Modules & VBA :: OpenRecordset ODBC Error

Feb 24, 2015

The code below should add a record to another table when a box is ticked. It worked fine when I wrote it in a local Access 2003 form.I have since migrated the tables to Azure and connect via ODBC, and now I get this error:nOpenRecordsetBug.PNG

A search for Identities told me to modify the code as in the second screenshot, and I now have a different error: InvalidArgument.JPG

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Modules & VBA :: Query Parameters Generating Error 3061 With OpenRecordset

Sep 9, 2013

I have a library function that will allow the user to nominate a query (as one of its arguments) in the calling application which must have an email field. The function will then Do Loop the email field, concatenating it before creating an email and addressing it. The intended functionality is that a developer can easily create a group email, just by creating a query.

This works fine if the query is filtered "statically" - i.e. I specify which group of people by typing in their "Site_ID" in the criteria. However I want developers to be able to creating dynamically filtered queries (perhaps by the group's ID on a calling form). Within the query (to test it), the filter is therefore [Forms]![Test Function Calls]![Site_id]. When I run the code, I am then presented with "Run-time error 3061: Too few parameters. Expected 1". The code in question is:

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim stTo As String 'one of the function's arguments received from the calling function.
Dim stToString As String 'the built up concatenated emails

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(stTo, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

[Code] ....

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Openrecordset Error 3061

Nov 18, 2004

I am trying to open a recordset object using a reasonably complex query. The query uses other queries to get data and some of these queries are totaliser queries (I dont know the proper terminology but they are the ones that group and sum up data in the query).

Dim D As Database, R As Recordset, R2 As DAO.Recordset
Set D = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set R2 = D.OpenRecordset("Qry Daily Losses", dbOpenSnapshot)

The error Message I get is:

Run-time error "3061"
Too few parameters. Expected 4.

Most of the information I have seen on this error message talks about 1 parameter expected not 4.

I can open the query directly by clicking on it in the objects list and it looks fine. It is only when I try to open it in my code that it goes wrong.

I am using Access 2002 (SP3)

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Error 3061, Openrecordset Problem

Nov 7, 2004

Hello. I am trying to sort this out and hope someone can help.

Using Access 2002 front end, sqlserver 2000 back end.

In my front end database I have a query called "queEEGBilling" that is used to populate a report. It is quite a complex query which I did using the query designer, NOT with a WHERE sql command. I am not very good with SQL syntax.

The report works fine, and displays the records I want it to display.

However, after the report is displayed, I want to modify one field in each record to indicate that the report for hat record has been printed out (it is a billing package, and I want to indicate that the bill has been sent).

In order to do this, I need to access the recordset that was used to create the report. As I understand it, I cannot do this with a report (no equivalent of the recordsetclone property or anything similar). What I have to do is create the recordset that was used to create the report in the first place. No problem right?

set mydb=dbengine(0)(0)
set rs1=mydb.openrecordset("queEEGBilling")

However, here I get the infamous error 3061. Too Few Parameters. Expected 1.

I have googled this up and down, and it seems to be related to my query being too complex. However, I did not write this query by hand, it came from Access2002. And this query worked fine to generate my report. So, why does it crash now??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Column Error In SQL Server ODBC Where Clause

Jun 26, 2014

Connecting Access FE to SQL SERVER BE Connection is fine. I can open and close it and other queries work fine. I have only one problem with the SQL in one query

With rstRPT
If FirstRecord = True Then
.Open "SELECT Min([" & SourceTbl & "].[3Order ID]) AS MinOf3OrderID " & _


why it wants to see the variable as a column name?

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ODBC Error

Feb 14, 2008

My program is an Access 2003 database that connects to SQL 2000. I have a continuous form that shows between 10 an 25 records. I have coded an update button that when clicked updates a check box on each record displayed and then updates the form. Normally this works perfectly. However, sometimes when the button is clicked nothing happens for aproximately a minute then the user gets the error ODBC - call failed and no records are uodated. I have tried resetting the view from Dynaset to Dynaset (Incosistent Updates) and extending the timeout to 300. I have also tried extending the MSAceess Page timeout setting to 5000 instead of 5 under ODBC. Nothing has helped. Does any have any other solutions? Or a way to get a more specific error. I am really just guessing that it is a time out issue.

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ODBC Call Error

Feb 5, 2008

Hi All....getting an "ODBC --call failed" error when trying to re-link tables in the Linked Table Manager in Access. I'm having a problem connecting to one particular Oracle database. I am able to connect to other DBs with no problem.

I can also connect to the problem database through SQL Navigator. And I've been able to connect to it in Access in the past. Any ideas?


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ODBC Error 1 'Undefined Function'

Jun 8, 2006

I am trying to run a query in an Access Database from another program using ODBC.

The query contains a user defined function and works fine when I run it in Access.

When I try to run the same query externally via ODBC I get the following error:

"ERROR 1 - [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'replace_chr13' in expression"

If I replace my user defined function wit a standard Access function such as LCase, the query can be accessed externally fine!

Can anyone suggest a solution?

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ODBC Error 1 'Undefined Function'

Jun 8, 2006

I am trying to run a query in an Access Database from another program using ODBC.

The query contains a user defined function and works fine when I run it in Access.

When I try to run the same query externally via ODBC I get the following error:

"ERROR 1 - [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'replace_chr13' in expression"

If I replace my user defined function wit a standard Access function such as LCase, the query can be accessed externally fine!

Can anyone suggest a solution?

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Oacle ODBC Error - Any Suggestions

Jan 15, 2008

anyone have any suggestions for getting around the error on the attached picture?



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ODBC Drivers Error '80004005'

Jul 6, 2005

while updating the databse on the server using a ftp client
users get the following error on asp page.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key
'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xf7c Thread 0x194 DBC 0x899e70c Jet'.
/, line 25

line 25 has no error except the following code: "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & DBPath

Is there anyway to check if a connection can not be established or the database is being updated
asp page sends friendly message to user that the database is being updated or temporary down or please try again in few seconds.

Any help and idea will be highly appreciated in advance


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How Do I Trap Oracle ODBC Error #deleted

Feb 26, 2007

i am using access against an Oracle DB through an ODBC driver, and when appending records to a local table, if access gets an Oracle record error "#deleted", the append query aborts. . . that's fine, but I can't figure out how to trap the error to get the rest of the records. . .

ugh! see attached graphic



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Error Handling For ODBC Linked Tables

Jan 17, 2006

My tables are sybase linked tables to my Access front end. I get this error whenever i click away from my mainform while my not-null fields (textboxes) have not been entered. So, i would like to put an error message "somewhere" that tells the user to fill in the necessary fields and highlight the necessary textboxes in red, instead of this scary ODBC message :eek: :eek:

When i put my error handling in the afterUpdate or afterInsert Event. I still get the above error msg instead of my msgbox.
Where do i put this message? or should be question be, "what the proper way to handle this intimidating error? :)

Here's my error handling:

On Error GoTo Err_Form_AfterInsert

'do something

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Please enter the Project Name, Project Leader Initials, Main User and Status Code" & Err.Number
Me!Combo67.BackColor = "red"
Me!Combo65.BackColor = "red"
Me![Project Name].BackColor = "red"
Me![Project Leader Initials Combo].BackColor = "red"
Resume Exit_Form_AfterInsert

Thanks in advance for your help :D

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ODBC-call Failed, Error 3146

Oct 14, 2004

I have an ODBC connection to our company's data that uses Macola. I can enter criteria in the fields in Access to filter that data, but when I try to put a parameter query in such as [Enter order number:] I always get an "ODBC-call failed" message, error# 3146. Can I even solve this problem, or am I just not going to be able to actively change the criteria unless through a pivot chart or table, or by hand? Can anyone help? Thanks.

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ODBC MS Access Driver Error - Urgent

Nov 7, 2005

Please help...

Database Results Error
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
General error
Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xcac Thread 0xcc0 DBC 0x1090064 Jet'.

The code: example.asp
Code:<%fp_sQry="SELECT count(*) FROM TEVPDATA where ((datediff('d', '" & date() & "', DT3PROF1) between 0 and 30)) and (COL2 = 'PROF1/SLM')"fp_sDefault=""fp_sNoRecords="<tr><td colspan=1 align=left width=""100%"">No records returned.</td></tr>"fp_sDataConn="Fabos"fp_iMaxRecords=0fp_iCommandType=1fp_iPageSize=0fp_fTableFormat=Truefp_fMenuFormat=Falsefp_sMenuChoice=""fp_sMenuValue=""fp_iDisplayCols=1fp_fCustomQuery=TrueBOTID=1fp_iRegion=BOTID%>

Code:'--Project Data ConnectionApplication("Fabos_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=data/Fabos.mdb"FrontPage_UrlVars(4) = "Fabos_ConnectionString"Application("Fabos_ConnectionTimeout") = 15Application("Fabos_CommandTimeout") = 30Application("Fabos_CursorLocation") = 3Application("Fabos_RuntimeUserName") = ""Application("Fabos_RuntimePassword") = ""

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ODBC Error In Query (client/server SQLServer)

Nov 6, 2007

I have a problem with my query which works fine prior to upsizing to SQL Server. Now I have an Access Front-end with SQL Server (2005) back-end client/server setup. This problem has bugged me for over one full day and I can't find anything that seems to solve it.

The error that comes up is this:

Run-time error '3146':
ODBC--call failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '='. (#102)

The line that's producing the error is a DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT tblPBC..." The full statement is below. I can't seem to see anything wrong w/ my syntax below....

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Problem With OpenRecordset And SQL Statement

Jan 10, 2005

Hi there,

Hope someone can help

I am opening a recordset like this, where strDatabase is an SQL Statement

Set rstDatafile = dbDatafile.OpenRecordset(strDatabase, dbOpenSnapshot)

SQL Statement =[tblName] ORDER [Name]

It opens and everything is seemingly OK. However I then run a loop that deletes records as per a set of criteria. If I run this on the same unaltered table I get different results each time. It's almost like the SQL statement is not ordering it the same each time.

Am I doing something worng or is there another way to open a table order it's contents and modify it?

Thanks for your time

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How To Set Query Parameters For Use In OpenRecordset

Sep 13, 2006

I’ve the following query definition “selOrders”

PARAMETERS [DateFrom] DateTime, [DateTo] DateTime;
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN [DateFrom] AND [DateTo]

I want to open this query as a DAO.Recordset but have problems to assign values to the parameters. I tried different possibilities but invain. My latest try was as follows:

Dim QryDef As QueryDef
Dim Date1, Date2 As Date
Dim Orders As DAO.Recordset

Set QryDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("selOrders")
QryDef.Parameters("DateFrom") = Date1
QryDef.Parameters("DateTo") = Date2
Set Orders = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("selOrders")

During execution error 3061 (Too few parameters, expected: 2) occurs.

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Modules & VBA :: ODBC Call Failed

Oct 23, 2014

I am facing a problem with ODBC call failed error latly.The problem doesnt occur on my development PC but only on other PC's.I'm a beginer in Access, vba and I cant find a solution to make it work on every machines.


Dim qSQL As String
DATA = "#" & DatePart("m", DATA) & "/" & DatePart("d", DATA) & "/" & DatePart("yyyy", DATA) & "#"
qSQL = "SELECT Sum([IL]*[TO])" & _
"WHERE (((PUBLIC_SD.DAT)=" & DAT & ") AND ((PUBLIC_SD.ANA)='" & ANA & "') AND ((PUBLIC_SD.IA)='" & ia & "') AND ((PUBLIC_SD.AN_C)='PIMSS'));
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rs1 = Db.OpenRecordset(qSQL)

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup In ODBC Table

Feb 15, 2015

I set up an Access 2003 database where this code works OK:

Private Sub Street_Exit(Cancel As Integer)

Me.Suburb = DLookup("Suburb", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.StreetID = DLookup("ID", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.Postcode = DLookup("Postcode", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")
Me.Town = DLookup("Town", "Streets", "StreetName = Forms![Add A New Member]!Street")

End Sub

I've now migrated the tables to a back-end in Azure using ODBC to connect. The linked Streets table in my list displays as dbo_Streets but when I change the table name in my code I get an error.

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To MySQL Via ODBC

Jan 24, 2014

I've developed an Acc2003 App that reads from a ODBC linked table.This link was created fro DBwindow->Link table. It often opens a window asking for userNmae and Pwd - I wold liek to aviod this wen distributing the App. So I wrote tis code:

Public Sub linkOdbcTable(DataSource As String, UID As String, PWD As String, dbName As String, ParamArray Tables())
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As Variant
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim linked As Boolean
Dim ConnectionString As String


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Forms :: Join Two Tables For OpenRecordSet

Oct 24, 2013

I would like to join my two tables in vba together so I can reference them in the same way,


Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstr)

Me.Summarystr = Nz(rs![Summary], Null)

so I want to be able to combine two tables together in the SQL string in order to have both information inside the same record set...

SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [table1] " & _
"FULL OUTER JOIN [table2] ON [table1].[sequence]=[table2].[sequence] " & _
"WHERE [table1].[sequence]='" & _
Me.seq.Value & "'"

I just tried this but it didnt seem to like it

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Have User Input WHERE Criteria In An OpenRecordset Method

Jan 27, 2006

How can I have a user enter the WHERE criteria in the Set Rs statement below.

Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr] = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")

I would like a message box to ask the user to define the [Yr] = and [Event] = fields since they would change from time to time and then pass the values to the OpenRecordset method. Is this possible? Can someone help supply the code?

A parameter query won’t work because when you manipulate these queries in DAO through VBA you need to supply the parameter value before you open the recordset object. If you don’t DAO generates an error.

Here is my code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

Dim ConsqWin As Long
Dim ConsqLoss As Long
Dim tmpWin As Long
Dim tmpLoss As Long
Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")
Do While Not Rs.EOF
Do While Rs!Net > 1
tmpWin = tmpWin + 1
If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do
If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do
If tmpWin > ConsqWin Then ConsqWin = tmpWin
tmpWin = 0

Set Rs = Nothing

End Sub

By the way the YR field is a number and not a date so the WHERE clause doesn’t need #2000#

Any help would be appreciated.

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General :: Why Does OpenRecordSet Fail On Linked Table

Jan 16, 2013

I split my database into a FE and BE to simplify the upgrading of the clients copy. I had a chance to implement that change today and except for this error all seems to be well.

The error is "Invalid Operation 3219 " and flags this line of code "Set rsTable = dbsCurent.OpenRecordSet("Import650tbl, dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly) " when the error is triggered. The table Import650tbl is a temporary holding table to which I enter imported records. I then add some supporting information and then the records are added to live data table for further processing. After the data is added to the live table the information in the Import650tbl is deleted by a query to be ready for tomorrows processing.

This error prevents the process from working. I got around the problem by deleting the link to the BE for this table and creating the table in the FE. After that all was well.

Question: Why does the above OpenRecordSet fail on the linked table?

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Linking Database With ODBC Connection

Jun 26, 2015

I am looking to automate the process of linking my Access DB with an ODBC connection to an SQL DB with VBA (unless there's an easier way to do it?) - some sample code - if this is possible at all?

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HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL Statement Expect

Mar 27, 2007

My main experience is with MySQL and PHP so I'm kindof stumbling around in the dark here. Heres my story:

We recieved a new server and migrating from (Windows Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Access 2000) to (Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, Access 2003) has been nothing but problems.

I have setup IIS to work with ASP, I've also setup a system DSN. The access file was copied over from the previous server. We're running Access 2003 and now I can't seem to get this ASP script to work.

When I try to upload a file to the script I get this error:

Line: 42
Char: 7
Error: HELP!!! Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT', OR 'UPDATE'.
Code: 0
Url: (URL address blocked: See forum rules)

Here is the part of Connect.asp that errors:

Code:<script LANGUAGE="javascript"><!--var DSNString, TheDF, TheRS;//DSNString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;";//DSNString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C: hedata estdisbo.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pw d=;"DSNString = "DSN=testweb; UID=; PWD=";function public_ConToDB(){ TheDF = DP.CreateObject("RDSServer.DataFactory",this.text1.value);DC.DataSpace=DP;DC.Server = this.text1.value;DC.Connect = DSNString;//DC.Connect="d: hedatadisboweb.udl";}function public_GetRS(SQLCommand){ TheRS = TheDF.Query(DSNString,SQLCommand);DC.SourceRecordset=TheRS;return (TheRS);}function public_GetDC(){ return (DC);}//--></script>

Its included in a file called FileRead.htm here is the part that refers to the error lines:
Code: var TheFile, FileStrm;// Retrieved field namesvar M_ssn, M_inits, M_Lname, M_Fname, M_DSSN, M_ruc, M_paycode;var M_normamt, M_payamt, M_pgrp, M_poe, M_pltcd, Payrollnum, Payrolldate;// var Trash, FieldData, FieldNames;var TrashLineNum = 1;// Create the file Stream Object (ReadOnly)TheFile = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");FileStrm = TheFile.OpenTextFile(FName,1,false);// Setup the Database Connectionvar SQLCommand, TheRS, TheConnection, DSNString, Commands, MyDC;FieldNames = new Array("ssn","inits","lname","fname","dssn","ruc","cco", "payamt","normamt","notsureone","pgrp","poe", "pltcode","recstatus","paychgflg","paystatuscode", "payrollnum","payrolldate");// Connect the the DatabaseDataLib.ConToDB();MyDC = DataLib.GetDC();// Get Payroll NumberPString = prompt("Enter Payroll Number","025");Payrollnum = parseInt(PString,10);// Get Payroll DateDString = prompt("Enter Payroll Date","20000101");Payrolldate = DateLib.FromMil(DString);// Setup the Database Connectionvar NumRecs = 0;//MyTest = DataLib.GetRS("PaydayUpdate1");alert("About to cross into the CurExtract!!!");MyRS = DataLib.GetRS("SELECT * FROM CurExtract");

I set an alert after this line but it doesn't pop up.

ANY HELP WOULD BE VERY GREATLY APPRECIATED. I'll be checking this very frequently.

Joseph Russell

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