Modules & VBA :: Open Cash Drawer Through Command

Jan 16, 2014

I am building a database in Microsoft Access and my client has the followed USB Cash Drawers and they want to open the Cash Drawer through a command button in Microsoft Access,how to open the cash drawer through VBA command. Here are the 03 Cashdrawers links they are using.

M-S Cash Drawer - CF405 USB Connect. URL...

Epson T20 Thermal Receipt Printer - Epson ReadyPrint T20 Receipt Printer USB. URL...
NuRolPOS NURCDM116 Standard Duty Cash Drawer with 5 Coin/5 Bill Till. URL...

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Serial Cash Drawer With Kick Back Interface

Nov 8, 2005

does anyone know how to get a serial cash drawer with kick back interface to open through Access?
any help or a point in the right direction will be hugely appreciated

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Modules & VBA :: Open Cash Drawers Attached To Receipt Printer EPSON T-20

Mar 24, 2014

We have an Access database that opened some cash drawers attached to the computer through USB and it is working perfectly. We have some of the cash drawers that are attached to the EPSON Receipt printer and we also want to open those Cash Drawers attached to the receipt printer. Looking for code to open the cash drawer attached to the receipt printer, Is there any command available that I could send to the receipt printer and it would open the Cash Drawer.

I have also taken the screenshot of the utility program that will show the information regarding the printer and I am very expecting to get this working soon as we have build the Microsoft Access database that would checking the cash drawer status and also open the USB cash drawers.

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How To Open A Drawer Cache

Jan 6, 2013

How to Open a drawer Cache "birch" connected to the computer via USB without printer

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Cash Sales Vs Invoices

Mar 25, 2007

I'm creating a database where I have a customers and invoices table, obviously there is a relationship between the two tables using a customerID field where I have referential integrity enabled. However not all invoices require a customer account as some are cash sales where no customer details are required.

I'm unsure of the correct procedure, all I can think of is to create a separate table for cash sales??

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POS Or Cash Register On A Form

Apr 18, 2015

I am considering creating a form to use as a cash register or simple POS system. Where I could start looking into this? are there any templates or sample code I could refer to? Using access 2003 version...

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Forms :: Calculating Time Into Cash Value

Nov 11, 2014

I have a combo box which looks up a set of values from a table, some of these I have got to store, others I merely want to work with and calculate from. These columns are:


Now for most of these, I 'think' I have it planned where they will go or how they will be used, but the OTRate is flummoxing me a wee bit.

On the form, I have an OT(time) field - the idea being that the user will enter the hours and minutes of overtime they have done (short time format - is this correct?)

Then, I would like the form to calculate the cash value (has to be stored in a field) by multiplying the hours/mins worked by the OT Rate - - but I don't want to store the OTRate unless I really have no other option. Once the calculation has been done, if the Rate is then 'forgotten' then that is no issue, as the only time it would be needed is if the field is revisited to amend any errors (so I am thinking the calculation should be done as an After Update event on the OT(time) field?)

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Command Button Open Image

Jan 29, 2005

Is it possible to have a cmdButton open a pre saved image from your hard drive. The images are saved with the same name as the Account Number. (ex: AcctNum -- TA123409 Image -- TA123409.bmp) I want the cmdButton to open the image filtered or based on the Account Number. If so, could someone show me a sample OnClick code. Thanks

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Command Buttons Open Subforms

Feb 1, 2005

I am attempting to create a form "frmROrder" with two command buttons, daily detail, and annual detail. Is there a way for me to set frmROrder up so that If I click on cmdDaily it opens subform frmROrderDaily or if I click on cmdAnnual, it opens subform frmROrderAnnual? Thanks for your help!

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Command Button To Open Web Page.

Oct 26, 2004


I would like to make a comand button in my form that will open a specific web page.
Can some one Help Me Please?

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Command Button To Open A PDF Form.

Apr 7, 2008

Dear All:

Does anyone know how to use a command button to open a Pdf form in access?

This Pdf form is on the "c" drive called "portfolio".

Thanking in advance,


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Using Command Button To Open Table

Aug 26, 2005

Dear All:

I would like to use a command button on a form to open a table. The name of the table is called "MAJORCODE"

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


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Open New Form Command Button

Oct 11, 2006

I have a form with a drop down list that is coming from a query (City Query)

I have a command button to open a form for data entry to the City table -

When I open the form for city add a record - close the form.

I then go to the drop down list (city query) to select the record that was just added to the city table and the record is not in the query.

What do I need to do for the newly added record to show in the query drop down?

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Using Where Condition In Open Form Command?

Oct 9, 2015

I have a Datasheet form which has a text field "Customer" which is hyperlinked to open another form to populate Customer details. I am using MacroBuilder with the OpenForm command with the Where condition which is something like this

WHERE ="[Customer]=" &[Customer]

But this does not seem to work for this field.

[The Customer field contains names that have text and also other special characters. Ex: "John Chemicals (U.S)"

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Command Button To Open Attachments

Jun 18, 2012

I have created A command button (OK) on the form but can't figure out the code. My Scenario is:

1) I have 2 cascading combo boxes
2) I have a text field as attachment

What I want is to select the value from second combo box then I want to click command button to view the attachments instead of double clicking the attachment and also I wanna ask is there any way to modify the display view of attachments in access a part from paperclip and image icon.

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Command Line Arguments To Open AND Close Db

Jan 24, 2008

Is there a command line argument to open AND close a db? I am running a schedule task to open a db which has an autoexec macro but I don't want the db to stay open after running the macro. Or is there a close db function in a macro? I see close form but not db.

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Command Button In Form To Open Certain Files

Mar 12, 2005

I have based a form on a parameter query, so that when the user is prompted to enter a 'Hobby' to search on, the relevant records will be displayed on the form.

Now, I have created a command button designed to open a template letter in MS Word for a particular hobby. The problem is, I need the command to open certain file depending upon the value input in the parameter box intially. How would I go about doing this?

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Creating A Command Button To Open A File

Jun 13, 2006

I have set up a database that houses file locations. The form that I have made shows a job # and the files that correlate with it. I would like to set up a command button that will read the file name and open it in Excell. If any one know how to do this I would greatly appreciate the help.

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Open And Excel File W/ Command Button?

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to open a workbook with a command button on a form however the path to the file is giving me a fit. The path for the file location contains spaces and I am going blind trying to figure out how to rectify the path. Heres the line. I am sure someone here will see this problem quick! Thanks.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click

Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "Excel.exe N:OPSCOMMONOpsResearchContact CenterDI CCL Reporting dBApps by Agent.xls"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command0_Click

End Sub

Heres the mess I made out of it:
stAppName = "Excel.exe N:OPSCOMMONOpsResearchContact" & Chr(32) & "CenterDI" & Chr(32) & "CCL" & Chr(32) & "Reporting" & Chr(32) & "dBApps" & Chr(32) & "by" & Chr(32) & "Agent.xls"""


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Command Button To Open Excel File

Nov 15, 2006

Is this possible? A command button when click will open an excel file... :rolleyes:


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Command Button To Open Specific Record

Oct 6, 2004

Hi All,

I have a form called "frmProducts" which is linking to table "tblproducts".

Easy Enough...

The form shows all the Products information (fields).
I have a "More Info" command button (cmdMoreInfo) next to every record in the form.

When the command button is clicked I would like it to open up another form "frmMoreInfo".
But On frmMoreInfo I would only like it to show that specific product.

I have tried the following code on the on click event on the command button but it was always asking me for the value of Form![frmMoreInfo]![txtInternalCode]

Code:Private Sub Command12_Click()On Error GoTo Err_Command12_ClickDim stDocName As StringDim stLinkCriteria As StringstDocName = "frmMoreInfo" stLinkCriteria = "Form![frmMoreInfo]![txtInternalCode]=" & Me![txtInternalCode]DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteriaExit_Command12_Click:Exit SubErr_Command12_Click:MsgBox Err.DescriptionResume Exit_Command12_Click End Sub

Any Ideas?

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Command Button Open Up Hyperlink From A Recordset

Jan 3, 2005

Hello all, I hope your hollidays were great!!

Ok I have a Continuous form that in one of it's fields contains Hyperlinks. The form is named [Song Info] and the field is [Play].
I want this field to be hidden and have a command button open up the hyperlink in that recordset. I think that all the info need
but if not let me know.

Rich M

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Open An Excel Workbook From A Command Button

Jun 17, 2005

I have a button on a form, to open Excel, I need to open the relevant file at the same time...

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oApp.Visible = True

My file is located...C:ship info imeline.xls

any ideas please...

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General :: Open MX Excel Using A Command Button

Jan 15, 2014

I am trying to open MX Excel using a command button. I have tried using a hyperlink and various codes that i have found online with no luck. The Excel file is being used by Access as it bring data from the spreadsheet and displays it within a subform. (I think this is where the problem occurs) The subform displaying some data from Excel is working fine but when i click my hyperlinked button (To open the excel file) i am met with errors and the file will not open.

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Forms :: Updating Cash Account Table Through A Form

Jul 14, 2013

How would I update my cash account account table through a form? I have just started working on access and am fairly new to it.

What I am trying to do is to update my master table with all the daily sales through a form. Would I need to write a query into my form?

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User Database From Command To Open Word Document

Mar 6, 2007

In access database, Is there anyone know how use macro to open a word document on a share drive..(example S:safetyRegulation.doc)?.

Here is what I did and it doesn't work.. Runapp command line: C:Program FilesMicrosoftOfficeOfficeWINWORD.EXE //S:safetyRegulation.doc.
Is there any easier way to do this? Please advice..thanks Rob..

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