Modules & VBA :: Open Cash Drawers Attached To Receipt Printer EPSON T-20

Mar 24, 2014

We have an Access database that opened some cash drawers attached to the computer through USB and it is working perfectly. We have some of the cash drawers that are attached to the EPSON Receipt printer and we also want to open those Cash Drawers attached to the receipt printer. Looking for code to open the cash drawer attached to the receipt printer, Is there any command available that I could send to the receipt printer and it would open the Cash Drawer.

I have also taken the screenshot of the utility program that will show the information regarding the printer and I am very expecting to get this working soon as we have build the Microsoft Access database that would checking the cash drawer status and also open the USB cash drawers.

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Printing Receipts On POS Printer-Epson

Apr 17, 2007

I have an access POS application which prints receipt on a receipt printer. I do not have a specified length of the receipt as sales vary in the quantity of items . Does anyone know how I can code it so that the last text is the end of the report and the paper is cut off right there? And also the printer is connected to Parallel port so i want these print commands to go to this particular port...

I wonder whether this could be done with printer driver installed.......... If so how the page length of receipt template has to be set. the width is ofcourse limited to 3 inches but as I told u guys length is unkown.....and dont think stillwe can resolve printing to specific printer issue(having driver nstalled).


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Error Printing A Access Report To An Epson Printer

Jun 14, 2005

I have recently changed computers from a WindowsNT to and XP. When using the NT machine, I am able to print my Access report. However, when I hook up the XP machine and request a report from one specific database, I get the following message....this message also comes up if I try to open print preview or page setup.

"There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable."

I don't think it is a printer error as the error is occurring in this one database. I have successfully printed a test page and can open up other Access databases and print. I also tried converting the database to the 2002 format....but that did not make a difference either. There must be a setting in the database that is causing the error.....

Does anyone have any suggestions???

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Modules & VBA :: Open Cash Drawer Through Command

Jan 16, 2014

I am building a database in Microsoft Access and my client has the followed USB Cash Drawers and they want to open the Cash Drawer through a command button in Microsoft Access,how to open the cash drawer through VBA command. Here are the 03 Cashdrawers links they are using.

M-S Cash Drawer - CF405 USB Connect. URL...

Epson T20 Thermal Receipt Printer - Epson ReadyPrint T20 Receipt Printer USB. URL...
NuRolPOS NURCDM116 Standard Duty Cash Drawer with 5 Coin/5 Bill Till. URL...

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Print Current Record - Open Printer Dialog Box

May 19, 2014

I want to put a print button on my data entry form that prints the current record in a report that is laid out all nice and pretty. I found this code that works, but it goes straight to the printer - it does not bring up the printer dialog so you can select a printer.

Private Sub RecordPrint_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If

[Code] ....

How do I get it to bring up the printer dialog?

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Modules & VBA :: Rename PDF Attached To Email

Dec 13, 2013

I'm using 2013. The first version of my code works great. It opens the correct report and attaches it to an e-mail as a pdf with all of my text etc.


Private Sub btnEMail_Click()
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim strReport As String
Dim vMsg As String
Dim vSubject As String
Dim strWhere As String
strReport = "RptJobDSD"

[Code] ....

The problem I have is I would like to rename the pdf, so instead of "RptJobDSD" everytime, it can have some fields [DSDDate] and [JobID] etc.

Before trying the fancy field stuff I thought I'd try just "DSD Test" and see if I could rename it in the first place!

I added this and am getting - Error(32004) - The control name 'RptJobDSD' is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exist.


DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewPreview, , strWhere
DoCmd.SetProperty strReport, acPropertyCaption, "DSD Test"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strReport, acFormatPDF, , , , vSubject, vMsg, True

My confusion comes as the OpenReport and SendObject recognise strReport why doesn't SetProperty?!

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Modules & VBA :: Turn On / Off The Light Attached To Usb Port Through It?

Jun 2, 2015

Is it possible enable and disable a usb port via vba?

An example of using this would be if I had a light plugged in a usb port and the code would turn it on and off.

Or maybe is there s some device like <PC-Some Device-USB light > which can be controled by vba

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Modules & VBA :: Select Printer To Use By Clicking On List

Nov 25, 2014

A while ago I started to use the following code to list the printers installed on a computer. This is code by Wayne Phillips.

This works well, but what if instead of simply getting a big message box with all the printers listed I wanted to be able to click on a name and set that printer? How do I do that?

Code for the button:

Private Sub cmdListPrinters_Click()
Dim strCount As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim prtLoop As Printer
On Error GoTo ShowPrinters_Err

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Which Printer Was Selected From The Print Dialog

Feb 10, 2015

This for an app being used in Access 2003. I'm trying to (sort of) automate naming a PDF report. After the user selects a printer from the print dialog, if the printer name is like "*PDF*" then I want to put the PDF file name in the clipboard so it can be quickly pasted in the file name of the PDF printer's save dialog.

Something like this:

Dim strSelectedPrinter as string
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt1", acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint


but that returns the name of the default printer, not the selected printer.

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Modules & VBA :: Automated Printer Selection And Page Setup?

Mar 7, 2014

Is it possible, within an OnOpen even of a specific report, to set the printer selection and page setup (size, margins, etc.) to certain things? If so, how would I go about accomplishing this?

I would like to do this for specific users within our domain (this I won't have any trouble with).

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Modules & VBA :: Can't Print Form Image To This Type Of Printer

Jul 25, 2013

I have an application (2007 accde) that has been working for some time, this line specifically:

Application.FollowHyperlink Me.txtAttachment

On one users PC (XP Pro SP3), this has worked from day one. His PC got infected to the point that I had to wipe/rebuild it, and suddenly this code throws a warning and then an error. The warning I could live with (it's the MS Office "some files can contain viruses..." warning). However, after clicking on OK for the warning, I get an error that says "Can't print form image to this type of printer". Doesn't make sense, as this user has the same default printer he had before, plus I tried with a different default printer.

if I navigate to the file location on his PC I can open any of the files, so I don't think it's a permissions issue. The code works fine on my PC and a VM with a different OS, and it still works fine for other users.

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Modules & VBA :: Can Send A Report Directly To Printer From Code

May 19, 2014

Can you send a report directly to the printer? We have Clients with multiple Contact Notes, by multiple Clinicians, each of these are separate tables. Every month we print two reports for each client that had at least one contact in that date-range. Usually 200 clients, takes a lot of time. My approach so far is a query within a make-table query to get a list of unique client ID's that had one contact in the date-range. Then I use that table in code to create a recordset, use a Do Loop within that where I print the two reports for the 1st client, move to next record and loop. Now that I've got it working I'm not sure how to print all the reports My 1st question, can you send a report directly to the printer from code? The printer is a networked Konica Minolta Biz-hub so I think it can handle that many jobs being queued that fast.

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Receipt Numbers

Oct 16, 2006

Soon I'll be starting a new DB which will be used to issue receipts to people who attend courses run by a business. I don't want or need it to be very complicated so was thinking a something like the following;
TblClient (ID,client name & address fields)
TblCourse (ID,Date, course name & Price fields)

Each client will eventually have numerous (many) Course records because they often complete more than one course, over many years.
When I issue clients with Receipts I want each receipt to have a unique receipt number.
On each receipt I will need the Client name, Price paid, date(s) & course name(s) with the unique receipt number. How can I impliment the receipt number?

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Receipt Printing Issue

Apr 25, 2007

Special Printer Control Characters

I have created POS application for my business that uses an Epson TM-U220 Series (Type B) receipt printer with tear off. I have formatted a report from my Access db as a receipt, but I need to send the hex string "1B69" in order to activate the paper cutter after the report prints.

How do I do that?

And when I give the print out some unknown characters keep on coming continuously which I had to switch off the printer to abort printing. What do you think is the reason. Is it something to do with the font size?

Please help me......... Im in real trouble

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Split Receipt Number

Apr 28, 2006

I have a DB with a field named "rec #"
That receipt number is made up of a date,a letter, a 4 digit number and a 3 digit number.
That receipt number might look something like this

01012006 date
P letter
0002 4 digit number
001 3 digit number

What I want to do is to split this receipt number into the individual parts and create a field for each part.
Can someone help me ?


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Cash Sales Vs Invoices

Mar 25, 2007

I'm creating a database where I have a customers and invoices table, obviously there is a relationship between the two tables using a customerID field where I have referential integrity enabled. However not all invoices require a customer account as some are cash sales where no customer details are required.

I'm unsure of the correct procedure, all I can think of is to create a separate table for cash sales??

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POS Or Cash Register On A Form

Apr 18, 2015

I am considering creating a form to use as a cash register or simple POS system. Where I could start looking into this? are there any templates or sample code I could refer to? Using access 2003 version...

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Generate Pdf Or Word Files Of A Receipt From Different Suppliers

Mar 21, 2007

I posted the same problem on the following website:

I need to do it either in excel or access. You help is appreciated.

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Forms :: Calculating Time Into Cash Value

Nov 11, 2014

I have a combo box which looks up a set of values from a table, some of these I have got to store, others I merely want to work with and calculate from. These columns are:


Now for most of these, I 'think' I have it planned where they will go or how they will be used, but the OTRate is flummoxing me a wee bit.

On the form, I have an OT(time) field - the idea being that the user will enter the hours and minutes of overtime they have done (short time format - is this correct?)

Then, I would like the form to calculate the cash value (has to be stored in a field) by multiplying the hours/mins worked by the OT Rate - - but I don't want to store the OTRate unless I really have no other option. Once the calculation has been done, if the Rate is then 'forgotten' then that is no issue, as the only time it would be needed is if the field is revisited to amend any errors (so I am thinking the calculation should be done as an After Update event on the OT(time) field?)

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Serial Cash Drawer With Kick Back Interface

Nov 8, 2005

does anyone know how to get a serial cash drawer with kick back interface to open through Access?
any help or a point in the right direction will be hugely appreciated

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Forms :: Updating Cash Account Table Through A Form

Jul 14, 2013

How would I update my cash account account table through a form? I have just started working on access and am fairly new to it.

What I am trying to do is to update my master table with all the daily sales through a form. Would I need to write a query into my form?

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Use Combo Box Of Date Received So User Can Select To Display Receipt Form

Jan 12, 2013

How to use combo box that drops down the date received from which the user can select todisplay "receipt form" on and after that date. [need to use macro]

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Are My Table Relationships Ok? Pic Attached

Jul 23, 2007

My database is to track customer incidents. Can anyone tell me if my relationships look ok? I'm a remedial access user to any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Checking For Attached File

Jan 25, 2005

I would have thought this was easy, but I keep getting an error.
I have a form with a save button. When the save button is clicked, I want it to check if user has attached an OLE object to a bound object frame. If they have, I'd like a checkbox to be true.
Here's the code I tried:
If Attachment.LpOleObject = 0 Then
Attach.Value = False
Attach.Value = True
End If
This seems so incredibly straight forward and it does work if there is an attachment. If there isn't I get the message that my database can't retrieve the value of this property.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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View Attached Image

Sep 21, 2006

Okay, my boss gave me this killer project and I just have a brief question to see if anyone thinks I can do this.

Right now, I have a database for business card management.

I have 2 tables

1)Contact Info - Has various contact info fields
2)Business Card Table - Have 2 fields, CardID and Card (field is OLE object to attach business card to the database.

I have the CardID field in a relationship with the same field in Contact Info.

I have 2 questions:

1) I am using Access 2000, and would like to know if there is a way to allow the OLE field to be a jpg attachable field. I did not see it as an option, only .bmp Cry

2) Is there a way, that when I pull the information up in a form, it can display the attached business card that is attached to the database?

What can I do?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Shannon Ann

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Keyword Search Query (example Attached)

Mar 18, 2008

Hi All,

As shown in the attached database, I have a multiple criteria query with a front end (see frmIssue). I am trying to add a keyword search on the field 'Issue' by having an unbound textbox in frmIssue and linking it with a 'Issue' field in the query 'MyQuery'.

An example search would be looking for an issue with the keyword 'misfiring' in project 'A'.

However, having tried the Like expression on the field 'Issue' a few times, I'm still having trouble making it work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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