Modules & VBA :: Open Specific Publisher Document If Criteria Is Met

Jul 16, 2014

The code below allows me to open a publisher document that is already merged to the current record. What I need is to allow the user to open the document according to the group they are reviewing. How to accomplish this?

For example:


Dim pubApp As Publisher.Application
Dim pubDoc As Publisher.Document
Set pubApp = New Publisher.Application
Set pubDoc = pubApp.Documents.Add.Application.Open("c:Publishe
pubDoc.ActiveWindow.Visible = True

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Modules & VBA :: Search To Open Word Document From Access

Oct 27, 2014

I was tasked to create an application where by the user enters keywords into an Access form, and when he clicks the button, it will run the keywords against the file names stored in the table and automatically open the Word document that is the best match.

I have created a table query called Directory, which contains FPath (Z:), FName (Document1.doc) and Directory (Z:Document1.doc).

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
Dim filepath As String
Dim strSearch As String

If IsNull(Me.txtSearch) Or Me.txtSearch = "" Then
MsgBox "Please type in your search keyword.", vbOKOnly, "Keyword Needed"

[Code] ....

This is the code that I am currently using to search and open the Word documents, however, this code only manages to open Microsoft Word program without loading any documents. Also, there are no error messages when I click the submit button.

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Modules & VBA :: Document Could Not Be Registered / Unable To Open Macro Storage

Oct 31, 2013

I have a VBA program which is stored in an Access database. The program creates letters using Word template documents as well as new Excel sheets. When one of the users in my team undertakes this process she is unable to create the files (although she could before). The following error message occurs initially for the word documents:

"The document could not be registered word 2010. It will not be possible to create links from other documents to the document"

When I enter debug and attempt to run the code again the file opens but subroutine halts again and I get a different message:

"Could not open Macro storage"

The line of code which is identified for both errors is:

Set wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open(TemplateLocation)

Where wdDoc is the a Word.Document, wdApp is a Word.Application and TemplateLocation is the path for the template

I have already checked the following:

- 'Trust access to the VBA project object model' in the Trust centre is ticked and Macro Security is set to none.
- DCOM Server Process Launcher is set to automatic in Services (Local)

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General :: Pinned Database Won't Open - Unknown Publisher

Jun 16, 2015

I work in three different databases, but for one of them (the main company db), if I right clicked the pinned Access program on the taskbar and click the pinned database, it does nothing if someone else has the file open already. If the file isn't open, it'll pop up with an "Unknown publisher" warning (new, never happened before this), but it'll open the file. If someone has the database open, it doesn't flicker or even try, it just does nothing.

I am able to open Access and click on the database in the "Recent files" and have it open that way. I don't know what to troubleshoot, its like it's not seeing the file, but I can go to the properties on the pinned db and it shows the correct file location. I'm the only one having this issue, the other users here can right click the pinned program and open the file like normal.

I've rebooted my computer; unpinned and removed from list; compacted and repaired; nothing is making a difference.

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Modules & VBA :: Go To A Specific Record In Open Form

Mar 27, 2014

I have a form that is opened as hidden when my startup form loads. Data gets entered into it from other forms so whenever I switch records the hidden form needs to be opened to the matching record.

To accomplish this, I have been using the DoCmd.OpenForm in the OnCurrent event with the WHERE clause matching the PK/FK. I have had no luck with the SearchFor method.

It seems silly to have to keep reopening a form to go to a specific record when the form is always open already. Plus, I am wondering if it is affecting the forms' load times.

Is there a better way to do this (there must be)?

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Modules & VBA :: Open Table To Specific Record?

Oct 8, 2014

Is it possible to use VBA or macros to open a table to a specific record?

I know how to open a table in database view using a command button. I'd like to have it open to or automatically scroll to and select a specific record, based on the content of the form. This way I don't have to spend time scrolling through the whole table to try and find the desired record.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Edit A Publisher Text Box

Jun 25, 2014

I'm currently using the following to edit a publisher document using access VBA.

For Each pubShape In pubDoc.Pages(1).Shapes
If pubShape.HasTextFrame Then
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 440" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item1
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 441" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item2
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 442" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item3
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 443" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item4
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 444" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item5
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 445" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item6
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 446" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item7
If pubShape.Name = "Text Box 447" Then pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Item8
End If

Obviously there are a lot of shapes/boxes etc in the document and this code is very inefficient and takes a few moments to complete. Is there a way to directly reference a text box and change its value. For word I have been using bookmarks but this doesn't seem to work with publisher.

I'm looking for something like pubshape.Value("text Box 440") = Item1 but cannot find the correct syntax.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Form And Setfocus To Specific Control

Feb 24, 2015

I have a from that has information icons that opens a separate form to support users make the right choice on a form. With each information form users are able to choose "Yes" or "No" and then it returns them back to the form they started. I am having trouble setting the focus to the control the user original left the form from.

Form A
Control 1
Control 2
Control 3

Form B
Information for Control 1

Form C
Information for Control 2

Form D
Information for Control 3

For Forms B - C I would like the form to close, open Form A and then set focus to the control that the form was providing information for.For example, if you are on Form C and you make a decision, I want Form C to close, Form A to open and focus to be set to Control 2.

Private Sub image5_Click()
Dim sWHERE As String
Criminal_Background.Value = "Yes"


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Modules & VBA :: Code To Open A Form To A Specific Record

Sep 4, 2014

I am using a datasheet view with dbl click code to open a form to a selected record. I was able to use pbaldy's code and it worked perfectly.

DoCmd.OpenForm "Asset Status", , , "[Project Number] = '" & Me.Project_Number & " ' "

Then I realized I really want to be able to go to other records after I have gone to this form and tried this:

Dim rs As Object
Dim lngBookmark As Long
'set variable to the current record
lngBookmark = Me.Project_Number
'open new form


But to no avail. Project_Number is a text field.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Open Treeview Node To A Specific Folder / Subfolder

Dec 18, 2014

I have a tree-view object that is filled with a specific folder list, when a command button is pressed I would like too expand to a specific node based on a variable/foldername.

How to achieve this? My knowledge of tree-view is limited and I am still learning VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Specific Powerpoint File That Matches A Selection On Access Form

May 27, 2015

We have an access database which has a form that has a list box that details particular records. See attach "list box".

What I would like to do is double click on the record and this would look in a powerpoint folder (see attach "path") and open the presentation if there is a match to the value in Listbox Column 5 i.e. Tool Number.

I can get it to open the presentation if I include the tool number in the path but I cannot seem to be able to get it to compare the values and only open if there is a match.

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple Criteria To Open A FORM

Apr 17, 2014

How to open FORM which has "inner join" in source?

Dim idRS As DAO.Recordset, ShowIdentity
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblZlecenia (id_zlecenia_info, DataPrzyjecia) VALUES ('" & _
ostateczne & "', " & _
Format(Date, "#mm/dd/yyyy#") & ")"


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Modules & VBA :: Open Report Criteria - Enter Parameter Value

Aug 5, 2013

I have one form which have two multiselect listboxes. They work, but every time when I choose id_organizacija from listbox popup enter parameter value comes up.

I am already tried to put id_organizacija in [ ] but that didnt solve problem.

Set ctl = Me.lstEmployees
For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected
strWhere = strWhere & ctl.ItemData(varItem) & ","
Next varItem
Set ctl = Me.lstOrganizacija

[Code] ....

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How To Open A Word Document From Within Access

Jan 4, 2007

I am creating a database for someone which includes a mail merged document with some data from the database.
Is it possible to allow the user to open the document by clicking on a button that will be on the Switchboard in the database, so that they do not have manually open the document?
Hope this makes sense!

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Use Access To Open Word, Create A NEW Document, And Then Edit The Doc

Dec 11, 2004

I want to create a new word doc, do a saveas to a specific path and file name, allow the user to edit the new doc, and then close it and return to the Access app. I can create the doc but Word opens without opening the New Savedas Doc. using this code

Dim oApp As Word.Application
Dim WordDoc As Word.Document
Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set WordDoc = CreateObject("Word.document")
oApp.Visible = True
WordDoc.SaveAs ("TS-" & Me.Scriptnum & ".Doc")

Your help is appreciated.

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User Database From Command To Open Word Document

Mar 6, 2007

In access database, Is there anyone know how use macro to open a word document on a share drive..(example S:safetyRegulation.doc)?.

Here is what I did and it doesn't work.. Runapp command line: C:Program FilesMicrosoftOfficeOfficeWINWORD.EXE //S:safetyRegulation.doc.
Is there any easier way to do this? Please advice..thanks Rob..

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Forms :: Open Word Document Via Access Command Button

Feb 4, 2014

I am creating a database. I have all my forms, queries, tables, reports just as I need them. However, I would like to have a command button on my switchboard that will pull from a query to feed to a Word document (that's actually a letter on my company letterhead). I know a Macro has to be involved with this, but again, I have little to no knowledge of Macros. Also, I would like to be prompted to enter a client ID number when I click on this command button (because I only want to print a letter for a new client, not all of them).

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General :: Possible To Insert A Button In Access Form Which Would Open A Word Document

Mar 3, 2013

I have an access form that fills an access table (MS Access 2003). Also, I have a Word (2010) document/template with some template text and empty fields which should be filled with data from access. Is it possible to insert a button in access form which would open a word document and populate appropriate fields with data from that form?

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General :: Open Word Document With Corresponding Data Filled From Text Field Of A Form

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to open a word document with corresponding data filled from the text field of a form. I managed to get the word document but I don't know how to give a variable in word document.

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How To Query Data For Specific Criteria - Criteria Help

Aug 20, 2007

I have data for hundreds of stores. The data was pulled for the top 15 items by store, so I cannot obtain only the top 5 items that I need. How can I query this data to extract only the top (or bottom) 5 Subjects, by store, based on the percentage column?

StoreSubjectSalesSales %
1516Audio Unabridged1650.8-231.04%
1516History / Military History10081.1-29.99%
1516Role Playing / Graphic Novels14773.9-20.27%
1516Audio Abridged1785.9-141.84%
1516SciFi / Fantasy27535.3-7.93%
1516Juv Audio/Video1580.6-100.13%
1516Current Affairs / Law8141.9-14.34%
1516Juv Non-Bk4585.9-25.02%
1516Science / Tech2961.4-33.98%
1516Movies / TV / Music / Dance3395.3-29.46%
1872Psych / Self Improvement100650.4-10.05%
1872Audio Unabridged29165.9-27.32%
1872Health & Fitness64713.8-10.29%
1872Current Affairs / Law47927.1-11.08%
1872Travel Foreign42583.7-12.27%
1872Religion / Bibles80255.6-6.07%
1872SciFi / Fantasy67641.4-6.49%
1872Study Aids / Notes38299-11.24%

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Modules & VBA :: Search CSV To Find Specific Statement / Text On Specific Line?

Jul 8, 2015

how to read a specific line in a CSV file (using VBA), to see if the phrase "There are no records available." is present.

If it is present, then I'm going to do a debug.print stating that there are no records to load - and then the script will move on to the next file. If the phrase isn't present, then I'm going to upload the file to Access, parse the information, and then upload it to a CRM. (I already have the latter portion of the code up and running....I just need to account for the first part, where I can determine if the file has data or not).

The structure of the file never changes. The first row is composed of eight column headers (Post Date, Card Number, Card Type, Auth Date, Batch Date, Reference Number, Reason, Amount) and (if) the phrase "There are no records available." is present, it will show up on the second row, in the first column (under Post Date).

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Modules & VBA :: Format PDF Document Sent From MS Access

Sep 23, 2013

Is it possible to format a PDF document created in MS Access i.e. set the document to landscape instead of portrait as in the following code;

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Query Name", acFormatPDF, "Document Name", False

This PDF document is attached to an MS Outlook e-mail and sent without any intervention from the user. This is accomplished using further VBA code. This code is working at the moment sending both Excel spread sheets and PDF documents but the PDF's require the page formatting before sending. I want to be able to accomplish this without having to open another application such as Adobe Acrobat.

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Modules & VBA :: Word Active Document Not Getting Recognized

Dec 26, 2014

I use the following code to achieve following

a) Open a word document from MS access / VBA,
b) Connect to data from a query
c) mailmerge it
d) Save it as a new document containing mailemerged letters.

The code does open the required document as I can see it open.

I put a message box to recheck that filename/path is what I mean, and to to know till which line the code runs. Code runs till that point and that word doc is seen open. I get the error message before

Then I get error message.

I was fooling around and was getting message " This command is not available because no document is open" I tried to remove few lines thinking redundancy. Before getting the message, I was also getting the error trapping message "No documents opened."

Now I am getting different message.

I am getting message " The remote Server Machine does not Exist or is unavailable"

Following is the code I have written.

Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("word.Application")

xlApp.Visible = True
fn = FormPathName("941 2014 AutoOpen.doc")

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Image In Output To Word Document

Jul 18, 2015

We need to replicate an Access report we have in Microsoft Word. The report has a fixed, small image in the header and so we embedded it in the report (it is not in an external file). To put this image in the Word document the only way we have come up with is shown in the code below.

Dim apWord As Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
Set apWord = CreateObject("Word.application")
doc.Shapes.AddPicture "G:ImagesSinful Banner.bmp", False, True, 0, 0, 540, 42

Which requires an external image file. We really would like to avoid this. We could make a template Word document, but that too would be an external file. We know how to put this image in a table as an OLE object, but can't find any way to get it from the table into the Word document.

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Modules & VBA :: Append To TXT Document Using Variable File Name

Jan 19, 2014

When I execute the below function I get an error. If I use the commented out "Open" line it works fine. I get Run-time error '52'. Bad file name or number.

Private Sub GenerateSSA_Click()
Dim strRA As Variant, strFileNew As String, strFileBlank As String
Dim intFileOut As Integer
Dim rstWork As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Password To A Document Before Emailing

Jul 2, 2015

I have built a simple database (by no means complete) but I am after adding some further code into it. Basically on the form [FrmMain] I have a button that allows me to send a document to a relevant CSU contact. It finds the file name based on the info in the table TblResident. What I want to do is open the word document before sending and add a password to it using vba.

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