Modules & VBA :: No Record In Table - Form Completely Blank

Jul 9, 2014

I have a form with a drop down that links to a table where a user can select or type a record, If they type a record that isn't in the table, the form goes completely blank.

Is there a afterupdate event I can do so that if the record doesn't exist, then a msg prompts and the form isn't completely blank?

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Modules & VBA :: Query A Table To See If Record Exists With Particular Field Blank

Mar 14, 2014

I am trying to achieve the following - I want to query a table to see if a record exists with a particular field blank. If so, I would like to prompt the user for data.

In real world terms, when assigning an item to a user I would like to first make sure that the item is not already assigned to somebody else. I have 4 fields, UserName, Item, IssueFrom, IssueTo. So when an item is assigned to a user, the first 3 fields are populated and the IssueTo remains blank, until that item is assigned to somebody else.

At the minute I have nothing in place to prevent a user from assigning the same item to multiple users and having multiple records for the same item in the table.

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Modules & VBA :: Module Opening Form With Blank Record?

Sep 10, 2014

I have the following module in my database to allow for multiple alarms.

It all works great, except before showing the actual alarm record called, the form first pops up showing the first record in its record source.

I.e. it flashes up showing the first record in the table, then changes to the 'correct' record.

I would just like to change it so it either doesn't show until the record is loaded, or it shows blank to begin with.

Here's the module...

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public clnPopUpAlarm As New Collection 'Instances of frmPopUpAlarm


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Modules & VBA :: Getting Blank Lines In Table Even Though Form Is Unbound

Jun 24, 2013

I have created a forum that all fields are unbound. On completing it is written to the table using a RunSQL command. This writes to the table with no problem but when it does so it is creating another entry with zero content. This is the save steps with open new form

Private Sub SaveRecordAddNew_Click()
Call PreSaveCheck
If Me.saveCheck = False Then
Exit Sub
Call WriteToTable

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Event Information - Deleting Record Creates A Blank Record

Sep 8, 2013

I have a form set to the table Client Information with a subform set to the table Event Information. Client Information has a one to many relationship to Event Information.

There is a button that deletes the current record in Client Information--also deleting the related records in Event Information--then closes the form. The code works fine but a blank record in Event Information is apparently being created before the form closes.

Here's the VBA that I'm using:

Private Sub CmdDelReturn_Click()
Dim CmdDelReturnMsg As String
CmdDelReturnMsg = MsgBox("Delete event & client then return to front?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Delete and Return?")

[Code] ....

It's not a big deal because the button won't be used often and I can manually go into the table to delete the blank record. But if there's a simple solution to prevent this that would be nice.

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Make A Form Completely Borderless During Runtime.

Feb 5, 2006


As you know it's not possible to set the "BorderStyle"-property of a form during runtime.
But thats a kind of functionality, i need to use in my Access 2003 application.

I need to 'simulate' the value "none" during runtime, that means that there is absolutely no frame/border around the form.
Design-mode is not possible, because i need to use a MDE file.

So i dealed with the APIs and nearly got it.
But i always have had a kind of very thin 'sunken'-frame around my form.
I also played with the extended window-styles, but the result was that i got a 'raised'-frame around the form.

Over all i really got wired in my head.

Maybe someone already did that too and can post the right api-calls / styles here?

I would be really thankful, because i quit that now after hours...


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Need Blank Record On Form

Aug 1, 2006

I have a form with a drop down of employee names and a tabbed subform.

I have the form and subform set up to open on a new record and, when the employee name is selected to fill the subform with that employee's data.

It is a split db with the be on the network server and everyone has their own copy of the fe. When I open the front end the combo box is blank but the first page on the tabbed subform shows data. If I close it and reopen it, sometimes its blank and other times it still shows data.

What else do I need to do to ensure that it is a blank record?

Also, I am using the MouseHook.dll and included it in my .exe (zip) file to all of my users, instructing it to download to the same location as the .mdb file (C:/Training Database). Will this work or does the MouseHook.dll need to be somewhere else?



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Blank Record In A Form

May 5, 2005

i have a subform as a continuous form, and at the bottom, there is the normal blank record (created automatically), to enter a new record. Is it possible to attach a piece of code to a field but which will be available only to the field of this blank record, rather than being available for the particular field of all the records in this continuous form ?

Basically i want that if the focus is on this blank record, and i will hit the tab key i want to move the focus to a control, on the main form, that's why i want it specifically, when only this blank record at the end has the focus.

Thank you for any suggestions.

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Append From A Text Box To Only Blank Field In Saved Record In A Table

Mar 27, 2015

I have designed a database that has two forms as inputs to a table. The first form is a checklist and when it is completed it saves all fields except the ManagerID field. I then use the blank ManagerID, clientID and Date to pull onto a form for the manager to complete. On completion I want the ManagerID to save into the current records so they do not show up in the manager checklist forms and I then have a complete record. I have been searching online and cant seem to see how the best avenue is. I have an append query, see below

INSERT INTO ChecklistResults ( ManagerID )
SELECT ChecklistResults.ManagerID, ChecklistResults.ClientID, ChecklistResults.DateCompleted
FROM ChecklistResults
WHERE (((ChecklistResults.ClientID)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComClientNotFin]) AND ((ChecklistResults.DateCompleted)=[Forms]![TeamLeader]![ComDateSelect]));

Private Sub CmdAppend_Click()
Dim dbsNorthwind As dao.Database
Dim rstAmend As dao.Recordset
Dim qdfAmend As dao.QueryDef


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Open Form To A Blank Record

Feb 3, 2005

I have a form that is used to both Enter & Edit records. There is a "search" button to aid in finding records.
I have been asked to have the form open to a blank record instead of the first record in the table.
Is there a way to do this without setting the "DataEntry" property to true, as this basiclly disables the "search" button.


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Blank Record Upon Opening Form

Oct 31, 2006

When the user double clicks on the icon, the form automatically appears on the screen. That's good. But record number 1 is there. I want a blank record there so they can enter their data. This can't be difficult, but I can't figure it out.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check If A Table Contains Blank Fields / Values

Feb 28, 2014

How can I check if a table contains blank fields/values.

If there are blank fields I want to replace them with 0.

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Blank Record Created When Closing Form

Nov 4, 2005

I have a statistical program and the user constantly use the form to check calculations and get out without saving a record. In order to allow this with out writing to the table I used unbound fields and an accept and close command buttons.

This worked well until I added a subform to one of the forms. Now, if I just open that form and then click the close button, I get a blank record in the table associated to the main form. Is there a way to stop this?

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How To Open Form With Blank Fields Rather Thn First Record!

Jul 10, 2006

I have a form linked to an employees table. I have a search function on this form which allows you to search for a particular employee.
At the moment when i open my form, it always displays the first record!
How can I make my form open with blank fields instead of the first record showing?

Thanks alot.


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Default Blank Record When Opening Form

Sep 25, 2006


I have a form which is based on a table.

I was wondering if it is possible that when the form is opened a blank record could be displayed rather than the first entry in the table. In other words, it would be like opening a form and clicking the "Add Record" button, a blank record would be displayed and data entry could take place.

Any thoughts/ideas would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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How To Force A Form To Open At New Blank Record

Jul 29, 2014

How can I force a form to open at "New (Blank) Record"? What I want is when a person opens the database it will take them to a default form (I have figured this part out already) but at the "New (Blank) Record".

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Retrieve Blank Form Upon Record Entry

Jul 12, 2013

I have code that is executed with the click of a button to enter a new response using 2 fields to differentiate the records: a combobox "cboSrvID" and a textbox "RspnsName". I have a different set of questions for each value in the cboSrvID. Upon selecting my button the record is saved correctly although I would like it to open the blank form associated on the subform "sfrmSurveyResponses" when pushed. I have tried some DoCmd.FindRecord and DoCmd. GoTo functions to try and retrieve the last acLast RspnsID inputted. So far I have had no luck.

Below is the code for the onClick action of my button.

Private Sub cmdEnterResults_Click()
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qappNewResponses"
End Sub

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Forms :: Displaying Blank Form Instead Of Current Record

Jun 5, 2014

I have created a navigation form with quick access to the forms and reports I use most often. The Navigation Form (which I named Control Panel) automatically lands on the Tutor_Information Form on a current record. However, I would like for it to open to a blank form instead while retaining the ability to access the current records. Individually, when opening the Tutor_Information Form from the Navigation Panel, it opens to a blank record.

I used a 2 step macro

1. OpenForm
2. GoToRecord - New.

How can I make it do the same thing when landing on the Navigation Form (Control Panel)? I am using Access 2013.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Record To A Table - Closing A Form Without Saving

Nov 26, 2013

I have a form to add a record to a table. How can I give the user a way to close this form without saving the just created record.

I tried

If me.dirty then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

This works, but gives a messagebox in return to confirm the command, and I don't want that. And I try to avoid sendkeys. I also don't want to change the options of access.

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Forms :: Blank Form Appearing When Query Returns No Record

Mar 24, 2013

When a query returns no records, the form appears blank. How can I make the form appear eventhough there are no records to show prior to inputting data.

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Forms :: Way To Continue To Blank Form After Entering Information Into Previous Blank Form?

Mar 25, 2013

When entering information into a blank form, I would like to be able to continue entering information to another additional blank form after my last entry. Is there a way to continue to a blank form after entering information into the previous blank form? I would just like to continue without having to close the entire form and then reopening another form.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Search Form With Ability To Add Found Record To Table?

Aug 7, 2013

creating a VBA that will allow me to search for a record in Table A, and once the record is found, allow me the option to add that record to Table B. Is this possible to do if Table A and Table B are not formatted the same (i.e. one has more fields than the other)? In summary, creating a VBA that will allow me to search in one table and once the correct record is found, allow me the ability to add it to another table.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Specific Record In Table Using Unbound Field On Form

Dec 4, 2013

How to do an UPDATE using VBA on a form to update a specific record on the table using an unbound field on the form to filter the update.

Every time the code runs, it tells me: Run-time error '3144': Syntax error in UPDATE statement and takes me to the "CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError" line at the end of my sample below.

Here's my code:

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL & " UPDATE [tblTicket] SET"
strSQL = strSQL & " ([UpdatedBy], [AssignedTo], [Requestor], [Dept])"
strSQL = strSQL & " Values"
strSQL = strSQL & " ('" & unbEnteredBy & "','" & cmbAssignedTo & "','" & cmbRequestor & "','" & cmbDepartment & "')"
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [tblTicket]![DateTimeOpened] = #" & FORMS!frmTicketTracker.unbDateTimeOpened & "#;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

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Forms :: When Clicked Form Opens To Blank Record And Won't Show Previous Records

May 6, 2015

I've recently decided to move a database that had all its information on 1 table and divided it into multiple tables.

Attached is the relationship as well as the form.

The issue I have is that when I click the form, it only shows a blank record with none of previous records.

Data entry is already set to NO. I'm wondering if it's an issue with my relationships, tblStudioDescription is the parent table and the others are child tables so I linked them with the ID and set referential integrity.

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Modules & VBA :: Search Form Not Returning Records With Blank Fields

Nov 14, 2013

I'm creating a search form to filter out data based on certain inputs. My VBA code looks like:

Private Sub Command18_Click()
On Error GoTo errorcatch
Me.Filter = "([Experiments.Log] Like ""*" & Me.Text21 & "*"") AND ([Expdate] Like ""*" & Me.Text22 & "*"") AND ([BaseSolution] Like ""*" & Me.Text24 & "*"") AND([AddCom] Like ""*" & Me.Text25 & "*"") AND ([Test] Like ""*" & Me.Text26 & "*"") AND ([Plan] Like ""*" & Me.Text23 & "*"")"

Me.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

However, the output does not include records where other fields are blank. I have read that I may need to use Is Null but am not sure how to.

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Modules & VBA :: Bring Up Msgbox If Certain Fields Blank And Not Run The Macro In Form

Jan 20, 2015

I have a form with various text, date and combo controls. There is a button at the button that runs a macro (Close NB) at the bottom. What I'm trying to do is bring up a msgbox if certain fields are blank and not run the macro. I only want the macro to run if all the fields specified have data in them.

The fields are :

The on click code is:
If (Me.cmb_cliname Is Null) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details",
ElseIf (Me.cmb_Disease Is Null) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the relevant details"

[Code] .....

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