Modules & VBA :: Set Warnings (False) Not Working

Nov 1, 2014

I have a combobox, and the 'OnNotInList' event has code to show a message box, then set focus to another control. That all works fine, however I am still getting the system generated 'Not in List Warning', despite the code for the not in list event starting with DoCmd.Setwarnings (False)

How to disable the warning?

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Modules & VBA :: Set Warnings False But Still Showing Not In List Message

Dec 19, 2013

I am working in Access 2010. A bound combo box, Not In List event. I have the following code. It opens up a form to add the new name in. The form opens and then the "Not in List" message pops up. I have tried adding the SetWarnings to both forms, created a SetWarning macro, to no available. The message keeps popping up. My code is below. I know I need to set the warnings back to true - but for now, I just want to get rid of the message before sticking it back into the code.

Dim intAnswer As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
intAnswer = MsgBox("The acquirer/buyer " & Chr(34) & NewData & _
Chr(34) & " is not currently listed." & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to add it to the list now?" _
, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Healthcare REIT")

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Set Unbound Check Box To False On Open Not Working

Dec 3, 2013

I have a report with an unbound checkbox which has a null (greyed out value) when printed. I'm just trying to set it to false when the report opens.I have

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.CheckNotPaid = False
End Sub

but it just says 'Runtime Error -214..You can't assign a value to this object'

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Modules & VBA :: How To Suppress Specific Warnings

Aug 18, 2014

I have a button on a form that appends data to a table. When I click the button, I get 2 warnings:

1) "You are about to append 1 row"

2) "Microsoft Access can't append all the record in the append query."

I know I can use docmd.setwarnings = false then set back to true, but I'm only interested in suppressing the 1st warning, and I want the user to see the second warning.

Is there any way to suppress the 1st warning and display the 2nd?

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Modules & VBA :: Sum Up 10 Columns For Same Row Of True / False

Sep 19, 2014

There are around 100,000 records to update. Would a SQL Statement be more efficient?

It is a local table being used to sum up the results of a handful of rules.
The columns can only hold True or False (datatype)
If and only if all columns are True - then true

MyRow T T T T T T T T T T - Sum in next column is T
MyRow T T T T T T F T T T - Sum in next column is F

Speed is very important. The Recordset for a single row is still open on the Currrent Record since the Update just finished.

RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("Total") = (RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("RE_1") AND CStr(RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("RE_2") AND (RS_RE_1SegStatusProfiled.Fields("RE_3") ' and so on

My guess is that since the recordset is open to the current record on a local table, it will be efficient to just re-read all of the values and And them together.

Since I have code writing to each record, I could also go through all the extra assignment of a local variable.

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No Warnings For Insert

Feb 1, 2006

when i use an INSERT Sql function to update my database i get a popup warning telling me " You are about to append 1 row(s)".

Is there a way of bypassing this warning so the database is just updated no fuss ?
thanks in advance

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Warnings Disappear

Oct 27, 2006


I have noticed that the "warnings" in my access 200o database no longer pop up. As example, if I went to delete a table or record, I used to get a pop up warning from MS Access asking for confirmation. Now the record just deletes without a warning. This seems to be happening with other things too.

Any thoughts ???



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Security Warnings

Nov 13, 2006

When I open up my database i get a securoty warning that says

opening"filr name"
this file may not be safe if it contains code that was intended to harm your computer. would you like to continue?

Is there anyway of getting rid of that warning. It's not a huge deal but its one extra step at signing into our database.

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Turn Of Warnings On DB Startup - Is This Possible?

Jun 27, 2006

Hi Guys,

I'm not sure this would be allowed as it could be maliciously abused, but what I want to do is turn of warnings when a user fires up my DB.

What currently happens is a user gets 3 pop up warnings in a row the first time they use the DB with essentially the same warnings and "do you want to run this" questions.

The next time the user runs the DB they only get one warning.

On another thread I was told how to turn warnings on and off within the database:

'Turn warnings on & Hourglass on
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Hourglass True

Code in routine that would generate warnings goes here.

'Turn warnings on & Hourglass off
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.Hourglass False

What I would like is some way to replicate the functionality for the DB. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Satements With Warnings Turned Off...

Sep 24, 2007

I need to build a SQL statement (several actually) which will be appending/deleting/updating data.

I would prefer to turn off warnings so that I don't have to click on "Yes" 9 times per operation.

However, I don't want to just turn off warnings, as if a certain operation does anything but append/update/delete 1 record, I need to know. Is there a way to determine how many records are going to be appended/deleted/updated and if it's not 1, then run some other code?

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Access 2003 Warnings

Jun 28, 2005

Hello all

I just installed ofice 2003 and always get a warning message that some codes in my database might harm my aplication.
How do i get this solved and what is the major advantage of access 2003 over 2002.?

Please help.

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Access Startup Security Warnings

Mar 26, 2008

I thought I had this figured out, but apparently am still missing something...

When I start my DB, I get the default 'Security Warning' message every time asking if I want to cancel or continue... I thought this was an options setting under the Tools/Macro/Security setting. However, when I change this setting (default is Medium) to Low, exit Access and restart the DB I get the same warning message and the security setting is back to medium.

Am I in the right area to fix this? Why would my settings default back?


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General :: Disable Security Warnings

Sep 21, 2012

I will be sending out copies of a program to several locations. Once I send the program I have absolutely no control over it. The FE file will always be in the same folder. The setup process creates C:MyFolder with the FE file in there. Is there a way to to programmatically disable the warnings throughout setup or to make C:MyFolder a trusted location?

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Suppress Warnings When Saving Text File?

Oct 12, 2004

How can I suppress the warnings that Excel displays when saving the text file?

These are the messages displayed when saving the file as text:

"The file already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file?" RESPONSE: Yes

"myfile.xls may contain features not compatible with Text..." RESPONSE: Yes

These are the messages displayed when closing the file:

"Do you want to save the changes you made?" RESPONSE: Yes or No - can enter either as no further changes have been made

"The file already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file?" RESPONSE: Yes or No - can enter either as no further changes have been made

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Modules & VBA :: Less Than Or Greater Value Is Not Working

Feb 18, 2014

If (Me.Variance_From_Budget < 99999 And Me.Variance_From_Budget >= -99999)

This code is working when variance is less then -100,000, but does not work when variance is greater then -100,000.

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Modules & VBA :: If And NZ Statement Not Working In Access?

Jul 8, 2015

why this IF and Nz statement in my code below is not working. I know the me.txtrefNo value is "" (null) on a form field with property set to General Number. Therefore the Nz statement should return a "0" as I specified making the statement true as in 0 = 0 and then execute the actions below to generate a reference number however this it now happening as it's rendering the if statement as false and showing me the message " Whats going On?" which is after the else statement.

If Nz(Me.txtrefNo, 0) = 0 Then
Me.txtrefNo = DMax("[refNo]", "[R_P_Data_P]") + 1
tmpRefNo = Me.txtrefNo
'testing variable value
MsgBox (tmpRefNo)
MsgBox ("What's going on?")
End If

PS. Does this have anything to do with the table field format that the me.txtrefNo value will be saved to?

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Modules & VBA :: DSum Not Working On Subform

Nov 2, 2014

Every time i try to get info from a sub form or its table ,Things never sem to work.Is there something special you have to do for eg maybe going via the main form?I am trying to use dsum as an alternative to multiplying info in the sub form.This is the code

=DSum("SoldAtPrice*Quantity","[Order Details]","IDNewOrders=" & [OrderID FK]).

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Modules & VBA :: AfterUpdate Not Working - No Value In Table

Oct 21, 2013

I have an afterupdate event that is supposed to send an email when a box is updated. Most of the times the code works fine except for one case.

The code checks the value of a field in subform in another tab of the same form

'find the MSM date
[Forms]![Project Main]![Marketing Specialist Main]![MSMDate].SetFocus
MSMDate = Nz([Forms]![Project Main]![Marketing Specialist Main]![MSMDate].value, "__-___-__")

This field (MSMDate) keeps its value in a separate table.

The problem comes when there is no value in this other table for the given project. If this is the case, the subform does not even appear on the main form (it is all a grey box) and the Setfocus returns an error.

I tried to comment the setfocus line to see what the NZ function would do in the next line and it also returns an error.

It is almost as if the subform was not "initialized" for that particular record...

How can I account for those cases?

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Modules & VBA :: SQL SELECT SUM GROUP Not Working

Nov 8, 2014

I have a select clause, it executes fine, BUT the totamt is not calculated. The field is Amount. The code is not working.

strSQL = "SELECT Account, Dept, " & "Sum([Amount])" & " As [totamt] FROM TB201410 GROUP BY Account, Dept;"

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Modules & VBA :: Working Days Between Two Dates

Jan 26, 2015

I am trying to carryout working days between two dates (Excluding weekends Friday & Saturday) but unable to fix it correctly, However i did search a lot over internet also about built in function but all is showing i have to add it module or macro etc.So, i select the module for Access 2010 but also not finish with function.Table name is "LeaveSettlement" and column name is "Total_Wdays", what field type i have to select for result column.

Public Function LeaveSettlement(ByRef Leave_Start As Date, _
ByRef Leave_End As Date _
) As Integer
' Returns the number of weekdays in the period from Leave_Start
' to Leave_End inclusive. Returns -1 if an error occurs.
' If your weekend days do not include Saturday and Friday and
' do not total two per week in number, this function will
' require modification.


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Modules & VBA :: Yes / No Buttons Not Working On Msgbox

Oct 30, 2013

I have a form I use to search for clients when I hit a command button, using surname etc. I'd like a yes no button to pop up rather than the clunky ok button route I currently have. I'm a beginner with VBA and most this I've gleaned from internet.

If there are matching results, everything is fine. If there are no matching results, I've managed to get my desired messagebox come up by using the code below in the onload event of the resulting search results form, however the yes no buttons do nothing and the results form loads blank as though no records were found.

I'd like Yes to send users to the client input form, and No to return them to the search form.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Do you want to add a new Client?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "No clients found"
Select Case intanswer
Case vbYes

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Why AcFormatPDF Cmd Is Not Working In Access 2003

Jun 8, 2013

I used below vba code to to send email with PDF attachment in Access 2007 which works perfectly.

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "R_TradeOrdAck", acFormatPDF, strMailList, , , .............

But since the db is installed at single pc user to work with Access 2003, the command acFormatPDF wont work. Instead acFormatSNP is working.

But I need acFormatPDF to work in Access 2003.

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Modules & VBA :: Check Outlook Is Open Not Working?

May 21, 2014

My application relies on whether Outlook is open and more importantly, with the correct Exchange profile selected. To ensure this I have the following code which, on the work PCs (Windows XP and Office 2003) works correctly.


If Outlook_is_Running = True Then
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application", "localhost")
Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set colFolders = myNameSpace.Folders
On Error Resume Next


The work PCs are being upgraded soon to Windows 7 and Office 2007 so I have taken the application home and started to develop it on my home PC (Windows 8.1 64 and Office 2013 64). I have used PtrSafe where necessary and have compiled with no errors, but this code always returns false even though Outlook 2013 is open.

On further investigation, if I comment out the 'On Error Resume Next line I get the error Active X component cannot create the object (or similar) Error 429. This is the same regardless of whether Outlook is open or not

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Not Working In Navigation Form

Jul 20, 2014

I inherited this quote and trying to enhance it but having problem.

The filter in navigation form is not working but it is on its own form, the filter is working without problem.

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Modules & VBA :: Working Directly With Exchange Server?

Jun 23, 2015

As part of a larger system I currently have a standalone A2010 program which processes emails that it sees within Outlook. As my client is moving to Exchange Server I was wondering whether there was a better way of doing this by getting rid of Outlook and "talking" directly to Exchange.

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Modules & VBA :: Filters Not Working For Multiple Users

Mar 9, 2014

I have created a module, where based on various selections (form), the output is thrown in the table for editing various fields. This works fine with single user. But once I have placed the same database on the share drive for multiple users, the users are unable see the data in the text filters. I don't know what is the issue all about. Also if i use me.requery, the text filters becomes blank. Below is the code :

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function SelRec(shDate As Date, ATMID As String, City As String, Depots As String, Vendor As String) As Boolean
SelRec = False

[Code] .....

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