Modules & VBA :: Referencing Parent Form On Requery - Error 2450

Apr 3, 2014

In short, here is what I am trying to accomplish:

1. I have a two-tier, tabbed Navigation form (Menu-Main).

2. One of the second-tier tabs opens a form (VendorMain) which displays a Datasheet based on [Query.Vendor_Query]

3. VendorMain contains a Command Button (EditButton), which calls a subform (VendorForm) used for editing.

4. Upon saving the edits, VendorForm's OnClose event is supposed to Requery the datasheet on VendorMain, so the edits are reflected when the user returns.

I have tried over a dozen different permutations of the following, but nothing seems to work:


VendorForm opens, edits, saves and closes perfectly. However, I consistently get the following error and the parent form is not requeried:

Runtime Error 2450 - Cannot find the referenced form VendorMain

Code available upon request.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2450 When Setting Form?

May 19, 2015

I am getting an error msg when i get to the line "Set frm = Forms(vFormname).Form". Error 2450, cannot find the referenced form...


Dim frm as form
' Check If saved dynamic field exists
SqlStr = "Select ReportListID, DynFieldName, DynCalc, FormName, UserName From DynFields Where UserName = '" & GBL_Username & "' AND ReportListID = " & projectid
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SqlStr, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If rs.EOF = True And rs.BOF = True Then
GoTo Exit_DynamicFieldCreator

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Error 2450 When Click Access Close Button To Exit

Dec 17, 2014

Getting error '2450' when click Access close button to exit.

Run-time error '2450': ECN cannot find the referenced form 'frmLogin'.

Note: After login my login form is visible to, cause to get login user id into "frmECN" Form. But When I'm in "frmECN" Form and enter data then close to exit Access main close button I'm getting 2450 error.

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Forms :: Records Total On Main Form From Subforms - Run Time Error 2450

Apr 24, 2013

Trying to get a total on main form from records from two subforms.

I'm coming up with Run-Time error 2450 Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form 'tblitemlist subform'.

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Forms :: 2450 Error Message - Database Can't Find Subform

Jul 10, 2014

I built a form—frmDataEntry—whose Record Source is a query called qryEvent, which contains various fields from tblEvent. The primary key field is called EventID.

I also build a subform—sfmDataEntry—whose Record Source is a query called qryEventImages, which contains various fields from tblItem. One of those fields is ItemEventLink, which links records from tblItem to the EventID field in tblEvent. There is also an image box in this subform: filling in the field ImageFile with an image name (example: Logo.jpg) causes that image to display in the image box.

I’ve inserted the subform into the form using the Subform Wizard. Now I’m getting an error message that says "2450: Microsoft Access cannot find the reference form ‘sfmDataEntry’." Why this is popping up. The Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields sections of the property sheet are filled in correctly. Moreover, the subform records are still appearing, but the images linked to each record aren’t loading.

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General :: Access Will Not Save Picture Appropriately - Runtime Error 2450

Apr 27, 2014

I have a access program and recently I began getting this Error out of the blue . I really need to fix this error because it shuts down my entire program . When I go to save a pic like i always do and it will not recognize the "quote Main ".


Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![HousePicture] = Me.PicSave
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![ZoomValue] = Me.ZoomValue
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![GoogleZoom] = Me.GoogleZoom

Error I receive

Runtime access error 2450 ............. ? Capture2.PNG


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Requery Error When Entering Design View For A Form

Jun 5, 2014

I am modifying the Students template for a student & alumni administration database for our non-profit Food Service Training Academy.

After making some changes recently, whenever I select Design View on a specific form (Student Details), a window pops up stating "The command or action 'Requery' isn't available now. The window further states that:

You may be in a read-only database or an unconverted database from an earlier version of the databaseThe type of object the action applies to isn't currently selected or isn't in the active view.And finally "Use only those commands and macro actions that are currently available for this database."

After exiting this window, a Macro Single Step window opens with the following info:

Macro Name: Student List : txtOpen : Onclick : Embedded MacroCondition: (blank)Action Name: RequeryArguments: (blank)Error Number: 2046

This form is usually opened via an "Open" button in a list of students form called Student List. It has 5 tabs on it, the last I created & copied 2 queries to it. The form opens in Form view OK and I can switch to Layout view OK. Once in Design view I seem to be able to do go back and forth OK, although often going back into Design view sometimes only the name of the sub-form is displayed and the whole header, detail, grid, and controls etc. do not show.

Further, you can open the Student Details form directly, but now it opens as a datasheet instead of a form. Otherwise, the normal use of the forms, from a user perspective, does not seem to be affected.

This may have begun after I opened the database in Access 2007. I have done all the development in Access 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Use Parent Form Value In Subform Calculation

Nov 19, 2014

I have a parent form where I enter a value for tax rate. I need to use this value in the tax calculation in the subform fields i.e. subform.taxdue = subform.qty * subform.price * parent.taxrate.

I can get the value into the field. But I do not think I am putting it in the correct event. The parent form is a sales form and the subform is the sales items form. So there can be multiple items on the sub form.

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Modules & VBA :: Can Filter Child Subform From Parent Form?

Jun 11, 2013

I am updating an existing database and I have a parent/child form and I want to filter the subform for the current parent form record? The two forms are linked together by woWorkOrderID/deWorkOrderID.

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Modules & VBA :: DMax On Main Form Referencing Subform

May 2, 2015

I have a form - purchase, and a subform purchase detail they are linked with a field "puid"..I need the dmax to give me the maximum auto number field "pdid" on the subform in a textbox on the mainform.

I used the control source code:

=DMax("[forms]![purchase]![purchasedetailds]![pdID]","[forms]![purchase]![purchasedetailds]","[Forms]![purchse]![purchasedetailds]![puid]=" & [Forms]![purchase]![puid])

and the simpler:
=DMax("purchasedetailds]![pdID]","[purchasedetailds]","[purchasedetailds]![puid]=" &[puid])

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Calculations Based On Parent-form Data?

Jul 17, 2013

I have a form with a subform in a navigation menu. Something like:

Navigation Form
ParentForm (header data and some unbound calculation fields)
Subform (Multiple lines tied to query)

I have some fields in the ParentForm (i.e PF1, PF2) that would effect the values on the Subform (i.e. SF1, SF2). Also, there are some user editable values on the subform that will calculate the remaining fields on the subform (still using data from parentform).

My calculations work fine for the changes made on the subform. However I need to be able to calculate all the children lines on the subform when the form loads or a change is made to certain fields on the parentform. My On_Current event only wants to recalculate the first line.

Parent Form
Subform QTY ADJ SF1 SF2
Line 1 5 .05 10.6 112.89
Line 2 8 .14 10.38 105.15
Line N

So if PF1 or PF2 were changed then all the lines is subform would recalc SF1 and SF2. If changes were made to QTY or ADJ, then that line would recalc SF1 and SF2.

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Modules & VBA :: Requery A Subform From Another Form?

Jun 26, 2013

I have a subform in a tab within a mainform. Within the tab there is a button to open a form to delete/add data to the subform. So upon closing this pop up form I want to update the subform to show what has been deleted or added, I have tried the various things to requery the subform but none of it seems to work, here is what I have tried;


I assumed this would work but evidently not...

I have also tried;




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Modules & VBA :: Requery Form With Criteria From Message Box

Aug 26, 2014

I have a DCount code that traps duplicate records in the database and gives a message box. (the dcount is based on 2 criteria that are a compound index) I would like to have the message box ask if the user wants to go to the duplicate record. How would I write the code that when the user clicks yes, the form requeries and opens to the record that matches the criteria? Is there a way to add criteria to a requery?

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh / Requery Form From CmdButton

Jan 23, 2014

I have a main form that the user will enter data. Once they hit a submit button, it saves the record and I was hoping it would also refresh the form in which is populated by a query. The form that is linked to a query will be displayed on a monitor 24/7. It will display pending orders. So I was hoping as new orders are placed, the query would display them without needing to be closed and then reopened.

Here is the method I'm using but it's not working.

DoCmd.Requery "frmPDMonitor"

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Modules & VBA :: Requery Continuous Form And Maintain Bookmark

Jul 11, 2013

I have this code:

Public Sub cmdRequery_Click()
Dim vFlag As String
vFlag = Me![EncounterNbr]

With Me.Recordset
.FindFirst "[EncounterNbr] = '" & vFlag & "'"
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End With

The user starts on a continous form and opens a record, makes some changes, and then when that form closes it triggers this public sub.

The code does what I want it to do in that it returns to the last encounter number that was selected (now on the continous form again) and it requeries and shows anything that was changed about the record on the form that was closed before requery.......

But it always resorts and moves it and I want it to stay in the same spot unless the user sorts. Is there any way to make that happen?

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Requery Not Working On Form Open

Apr 3, 2014

I have a form with two subforms. One subform is a datasheet that pulls data from a temp table. During the other subforms Form_Current, the temp table is emptied (DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete from tblAddRefs"), reloaded with data relevent to the current record, and requeried (Forms("frmEDFP").Controls("tblAddRefs subform").Requery). This works like I want it to...

With the exception of the initial load of the main form. The subform based on a table shows (#Deleted) instead of data. if I step through the code, I can see that the temp table is emptied and repopulated by the time I try to requery the subform. This is still happening during the Form_Current of the other subform, which is successfully running on main form load.

If I requery (Forms("frmEDFP").Controls("tblAddRefs subform").Requery) using a button on the main form once it is loaded, the #deleted data is correctly is replaced by regular data, so it's like the requery in the Form_Current event isn't doing anything during load.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update / Requery A Form From Another Form

Jul 18, 2015

How do you requery/refresh a form from within another form?

refresh formA from within formB in VBA?

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Cancel Triggers Error In Requery

Feb 2, 2006

I have a main form + subform bound by a RecordSource/Requery everytime something changes in the mainform.

In my subform I've got a save button to save/update the information in my subform.

As I wanted to avoid the ACCESS default behavior that updates/add records each time you do some action, I decided, as advised in some of the threads, to add "Cancel = True" in the "BeforeUpdate" event on my subform each time the Save button was not pressed.

Unfortunately, this causes a side-effect when I need to update the RecordSource of the subform because the "BeforeUpdate" event is activated, the "Cancel = True" is triggered (because I didn't press the Save button) and then I end up with this error:

Run-time error '2107' The value you entered doesn't meet the validation rule defined for the field or control

Before I implemented the "Cancel true", my ResordSource statement was working.

Does the "Cancel true" has some impact on something else ?? Any ideas ?? :confused:



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Modules & VBA :: Excel Referencing In Code

Nov 19, 2014

I have recently upgraded to Access 2013 and this has updated all my object library references to 15.0. The problem is that my colleages are still using Access 2010 and when they try to use the database they are receiving a missing reference error.

I have removed the Excel reference but this gives me the 'object type not recognized' error when running the code.I have tried to download the 14.0 reference libraries in order to add them back in but for some reason the installer doesn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: Referencing All Records In Subform

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to add a save/close button to a form that will only close if certain conditions are met and if they arnt then display a message box.I got the basics on how to save and close the form, do a simple if statement and display the message I want but the problem im running into is my subform can have multiple records and of those records each records status is set by 3 different checkboxes. I need all of those records status to be same when the form is closed.

if I do an if statement like

If Me!frmDataform1subform.Form!StatusID.Value = 1 then

then all it looks at is the first record, how do I get my if statement to look at all the records in the subform?

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Error '2118' You Must Save The Current Field Before You Run The 'Requery' Action

Oct 11, 2007

I have a Contacts form which has a Calls sub-form which itself has a Subjects sub-form. From the Contacts form the user can click a button which writes a pro-forma letter from a selection. The application then updates the Call & allows the user to select the Subject(s) from the Subjects available (drop-down menu). If the user wants to write a second letter immediately, I get the above message. If they do anything else first, they are OK.
I have tried refreshing the Contacts form & each of the others at various points in the process, explictly saving the record (caused another error) etc. without success.
Can you help?

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Forms :: Error (Method Or Data Member Not Found) On Requery

Sep 19, 2014

I have a form (frmTimecardsDataEntry3*) that needs to requery combo boxes to narrow down the selections offered in the dropdown of each combo box.

It is a data entry form. I.e. Dataentry is set to yes.

The ClientName combo box has an after update event which requeries the matter combo box, so that the MatterName combo box dropdown only shows the matters relating to that client. This works just fine.

The MatterName combo box has an after update event which requeries the Rate combo box so that in the Rate combo box dropdown only the hourly charge rates relating to that matter are shown. That works too. So far so good.

I then tried adding another after update event to the MatterName combo box, so that another combo box, Application, was requeried too, so with the Private Sub it looked like:


But this resulted in the error in the title to this post and the debugger highlighted in red the word Requery in the phrase Application.Requery.

I thought maybe Access does not allow two requeries resulting from one after update event, so instead I took Application.Requery out and placed it as an after update event in another combo box which did not have any other after update events to run.

However, this resulted in the same error.So the error appears to have something to do with trying to requery the Application combo box but I cannot see what is causing the error.

The Application combo box SQL is:

SELECT Applications.ApplicationID, [ApplicationDate] & " " & [ApplicationName] AS ApplicationDisplay, Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName, Applications.MatterName
FROM Applications
WHERE (((Applications.MatterName)=[Forms]![frmTimecardsDataEntry3*]![MatterName]))
ORDER BY Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName;

This is the same arrangement of SQL that I am using on the other requeried combo boxes that work. When I take the WHERE statement out of the Application SQL and run it the query returns all of the applications.

I am not sure what the error code is trying to tell me about the attempt to requery the Application combo box.

I have a yes/no box in the form and when the firm is first opened it has a small square dot in it, but as soon as any data is entered in the form the dot clears and leaves the usual empty tick box that you would expect to see.

Also, another possible symptom is that I had another version of this form previously working quite well except that when I did several data entries all at once, so I had several forms filled in with different data (before refreshing and thus entering the data in the table), when I scrolled between the forms I kept losing the MatterName data when I scrolled back, and then when I re-entered the ClientName data the correct MatterName data returned without me having to use the dropdown to select it.

I have had an earlier simpler version of this form working for some time, with ClientName requerying MatterName and MatterName requerying Rate, and I am using the same SQL structures in the new form but getting the error in the title to this post and the other isues just described.

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Modules & VBA :: Recordset Referencing Control Value In Subform

Nov 10, 2014

I've been trying : double click a field in a subform and paste the query results into excel. I already have good code to paste in the recordset, but this recordset must reference a control value in a subform.

The query works and shows the proper results manually, but when I run the Sub it throws a "run-time error 3061: Too few parameter. Expected 1."

I can't seem to set the parameters right. Tried EVERYTHING--except the RIGHT thing.

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Modules & VBA :: Referencing ActiveX Control In A Class

Jun 26, 2015

I'm using Access 2003. In "References" (Tools > References > Browse...), I've added in "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)" (c:windowssystem32mscomctl.ocx).

I've then created/inserted an instance of the control "Microsoft ListView Control 6.0 (SP6)" on a Form ("MyForm") and given the listvew control the Name "MyListView".I wanted to decorate MyListView with some custom methods so I've created a new class module ("DecoratedListView") which contains a member field called "lvw".

I want 'lvw' to point/reference to MyListView, but I don't know what reference type to use in its declaration. Importantly, I also want to capture lvw's ColumnClick event.

I've tried:

Public WithEvents lvw As Object
Public WithEvents lvw As Control
Public WithEvents lvw As MSComctlLib.ListView.2
Public WithEvents lvw As MSComctlLib.ListView
Public WithEvents lvw As CustomControl

and none works when I

set lvw = Forms!MyForm.MyListView

The first try (Object) doesn't even compile. I get the exception "Expected: identifier"
The second try (Control) doesn't compile either. I get the exception "Object does not source automation events"
The third try (MSComctlLib.ListView.2) doesn't compile and throws the exception "Expected: end of statement"
The fourth try (MSComctlLib.ListView) compiles but fails at runtime with the exception "Type mismatch". Using TYPENAME() on the control returns "CustomControl".
The fifth try (CustomControl) compiles but fails at runtime with the exception "Object or class does not support the set of events".

I can't believe I'm the first person to have tried to capture an ActiveX Control's events in a separate class.

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Subreport Filters From Parent Filter

Apr 24, 2015

I have a report which is opened using a DoCmd.OpenReport. There's a criteria string which filters the main report - this works fine.

There's now a requirement to place a summary subform at the beginning of the report, in the report header. I need that summary to use the same criteria string as the main report.

For the main report's OnLoad I put : Me!Expenditure_By_Type_Subreport.Report.Filter = Me.Filter

But I get the error message:

Error 2101. The setting you entered isn't valid for this property.

I tried it the other way round as well - in the OnOpen of the subreport I tried : Me.Filter = Me.Parent.Filter

And it gives the same error.

When I just a manual Filter change such as : Me.Filter = "Project_ID Is Not Null"

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Modules & VBA :: Public Function With Variables Referencing Table Date Fields

May 31, 2014

I have a table with only two fields and one record: BegDate and EndDate (beginning and end date of the reporting period respectively). I also made a function with variables that look up those values for use as a date parameter in a query.

Here is the code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function getCurrentRepDates() As Date
Dim dtBegDate As Date
dtBegDate = DLookup("BegDate", "tblCurrentRepDates")

[Code] ....

I am getting a syntax error for the line marked red. How can I use "Between" function in VBA code? Access 2010

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