Modules & VBA :: New Tables Not Displaying In List

Sep 22, 2013

I have created some tables using CREATE TABLE but they do not appear in the list of tables although they are there. How to make them appear.

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Modules & VBA :: Make Multiple Tables Using Parameters From List

Jun 11, 2013

I've got a table of associate directors "t_ADnames" and want to build separate tables for each AD name that pulls a pass through query from our data warehouse. I'm thinking it's got to be done with a macro somehow? So it would run pass_query where AD name = "John" and insert into t_john, then it would check the next name in t_ADnames and run the same query for say "Mark" and insert all his data into t_mark and so on until the list (of about 12 people) has been completed.

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List Displaying Wrong Value

Oct 16, 2006


I am using a list to display a query. The query has a few fields and one of these fields retreives its values using a look up. The problem is that, when I run it, the value of the look up field displays numbers instead of text.

Any help to fix this problem will be very much appreciated.

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Displaying A Filtered List

Dec 5, 2006

Help !! - Can anyone help. I have had a quick look through the previous threads and can't seem to find anything that may help me. Has anyone got any ideas.

I have a table which has many columns, one of these columns is called actions. On the design of the table, the action column is a Text Datatype and on the lookup tab the row source is a typed in list of actions.

A form has been created from this one table. A drop down box has been created which looks at the action column and so drops down to give us our typed in list of actions.

Users will select the current action from the drop down list.

What I actually want to do is depending on what the current selected action is, that the drop down box only shows a subset / filtered list of actions.

I know how this is designed is not the tidiest/slickest way of doing things, But unfortunately, I have inherited this from someone else who has been running the database this way for over 6 years !!

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Displaying Data From Combo And Text Boxes In A Single List

Feb 6, 2005

I have several combo boxes and textboxes showing quanity,productname,
size, and price. How can I pass all of this info in a single row that also calculates
the quanity and price. Also, multiple selections can be added, so several items can
can added in other rows. THe ability to cancel each row would be required as well.

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Multivalue List In Table - Displaying Names Separated By Comma

Sep 30, 2011

I created a multivalue list in my table. It contains a list of names and a checkbox. I designed the form based on this and am able to check off multiple names. When I go back to look at the table, it stores in each name separated by a comma. So far so good.

When I create a report to display the data, it displays it as 1,2,3..etc., instead of the names separated by a comma.

What do I need to do to display the names ?

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Displaying All Of The Same Value From Both Tables?

Aug 22, 2007

Hi, sorry if this has been covered before, I am a new guy around here.

I have two tables in a select query, both with a code field and a monetary value field. The codes are linked. This query is to show the variances in the values of each table as they are meant to have identical codes and values. However, each table has a small handful of codes that are not in the other, but all the query outputs is the variances for codes that are in "both" tables. I realise you can do one way relationships so that you can display all from one table and only those matching from another. However I need the query to show "all" the codes from both tables, and the value difference.

Any advice on going about this? Would be much appreciated! Thanks. :)

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Form Displaying Multiple Tables

Jan 27, 2006

I have a combo box with a list of names in, and a table for each of those people.

When one of these names is selected, i want the contents of the corresponding table to display in a form. Easy Enough. do I get these tables displaying in one form depending on which name is selected, to save me having 7 copies of the same form just with different sources. All the field names are the same.

One solution I thought of is to put all the data in one table, but would really rather keep it separate.


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Tables :: Lookups Displaying AutoNumber Instead Of Field Name

Oct 21, 2012

I have 3 tables: [SurveyVendor], [Surveys] and [SurveyResults]

SurveyVendor has 2 fields:
[VendorID] - PK

Surveys has 3 fields:
[SurveyID] - PK
[VendorName] - FK

SurveyResults has 3 fields:
[SurveyResultID] - PK
[SurveyName] - FK

I used the LookUp wizard to establish the relationships, and I chose to include 3 fields when linking [SurveyResults].[SurveyName] to [Surveys].[SurveyID]. I'd like the ID, Survey Name and Vendor Name to be displayed when making a choice in the combo box. And I would like the column to only display the SurveyName.

However, what's happening is the VendorID shows up instead of the VendorName when I click the combo box for [SurveyName]. And the SurveyID shows up in the column results, rather than the Survey Name.

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Tables :: VLookup Displaying Multiple Cells

Jul 17, 2014

I am creating a staffing database and currently have two tables:

Table 1 - Staff - which contains staff information ie. First Name, Last Name, Other Names

Table 2 - Staff Work History - which displays the shifts worked by each staff member.

In Table 2 - I have "Staff Name" which is populated using VLOOKUP and searching for the Staff Name from Table 1 - First Name, Last Name, Other Name.

I want Table 2 column "Staff Name" to display all parts of the name - not just display then when on the dropdown when you select the staff person. Currently only the First Name is displayed once you have chosen the staff person.

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Reports :: Displaying All Info From Two Tables On Report Not Working?

Mar 11, 2014

I have 3 tables.

One is a list of fishermen with all their info. I used a Code as the primary key.

The 2nd is a fish ticket sheet with fish tickets entered and the code in there as a foreign key in the relationship between the two.

I create a report listing the fish tickets and prices perfectly for the 4 fishermen I have entered fish tickets for. (I have 140 fishermen in the main table)

I added a 3rd table for payments made to the fishermen. There are two payments for 2 of the fishermen.

then, I go into report design view and drag in two of the cells from that 3rd table into my report.

The problem is the report then prints JUST the fish tickets and payments for the two fishermen that have payments...not the info for all 4 fishermen. I need to print out settlements for all the fishermen whether they have payments or not?

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Tables :: Want To Export Data As A Table But Displaying Text Value Rather Than Key Value

Oct 26, 2013

I have inherited 1000 records which need to fit into new criteria selected from combo boxes and to do this individually by the forms will take forever so i want to copy and paste the data in the table, but when I do it doesn't fill in the form.

This may be a problem with the cascading script in the form as the fields fill in when I press f9 but disappear every time I open the form.Finally I eventually want to export the data as a table but displaying the text value rather than the key value.

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Displaying "all" In List Box To View All Record

Aug 8, 2006

i have two tables, tblgroups and tblrecipes
on a frmReview i am displaying the groups in a list box so that user selects a group and sees relevant recipes ( which i am displaying in a subform after quering from lstgroups).
Default value for lstgroups is "[lstGroups].[ItemData](0)" so that it always displays first goup recipes... (otherwise subform dont displays anything when i first open the frmReview)
is it possible (which i am sure it is) that when i first open frmreview, the subform displays all recipes in all groups (whole database), so that when i select one group in lstgroups then it run query and filters the desired recipes. May be we can put "all" in lstgroups as first item so that i can use the default value..

thanks in advacne

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Picture From Imagelist

Jul 8, 2014

I want to display a picture (or pictures) from Imagelist in the picturebox (KIBES_picture).But I am getting a type mismatch error in the last line. What am I doing wrong?

Public Sub load_picture()
Dim iml As ImageList
Set iml = New ImageList
iml.ListImages.Add , , LoadPicture("K:Kapa-Planung ElektrikKibes_DatabaseAufbausystemme2_Innenbeleuchtung.00000-0002_Treppebeleuchtung_ueber_2 Schalters_087A00ekran_edycja.jpg")
[Forms]![Search]![KIBES_picture].Picture = iml.ListImages(1)

Besides, when I have Listimage(0) I am getting an other error: Index out of bounds. Strange, because the index should start from zero?

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Results Of A Select Statement?

Oct 7, 2014

I have a database with several one-to-many relationships and a nested subform based off of those relationships. Relationships are as follows:

One Lender to Many Relationship IDs
One Relationship ID to Many Tax IDs
One Tax ID to Many DocumentsRequired

My forms are nested as follows:

Relationship ID form (contains info for Relationship ID and Lender)
-> Tax ID
-> DocumentsRequired

I believe I'm just overcomplicating this. But I have simple search box (an unbound text box with a command button), which is located on the top-level form for Relationship IDs. As you'll see above, that form only contains the fields for Relationship ID and Lender. However, users have to be able to search by Relationship ID, Customer Name, or Tax ID number, the last two of which are only available on the nested subforms. Currently I have the search box reaching out to grab results from a query. When I assign the results to the Me.RecordSource, it works perfectly except that it's in read-only format. The users have to be able to edit the results of their search. I'm not even sure I'm doing this in the easiest fashion. I would have preferred to just use the select statement to search through the subform, but I'm guessing my syntax was wrong because I never got it to work. Below is what I currently have.

Dim strtext As String
Dim strsearch As String
strtext = Me.SearchBoxTxt.Value
strsearch = "SELECT [Relationship ID] " & _
"FROM CustomerNormQuery " & _
"WHERE [Relationship ID] like ""*" & strtext & "*"" OR [Customer Name] Like ""*" & strtext & "*"" " & _
"OR [EIN/SSN] Like ""*" & strtext & "*"" " & _
"GROUP BY [Relationship ID]"
Me.RecordSource = strsearch

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Word Print Dialogue Box

May 10, 2015

Code for displaying the Word Print dialogue box instead of sending it straight to the printer.

I have the following code:

'Open Word
Set objWord = New Word.Application
'Letter document would be open
Set objletter = objWord.Documents.Open(strletterpath & strworddoc)
objletter.MailMerge.OpenDataSource (strletterpath & strletterfile)
objletter.MailMerge.Destination = wdSendToPrinter 'normally print
'not normally here
'objWord.Visible = True

This is to produce a mailmerge based upon a query.

Previously on Access 2000 and Word 2000 it would display the print dialogue box, but I am trying to upgrade it all to 2013 and this does not do it now with Access 2013 and Word 2013.

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Content / Value Of A Couple Of Variables

Sep 24, 2013

Debugging my VBA code. I'm trying to track/display the content/value of a couple of variables to make sure they have the right value at a certain point.

What is the VBA code to say "display content of variable Var1" ? Where exactly will it display the value when instruction is executed?

I know I can just hover the mouse on a variable to see its content but some string varables like SELECT commands are too long and you cannot see the whole string.

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Displaying Reports Within The Reports-Object List

Apr 10, 2005

I am working on my DB for work and would like to display all of the report names that are listed in the Reports-Objects of my DB.

I would like to display a Form with two boxes. The left box would display the names of the reports as listed in the Objects-Reports. When a report is highlighted in the left box it would give a description of the report in the right box. When you double click on the report name it would open the report.

Since I am fairly new to Access could you give me an example of what I would like to accomplish? Your assistance is appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Count In Unbound Textbox On A Form

Mar 10, 2014

I have a form, which is bound to a table, with an unbound textbox.

I am trying to get the number of months an employee has/had worked.

In the table are two dates, Company Start Date, and Resignation Date.

There are three scenarios in which I need to calculate the months:No Resignation Date

A Resignation Date in the future
A Resignation Date in the Past

See attached PDF

The Employees are under a one-year contract which ends the day before the one-year anniversary.

I originally tried using DateDiff in the Control Source, but the IIF seamed too limited for my needs.


If [Resignation Date] = "" Then
If Month([Nichii Gakkan Start]) = Month(Date) Then
If Day([Nichii Gakkan Start]) < Day(Date) Then
MIS = DateDiff("m", [Nichii Gakkan Start], Date) - 1

[Code] ....

MIS = The name of the textbox in question.

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Object Based On Specific Record

Aug 11, 2014

I am having bit of confusion in trying to come up with a code that will assist in completing my database display (for a warehouse rental database).

My aim is to have a form display a layout of the site and overlay an image over a store if its occupied else leave the image off if otherwise.

I have everything in my table plus a checkbox field that states if vacancy is "yes' or "no"; say I have 60 stores to rent and they have specific names (unit = A09) and I already 'drew' the layout on a form (all 60 of them) with renaming the boxes for each unit (Name = A09).

How can I program a code that upon opening the form it will like

If 'Box Name on form' = 'unit name on table' AND 'Vacancy = No' then 'redbox.visible = yes'

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Specific Fields Of Data Set Based On Combobox Choice

Sep 19, 2014

I have a Table with 57 fields. I would like to display this table in a form as a subform, but only certain fields depending on what selection is made in a combo box.

For instance, if the user selects "Missing Information" in the Combo Box, then the form will show a few standard fields such as ID, Market, Sales Manager, and then some specific ones such as date missing information requested and date missing information received.

If the user selects another option, again the standard fields will remain plus a few different ones.

I have done much searching on this and feel like I am so close but so far. I have looked into controlling the record source of the subform, columhidden =false and a multitude of others. All of which may or in fact probably do work in this situation but I can't seem to put it all together.

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Tables :: Get A List Of Linked Tables From A Database

Sep 19, 2013

looking for a way to export the list of table names, table types & if they are linked (e.g. tbl Sales Linked .dbf or tbl Staff linked to excel) from a database - this has to be done for about 300 databases.

in an individual db, I have a make table query off of the table MSysObjects to get the data. The Database field tells me where the source of the linked table resides & the ForeignName field gives me an idea of the format of the data source (e.g. dbf or excel). I could manually import that query into each db, run it to get the table names, then copy & paste..

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List Of Tables

Jun 8, 2006

I am trying to get a list of tables in my DB. I have used this SQL, but it doesn't give me the linked tables? What modification to the SQL do I need?

SELECT MSysObjects.Name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Flags)=0) AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=1))
ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;

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Tables For Price List?

Jan 22, 2005

Hi all,

I started a new thread, because it is a new subject even though is related to my Price List thread, I hope is OK.

If someone can please take a look at my attached Excel Price List (particulary the factors sheet) and give me an opinion of how my tables should be created.

I cleaned the Price List was too big to attach and it will be easier to be understood, in its entirety is kind of all over the place, exactly why I need to make simpler in Access for another user to update if I am not around.

I am below including what I think the tables should include, but not sure exactly how they should be, please be reminded that I am un unexperienced newbie.






TaxID ------Do I need This?





Thanks for any help,

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List Of Tables In A Database

Mar 5, 2008


I wonder if there is a possibility to select a table from a database by using a sort of explorer window.
My problem is this:
I want to import a *.xls file in a table.
I want to be able to select a certain *.xls file from a list (so far no probs) en add it contents to a table selected in a browser window.
A table ofcourse who the exact field structure.


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List All Tables In Database

Oct 22, 2005


can anyone please tell wht's the query to check if database exists, if exists list all tables in database (in sqlserver) else raise error

Thanks in advance,

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