details"


I get the error "Object variable or With block variable not set" on the line

image = DLookup("PowerCurve", "DeviceT", "DeveloperProduct = '" & Forms!DeviceF!D_ExistingDeviceCmb & "'")

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Modules & VBA :: Add Textbox Value To Listbox

Aug 5, 2013

I would like to type a value into a list box and then press a command button and have that value transfer to a list box for later use. I've been playing with the onclick event of my command button and this is what I have so far:


Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command4_Click()
List0.AddItem Text2.Text
List0.ListIndex = List0.ListCount - 1
End Sub

When I click the button I get an error:

2185 - You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Background Image Via Message Box

Mar 17, 2015

I have a report which is an invoice I have a button on the report to reprint It . Now if this is a duplicate Invoice I need to add a background Image ,something like a duplicate stamp . I have added a message box which says" is this a Duplicate Invoice" .If the answer is yes then I want to display the backgrond image and print the report .If the answer is no, then print report without background image

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