Modules & VBA :: Possibility To Do Unambiguous Identification Of File

Aug 16, 2013

Is there possibility to do unambiguous identification of file in vba ? I mean this :

- at the beginning you have file on hard drive, ex. : aaaa.doc
- some time later you will do some change, for ex: change of its name to bbbb.doc or you add some text in word document ...

I need to do some code for finding files although their names or content was changed.

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Opinion On Design Idea/possibility

Aug 23, 2007

Hello Everyone

I am looking to build and Overtime tracking form and have been pondering on the design of it. Here is my idea and not sure how I should go about doing it (straight forms and tables or queries). I would like to select my employees in a combobox and have their information autofill the remaining fields and/or add new ones. Additionally have fields that I can input any overtime occurred which would be stored in a seperate table but displayed in a sub-form in datasheet view. These fields that were just filled out with the overtime information would clear everytime the add record button is hit.

I know that sounds like alot and sure I can muddle my way through that part of it, the big question I have is do I need a seperate table for every employees overtime? Or is there code/query that can select the records of the selected employee and display the information that pertains just to them?

Has anyone come across or posess a sample database similar to this? If not can someone point me in the right direction for example code and tutorials?

I look forward to hearing from everyone on this.

Thank You


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Computer Identification - Security

Apr 11, 2006

In my Frontend, i use parameters like:

1) computer name
2) a certain file's existance

So i'm sure that the front end is being run on an autherized computer.

i have hardcoded these values in the vb code and password protected the project so that no one knows about it.

what other parameters can i use to stop the front end being run from any other computer else than thoses allowed.

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Reports :: Filter A Report Based On More Than One Possibility In Same Field

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to create a report that filters out certain records in a look-up field.

The field is called "program status", and the options are:

I want the report to display only records that are classified as "Housed" or "Evicted/Un-housed". Additionally, I'd like to be able to create a second report with only the Grad, GRAI, and Closed records.

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Limit To 2 Records Of Identification Code

May 12, 2006

I am attempting to right program for work and here is my problem. Every Unit in the Army has a Unit Identification Code and my boss wants two records of each UIC stored. But when you add a new record for that UIC he wants the oldest one purged, so he only wants 2 records on file in order to maintain some sort of volume problems. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

SPC Joshua Ramsay
HHC 2/104th AVN FTIG

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General :: Naming Of Tables / Queries / Forms And Reports For Identification

Sep 22, 2013

Is there any systematic way of naming Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports in order to identify easily which of them are connected to each other?

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Excel File Type Without Opening The File?

Aug 14, 2015

Question: Is it possible, using VBA, to determine the actual Excel file type without opening the file?

I receive data files from other departments. Seems like every time someone changes their download structure, I end up with file types that do not match the download extension (example: xlm file with a xls extension). The files can't even be opened because of this. I think I can fix it if I could figure out how to determine what the file type really is.

I'm using Office 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: File Open Dialog Does Not Allow Selection Of All File Types

Oct 4, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Here's my code and a screenshot is attached.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Filesystemobject File Picker Does Not Highlight Initial File

Jun 20, 2014

I am using the following code to select files using Microsoft Office's file dialog:

Public Function fTestFilePicker() As String
Dim fdFileSelection As Office.FileDialog, lstrFileName As String
Const kInitialFile = "F:TestbedTest.txt"
Set fdFileSelection = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fdFileSelection
.AllowMultiSelect = False

[Code] .....

When I execute it, the file picker goes to the right folder but does not highlight the file test.txt even though that file name shows in the File name text box. Is there any way to correct this?

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Modules & VBA :: Get Full File Path And File Name?

Oct 28, 2014

I'm having another one of those days but I'm getting a file path and file name from a dialogbox and forgotten when the VBA property is to return the full file path and file name.

This code works fine for return the filename only:


Private Sub TEST()
Dim f As Object
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
f.AllowMultiSelect = True
If f.Show Then
For I = 1 To f.SelectedItems.Count
MsgBox Filename(f.SelectedItems(I))
End If
End Sub

Instead of using 'Filename' what else can I use to return what I need?

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Modules & VBA :: Linking CSV File

Nov 18, 2013

I have opening a csv file from access changing the date to a number and then linking it to access and then doing a lookup.Problem is the lookup only works if i open the csv file and go to saveas and click yes on the message attached and then when i close the csv it makes me do this once more.

If i do the above it will work but if i dont, the lookup wont work.i dont want the user to have to do this to the files.

Private Sub LoadRef2Cal_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_LoadRef2Cal_Click
Dim s As String
Dim i As Long
Dim ExcelWorkbook As Excel.Workbook


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Modules & VBA :: File Hyperlink In Form?

Jan 6, 2014

Im developing a database for work, I would like to provide a link on a form to run an external program. The form is call frmProfile. The table is called tblProfile and the hyperlink field is called link.

I would like a diaglog box to appear where the user can browse for the file and select it. Ive found various scripts but with my vb skills being very basic its no wonder im getting no joy.

I should add... each record has its own associated file. Its cctv footage which runs from the cctv systems own proprietary software. So its an individual filefor each record not just a program.

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Modules & VBA :: Outputting Data To A Csv File?

Mar 5, 2014

The main complications are that the output file requires fields from several tables, and there are some rather long and complicated calculated fields to be included as well. My choices seem to be :

1) Create a complex query, including the calculated fields, and use DoCmd.TransferText

2) Create a report and then use TransferText

3) Use DoCmd.OutputTo (I haven't looked into this to see if it has any benefit)

4) Create an intermediate, temporary, Table and then run a simple query to output it using TransferText.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Export Form To PDF File

Apr 7, 2014

In access i want to create a button that can export a form to a .pdf file i know this is possible true VBA, and i tried to google but all those vba codes do not work.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Report To PDF And File Name?

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to put together a few lines of VBA code to export a report called "Rework Label Report" to a specific network location in PDF Format, I have already achieved this level of code and it works fine (code below); however each report has a unique number in the database [ID] which I would like included in the title of the PDF when exported and saved?

Code so far:-

Private Sub Command20_Click()
Dim stReport As String
Dim stSubject As String


Me!Combo3 is a combobox on form which selects the number of the report to be viewed ,the user then sees a preview of their chosen report and then clicks Cmd20 to export to PDF, currently the file is named Rework Label Report when saved.

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Modules & VBA :: Listbox To Open PDF File?

Aug 1, 2013

I have a query that opens a listbox in a form. In the listbox I want to add a doubleclick event that opens a pdf document with the selected record in it. The record is in column 1 of the listbox.

I can't use the FollowHyperlink method of the colecction application due the record in the column is a Key. I am not sure if FollowHyperlink method can be used in a listbox

I have been checking codes in the web and I found this:

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
ShellExecute Me.hwnd, "open", "D:SebDesktopGA-BDpdf est.pdf, "", "", 4"

However, I don't know how to organize the code in a logic way in Sub End Sub. Neither I don't know if the code is for the doubleclic event in the list box or a Module. If is for a module I don't know how to write the code in it.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Adjust File Attributes

Jul 9, 2013

Below is code to adjust file attributes.

Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim path As String = "c: empMyTest.txt"
' Create the file if it exists.
If File.Exists(path) = False Then

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Copy File From One Folder To Another

Feb 28, 2014

I need to create a function that I can launch using a macro that will copy an excel file from one folder to another in the file system.

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Modules & VBA :: Write To A Text File

Jul 7, 2015

I have header table and a distribution table that both need to be written to a txt file. They need to be written in a certain order Header. Distribution. Header. Distribution. etc. There can be multiple distribution lines for the header line.

So far this is what I'm trying and its not working right.
hrst = header record set
drst = distribution record set
tblHeaderExp = header table exporting from
tblDistExp = distribution table exporting from
~End of Legend~


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Modules & VBA :: Opening PDF File In Form?

Jul 22, 2015

I've got a table with field define as hyperlink which stores link to a external pdf.

Then i create a form including this field and add a unbound field which has got intermet browser format (as a type).

What code I have to put in onclick event in a hyperlink property sheet to open PDF inside the form?

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Modules & VBA :: Ask For File Path To Put In A String

Mar 5, 2014

I'm importing a txt file using the following code.

Now my question is, how can I make visual basic ask me to select a file to get the path and put it in a string.

And use this string in the DoCmd.TransfetText

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "IN-specification", "tblimport", "C:usersKimdesktop extfile.txt"

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Modules & VBA :: File Path Button

Aug 10, 2014

I am trying to code a button to select a file path.I get a compile error: User-defined type not defined on the following line;

Dim fldg As FileDialog

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Modules & VBA :: Importing CSV File Into A Table

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to import a csv file into a table... it works fine however it put all of the row in just one column ...

DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acImportDelim, TableName:="tblTempImport", _
Filename:=CurrentProject.Path & "/xxx.csv", HasFieldNames:=False

And i end up with tblTempImport only having one column F1....

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Modules & VBA :: Import File With Dynamic Name

Jan 28, 2014

I have text files placed into a folder like AIN28_01012014_1355.txt

I need to import these but the files have the date and time added to the name which i cannot stop AIN28_ will always be the same is there a way to import the file just off AIN_*.txt or something like that

I was thinking i could use file copy and change the name but that needs to know the exact names doesn't it...

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Modules & VBA :: Data Extraction From MSG File

Aug 17, 2015

how to write VBA to extract data from .msg files and import that data into a table in my database.I have over 5000 .msg files of which I need to extract the following information:

First name: Tim
Surname: O'Rourke
Street & Nr: 399 Upper Eastern Green Lane
City: Coventry


The field headings are all in black bold and the required data come after the colon, I have name the fields in my database exactly the same but using the normal naming conventions:



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Modules & VBA :: Get File Full Path

Jan 12, 2015

Im trying to programmatically (without any user intervention) retrieve the long path name for a given file. It seems to me this should be a rather easy thing to achieve using Access VBA. Ive tried using various FileSystemObject methods with no luck. Ive Googled many variants of VBA get full path without any meaningful hits. provide the first string as a parameter to some object and have it magically return the second string.


Stint 2: C:Program Files (x86)Common Filesmicrosoft sharedVBAVBA7

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