Modules & VBA :: Populate Word Fields From Access Continuous Form

Jun 3, 2015

I have a form that I have exported certain fields into a word doc (it is up and running just fine). I created bookmarks in word and put some VBA into my access form, so when I click on 'Create word report' it pops up and automatically populates the record I am on. Here is the tough question,

How to make this work with a continuous form? My main form has several subforms, one being a continuous form. The main form shows one bridge at a time. The sub continuous form shows information for all of the bridges spans (could be anywhere from 1 to 9).

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Populate Unbound Fields On A Continuous Form

Oct 5, 2004

Can I populate unbound fields on a continious form, if it is possible would you give me some code to look at or direct me to an article


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Modules & VBA :: Sort Continuous Form On Two Fields

Jul 20, 2015

I am using the following by Allen Browne to sort one field. But now I need to sort on two fields.

Function SortForm(frm As Form, ByVal sOrderBy As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_SortForm 'Provided by Allen Browne
'Purpose: Set a form's OrderBy to the string. Reverse if already set.
'Return: True if success.
'Usage: Command button above a column in a continuous form:
' Call SortForm(Me, "MyField")

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Send Form Fields To Word Template?

Jul 2, 2015

I have a form with fields that contain the address/postcode etc of the person in question, and I also have a template letter that needs to have said persons address/postcode etc at the sending stage after a button is clicked.

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Forms :: How To Populate Unbound Continuous Form

Dec 19, 2014

I found a few regarding continuous form data but its not the sample that fits.

Attached here is my screen shot and my accdb file (MSAccess 2013)

How do they populate unbound continuous form from msaccess connecting to mysql server.

It should display 5 data but in my case it does show only one data.

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Click On ID To Populate Single Form

Oct 4, 2013

I have a continuous form that displays all my customers .I want to be able to dble click a customers ID and go to there customer details form.

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Modules & VBA :: Automating Mailmerge From Access Form To Word Document

Aug 5, 2013

I am having the strangest results with my automated mailmerge. Basically it does work, but not all the time. The basic idea is to allow the user to dynamically create a query that produces a result list which fills a temporary table. The use then selects a prebuilt merge template and merge is executed against the temp table. The merge template are of the .doc type, but sme have been converted to .docx; the .doc files tend to work most often, but all of the will eventually get a Table is locked message... However if I run in test mode with code breaks and manually step through the process it always works... here is the heart of the code ...

Err_Pos = 10

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' if tmp tbl left over from last run kill it
DoCmd.RunSQL "Drop table Word_Merge_Tmp_TBL"
Err_Pos = 12


There are many error cases in the error catch routine. That I have managed to make Access stop hanging when word has a problem or the table is locked. But I can't get the table to be free consistantly and why does it always work when I manually step through the code.

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Any Way To Populate Fields In Access From Fields In Excel?

Jun 26, 2012

Is there a way to populate fields in Access from fields in Excel in Office 2010? If so, what do I need to do?

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Populate Fields

Aug 17, 2015

In a form, I have a comboBox with 3 columns.I update the field and with this piece of code, I update two more fields based on this comboBox data/columns.

Me.EUR.Value = Me.Combo37.Column(2)
Me.USD.Value = Me.Combo37.Column(3)

I wonder if I can update fields which are not parts of a combo.For example, suppose I have a form with two fields, DATE and USD, Once I update the DATE field, this event, auto populates the USD exchange rate field.

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General :: Linking Access Forms And Fields To Word?

Nov 3, 2013

I am trying to take the data that is put into a form or report and export it to a certain document in word.

The user will be filling out a Reciept. On the form there will be a to and from box for them to fill out, along with many other options. Once the user enters in all the data required I want them to be able to click a button and it generate onto the attached file, in its perspective fields. Is there a way to match the documents to correspond to my program?

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Sort Continuous Form By Two Fields

Jun 25, 2006

Is it possible to sort a continuous form by two fields?

ie. If two records have the same value in one field, look at the second field to see which one is displayed first.

I was thinking that it might help to combine the two text boxes into one (a not visible text box) and sort it by that, but I don't know how to sort by an unbound, not visible text box either...

Any suggestions?
cheers, joe

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Modules & VBA :: Make Selection From A Combo Box Populate That Number Of Metals Fields?

May 27, 2015

My database will be creating quotes based on employees entries. Each quote will be unique because of the part. Each part has the potential to have Precious Metals, and Base Metals included. The employee must select the number Precious Metals and Base Metals that a particular part has. The problem lies with what happens after this selection is made. There are three fields that need to be defined pertaining to each metal. I need the number selected to determine how many fields to make available. If there are two precious metals, I need to make the three fields available twice; one for both metals. I have the possibility for up to 5 Precious Metals and 10 Base Metals per part. How can I make the selection from a combo box populate that number of Metals Fields?

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Locking Fields For One Record On A Continuous Form

Jul 22, 2005

How can i apply the following code to the immediate record in my subform. I would like when the assigned check box value = true, then the fields for that record become locked.

Ive written the following code to an onclick event for a check box labeled "assigned" on my form, the problem is it executes on all the records in my form.

Q. How do i apply the code to only the immediate record?

Private Sub Assigned_Click()
If Me.Assigned.Value = True Then
Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = False
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = False
Me.TypeID.Enabled = False
Me.Description.Enabled = False
Me.Status.Enabled = False

Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = True
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = True
Me.TypeID.Enabled = True
Me.Description.Enabled = True
Me.Status.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

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Forms :: Sort Continuous Form By Two Fields?

Jul 6, 2013

I have a form I would like to sort by:

first - by App_Flag (a yes/no field) - have all the clients with "yes" on top

second - by App_Date - from the earliest to the latest

The query sorts it fine but the form does not - even if I requery the form (added a requery button).

Can a macro or coding make it sort it the way I need it?

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Forms :: Access 2007 - Populate Fields From Table?

Dec 26, 2014

I would like to populate fields in a Access 2007 database form.

When the "Symbol_Stock" field is chosen, how do we programmatically populate the "Symbol_Stock_Y" field and the "Stock_Name" fields

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Word From Access

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to create an export to word but am having some trouble. I keep getting the following error;

Run time error '91'; variable or object of With block not defined.

This error occurs at Set TblWord = docNew.Tables.Add(Selection.Range, 3, 5)

I have a feeling its 'Selection' that is causing the problem but I can't work it out!

Dim AppWord As Word.Application
Dim DocWord As Word.Document
Dim TblWord As Word.Table


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Queries :: Open A Query Based On Two Or More Fields Of A Continuous Form

Nov 22, 2013

I have a subform which is a continuous form displaying a single combobox of trade names so there may be up to 4 or 5.i want to click on a button on the main form which will open a form based on a query that will display all personnel matching all or 1 of the trades in the subform?

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Using A Query To Populate Fields In A Form??

Feb 7, 2006

I have very minimal knowledge of MS Access and I have to create a database to input, update and display project information. How do I write a query to populate fields on a form, from either a single table or multiple tables?

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Using A Table To Populate 3 Form Fields

Mar 17, 2006


I have a form with 3 combo boxes part No, Description, Cost. I have created a table with this information in I want to be able to select the information from either one of the three drop down boxes and the other two to automatically collect the information from the other colums of the table. Can anyone help please?

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Populate Form Fields On Open

Aug 7, 2006

Hi all,

I'm sure this must be a well used function by many access users but I can't find anything about it online at all - please help!

I want to open a subform "AddReservation" and populate three fields with data taken from the relevant record in the main form. So in the btnOpenAddReservation_Click event to open the subform I set global variables, then in the form_open event I have this:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Me.CatID = stLinkCatID
Me.CatName = stLinkCatName
Me.OwnerID = stLinkOwnerID

End Sub

But I get the error 2448 'Can't assign a value to this object'.

However if I put the same three lines into the start of the subform's btnARSave_Click event it works fine:

Private Sub btnARSave_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnARSave_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stDocName2 As String
stDocName = "OwnersAndCats"
stDocName2 = "AddReservation"

Me.CatID = stLinkCatID
Me.CatName = stLinkCatName
Me.OwnerID = stLinkOwnerID

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

YesNo = MsgBox("This reservation has been added successfully, do you want to add another?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add More Reservations?")
Select Case YesNo
Case vbYes
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Case vbNo
DoCmd.Close acForm, stDocName2
DoCmd.Close acForm, stDocName
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, stRecordNo
End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnARSave_Click

End Sub

What am I doing wrong? Why can't I populate the fields on open?

Many thanks

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Populate Form Fields From A Combo

Jul 30, 2005

Trying to update fields (bound) on a form (built using the wizard) from value selected in a combo box. I can get this to work with unbound text boxes using an After Update event handler and a code query along the lines of:

Me!TxtJobCode1 = Me!CboJobDesc.Column(1)

But this doesn't work where the form field is bound to a table.

So qu is - how do I achieve the same result using table fields instead of text boxes?

I could use text boxes but not sure then how I can save that data as a record in the table if it is not bound to fields.

Any help appreciated


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Modules & VBA :: Word Automation From Access - Tables

Aug 1, 2013

I have just started to develop a database that will export data directly into a word template. I have used Word automation quite a lot but I'm new to trying to automate Word from Access.

It's going OK at the moment, I have got the db to open up the template, write data and then close. My objective is to add the data to multiple tables within word. So I have created several tables in my word template and then tried to select these tables and write to the them. Everything is thing for the first table but for any other table I get an error message saying that the member of the collection doesn't exit i.e. the table isn't there. I select the table using:

objWord.selection.tables (2).select

I then used:


To show how many tables were in the document and it doesn't matter how many there are, it always says there is 1 table.

why it can only see 1 table and what I can do to get around it?

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Populate A Word Document With A Button?

Sep 20, 2006

Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, but it didn't seem to fit in anywhere else.

I have a simple database, which pretty much now works as I want it to. The only element I really needs to get working is some way of producing - at the click of a button - a Microsoft Word document, elements of which are populated by fields on whichever record the database user happens to be viewing at the time.

I already have the exact layout and template of the Word document I want, but I need to be able to view any record then click one button to fill that template with the record's fields and print it, and another button to fill the template with the record's fields and save it (again, in .doc format).

Is this possible?

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Auto Populate Fields On Current Form

Jul 16, 2006

Hi. I tried to find out if this issue was already posted, but did not find. If anyone can help me, I am trying to auto populate two fields on a subform. The field I want to populate is the description of a role. So if the user selects the role name from the combo box, the description field will automatically update. Thanks.

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Code To Populate Multiple Fields In One Sub Form From Another

Sep 6, 2006

I am looking to add multiple lines of record to a sub-form via a module activated from another linked sub-form.
As an example of what I want to do:
On identifying a particular type of vehicle servicing (e.g. 6000 mile service, 12000 mile service) on a service event sub-form of a vehicle form, I want to enter a list of required parts (e.g. oil filter, oil, etc) on another sub-form called "parts", that I can then edit before recording in an underlying table.
Can anyone help.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Mailmerge To Word Including Image

Nov 25, 2014

I have a database of film events, for which i have to do posters.

With the click of a button on a form, access opens word and puts all the fields in, including a field called [photo], which is the name of the image stored outside of the database.

Is there a way of getting that image into the word Document with all the other fields? Or have I just wasted an afternoon....

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