Modules & VBA :: Show Captions Instead Of Names?

Sep 25, 2014

I used the code below to check the empty fields in the form and populate it in a message

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ctr As Control
Dim strMsg As String
'Loop through every control on the form
For Each ctr In Me.Controls


I want the message to show the captions of controls instead of its names

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Subforms / Get All Labels And Change Captions

Jun 26, 2014

I have a form (Form1) and a in it, I have 2 subforms datasheet (Subform1 and Subform2). I have ID, First Name, Last Name in each as headers.

I need to:

1) Find the subforms
2) Loop through the subforms and get all the labels
3) Change the captions

The reason for this is because I need to have the forms bilingual. I do have a function that will translate the caption (called TranslateThisWord). I just cant figure out a way to loop through the subforms and find all the labels.

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Show Field Names In Combo Box

Dec 30, 2005


How do you display the names of field for a table in a combo box. I know how to do it in mySQL "DESCRIBE employee_data", is there a SQL command in access to do this?



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Can Show Two Column Names From A Query In X Axis Barchart?

Nov 29, 2011

Select Year,Type,Count(*) from Table group by Year,Type;

I am running the above query to create a bargraph:

Result of my query:
Year Type Count
---- ----- ------
OCt-10 Type1 5
Apr-11 Type 4 4

Expected graph:

Y axis Counts
X axis Year and then Type together

Two bars in total :
One bar for Oct-2010,Type 1 showing a count of 5
One bar for Apr-2011,Type 4 showing a count of 4

Is it possible to show Year as well as the Type values as labels in X axis in a barchart. I know it can be done with pivot charts but I dont know how to create it as a report with pivot barchart .

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Queries :: Show All Names In First Column And Insert Zero Where No Record Exists

Aug 27, 2014

I'm tracking the holiday entitlement of a team of people. I use a query to work out how much unbooked holiday they have to take.

My problem is where I'm scheduling next year my query returns the names of those who have booked a holiday and their remaining entitelement. That's as it should be. However if someone hasn't yet booked any holidays then it simply doesn't display their record. I would like it to treat that record as zero and show the remaining entitlement as a full years entitlement.

Here's the SQL
SELECT Employees.Trainer_Name, Sum([2015 Holiday].[2015 Days]) AS [SumOf2015 Days], Employees.Holiday_Days, [Employees]![Holiday_Days]-[SumOf2015 Days] AS 2015
FROM [2015 Holiday] INNER JOIN Employees ON [2015 Holiday].Trainer_Name = Employees.Trainer_Name
GROUP BY Employees.Trainer_Name, Employees.Holiday_Days;

The problem here is that the Sum of 2015 holiday is Null

Do I somehow need to create 0 hours records?

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Forms :: Multiple Instances Where Inactive Names Should Not Show On List

Mar 22, 2013

We have a form that will have one combo box for Associates (like Employee in the OPs DB) which I've got set to show only active Associates for new entry per the tips in the above thread, but we'll also have a combo box for Developer which I need to function the same way. I don't know how to add that part to the On Current event?

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim strComboRowSource As String
If Me.NewRecord Then
strComboRowSource = "SELECT T_Associates.AssociateID, T_Associates.Associate, T_Associates.Active " & _
"FROM T_Associates " & _
"WHERE (((T_Associates.Active)=True));"

[Code] .....

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Field Captions

Sep 26, 2006


I have an MS SQL 2000 backend, and I link the tables from here to an .mdb file. In that .mdb I would like to change the field captions of the tables in runtime, but when I try to assign value to a caption property which didn't have value before, I receive an error message which says, that this property could not be found. I tried out a lot of things, but up to now, without any success. Does anybody have any idea, what could be the solution?
I would be very grateful for any small tips!

Many thanks,

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Modules & VBA :: Field Names In Functions

Oct 23, 2014

Adding fields into a function has been a problem for me:

IIf((Count([qryADDR].[Fuel Type]>2), 'MPS', [qryADDR].[Fuel Type])

The logic I'm trying to create is the following: If the number of Fuel Types is greater than two, then the field will have the value 'MPS.' Otherwise, the field will just have the regular fuel type value. It's referencing this fuel type field in the function that is the problem. I have not been able to get this working.

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Modules & VBA :: Get Names Of Subforms In Tab Control

Nov 13, 2014

I have a main form that has a Tab Control. The tab control could have 5 to 10 tabs. Each tab has a subform and in some instances a tab could have a tab inside that tab with subforms as well. I want to be able to get the subform names in each tab.

I am able to get the main form name by using

How can i get the names of each subform in each tab?

I am creating a dynamic form and need to get the names into variables for later use...

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Modules & VBA :: How To Use Variable Column Names

Mar 2, 2014

how can I use the column repmonth in the following statement?

repmonth is as a string declared and given by the user, in my case repmonth = 112013.


Public Sub TEST2()
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT PPC_REPORT.Reporting_Month, Report_Products.Division,
Report_Products.Product_Class, PPC_REPORT.Sales_Quantity,
Sales_QUANTITY_BP_2013.'" & repmonth & "' , Sales_QUANTITY_BP_2013.Total,
Sales_Quantity_'" & CF_PERIOD & "'.' & repmonth & "', Sales_Quantity_'" & CF_PERIOD

[Code] ......

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Condtional Formatting Of Captions

Jan 4, 2006

I want to change the Caption of a textfield depending upon a value selected from a combo box. i.e. If the user selects 'Scientist' from combo box, then the caption to enter name should be 'Scientist Name' if the user selects 'Engineer' then caption should be 'Engineer Name'. Can anyone guide me how this can be done?

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Searching The Captions Not The Source

Aug 7, 2006

Hello all,

Does anyone know how I can make this code search the captions instead of the Control Sources: :confused:

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

Dim mstrFormToSearch As String

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()

Static strLastFind As String

Dim ctlFocus As Access.Control

Dim strTemp As String

Dim I As Integer

If IsNull(Me.TxtFindWhat) Then Exit Sub

With Forms(mstrFormToSearch)


Set ctlFocus = .ActiveControl

On Error Resume Next

strTemp = ctlFocus.ControlSource

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

For I = 0 To .Controls.Count - 1

Set ctlFocus = .Controls(I)

If ctlFocus.Enabled = True Then


strTemp = ctlFocus.ControlSource

If Err.Number = 0 Then

Exit For

End If

End If

Next I

End If


On Error GoTo 0

End With

If Me.TxtFindWhat = strLastFind Then



DoCmd.FindRecord _

Me.TxtFindWhat.Value, _

acAnywhere, _

False, _

acSearchAll, _

False, _

acAll, _


strLastFind = Me.TxtFindWhat

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

On Error Resume Next

mstrFormToSearch = Screen.ActiveForm.Name

If Len(mstrFormToSearch) = 0 Then

MsgBox "There's no active form to search!"

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveNo

End If

End Sub

Thanks :)

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Modules & VBA :: Compare Column Names And Sequence

Sep 5, 2013

I want to be able to compare two tables to see whether their Column Names & sequence are the same.

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Modules & VBA :: Populate List Box With Table Names

Jul 10, 2014

I am trying to populate a ListBox with the names of the tables from another database. I have the following function which loops the table names from the database I want. The function is caleld on Form Load and passed into the ListBox but the List Box is empty.The message box in the function does display the table names when called from the form. I just cannot get the list box to populate.


Public Function ListTables()
Dim db As Database
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim tdefs As TableDefs, tdef As TableDef
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("C:MyPathAnalyzed Tables.mdb")


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Modules & VBA :: HTML Field Names On A Webpage

Dec 31, 2013

I am using Access 2007 to update a page on an external website (amongst other things) from an Access form using VBA, but that page has recently changed. I have dealt with most of the issues around this, but there is still a problem that I cannot see how to resolve. Previously all the fields on the page were uniquely named, and so I was able to assign values from my form to them using


But now there appear to be identically named fields on the webpage and I cannot see how to differentiate between them in my code. I have attached a text file with the two relevant sections, containing the HTML for the two relevant sections on that page only (the code for the whole page runs to 8000+ lines and I can add the lot if really necessary) and as you will see the names for things like runs (name="result[][runs]") and wickets ("result[][wickets]") are the same in both sections. So how do I tell one from the other in my code?

Currently I have the following:

With objIE
.Visible = True
'1st innings - new HTML field names but duplicated on the webpage
.Document.all.Item("result[][runs]").value = nz(Me![runs_for#])
.Document.all.Item("result[][wickets]").value = nz(Me![wickets_for#])

[Code] .....

How can I differentiate between the HTML field names in the attached file as simply as possible in my code above?

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Modules & VBA :: Variables As Field Names In Recordset

Mar 12, 2014

I am using Access 2013 under Windows 7. In my database I have a table, tblStock, with field names Module, Component_1, Component_2, etc. up to Component_50. I also have fields Qty_1, Qty_2, etc. up to Qty_50. These field names are not easily changed as they are constantly updated from another database. I want to create a table, tblTempBOM, using VBA by selecting a particular value of Module selected from a combo box on a form, from tblStock and creating a record with the Fields "Module", "Component" and "Qty" for each Component and Qty from 1 to 50. I am trying to use a From... Next... loop to cycle through the Component and Qty fields and store the data in the new table.

Dim strModule As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strQty As String
Dim strEye As String
Dim strTest As String


This runs to the point where I try to set the value of rcd![StockCode], but the item rcdStock![strTest] has no value.Can I reference the value of the field in the rcdStock Recordset in some other way that would work?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Only Sheet Names Into A Table

Dec 28, 2013

I have an excel file on my drive with the following path "D:JsonSolve.xlsx", I only want to get "Sheet Names" and Import the sheet name into a table in Microsoft Access, how to import "All Sheet Names" from the specified path into a table, Every sheet name would be taken as a single record.

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Button Captions And Details From Table

Sep 18, 2007

Hi There

I am wandering if anyone has a solution to this problem i has basically have 2 tables 1 called departments, with the fields: Dep No, Dep Name, then i have another table called Items, with the fields: Item No. Item Name, Item Price, Department.

What i want to do is create say 10 command buttons and create an array of them i know sort of how to do it in visual basic and all the 10 command buttons name is the same and an aray is created but i dont know how to do it in access i know that it doesnt let you create an array but i have seen it done somehow in a project that i came across.

so basically what i would want to have done is on the form load the 10 department buttons captions are loaded from the table departments and when a department button is clicked its is linked to items where i ahve created say 20 command buttons called items.

I dont know it it makes sense what i have written but any help on this matter would be very apreciated it pr if anyone knows of any examples as i have been stuck on it a while

Many Thanks

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Removing All Captions From Table - Macro?

Apr 12, 2005

I regularly import tables with many fields from a third party application into Access 2000.
These fields all have captions as well as field names (obviously!) but I give them much more meaningful "friendly" names. But to do this I must first manually delete all the captions.
Is there an easier way?
Thanks in advance.

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Help!Command Button Captions On Click

Aug 9, 2005

Hi all!

I have this command button whose caption switches from update record to save record with a msgbox verifying if the person really wants to take this action. On click the user is then allowed to update the record then in theory they would be able to hit the same button whose caption now reads save record, the msg box would appear with a yes or no answer required. The code I have is putting the msg box after the user clicks the update button.

Anyhelp and/or suggestions would be most appreciated!

Private Sub cmdOpen3_Click()

stDocName = "frmSearch"

If cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Update Record" Then
If IsNull(Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject) = False Then
Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject = "frmFTMInfo"

Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Locked = False
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.BackStyle = 1
Me.cmdOpen3.Enabled = True
Me.cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Save Record"
Me.cmdOpen4.Enabled = False
Me.cmdOpen4.Caption = "&Update Record"
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Locked = True
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.BackStyle = 0
Me.cmdOpen3.Enabled = False
Me.cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Save Record"
Me.cmdOpen4.Enabled = True
Me.cmdOpen4.Caption = "&Update Record"
End If
End If

If cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Save Record" Then
If IsNull(Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject) = False Then
Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject = "frmFTMInfo"
If MsgBox("Save update to this individual?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Save Update?") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmFTM"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
MsgBox "Return to the FTMInfo Form!", vbInformation, "Save Function Aborted!"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub


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Dynamic Command Button Captions

Oct 28, 2005

I would like to display a continuous form with a command button whose caption is dynamic; such that the button text is determined by a field in the underlying recordset of the table.

So, if the field were forename : each button caption maybe : Brian, Peter, Sally etc.

Is this possible / and how can it be done?

Thank you.

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Forms :: Dynamically Changing Captions

May 20, 2015

I have a system that has a growing number of forms. On each form they are a variable number of labels/text boxes/command buttons etc. The captions for all of these are in english.

The database is to be deployed to a non english speaking country so I want to be able to dynamically change all the captions on the forms (not n the data) to the local language.I know how to do this. For each control on load I decide the local language and change the caption accordingly ie (and code is for illustration only and not necessarily syntactically correct)

if locallanguage = 1
me.control1.caption = "save in english"
me.control2.caption = "heading1 in english"
me.control1.caption = "save in local language"
me.control2.caption = "heading1 in local language"
end if

What I want to know is there and easy way to do this. Rather than wade through each control on each form and find out what the name is can I generate anything that will give me all the control names and captions for each form (and report)?

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Using Table Data As Button Captions

Nov 13, 2011

I want the caption for buttons in my Form to be pulled from a record in a table. Additionally, I want the name of the related form or report opened from the button to be pulled from the same record. I've been looking into this and it seems like using DAO is one option,I've already go the table set up, that was easy enough.

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Using Same Field In A Query But Need Different Captions / Headers

May 7, 2015

So I'm using the same field in a query, price. But I need it listed twice in the table it creates, one as cogs_mfn, and the other as cogs_afn. The problem is that since the field that the data is coming from is exactly the same, the caption remains consistent, whether one or the other. I've tried to create separate expressions, but that doesn't work either.

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Modules & VBA :: Report Names - Changing Settings For Array

Nov 6, 2014

I have the following script which I use to modify all report settings, with an array so that I can easily list reports that I want to change the settings for, there could be 50+ reports.

I can use a string but I have to put str1 as string, str2 as string etc... whereas an array would be easier (if I knew how to do it).

Public Sub ModifyAllReportsProperties()
Dim obj As AccessObject, dbs As Object
Set dbs = Application.CurrentProject
Dim ReportName As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Store PDF File Names In The Combobox?

Mar 11, 2014

I have a folder in which there are PDF files stored. Now in the Form, there is a combobox and I want the code so that when a Form is loaded then add all those PDF file names(only first 9 letters of that) in the combobox.

e.g if the PDF file name is ABCDE1990-YYY then add ABCDE1990 in the combobox. So if there 10 PDF files in the folder then add 10 names in the combobox.

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