Modules & VBA :: Pivot Chart - Auto Axis For Y Scale

Feb 16, 2015

I have a pivot chart in ms access and i want to have auto-axis for y-scale. I want that when the data will be changed the scale would be automatically arranged.

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Y Axis Scale On XY Scatter Chart

Jan 15, 2013

I've cannibalized a chart from another database, hooked it up to my new data source and solved most of my formatting problems except for one, the Y axis of the chart won't display the scale properly. The minimum is set at - 3 and maximum is set at +3, but when the report opens the scale reads from -0.003 to +0.003. I've tried all the number formats I can think of. Currently it is set to General. If I set it to a number with anything less than 3 decimal places it formats as 0 or 0.00.

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Forms :: Access Pivot Chart - Specify Order Of Categories On X-Axis

Jun 19, 2014

I have a pivot chart based on a crosstab query. I would like the items on the category axis (x-axis) to appear left to right in the order that they appear in the query results.

Some specifics:
FreqID (PK, Number, Range 1-7)
Frequency (text)

RespID (PK,Number, Range 1-5)
Response (text)

ResultID (PK,AN)

TRANSFORM CInt(Nz(Count(tblResults.ResultID),0)) AS CountOfResultID
SELECT tblFreq.Frequency
FROM tblResp INNER JOIN (tblFreq INNER JOIN tblResults ON tblFreq.FreqID = tblResults.FreqID_FK) ON tblResp.RespID = tblResults.RespID_FK
GROUP BY tblFreq.Frequency, tblFreq.FreqID, tblFreq.FreqID
ORDER BY tblFreq.FreqID
PIVOT tblResp.Response;


Which I suppose is alphabetically ordered.I am unable to use OrderBy in the forms property sheet because tblFreq.FreqID is not an available field, even though it's an expression in the query.

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Reports :: Graph Y-axis Scaling Manual Scale In Report

Sep 8, 2014

I have set up a form on which there is a graph which draws data from a query. I have set up a text boxes to take in the Y axis min, max and interval values so the user can customize the graph according tot he range coming out of the query. This all works fine and is perfect, however, i also need a report and set up a report with the same graph which can be printed to pdf, however, i cant get the y-axis to adjust like i do with the one on the form,

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Modules & VBA :: Display A Pivot Chart

Nov 18, 2013

I have a need to display a pivot chart by clicking a button on my menu screen. At the moment my button will just display the query results and if I then click on View/PivotChart View my chart displays.

Private Sub Command316_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "R06X - OOS Chart", avViewNormal
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Pivot Chart Changing Color

May 29, 2015

I have a problem with seting up color for my pivot chart. First I set up color I want(pic 1).but then when I use filter for End Customer all the colors will revert back to default settings (pic2).Is there a way how to force it so it sticks with colors I chose? VBA code?

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Modules & VBA :: Save Pivot Chart As Image

Jul 11, 2014

I have a query that has a pivot chart, i need to be able to save this as an image so i can insert it into a html email but i cannot find anything, I am using access 2010 ...

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Excel Pivot Chart In Access

Jan 21, 2014

I've written this code in Access to create a pivot chart in Excel. All the code listed is good except for the last line. The last line creates another instance of Excel. I can't figure out what the correct syntax is.

Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.Visible = True
Set wb1 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:chi estpivot.xlsx"
wb1.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _


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Chart Changing Scale Minimum.

Aug 23, 2007

Hi all,

I´ve had this problem for a while but it only just recently became very annoying.

I have a chart on a form displaying data over time. I´m using two comboboxes to select start date and end date. There are A LOT of data in the underlying query. However the problem does not seem to be related to that.

When I select the starting date to be before a certain date, the chart suddenly sets its own minimum to 0 so that the line in the chart becomes almost flat (since the data reaches from maybe 20 to mayb 25).

This has to be a common problem, but is there a good solution?

I´ve checked the data so there´s no problem there.

Thanks in advance!


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Forms :: Chart With Two Y Axis In MS Access

Jan 29, 2015

i have two charts in ms access and i want to combine these two charts in one chart. do you know how i can have two y-axis in ms access charts with two fields for data area.

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Chart Primary & Secondary Axis Issue

Jun 13, 2006


I have three figures to display in a chart.

The Total Ongoing Calls
The Ongoing Calls in Area 1
The Ongoing Calls in Area 2

Ideally the Total Ongoing Calls should equal the other two but this is never the case due to calls in wrongs areas etc. To display this I have the Total Ongoing Calls shown as an Area Chart on the Primary Axis with the other two figures shown as a Stacked Area Chart on the Secondary Axis.

This way if I manually fix the Primary and Secondary Axis Scale to the same then I can see at a glance the total in both areas and the discrepancy from the Total. Great.

The issue is that the Primary Axis will almost always be slightly higher than the Secondary Axis which means that whenever the Scale changes I would have to manually change the other Axis. Is there any way, programaticallly or otherwise, that I can link the two Axis together so that if one changes up or down the other changes with it.

Thanking everyone I am about to confuse in advance.


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Updating X-axis Labels In A Chart On A Report

Jan 14, 2013

I have data in a chart over four groups that are just labeled A, B, C and D in the underlying data. The table wants to label the x-axis of the chart SumOfA, SumOfB, SumOfC, and SumOfD. Ideally I would like to drive these labels by text boxes on a form, but I can't even figure out how to change them manually. I got to the data table in the chart designer and changed them there, and they'd show as changed in design view, but then they weren't changed in report view.

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Forms :: Non Alphabetical Order Of X-Axis Label On A Chart

Jan 4, 2015

I have inserted a bar chart onto a form using a totals query. The query is grouped by days on stock, eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc. which is therefore the labels on the x-axis.

The chart displays the correct data, however, the chart automatically displays the categories on the x-axis in alphabetical order... '0-30', '120-180', '30-60' etc.. Is there anyway to adjust this order to be eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc?

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General :: Access Chart - Possible To Change Values On Axis Value

Feb 25, 2013

Access charts know if it's possible to change the value axis values.

I create a chart getting values from a query I run, it plots the values but auto selects the value range and the increment.

The values on the value axis are : 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1

Is there anyway I can get the values to increase by 0.1 rather than 0.25?

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General :: Auto Scale To Fit Runtime 2010

Sep 30, 2013

I have created a db in which the front end has been distributed around the office and opened in runtime. The basic function of the db is to track current projects and contact between ourselves and clients.

When we have update meetings we use the large screen TV to view the db but it only takes up one small corner of the screen and is near on impossible to read.

I would like to know if there is any way that the picture can be stretched to fit the screen that it is being displayed on? Or would I have to create a separate version for the large screen so that people can read?

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Forms :: Pivot Chart Going Over 100%?

May 9, 2014

I am writing in access 2007 and want to make a trend analysis chart based upon performance date.

I have created a query using 3 criteria from a table - date, client and performance percentage.

I've then put this into a pivotchart no problem BUT as some clients have more than one entry per day its giving me figures over 100%.

Is there a way to exclude multiple entries for any given date while retaining the other criteria ?

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General :: Showing Pivot Chart Value As 100%

Feb 19, 2014

I am completely new to Pivot Tables/Charts?

Basically i have two totals:

Value 1 which is the number of working Employees
and Value 2 which is the total number of Employees

Both are subject to change but my main problem is that Value 2 (Total of Employees) i want to display as 100% in a chart and Value 1 is the percentage of employees utilized.

I have the calculation working fine (Value 1/Value 2).

But if for example i have 35 employees as Value 2, how do i make that show as 100% in the chart?

I get things like 35 or 3500%?

I have played about endlessly changing values etc but just cant get it.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart For Report?

Oct 16, 2013

We have a chart that is showing jobs by customer. I'd prefer it be in a pie chart but it's way too many to read. We changed it to a bar which is much easier to read but it displays the percentages as 100% for everything.

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Pivot Chart Using Data From More Than One Table

Dec 15, 2012

I need to create a Pivot Chart using the data from more than one table.

The main table has fields including 'Job name', 'task name' and 'hours worked'.

The second table (linked to the first by 'task name') has a field 'allocated hours'.

I would like to plot the 'total time worked' against 'allocated hours' (in a stacked bar style chart), in order to monitor time usage.

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How To Call/combine 2 Queries In Pivot Chart

Mar 28, 2008

Hello there,
I need help regarding how to use two queries in one pivot chart
I have 2 queries one for placed status and other for Not Placed Status

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Pivot Chart Legend & Lookup Table

Aug 14, 2006

I have table (Table A) whose column (Column A) is a lookup table linked to Table B. Column A's type is of number. Table B has 2 columns. Column B1 is of type autonumber (set as primary). Column B2 is of type text. When I am populating Column A, I select from a drop down list which shows the values of Column B2. Column A will populate with what appears to be Column B2 values. However, whenever I create a chart with Column A, the values in the legend always show the numeric value of Column A, not the values of Column B2 as I want. This occurs in pivot charts as well. Here is an example:

In this case
Table A = A_Incident_Main_Table
Column A = A_Incident_Main_Table.System_Name

TRANSFORM Count(*) AS [Count]
SELECT (Format([Date],"mmm"" '""yy")) AS Expr1
FROM A_Incident_Main_Table
GROUP BY (Year([Date])*12+Month([Date])-1), (Format([Date],"mmm"" '""yy"))
PIVOT A_Incident_Main_Table.System_Name;

Here is another example:

SELECT A_Incident_Main_Table.System_Name, Count(*) AS [Count]
FROM A_Incident_Main_Table
GROUP BY A_Incident_Main_Table.System_Name;

A_Incident_Main_Table.System_Name is poplulated in with values from the lookup table (Table B). In both examples, I see only the numeric values in the legend, not the text values of Table B.

Any ideas on how to get around this?

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General :: Pivot Or Bar Chart - Cannot Find Details

Jan 24, 2015

I am using 2013 access and i cannot find a chart details i.e. pivot or bar charts. Therefore I have exported the information into an excel . if there is no charts functions on this access .

Is it possible to export the information yet the pivot chart stays in the excel so i don't have to keep creating the charts information.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart Decimal Displayed

Jul 17, 2013

I have a pivot chart that has site locations, and hours on the bottom, and then count of records with each site. Which is how many people used this site during this time for each bar. My problem is when I generate my pivot chart, every single time I have to fix the scale on the right hand side because it has decimal points in it. They only appear when I add dates/times to it.I want to give this to my boss that has access runtime, so all he has to do is click the button to get the chart and then print or send it off. How do I get rid of those decimal points when the report is generated?

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General :: Exporting Pivot Chart As Image?

Jun 28, 2014

I have a form that have 9 subforms. every subform show pivotchart.

i was trying to export these chart using this code

Form_qCFA_Counter_RRC_Rei_IuB_Base.ChartSpace.exportpicture "D:iubbase.jpg", "JPG"
Form_qCFA_Counter_RRC_Rei_Power_Base.ChartSpace.exportpicture "D:Power.jpg", "JPG"
Form_qCFA_Counter_RRC_REJ_Code_Base.ChartSpace.exportpicture "D:code.jpg", "JPG"
Form_qCFA_Counter_RRC_Rej_Other.ChartSpace.exportpicture "D:other.jpg", "JPG"
Form_qCFA_Counter_Fail_CSPS_Code_Cong.ChartSpace.exportpicture "D:codecong.jpg", "JPG"
Form_qCFA_Counter_due_to_ce_cong.ChartSpace.exportpicture "D:cecong.jpg", "JPG"

It work but the image only show only 2 or 3 images, other chart only show nothing. is there something that i missed ? How to export all these chart (9 chart) as image without corrupting ?

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General :: Running Total On Pivot Chart

Nov 7, 2012

I have made a database where i plan the company's resources in form of hours. The idea is that every employee will put in their own data for the upcoming 4 weeks. I do this in a table where i store employeeID, weeknumber, year, PlanneHoursUsed, ActualHoursUsed.

This again i take into a pivot chart to see a forecast for the next month.

I have somehow achieved to get up a graph where i for every month can see the sum of all planned hours and all used hours (See attachment). BUT; my boss wants to see a running total instead of a "weekly image". On the graph attached one can see the numbers for every week. But i would want to see instead a running total.. For instance week1 then week2 would be the sum of 1 and 2, week 3 would be 1 ad 2 and 3 and so on. So the graph would be inclining throughout the year.

Is this possible with functions with my current data? Or do i need to have another field in my table where i store a running total? (This would be tricky when we get a lot of data and when somebody changes an old value...)

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Report With Embedded Subform Pivot Chart

May 21, 2014

I am having a terrible time getting this to work. I have a mainform that contains 11 multi-list boxes. That mainform when I select whatever I want in any of the 11, select all items in each of the 11, or select nothing and click my show results works great. In my detail section it displays the information it should. I need to now take that and put it in a report with a pivot graph. I created a subform that is my pivotgraph and the reason for a subform is the end-user still wants the ability to filter more should they choose.

In addition, the regular graph you can put in the report does not allow me to put in multiple items. For instance I need to have sumofmbrstargeted and sumofmbrsconverted in the values and it will say I can only choose 1 value and then it will say up to 6 items and I have a 8. So, I opted for a subformpivotchart. If I create the following code, the subform updates based on the filters on this mainform everytime. Works like a charm.

Private Sub cmdGetGraph_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Graph", acFormPivotChart, , GetFilterFromListBoxes
End Sub

The problem is, I want the Graph in my Report. If I take the Report and do the same basic thing:

Private Sub cmdGetReport_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Search", acViewPreview, , GetFilterFromListBoxes
End Sub

It asks for the parameters again. Example, LOB, Plan, Prod_NM. I tried just disregarding the report and created yet another subform for the reporting piece and embedded the graph and that still asked for the parameters. It works great for the subform as the graph and I want to have the ability to use the GetFilterFromListBoxes, apply it to the Search Report with the embedded Graph.

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