Modules & VBA :: Running Queries On Specific Tables

Oct 30, 2014

I am pretty new to VBA coding and need running queries on specific tables. This is part of a multistep process, of importing data that needs to be transposed before appending to the "cleaned" database. First, users will save auto generated, Excel workbooks from a machine into a designated folder. I have code that will import these workbooks (an unknown number at a time) into Access in separate tables by workbook.

Each table will have a similar name, but different extension (ie Sheet101, Sheet102, etc.). This is where the issue arises. The files are in long form, not wide. I have a series of queries (unfortunately, they're not SQL queries, but I can convert them to be) that transform the data from long to wide. However, I do not know how to go about writing code that will run the queries ONLY on the imported tables (again an unknown number of tables with similar names), not the rest of the tables in my database. I'm guessing it involves a do loop, but I am not positive.

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Queries :: Running Total With Limit - Reset After Specific Value

Apr 2, 2015

Is it possible to have a running total either in a query or using the Running Sum function on a text box on a report that will reset after a specific value. Here is what I would like to have happen:

The RunningTotalCube field to reset when it has reach 2.3 or whatever number comes closest to that number.

Date Time Item Cube RunningTotalCube
4-2-15 12:05 15615 0.5 0.5
4-2-15 12:06 15918 0.8 1.3
4-2-15 12:10 98563 0.5 1.8
4-2-15 12:12 45268 0.4 2.2
4-2-15 12:15 25854 0.9 0.9 {reset}
4-2-15 12:17 75136 0.5 1.4

Is this possible either in the query or the report/in Access or in VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Running Queries Multiple Times In VBA

Dec 10, 2014

I have a situation where I am using a maketable query to create a table and then I need to use append queries to then add additional records to the created table - some of these are just run once and some multiple times.

if possible, I do not want to hard code the query multiple times i.e.

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCreate_1"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppend_1"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppend_1"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppend_1"


So is there a way I can run the make table query and then get some sort of loop to run the append query a number of times ?

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Tables :: DateTime - Running Pivot Queries To Excel To Do Analysis Of Data

Aug 27, 2013

I have a larget transaction data set in access with Datetime column/filed.

I have been running pivot queries to excel to do analysis of the data but the datetime field is returning too many unique values for the pivot table to run.

What is the best way to reduce the datatime field to date only and where should this be done?

i.e. should I have a calculated field that trims datetime or should I set someohting up in Powerpivot?

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Modules & VBA :: Running Multiple Queries In A Routine - Error Handling

Oct 9, 2013

I am using access 2010. I use basic error handling in my routines:

On Error GoTo errHandler ... exitHere: ... errHandler: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description

The problem is lately; while testing I am running multiple queries in a routine. When it fails; its hard to identify which query has the problem. So I hit control break; debug and try to find it. After I fix it; I debug and reset; i get this continuing hourglass thing in the form of a spinning circle until I close and reopen the database. I think I need better error handling but not something really complicated because I need to put it in quite a few routines throughout the database.

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Specific Record From Linked Tables

Jul 17, 2013

I have an access 2003 database where the table is linked from mysql.

I would like to know how it is possible to read a specific record from the linked tables using vba code.

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Modules & VBA :: Search CSV To Find Specific Statement / Text On Specific Line?

Jul 8, 2015

how to read a specific line in a CSV file (using VBA), to see if the phrase "There are no records available." is present.

If it is present, then I'm going to do a debug.print stating that there are no records to load - and then the script will move on to the next file. If the phrase isn't present, then I'm going to upload the file to Access, parse the information, and then upload it to a CRM. (I already have the latter portion of the code up and running....I just need to account for the first part, where I can determine if the file has data or not).

The structure of the file never changes. The first row is composed of eight column headers (Post Date, Card Number, Card Type, Auth Date, Batch Date, Reference Number, Reason, Amount) and (if) the phrase "There are no records available." is present, it will show up on the second row, in the first column (under Post Date).

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Queries :: Running Multiple Queries To 1 Excel File With Different Tabs For Each Query

Jul 18, 2013

I'm using Access 2003 and excel 2003.

We currently manually run 5 different queries then copy and paste this data into 5 separate tabs on 1 workbook, I'm trying to automate some of this process if possible.

I am trying to use the 'transferspreadsheet' action within a macro to run a query and post it into a template excel file, using this code:

Trasfer Type Export
Spreadsheet Type Excel 8-10
Table Name (query Name)
FIle Name (FIle location)
Has field names No
Range Blank
This does seem to work and puts the data on a new tab on the specified workbook.

However I have a few questions:

1. Can you specify which query gets put onto which tab in excel? The tabs have different fixed names.

2. Can you specify which Cell the data gets pasted into to? As each tab has a set of headers and titles which need to remain.i.e would need to get query 1 to start in cell A4.

3. How would you expand the above out so that it runs all 5 queries, would you just add in multiple transfer spreadsheet actions in the same macro?

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Linked Tables Running Slow Over Network

Oct 12, 2006


I have a couple of acces databases running on a peer to peer network (database A and B, which are housed on PC1). The database B has a link to a Customer table in database A. This was running fine until another user on the peer to peer network wanted to use database B on their pc (PC2). I had to change the the file location of the linked table to show it's location on the network so PC2 could open it. Unfortunatley this greatly slowed the operation of the database B on both machines.
If anyone has made it this far - Is there any way round this?



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Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports And Modules Have Disappeared

May 24, 2006

Good morning All.

I have a database which updates via a Function in a module every morning (i.e imports and exports data).

Yesterday the DB crashed and incurred a problem. The DB was closed down and re-opened.

When it was re-opened all the Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports and Modules were no longer showing in the DB window.

When I selected the Tables tab the following message appeared:

Operation Invalid Without Current Index

this was then followed by another message:

"Isn't an index in this table. Look in the indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names

This also appears if I try selecting the other tabs i.e. Queries, Modules etc.

The strange thing is the DB still updates at its stipulated time, and still imports and exports data. I am running Access 97.

Does anybody have any idea of how I can sort this out?


Chathag :confused:

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Running Queries

Jul 7, 2006


I did 2 ways:

If I created a query named qry1,
then, I created another query (qry2) which include qry1.
Is that meaning running 2 queries?
Firstly, run qry1 result, then run qry2.

Please let me know, thanks.

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No VBA Modules In Access DB Running On OSX

Jan 7, 2013

I have just installed the windows version of Access 2010 on OSX Mountain Lion using a program called Crossover which works very similarly to WINE. I have found that Access will install fine except for VBA form modules and BAS modules, although there seems to be no indication that they did not install as the entire install progresses fine.

I've put together an invoicing program that was created in Access 2010 in Windows but have transferred it over to Access 2010 installed on OSX. It contains a number of forms with code but when I go to VBE, form code modules are not visible. When I try to view the code for a form I get the following error message: "Microsoft Access failed to create the Visual Basic module. If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, then try again". I was able to insert a BAS module and create a rudimentary VBA subroutine which ran without error so it does seem able to interpret VBA as per normal.

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Running Queries Using A Macro

Mar 11, 2008


Can I use a macro to run multiple queries in sequence?

I searched on this but did not see anything that indicated how to do this.

Any pointers would be appreciated!



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Is There A Way To Know What Queries In A Macro Are Running?

May 16, 2006

I've got a Macro that runs well over 100 queries as well as sub-macros. I'd like to know what query the Macro is running. My best solution so far was to create a bunch of forms that open and close with the name of each query, but that's kind of sloppy. I don't think I can use the msgbox because it prompts me to press 'OK' to continue. Any thoughts?

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Modules & VBA :: Running SQL From A Subroutine In A Subform?

Feb 23, 2015

I'm trying to run an sql update query (in VBA) to update values in a table, from calculated field values in a subform (using a query as a record source).

Is this possible , and if so, can I call the subroutine from the parent form, and what would be the correct syntax for the VBA sql string (i'm guessing it would be a docmd.runSQL sqlstringname )??

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Modules & VBA :: Running Total With Criteria Using UDF

Aug 5, 2015

I have determined the solution to my problem lies outside of normal SQL queries and I need to create a UDF.

Here is the problem. I need to create a running total based on the sum of two fields [PTS_ISSUED] & [PTS_REDUCED] with one restriction. The total can never be less than 0. If it is less than zero, the totals reset with [PTS_ISSUED] as the new starting point.

I've attached an excel spreadsheet. Column"C" contains the formula logic I am trying to replicate into access.

I will be honest, writing the UDF is beyond my current knowledge but once I see it I am able to understand it and implement it.

I believe the solution needs to store the running total into a variable, make the necessary comparisons and determine if its okay to add the [PTS_ISSUED and [PTS_REDUCED] to the stored total of the previous calculations then advance. I just have no clue in how to go about writing it.

This calculation needs to be presented in Access because the results will drive several other functions within the database.

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Modules & VBA :: Running A Macro From Another Form

Jan 31, 2014

I have 2 forms and a macro in Form1 which runs throught every record to update the records, however.I would like to run this macro from the main form (Form2)

I have tried
docmd.openform "Form1"
Run Macro

but it doesnt work

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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable Running Database

Jul 23, 2015

I created a database that uses the "lngEmpName " number to give user permissions , what I need is to be able to disable the running of the database (or main form)and show an error message using vba if I have not logged in for around two weeks is this possible ? if so how and even better a demo would be fantastic.

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Modules & VBA :: Running Query With No Lock

Apr 1, 2014

I am running delete and update queries using docmd.runsql. I am finding that particularly after the update query is ran the record is locked and other field in that record can not be updated via a form without a warning saying another user has made changes to the record. To be more specific -- I have a vendor table which has fields vendorname, vendorstreet, vendorcity, vendoraddress. A form is used to place a street address to the vendorname. onexit of the street textbox an update query is ran using DoCmd.RunSql updateing the vendoraddress field to an 'X'. When I put the city in and then close the form this is when the error occurs stating that another user has made changes to the record. My thought is that the update query has not unlocked the record. The customer wants the X to be placed in the field without his manually placing it in the field.

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Modules & VBA :: Get Value Of A Control In Another Running Database

Nov 7, 2014

I have a POS system, packaged with Access Runtime, running on a PC and have developed a database system to provide additional function. I have no documentation to the names of the Forms or Controls in POS. My ADDON system does link to the POS Tables and has some Tables of its own.

At the time in the POS system where the cashier checks out the customer, they need to AltTab to my ADDON system to enter some information for the customer. They remember to CustomerKey from the screen on the POS system and key it into a Form Control in my ADDON system.I want to, from my ADDON system, read the value of the CustomerKey in POS and fill it in so the cashier does not need to remember/type it.

Is it possible to get the data from another already running Access database?I don't know the name of the control. Is it possible to run through a list of Forms and Controls in the POS system from my ADDON system?

I do know the name of the field in the Table and expect it to be current and might have to get that?Failing all that, is there a Collection of running Access databases? I could go through its Forms and Controls one time looking for what i want.

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Tables :: Running If Statement On Records - Referring To Table Field

Apr 19, 2013

I'm trying to run an if statment, on the records in a field (called "Current_Month"), in an existing table called ""Current_Months_Lag1_Data".

The IF statements work fine - and simply perform a different action for different data in "Current_Month".

I am having problems referring to "Current_Month", where I keep getting 424 (Object required) and 3420 (Object invalid) error messages, on the last line of code.

I have defined & identified the table in which the field is located, yet somehow cannot identify the field within that table. (I've already tried searching the web for similar problems under error messages 424 & 3420).

Function LAG_Forecast_03()
Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Dim Tbl As TableDef
Set Tbl = CurrentDb.TableDefs("Current_Months_Lag1_Data")
Dim FLD As Field
Set FLD = Tbl![Current_Month]

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Queries- Running/Display Results?

Aug 30, 2007

Hey guys-
I have a database of properties for sale. I want to calculate the asking prices of each record (for sale) against the sold prices of all the houses in the same area. Area is defined as a numeric number, and each property has one assigned to it. My question is this-
I have a table of all the properties. Do I run the query and store the results in a specific cell in the table- and then use a form to display those results? Or do I run the query from a form and not store the calculated results at all? I will be adding/updating info on a daily basis, so these calculation results will also change daily. Obviously I am fairly new to Access and trying to figure out how to do this stuff. Using Access 2002. Either way, I assume i'll be using a form to display the results one way or another...

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Running Queries With Multiple Criteria

Dec 20, 2005

I need to run a query using a list of unique values. I open a new query in design view, pick my table that I want to use, pick the field, but then in Criteria, I need to use a list of values. The list is 62 values long. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I hope I am explaining myself thoroughly.

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Running Queries In Access 2003

Jan 6, 2006

Not sure what happens.

occassionally i will run queries that have run before,
the hourglass will turn on, then turn off, and access does nothing
visible, but tack manager says its running 90% cpu. . .

any ideas on what is happening or i am doing wrong?



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Running Two Queries From One Inputbox Result!?

Feb 25, 2005


I have created the following function in my datebase so that i could specify the date a query works from.

Option Compare Database

Function GetParmValue() As Date

GetParmValue = InputBox("Please enter the date you wish to update!?")

End Function

I have a button on a form that runs the query in question, there is also an identical query that needs to be ran using the same result from the input box but rather than it display the input box twice i wondered if there was a way i could use the result from one of the boxes with both queries!?

Here is the code for the button;

Private Sub bImport5_Click()

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "UpdateFuture"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "MoveFuture"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox "Files have now been updated to the specified date and moved to the Future Dated table!", vbOKOnly, "Update Complete"

End Sub

Any ideas guys?

Many thanks

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Queries :: Running Count Within Group

Sep 15, 2014

I have data like so:

SubjectID VisitID
1 5
1 5
2 7
2 7
2 9
2 9

And need to return a running count for the number of visits per subject, so:

SubjectID VisitID VisitCount
1 5 1
1 5 1
2 7 1
2 7 1
2 9 2
2 9 2

I'd like to use DCount and have tried all variations of the following, but none of them returns the correct number:

VisitNumber: DCount("*","mytable","VisitID >= " & [VisitID] & " AND SubjectID =" & [SubjectID])

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