Modules & VBA :: Setting Up Certificate Request Database - Attach PDF To Form

Aug 11, 2015

I have been tasked with setting up a certificate request database. I have an Access 2032 FE & SQL 2012 BE. I need to store PDF documents from all our branches.

I have been working on this for the past 3 working days and I have seen a great deal about saving the file path to the database vs saving the actual document in the DB. The documents would be located on each users computer.

I have a Form with all the information that is required by the certification department. On the form is a button (Called InsertID(ID in this case is the persons Identity Docuement)) and the button is linked to a table called dbo_CertificationSupportingDocuments. The table is referenced to the Main Certificate Request table.

The dbo_CertificationSupportingDocuments table is structured as follows:

[CertSupportingDocID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[CertificateRequestNumber] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[RequestBlob] [varbinary](max) NULL,
[RequestFileName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[RequestFileExtension] [nchar](10) NULL,
[RequestFileMimeType] [nvarchar](50) NULL

When I click the button I get a Run Time error 3075 "Syntax error (Missing operator) in query operator.

The code I am using is:

Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim strFileWPath As String
Dim FileNoExt As String
Dim FileExt As String
Dim StrSQL As String
Dim db As Database

[Code] ....

I have been looking at this code for so long that I cannot see what is wrong.

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Modules & VBA :: Print Certificate From Form?

Nov 11, 2013

I have a participant table listing name of candidates and course name of training they have taken (1 record per instance, so someone may have 5 records if they have attended 5 courses)

I want to be able to print a certificate for the candidate once the course is complete, ideally from the form itself using a button.

I think the way to do this is to design a report as the layout of the certificate and then print the current record, but I cannot get this to work!

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Attach External File To Email Generated By Access Database

Nov 24, 2014

I have an Access 2013 database which will generate a pdf report and attach it to an email using the code:

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Report Name", acFormatPDF, Nz(To email address, a), , , "Email Subject", "Email body", True

I would also like to automatically attach on the server to this email. Such a file stored such as servernamesharefilename.pdf. Is it possible to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Up Database Library File

Jul 28, 2013

I am using Access 2010.

I want to set up a Library File containing code that I can call from numerous access databases.

I try to make reference to the newly created Library.accdb file in Tools - References and get the error message: Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library.

I have checked the names of all of these and there does not appear to be a conflict.

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Attach Database To Email

Aug 10, 2014

Is there a way that I can attach a database that I am building/working on, to an email, so that I can send it to myself and work at home or at work. My work computers do not allow media.

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Request For Help On Database Design

Oct 6, 2006

To all you access Gurus

I have been asked to look at setting up and access database to do the following

To keep a record of pupils and 9 tasks the pupils have to do and also the total amount of time it took a pupil to do this task
They have a total of 25 Hours to do all tasks but this is spread out over the year.

What I need is someone to tell me the best table layout to do this

The pupil record has to have the following
First Name
Total Hours taken for all 9 Objectives
A description of what the pupil did to achive each Objectives
record if that task is complete
Also Date Task was Complete

I have done a test database with just one table in it and inside that table
had all of the above but apart from name, form and total hours I repeated the rest nine times.
This just does not seem right

What I want is to pull up the pupil name and then select Task say from a Drop down box this would then insert a new field if it did not allready exist in pupil recored and then you can fill in the task details of course if the field/s all ready existed then to open that up to allow you to update this

It would then need to update the total Hours field in the pupil record with the hours it took to do that task/objective.

I have basic Access knowledge but i cannot think of best way to achive this can anyone help please

Stuart Purvis

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Staff Holiday Request Database

Jul 27, 2006


i need to design and build a access database for school where staff for a business could request holidays with there holidays then appearing on sum sort of calendar which can be viewed.

does nebody know where i can find an example to help me with my desing?



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Request: Database Sample With Working ListView

Jun 27, 2005

Hello all,

I finally got TreeView to work, by downloading the example database from this ( thread. I haven't had as much luck with ListView, though. Does anyone have a database they could post that has a working listview? I'd greatly appreciate it!!


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Modules & VBA :: Scan PDF Document From Scanner And Attach It To Field

Oct 12, 2014

I have hp scanner whose twain driver has the option to scanning in the pdf document.

Microsoft WIA 2.0 have save scanned document only to graphical format.

I want automated (on click any button control) to scan multipage document from glass source or ADF to pdf document and attach it to attachment field.

I'm found VB Module for accessing TWAIN compatible scanner but it is call twain software and scan to bmp format with assigned name of file.

Me need it also only use the pdf format .

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Attach A Report To Access Email

Nov 2, 2014

getting to grips with the code a bit more now, but now I cannot get the report which is generated to attach to the email

running ms access 2010

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Modules & VBA :: Attach Multiple Items To Outlook Email

Aug 6, 2015

I am currently in the process of creating a form that will allow you to enter details for an email sent, select a number of documents from a list box and then open the mail message pre-written with attachments. The attachments reside in a list box currently, and I am attempting to use a "For Each" with item selected.column(3) as the file path, as column(3) contains the filepath from the table.

Currently my code is:

Private Sub OutlookBut_Click()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim objMail As Object
Dim varItm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

[Code] ....

When this code runs, outlook will open as a process when it is closed, but then freeze and not allow me to see it or access it in anyway. If Outlook is opened Microsoft office usually gets angry at me and decides to throw error messages at me.

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Modules & VBA :: Word Naming And Emailing Attach From Access 10?

Apr 21, 2015

I need to create a word file (it needs to be word) based on template (not a very complicated template) max 1 to 1 and 1/2 pages long.

the word doc needs to be named from the recordset but for now assume 12345.doc and the next one will be 12346.doc etc (I have a unique number system - available from tables /query .

i can either make the word doc in code or use a template (template would be better) recordset could have 20-30 in it each time i run it - but to be run every week

second half is how to email this out. i had in mind a email system

email to .
file attach = this folder where the docs are store and attach 12345

in a loop

so either

create word file - email word file in a loop each time or create all the word files and then send them individual

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Modules & VBA :: How To Loop Through Recordset And Only Attach Records That Are True

Jul 8, 2015

I have some code that loops the clone recordset of my subform and generates a email with attachments. I have mainform and continuous subform within the subform I have field called address this holds paths to files and another field called send and this is a yes/no field

Now what I'm trying to do is loop through the subform if send field is true then attach file from the address path but if send field is false then do not attach file

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Dim rstAttach As DAO.Recordset

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: How To Attach PDF Report To Existing Outlook Template

May 20, 2015

Am working in MS Access 2013 and I have a form with a button, I need the button to doattach automatically the pdf-report to the email template(i don't want to attach the pdf to a new email)

Right now the command open the E-mail template and create the pdf-report in the desktop

Private Sub Command18_Click()

Dim oApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oAttachment As Outlook.attachment
Set oApp = New Outlook.Application

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Attach Internal Access Report To Email Item

Dec 5, 2014

I have a subroutine that works well for sending emails. A need has arisen to, in some cases, send an Access report as a PDF attachment. I know how to do this using the SendObject method, but that won't work in this app. I also don't want to have to first save the report as a pdf file. I think I'm close, but I don't know the syntax for passing the report name as the Source parameter in the Attachments.Add method.

If strEmailAddress = "jsmith" Then
.Attachments.Add source:=MyReportName, type:=acFormatPDF
End If
On Error GoTo SendErr
On Error GoTo 0

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Filter On A Form With Variables

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to set a filter on a form with VBA using variables and having no success at all. The code I tried last, which seemed to be "close, but no cigar", was:

Dim sFilterValue As String
Me.FilterOn = False
sBiller = Me.txtbiller.Value
sLastSource = Me.txtbiller.ControlSource
sLastSource = "[" & sLastSource & "]"
sFilterValue = sLastSource & "=" & sBiller
Me.Filter = sFilterValue
Me.FilterOn = True

sLastSource and sBiller are global variables. When I debug this code the sFilterValue is exactly what I would plug in manually and the Me.Filter shows up as "[Field Name] = Filter Value". But it crashes on Me.Filter = sFilterValue. I have tried all sorts of combinations but nothing I've tried works. What is the proper syntax for using variables as filters?

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Modules & VBA :: Error 2450 When Setting Form?

May 19, 2015

I am getting an error msg when i get to the line "Set frm = Forms(vFormname).Form". Error 2450, cannot find the referenced form...


Dim frm as form
' Check If saved dynamic field exists
SqlStr = "Select ReportListID, DynFieldName, DynCalc, FormName, UserName From DynFields Where UserName = '" & GBL_Username & "' AND ReportListID = " & projectid
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SqlStr, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If rs.EOF = True And rs.BOF = True Then
GoTo Exit_DynamicFieldCreator

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Create Image File From HTTP Request Response Body?

Oct 24, 2014

I'm working on a database which is designed to connect to an app called Canvas (www dot gocanvas dot com). It's for a client which runs a team of heating engineers. All the information regarding the engineer's job is uploaded to Canvas through their API as an XML file, and the engineers use an app on tablet to view the job details. When the engineer goes to their customer and does some work, the completed info (which parts were serviced etc) is then downloaded as an XML file via the API into the database. Also, the customer signs on the engineer's tablet to confirm that the work has been done.

Although the XML files for the job data upload and download fine, there's a different API for getting a download of the JPEG which contains the customer signature, and I'm having real problems finding out how to use this.

The API guide says this:
The Submissions API is restricted to authenticated users and requires a username and apassword to access. In addition, the ID field is required. If these fields aren't specified, an error is returned.

The result of this webservice invocation will be either a standard JPEG image or an error code.

Example: [URL] ....

All my code (which I've pasted at the foot of this message seems to work fine. There are no errors, and the ResponseBody object appears to contain a byte stream which would be the jpeg... if only I could get it into a jpeg file!

How I go about taking this "stuff" that's come back in the responsebody and actually create a jpeg image file from it? I feel that I'm so close that I can smell it, but can't get the last step!

Here's the existing code :

Sub DownloadImageFile()
Dim xhr As Object
Dim webServiceURL As String
Dim actionType As String
Dim PostData As String
Dim strResult As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Control Source For Entire Form?

Oct 21, 2013

Is there a way to set the control source for an entire form through VBA? I have a database that was set up just as an archive file, not intending to have any forms or reports in it. It was simply to house tables containing data from previous years. My main database just copies the table over to the archive file and adds the year to the table name. I have just been told that the users would like a form and a series of reports set up in this database.

I would like to set the main form up so that before it will allow them to do anything, they have to enter the year of the data they are looking for. After the year has been entered, I would like to adjust the control source of the form to reflect the appropriate table. In other words, when a user opens the archived database, he or she will see a field for the year an nothing else. Once they enter the year they are looking for, the form will populate with data from the corresponding table (the table names look like this - tblPM_Completed_2013). Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Focus To Non Default Instance Of A Form

Mar 21, 2014

How to set focus to a non Default instance of a form.

A2007 ADP Project
Document Window Option - Tabbed Documents
MS SQL 2012 Express DB
Windows 7 64 Bit

I using Allen Browne's method to open more that one version of form, storing each form object in a collection declared in a module. No problem there.

Now I'm trying to add a command button on an form to set focus to one of these non-default instances already open.

The form I am trying to set focus to has a the following related properties

Default View: Split Form
Pop-up: No
Modal: No

The form that has the command button on it is of the same type.

Here is the code I've tried:

'Code on Calling Form
Private Sub cmdProjectList_Click()
Dim FunctionResult As Boolean

If AppForms.GoToForm("ProjectList") = False Then

[Code] .....

The code compiles and executes with seemingly no problems. It finds the form loaded, then cycles though and finds the form in Forms but the SetFocus call seems to do nothing. When I run the code against a defualt instance ( one not opened using Allen Browne's method) it works fine and sets focus to it as expected.

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How Do I Link/attach A Form To A Table?

Dec 11, 2005

I am new at this and have been struggling for days trying to solve this problem.

I created a database, using the wizard, to keep records of my orchids.

This resulted in a table. I keyed in the information on each plant.

Then I created a form, using the form wizard. Everything worked great. I could switch between the form and the table views.

The other day, the form no longer contained the information from each of my records. When I tried to switch to datasheet view (from form view), there was no longer a datasheet listed.

When I go directly to the datasheet (when starting Access), I can see all of the records (186 of them), but if I try to switch to form view - no form is listed.

Please help.

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Password Request On Form?

Apr 14, 2005

i have a curious and annoying problem :eek:

I have a Access 2000 db, been working fine for 6 months+ and suddenly today, two out of three forms give "not a valid password" error on trying to open them.

There has never been a password set on the db, nor on the forms - and the same user who used it successfully yesterday now gets this error, along with any other users.

What has happened and how do i fix it? All ideas welcome!!

Sham :confused:

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Complicated Form Request

May 4, 2006

Each time a person enters a part number into the form they will have an option to pick and load other forms. Looking to have 1 form with a cmd button that when pressed will go out and retrieve an object or objects (spreadsheet, word document and etc) and then place in the OLC’s and rename and store this object on a drive with the name of the part number and form name
I want the templates never to change or be updated. Only the objects store on the drive after the command button is pressed or the Ole object is double clicked can be edit.

I've tried hyperlinks, do not want to have operators do save as, also I would have to have all the forms entered for each part number prior to versus just using templates and having them be stored.

Example of save forms names
c:mydocuments racking12341234-Template-1
c:mydocuments racking56785678-Template-2

Not even sure this can be accomplished. See attachment for a visual idea.

thanks dmh

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Request Form, No Idea How To Set Up

Jan 17, 2005

I am thinking of adding a Request form to my database so that if the user wants to add a code to the system, they could fill out the form click send and i would then be able to retrieve all the requests via a report.

I have designed the form to something like what i am after...

i have a few issue's here:


i have set up an option wizard so that user can select if this is a new code or a failure mode request

if the user selects "New Event Code" i want the the text box and label for Eventcode Description to become visible and all others to become inactive.

i will explain what happens if the user chooses "Failure Modes" in a minute.

B) I have no idea what is the best method to sort the following section, if you look at my form at the bottom (Highlighted in red) i need this to be a continuous option as the user may wish to add more than one Failure mode to an Event Code.

C) going back to my options if the user select "Failure Modes" i need the bottom section to become active.

D) If that was not bad enough i have no idea on how to store this in a table.


Event Code ---> Top Line Code

Failure Mode --> Is the Event code description but broken down further

Any Advice or help would be much appreciated

All the best


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How To Associate The Request With Existing Form

Jun 25, 2014

how to associate the request with column and rows with an existing form?

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Class Certificate

Nov 8, 2007

I have been asked to create a certificate for completion of classes given at work. Is there any way to use a report or will the need to be done through word?

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