Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 3071 When Used With IF Statement To Highlight Incorrect Entry

Jun 23, 2014

In my database I am trying to produce a "Statistics" function. As part of this, the user will enter a "Start Date" and "End Date" in a form and then click a button which will open the requested report with the date drawn from a query. The code on clicking the "All Jobs" button is:

DoCmd.OpenReport "RepStatisticsAllJobs", acViewPreview

Which works perfectly.

I am trying to stop the user from leaving the date fields blank or entering dates outside of the range of the database so I have tried the code:

Private Sub AllSalesEnquiries_Click()
If Me.DateFrom = "" Then
If MsgBox("You have not entered a start date", vbCritical, "Start Date Not Entered") Then

[Code] ....

If the user enters dates within the range of the database the report is presented correctly.

If the user does not enter a date or enters one outside of the range it produces the correct message box however if the user then corrects the mistake I receive a Runtime Error 3071 message. Clicking "Debug" highlights the final line of code:

DoCmd.OpenReport "RepStatisticsAllJobs", acViewPreview

I know that the code is correct because it works fine as stand alone code and it works if the user enters the correct dates so I am not sure where I am going wrong.

The date format works perfectly for the way dates are formatted in the database.

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3071 - Expression Too Complex Error

Feb 5, 2008

I have a query that gives me the "3071 - Expression too complex to be evaluated.." error. The problem is I can get the EXACT same SQL to run and not produce the error. The query is part of a reporting tool that hundreds of users run (each on their own instance or a few people sharing one instance). Here's the flow of what I do:1 - Open DB2 - run query3 - Query dies w/ "3071 - Expression too complex..." error4 - open query in SQL edit mode5 - Rerun query and it works fine.6 - Scratch head and curse loudly....After modifying the query it works for a random amount of time and users don't complain. Then all of the sudden, it starts failing again, and I repeat the query edit, resave and it works fine until the next time. The problem is I never know what may or may not fix it because it will work fine after opening in edit mode. I've tried compact/repair and that has no effect on the query. The only thing that fixes it is opening it in design mode.I need to figure out what is the root cause of this. I'm getting sick of fixing it with my edit/resave hack. It's not excessively complex or anything.Here's my SQL. It uses some form value references in the criteria, but the form is open and values exist when I'm trying to run the query, so that shouldn't be it.SELECT [VARIANCE DIVISION].MONTHNBR, CHOOSE([MONTHNBR],"January","February","March","April", "May","June","July","August","September", "October","November","December") AS MTHNAME, [VARIANCE DIVISION].INVTYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].TRFTYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_CODE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_DESC, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LED, [VARIANCE DIVISION].MATL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCEDIVCODE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCEDIVDESC, [VARIANCE DIVISION].SOURCESUBP, [VARIANCE DIVISION].BASE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].TYPE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].PCT, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYMTHPRICE AS CYPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LYPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYADJQTY, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYADJVAL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].MTHVARIANCE AS VARIANCE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYYTDPRICE AS CYTDPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].LYTDPRICE, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJQTY, [VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJVAL, [VARIANCE DIVISION].YTDVARIANCEFROM [VARIANCE DIVISION]WHERE ((([VARIANCE DIVISION].INVTYPE) LIKE [FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![INVTYPE]) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].TRFTYPE) LIKE [FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![TRFTYPE]) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].DIV_CODE) LIKE IIF([FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![PRODCHOICE] = "2",[FORMS]![REPORTMENU]![COMM], "*")) AND (([VARIANCE DIVISION].CYTDADJQTY) <> "0"))WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;

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Error 3071 - Expression Too Complex?

Mar 13, 2008

I have a strange problem I can't figure out. I have a massive query that runs off of about 10 other queries. I use [forms]![Authority].[Emp#] in the query conditions, using the supervisor's employee# to only show them the members on their team on the form.

My problem is that the query/form is working fine for most of the supervisors, but when I enter the employee number of two other supervisors, I get this error: This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.

Those two supervisors don't get the error, the form just doesn't load for them after they click on the button on the switchboard, but if I go into the database window on their pc and try to run it, the error appears.

Any help you can provide is much appreciated.

Thank you,

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Modules & VBA :: Trap The Error If Particular Field Not Get Imported Due To Incorrect Format?

Sep 23, 2014

I am importing .txt files into Access table via VBA code (i.e., not via Saved Import Spec). Is there a way to trap the error if a particular field does not get imported due to incorrect format? When you import via Saved Import Spec and there are errors in formatting, Access generates an 'ImportErrors' table, which tells you which fields could not be updated.

Is there a way to generate a similar 'ImportErrors' table with VBA error checking?

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Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 52 When Using Dir Function

Jul 2, 2013

I'm trying to delete a file in a network location. Sometimes the file is there, sometimes it's not, so I'm using the following code:

strPath = "etwork driveMy Folder"
strFilename = "MyFile.doc"
If Not Dir(strPath & strFilename) = "" Then Kill strPath & strFilename

Occasionally, I get a runtime 52 error when the file doesn't exist. I don't understand why I'm getting this when, if the file doesn't exist, the Dir function should return "".I searched the forums for Runtime 52, and didn't find anything pertaining to this.

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Modules & VBA :: INSERT INTO Runtime / Syntax Error?

Jun 11, 2013

Why I get a runtime 3134 error on this piece of code.

They are all text values


Dim strUserName As String
strUserName = Forms!FrmPrimaryData.FrmPrimaryDataInstallsSubFrm.Form.txtMacAddress
Dim strIDValue As String
strIDValue = Nz(DMax("[ID]", "radreply"), 0) + 1
Dim strAttribute As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: RunTime Error 424 - Object Required

Aug 21, 2013

Basically I have a form where a user has selected a couple values from a dropdown element, and entered a few other text values into the form. I am then trying to grab the values and append them to a table.

Private Sub btnSubmitInputVendorPerformanceForm_Click() 'Button Is part of frmInputVendorPerformance
Dim ValueCheck As Integer 'Increments to make sure no errors in entry
Dim ErrorShow As String
Dim YesorNoAnswerToMessageBox As String
Dim QuestionToMessageBox As String
Dim DeliveryRate As String


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Forms :: IIF Statement Returning Incorrect Value In Subform

Jun 16, 2015

I am trying to sum a column on a subform named Cost of New if another column named Final = any of the values listed in my code. However, it is summing the Cost of New column regardless of the values of Final. It is summing for all values.What do I need to modify to make this correct or should I do it another way?

=IIf([Final]="RPR-RPR & RTN" Or [Final]="NFF-TST & NFF" Or [Final]="RTN-RETURN" Or [Final]="SCL-SCR LOCALLY" Or [Final]="SCR-SCR RETURN" Or [Final]="BER-BER RTN CST",Sum([Cost Of New]),Null)

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Modules & VBA :: Find Record In A Subform / Getting A Runtime Error 438?

Feb 26, 2015

I have an unbound form: frm_ReceiptSearch with some fields that, when something is input, will search a datasheet viewed form on a subform on the main form (subform name is sf_frm_Receipts). Currently, on the txt_CheckNo field's after update event, I have the following code:

Private Sub txt_CheckNo_AfterUpdate()
Dim SrchVar As String
SrchVar = Me.txt_CheckNo
DoCmd.FindRecord SrchVar, acEntire, , acSearchAll, , acCurrent, True
End Sub

but I'm getting a runtime error 438.

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Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 3464 On Form Command Button

Jun 22, 2014

I am currently creating a form which includes a command button to update a field in a table to show Today's Date, at the time of running a query I am still yet to write.

I have the following code for my Command Button, which is returning the Runtime Error 3464 (Data type mismatch in Criteria Expression):

Private Sub cmdAddTodaysDate_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute (" UPDATE tblMyTable SET TodaysDate = " & Date & " WHERE tblMyTable.ProductCode = " & Me.txtProductCode)
End Sub

The query above seems to be having issues matching the text from the 'txtProductCode' textbox to the table field 'ProductCode'.

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Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 2580 - Record Source Does Not Exist

Jun 9, 2015

I currently have this set as the forms default recordsource (which works just fine):

SELECT TOP 5 tblUsers_Phone_Book.EMAIL_ADDRESS, weightedDL('',[EMAIL_ADDRESS]) AS Expr1

And I have this vba to dynamically switch around that email address.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strControlName As String
Dim strValue As String
Dim sSQL As String
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
' Position of the pipe

[Code] ....

If I msgbox the sSQL - it shows identical to the default recordsource but I get the error:

The error message I get is:

Run-Time error '2580'
The record source 'SELECT TOP 5 tblUsers_Phone_Book.EMAIL_ADDRESS, weightedDL('',[EMAIL_ADDRESS]) AS Expr1' specified on this form or report does not exist.

I tried copying the exact working default sql into the vba and get the same result.

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Modules & VBA :: Runtime Error 3464 - Data Type Mismatch

Mar 15, 2014

I have built in code a long sql statement as follows:

SELECT Age, BirdType, Flock, House, [Lab#], Organ, Origin, SampleDate, SampleType, Site, Source, SourceGroup,
[VT#], ProfileID, APIName1, APIAmts1, APILevels1, FullVals1, Match1, APIName2, APIAmts2, APILevels2,
FullVals2, Match2, APIName3, APIAmts3, APILevels3, FullVals3, Match3, APIName4, APIAmts4, APILevels4,
FullVals4, Match4, APIName5, APIAmts5, APILevels5, FullVals5, Match5, APIName6, APIAmts6, APILevels6,
FullVals6, Match6, APIName7, APIAmts7, APILevels7, FullVals7, Match7, APIName8, APIAmts8, APILevels8,

[Code] ......

When I try to open a recordset based on this sql, it gives me the runtime error - which is odd since I don't have any criteria in the statement.

I think the problem may be that vba is somehow adding a line break between "fullvals" and "18", but I don't know why it would do so and it doesn't always (only if the string is long).

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Modules & VBA :: Limit Down Report - Keep Getting Runtime Error 3075 Missing Operator

Feb 13, 2015

I have a report I am trying to limit down. I keep getting this error.


Run-time error '3075':
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ' and (Exercise = Barbell Squat)'.

Here is some of my code. What am I missing?

Dim whereCond As String
Exercise = Forms!frmReports!cmdExercise.Text
Category = Forms!frmReports!cmdCategory.Text

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting Out Data To Be Used In Final Table - Runtime Error 3021

Nov 25, 2014

I have managed to sort out the data to be used in the final table. However, I am having trouble transferring the data from each of their own tables into the final table.

Each time I run my code I receive "run-time error 3021: No current record."

It seems that only my timestamp is being added properly, but the error pops up and highlights the first "rstInsert.Edit" of my code. I'm suspecting that my function is running too fast, such that it did not have time to read that the table has already been populated by the timestamp in the AddNew code

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstTimestamp As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAcknowledgement As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstAgent As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 / Runtime Error 1004 While Export To Excel

Jun 15, 2015

I'm using Access 2010 and I want to export a query to Excel by clicking a button. Every time I click on it Excel opens but doesn't open my worksheet, it's just gray like you just open the program without a table. After exiting it Access tells me I got a run time error 1004: the open-method of the workbook object couldn't be executed. After opening my Excel file it says that Excel found unreadable content and asks if I want to restore the content of the workbook.

Here is my code:

Private Sub Befehl62_Click()
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, SheetName As String, xlApp As Object
Set cdb = CurrentDb
SheetName = Me!txtSheetName.Text


where my problem is?

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error In Sql Statement

Dec 9, 2014

sort this error out:

If Nz(DCount("*", "[Tblupdate]")) = 0 Then ' The count is zero
i = 1
i = DMax("ID", "tblupdate")
End If
Dim ssql As String
Dim j, k As String
j = "P" & i
k = Environ("username")
ssql = "Insert into tblUpdate(Update_ID,Date,Username) values('" & j & "',#" & Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") & "#,'" & k & "')"
CurrentDb.Execute ssql, dbFailOnError

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jan 22, 2014

I am having a problem with below and getting a run-time error 3134

LastOrderNumber = DMax("Order", "Model_types")
NewOrderNumber = CLng(LastOrderNumber + 1)

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Model_types (Order) " _
& "VALUES (" & NewOrderNumber & ")"

The field 'Order' in Model_types is a Long Integer.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Query End Of Statement Error

Aug 10, 2015

I'm trying to write an UPDATE line in VBA, but whenever I put the table name I get an "Expected End of Statement" error.This is line currently;


It doesn't matter whether I change the table name to square brackets, quotes or nothing at all, it always gives me the expected end of statement error.

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error With INSERT Statement And Subform

Mar 13, 2015

I am getting a syntax error on my SQL statement.

On a form I have a sub form containing the field txtGuestID - whose control source is GuestID.

On the main form I have a button that fires the code below.

I am sure I am not referring to the control txtGuestID correctly.

Private Sub cmdInbound_Transport_Click()
Dim iProductID As Integer
Dim sSQL As String
On Error GoTo cmdInbound_Transport_Err

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2003 - Compile Error Expected / End Of Statement

Apr 19, 2014

I'm using MS Access 2003 and having difficulty with VBA.

strSql = "Insert into TBLCONDUTOR (Codigo, pretensao, ncarta, nlicenca, nome, apelido, dnascimento, contacto1, contacto2, email, nbicc, nnif, morada, localidade, cidade, cpostal, _
imagemcondutor, catAM, dataemissaoAM, datavalidadeAM, catA1, dataemissaoA1, datavalidadeA1, catA2, dataemissaoA2, datavalidadeA2, catA, dataemissaoA, datavalidadeA, _
catB1, dataemissaoB1, datavalidadeB1, catB, dataemissaoB, datavalidadeB, catBE, dataemissaoBE, datavalidadeBE,

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: INSERT Statement From Form Resulting In Run-time Error

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to create an INSERT statement from a form to put unbound fields in a table. The challenge that I am a getting is that I am getting a

Run-time error '3075' Syntax error in date in query expression '#'

What is really perplexing and perhaps something that may guide in identifying the culprit is that I have an identifcal form that uses the identical code and it works.

Here is the code below:

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL & " INSERT INTO [tblTicket]"

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Update And Amend Records In A Table - Error Trying To Execute SQL Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I'm trying to create a function to update and amend records in a table.

The update part works and updates existing records with new data but I'm getting an error with the insert part.

Run time error 3078
The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot find the input table or query 'FALSE'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Nothing called 'FALSE' so not sure what that means?


sSQL = "INSERT INTO Pupil_tb (PupilID,Class,PupilName,etc ) " _
= "SELECT PupilImport_tb.PupilID, Class, PupilName, etc FROM PupilImport_tb " _
& "LEFT JOIN Pupil_tb " _
& "ON Pupil_tb.PupilID=PupilImport_tb.PupilID " _
& "WHERE Pupil_tb.PupilID Is Null "

CurrentDb.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

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SQL ERROR - Runtime Error 3061 -

Aug 5, 2005

SQL Issue ...

ERROR: Runtime error 3061 - Too few parameters. Expected 1.


Not sure how to work in the '* ROLL *' into this SQL statement. The query statement works fine ... I have tried different quotation methods ( Not Like " & " '
* ROLL * & ' " & " ) AND .... )

sql = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Sum(CDbl([Scrap Factor])) AS SumOFScrap FROM [RT: Signpro1: Costs] LEFT JOIN [DT: InventoryExtend] ON [RT: Signpro1: Costs].[Part Number] = [DT: InventoryExtend].[Part#] GROUP BY [DT: InventoryExtend].CategoryID, [DT: InventoryExtend].Description, [forms]![signpro sign estima parameters]![combo14] HAVING ((([DT: InventoryExtend].CategoryID)=30) AND (([DT: InventoryExtend].Description) Not Like '* ROLL *') AND (([forms]![signpro sign estima parameters]![combo14])=1));"



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Modules & VBA :: Go To Last Record In Continuous Form And Highlight It?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a log of items I currently inventory. When you click on an item, it opens another form with a sub-form that lists the history of changes for said item in a continuous form display.

What I want to be able to do is when that form is opened, the sub-form will highlight the last entry (either bold it, or change the background).

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RunTime Error 75 - HELP !!!

Jul 30, 2005

Hi there,

I'm using the FILECOPY command to copy a specific file on the C drive to a CD.

I have been testing this for ages and it's been working fine. All of a sudden, I am getting a runtime 75 error. WHY???

Thanks in advance,

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Runtime Error 429

Feb 13, 2007

Hi Everyone

Ive created a database using the file system object that creates folders, moves files from one folder to another, etc.

This works perfectly on my home pc, but when i try to install it on the server at work I get the following error message:-

Runtime Error 429

Active X component can't create object

I've had a look on the net and appears that it only happens on certain computers and I wondered if anyone had any quick fixes that they had come across over the years.

Thanks in anticipation

Kindest regards


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