Modules & VBA :: Setting Up Database Library File

Jul 28, 2013

I am using Access 2010.

I want to set up a Library File containing code that I can call from numerous access databases.

I try to make reference to the newly created Library.accdb file in Tools - References and get the error message: Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library.

I have checked the names of all of these and there does not appear to be a conflict.

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.mde File Cant Find Project Or Library

Jun 16, 2005

Please help!

Working on an Access 97 database that I have inherited, on win 2000. The database is converted into an .mde file for the users.

I need to convert my new version to an .mde file, it does convert, but then when trying to open it afterwards gives the error below. Believe it's connected with the startup form frmsplashscreen which has 'on current', 'on open' and 'on timer' events

The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Cant find project or library.

I have gone back to the .mdb it was converted from and compared the startup form to that of a previous version. All the code is the same.
I have also tried commenting out the on open event, which then changes the error to

The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Cant find project or library.

I don't understand why it does not work, this same form opens fine when it's an .mdb file.

This is the first time I have worked with .mde files...I've looked on the internet, can't locate the exact error but similar ones point to problems with files on my ws (references etc). Previous versions of this database as .mde files work fine though?
Just say if you want the code from the startup form.

Help! Can't see what is causing this issue.

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Up Certificate Request Database - Attach PDF To Form

Aug 11, 2015

I have been tasked with setting up a certificate request database. I have an Access 2032 FE & SQL 2012 BE. I need to store PDF documents from all our branches.

I have been working on this for the past 3 working days and I have seen a great deal about saving the file path to the database vs saving the actual document in the DB. The documents would be located on each users computer.

I have a Form with all the information that is required by the certification department. On the form is a button (Called InsertID(ID in this case is the persons Identity Docuement)) and the button is linked to a table called dbo_CertificationSupportingDocuments. The table is referenced to the Main Certificate Request table.

The dbo_CertificationSupportingDocuments table is structured as follows:

[CertSupportingDocID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[CertificateRequestNumber] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[RequestBlob] [varbinary](max) NULL,
[RequestFileName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[RequestFileExtension] [nchar](10) NULL,
[RequestFileMimeType] [nvarchar](50) NULL

When I click the button I get a Run Time error 3075 "Syntax error (Missing operator) in query operator.

The code I am using is:

Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim strFileWPath As String
Dim FileNoExt As String
Dim FileExt As String
Dim StrSQL As String
Dim db As Database

[Code] ....

I have been looking at this code for so long that I cannot see what is wrong.

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Library Database Help

Dec 27, 2005

Hi. Newbie questions here...

1) I am making a library database. I created a simple query to identify books on loan.

I need a form to browse all books, not just the unavailible books.
However it needs to show that the book is unavailible/onloan (like my query identifies), perhaps by changing the colour to red or an "on loan" tickbox,

How do I achieve this?

2) How do I run some code on startup?
I found code to change the main background colour, but I don't want to assign a button to do it

I did search about but couldnt find the answer.


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Help On Library Database

Apr 4, 2007

Hi there! I haven't done any work on MS Access for some while now and I would like some help, to get back into things I want to do a library database system. I would like to have a table for 'customer' and 'books' and 'books out on loan'My idea for tables so far are:Customer{ CustomerNo - autonumber(PK) First Name - Text Second Name -Text Surname - Text HouseName - Text Street - Text County - Text Postcode - Text Phone - Number E-mail - Text}Books{ ISBN - Number(PK) Title - Text Author - Text On_Loan - Yes/No}On_Loan{ ISBN - Number(FK) Title - Text(FK) CustomerNo - Autonumber(FK) Date_Out - Date/Time Date_In - Date/Time(PK) Fine - Currency}Do these tables look ok?I'm know how to make these tables, but the forms and querys are a bit foreign to me after having time away from access, could anyone please advice me on how to go about this or show me examples of how to do this in access? I want all books taken out have an automatic 7 day renewal date from the current day! and all out standing books on loan to be printed off in a mail merge. Fine in table On_loan should be the cost of x amount after each day over the renew date. so if its 20p per day then after 3 days fine would be 60pAnd a page to add new customers/books.:)

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Another Library Database

Feb 28, 2005

I'm trying to set up a database for a library but I'm having a lot of difficulties and I'd be very greatful of any help. Well my main problem is the loaning and returning of books (which is a pretty big problem considering...). Anyway I can't figure out a way of having multiple orders (a maximum of 3 books at a time) and then being able to update tables for when the books loaned out and returned. Then another problem is how fines would work, ie [('returndate'-'datedue')*whatever] but how would this actually be displayed and used. I apologise for not really explaining myself well, but here is what my tables and relationships look like (which I think maybe where my problems are starting):

and the actual database:

One last thing - I had a look at some of sample library databases but I the only one that did really what I wanted used to much VBA and I couldn't really figure out how it worked. Thanks a lot for any help.

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Library Management Database

May 8, 2007

I’m looking for a Microsoft Access Database that is for library Management.

Any help or directions where I can get help would be great.



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General :: Forms And Queries In One ACCDB File - Path Setting To Linked Table File

Oct 5, 2014

I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.

One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.

Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?

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Modules & VBA :: Office 14.0 Object Library Causes Freezes

Oct 23, 2014

I have VBA code that makes use of the Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library, but if I have this selected whenever I try to do anything in the Form Design view it is constantly freezing. It will literally say not responding" for a minute or so then I will have control again.

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Modules & VBA :: Error Message - Can't Find Project Library

Feb 10, 2015

i have the following code and i have the below error:

can't find the project or library in red part

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function DatumUmwandeln(Datumstring As Variant) As String
Dim Monat, Tag, Jahr As String
If Datumstring <> "" Then
Tag = Format$(Datumstring, "dd")


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Modules & VBA :: Automation Error Library Not Registered Message

Jun 2, 2014

I am running Office 2010 but at one time also had Office 2013 installed on my Windows 7 64 bit OS PC. The first attachment (AccessProblem) shows the error message that I get when it hits the

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

line. I get the automation error - library not registered error. The second attachment (Access2Problem) shows the references that I have.

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Modules & VBA :: Compile Error In Format Function - Cannot Find Project And Library

Nov 18, 2014

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
cboDateStart.Value = Format(Now() - 7, "short date")
End Sub

When I run procedure the Format is highlighted and popup error message:

Compile error: Can't find project or library

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Modules & VBA :: Check If File Exists In Database Or Not

Nov 4, 2013

I have code working for some workers here ,who used to save excel files in a folder and my databse upload those files into database and then do the rest.I am looking for a code in vba which,on upload button matches the file in table and if the file already exists ,it should not upload again in the table and if it does not exists it should upload . I have attached my code below :

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim strcPath As String
strcPath = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Dim strcNewPath As String

strcNewPath = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingMovedFiles" & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd h-mm-ss") _
& " Excel Files" & ""

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: How To Create New Lock File Within Current Database

Apr 7, 2015

What I'd like to do is have an "export button", where the OnClick event, exports a single table into a new accde file. This would allow the end users to zip this file up and send it to me.

Because of all sorts of stupidity, I have no network capability and must send data back and forth via email.

I have digressed to a replication table that needs to be uploaded, once data is entered by the users...

Because the files can get relatively large (for emailing purposes), I am trying to figure out how I can get just one table from them vs. sending the whole application file back to me... It's pretty vital that they not be able to edit the table because that could really mess up the process.

So any way to create a new lock file from within the current Db?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Batch File To Open Up Another Database

Mar 11, 2015

I want to create a batch file that will be used in a RunApp macro command to open up another database.

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Modules & VBA :: Read XML File Which Needs To Be Processed In Access Database

Oct 8, 2013

For weeks I am trying to read an XML file which needs to be processed in an Access database. I can not find the proper way to:

- find a specific node
- iterate from there

The XML file is an international bank file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.02" xmlns:xsi="">

[Code] ....

I started quite simple, just wanted to read to node MsgId. This is the code I use:

Private Sub ReadXML_Click()
Dim aDoc As DOMDocument60
Dim aNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set aDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
aDoc.async = False
aDoc.Load DLookup("C:Sample.XML")

[Code] ....

Whatever I try: //MsgId or MsgId the results is "No nodes". How to read to XML.

Besides reading one node, the next challenge will be iterating the PmtInf node. There can be 1 in the XML file but also 50.

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Modules & VBA :: Allow A User To Navigate To A Text File And Import It To A Database

Aug 19, 2013

We have a function that will allow a user to navigate to a text file and import it to a database. I've been asked to make it import ALL the text files from all sub-directories in the directory IF they've never been imported before (based on FileName and LastModifiedDate). I've set up a table to track what's getting imported (tbl_ImportHistory). I'm thinking what I need to do is use the previous coder's GetFileName function in a recursive loop removing the navigation request and adding the comparison and then, if it imports the file, the name and date need to be added to the tbl_ImportHistory table. But I'm completely unsure of how to do it.

I'm posting the GetFileName function below. I believe once I've got it modified the rest of the code can be left intact as it just parse's and loads whatever file is selected in the GetFileName function.

Function GetFileName() As String
Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
Dim vrtSelectedItem As Variant


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Modules & VBA :: Determine File Format Without Opening Database (Using Access 2007)

Jul 15, 2014

Using Access 2007, can I return a value for CurrentProject.FileFormat WITHOUT opening the database?

I'm looking for a way to determine the file version of a given Access database without actually "opening" the database in Access (I don't want it to ever be visible at all or in any way).

So to open a database in Access 2007 "without opening it," I'm using:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("C:Path-ToFile.accdb")

From here, there are at least two different "version" indicators that can be used, as in this example:

Debug.Print db.Properties("Version").Value
Debug.Print db.Properties("AccessVersion").Value

Now, if you run this code on an Access 2002/2003 .MDB file, you will get:


If you run this code on an Access 2007 .ACCDB file, you get:


Note two important factors:The db.Properties("Version") seems to be returning the JET version from what I can see in research. This is NOT what I'm after.

The db.Properties("AccessVersion") returns THE SAME VALUE for an '07 ACCDB as it does for an '02-'03 MDB, since Microsoft never updated it, apparently.

Now.... the one way that I have found that ACCURATELY describes the version of a given access database file is to use:

Debug.Print CurrentProject.FileFormat this will always return, for example, 2.0 for an Access 2.0 .MDB file; 10 for an Access 2002/03 .MDB file; and 12 for and Access 2007 .ACCDB file (and there are others; these are AcFileFormat bitmask constants as described in Access support).

BUT, this CurrentProject object doesn't seem to be available (so far as I can see) when using the "open without opening" method described above.

SO, is there any way to return the FileFormat value without opening the database visibly? (Merely basing it in the extension isn't right either.... that would be easy but not accurate as several formats use MDB.

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Attach External File To Email Generated By Access Database

Nov 24, 2014

I have an Access 2013 database which will generate a pdf report and attach it to an email using the code:

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Report Name", acFormatPDF, Nz(To email address, a), , , "Email Subject", "Email body", True

I would also like to automatically attach on the server to this email. Such a file stored such as servernamesharefilename.pdf. Is it possible to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Button With Special Functionality - File Location In Database Path

May 28, 2014

In the access form I want to add a button with a special functionality.

After clicking "Select file" button special window should be open (or something else). It should give user a possibility of files locating (doc, pdf, rtf, txt ...).

After selecting the file and confirm the choice in the table "File_location" in database path to the file should be saved .

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General :: Copy Of Backup File (Automatic Setting)

Aug 27, 2012


I have a database that is updated every weekday, every hour. I make a copy of it end of the day so i do not lose that data so far. I wish there was was a way to make a backup copy, say end (once sometime) of the day, automatically.

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Help Setting Up A Database

May 11, 2007

17412 Hi, I am trying to set up a database for organizing Track and Field meets. I'm a newbie to a lot of the Access capabilities. I've attached a PDF of what I'm looking at doing for my Access tables. Some of the tables I think I have right. I don't know how to organize the meets, events, days. Should I have a table for each event? Can you look at my tables and give me advice on problems you can see? In the end I would like to enter the event results by race. Some races could have 10 or more heats. There are also field events that have different number of attempts depending on the meet. There are different track meets with different events each time and the order in which the events occur changes from meet to meet. Any help or advice you can give me would be great. Thanks!


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Need Help W/ Setting Up Database

Aug 30, 2004

Hi, I'm working on this huge project and would like to see if anyone has any advice on how to structure and
build my database. This is for the Accounting of Payroll for Staff, Contractors, and Per Diems (untaxed travel and
housing exp) for a theater company about to do a major production.

The problem is there are several categories of Staff (Directors, Producers, Actors, Orchestra, Sound / Light, Costume, etc.) and each one gets paid differently. Some may get a weekly salary, a per diem, or paid contract in installments throughout the performance (e.g. 500 on openining night, 500 on closing night). Some get paid a combination of the above. The hard part is some get processed through an online payroll, while others are paid through manual check (yet in this case, certain deductions must be made). That's what made this so complicated as some will require a % of gross paid to their agent, a % to union, and balance to them.

I thought I had this figured out w/ a massive spreadsheet showing who gets what and in what period, To further complicated it, payroll is bi-weekly, so then my data within a spreadsheet became just too much to even make sense of although the data is correct.

So my question is, what tables should I create? Pay Periods / Actors / Agents / Pay Type / Contractors / or all of these in one table? I don't expect anyone to reply to this as it is asking so much and not clearly defined. But if anyone has had a similar experience I'd appreciate your help.


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Setting Up A Training Database Help!

Jan 29, 2008

I have a table with the following fields


I have data entered all current employee training and dates that training was done.

I am looking for an explanation on how I can set it up so i can see who of the employees have not recieved the training.

I am also looking for code for the query to calculate recurrent training dates (when the next training is due for each employee) Dates of initial training for each employee may be different, as well the training may be required every one year or every two years etc.

I am hoping that I am explaining this more clearly in hopes to get some input back from the experts on this site.

Thanks in advance.

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Setting Up A Birthday Database

Jan 4, 2005

Basically - well maybe not lol

What i'm trying to do is create a worksheet that contains information regarding childrens birthdays for a playcentre, so that it will show me at least 2 weeks before the birthdate so i can get a letter sent out to the parents reminding them of our party facilities,

However its been years since i've used windows programs and i'm struggling pls help,


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Setting Up Database - Need Help With Relationships Between Tables

Sep 9, 2007


I would like to create a small HR database that holds:

* Employee details (Name, Date of birth, Entry Date, Exit Date, Function,Department, Shift)
* Departments
* Departments and capabilities needed
* Employee, departments and capability achieved (1=yes, 0=no)

The idea would be to have a link between the employee the departments capabilities I can tick fields of the capabilities they have or have achieved.

When I have this I could run a report that shows a score per employee
For example:

Name: Department: Orderpicking: Packing: Cutting:

John Warehouse 1 1 0

As the tasks / capabilities required are different per department you would see something different if you would have user Jane that works in accounting

Is there anyone that can give me some hints so that I can get any further??

For the moment I have 3 tables:

1. Employee information - John, Jane
2. Departments - Warehouse, Accounting
3. Department tasks - Department, Cap1, Cap2, Cap3, Cap4

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