Modules & VBA :: Stop Export To Excel When No Records Match Criteria

Sep 22, 2013

I have a sales sytem in Access 2010.New customers have to be imported to MYOB daily. I have a query that finds new customers and appends them to a table for importing at a later stage. I export the records in that table if the field "imported" is set to false. The results are exported to Excel so they can be imported into MYOB after some additional data is added. If there are no records to append to the import table I want to stop the export from happening. I am new to VBA and don't know how to express that the select query "000 Append New Customers...." should only run if the append query has records. If there are no records found, I want to put a message saying "no records found". Here is the code I have behind the command button:

Private Sub PrepCustcmd_Click()
'Turn warnings off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "000 Append New Customers to MYOB Customers", acViewNormal, acEdit


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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Values In ComboBox / Set Query Criteria / Export To Excel

Jul 24, 2014

I am a relative newbie to VBA, and not very familiar with loops, but I need to add a loop to my function that exports a query with criteria contained in a bound ComboBox on a form. I've gotten my code to work fine without the loop, but I would like to export one file for each item "Team_ID" contained in the ComboBox without the user having to manually select and re-run the function each time. Here is what my code currently looks like:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function CreateQCChartsforReports() As Boolean
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQLStatic As String
Dim BookName As String
Dim BookName2 As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim cboCode As ComboBox


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Finding Records That Match Multiple Criteria

Nov 2, 2005

Hi, I have a personell DB an I vant do be able to select only the persons from a specific "city" with a specific " genre" and a specific "skill" and also i want the query to "ignore" one of the criteria if I press Enter or input all.
I tried with "query design " and I don't seem to make it work for more than one condition.


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Count Consecutive Records That Match Criteria

Jan 25, 2006

I want to place a control in a report footer that will return the highest number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. The database has fields named WeekNo and Net. The Net field contains positive values (profit) and negative values (losses). The WeekNo field is an integer from 1 to 52 designating the week number.

For example if the figure in the Net field is a positive number I want the control to count the number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. I know how to get the value of total weeks that a profit was earned; this is not what I am looking for. The control must return the highest number of CONSECUTIVE weeks that a profit was earned over the year.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Delete Records That Match Multiple Criteria From Second Table

Jan 23, 2012

I would like to create a query that will delete records that match several fields from another table. This is complicated by the fact that one of the fields will be in one of 3 columns.I have attached a test database (no real details), all Sheet2 entries need to be deleted from Sheet1.

What I need to do is delete records that have the same 'Surname' and 'DPS' value but also the same 'Line5' value from Sheet2 in 'Line3' or 'Line4' or 'Line5' in Sheet1.The 'Surname' and 'DPS' are no problem, it's the variable position of the third field. I think I could do it in three separate queries but it would definitely be better in one.

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General :: Find Records That Match Criteria Of Multiple Fields

Mar 12, 2013

Using sql or access query I would like to create an expression that aggregates the first field and I would like to see all records grouped by the relationship with another field. Let me show an example.

My query shows:

field1 field2
apple a
apple b
banana a
carrot a
carrot b
dog b
elephant b

I would like my query to now display a third field and group field :

field1 field3
apple both
banana a
carrot both
dog b
elephant b

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Modules & VBA :: Filter To Match Any Part Of Criteria

May 3, 2014

I have a text box ( Supplier_Name) on the main form i would like to filter subform by any part of entered charactor on the feild (suplier_Name)

Private Sub Find_Click()
If Not IsNull(Supplier_Name) Then
Me.Suppliers_Details.Form.Filter = "[Supplier_Name] = '" & Me.Supplier_Name & "'"
.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

this code is work fine but i have to enter all the characters of long name , but i would like to only insert few chars.

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Forms :: Export Form Criteria To Excel

Apr 16, 2013

I have a form that has a ton of checkboxes.

1. Select Product (combobox) or All Products (CheckBox)

2. Product Type (3 different checkboxes)

3. Includes (10 checkboxes)

What I need is these checkboxes to filter the selected data from my Details table and export it to a new excel file that the user chooses where to save.

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Excel And Call Macro From Other Excel?

Aug 25, 2013

i want to export a table to excel , open this file and execute a macro from another file.

the code i have now is :

DoCmd.OpenTable "Overzichtaanwezigheid", acViewNormal
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdExportExcel
DoCmd.Close acTable, "Overzichtaanwezigheid"
Dim XL As Object
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XL.Workbooks.Open ("C:UsersErwinDocumentsOverzichtaanwezigheid.xlsx")
XL.Visible = True
XL.Run "d: est.xlsm!Macro3"

Opening the excel file goes ok, running the macro however not.

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Modules & VBA :: Stop Append Query To Add Same Records Again

Mar 23, 2015

I'm using an append query that needs to add the records from another database into a table. I can get it to get the data and add the records. There are other columns in the database that are not in the one the data is pulled from. If I would run the append query again, it would add the same records again at the end. How can I avoid this? I only need to add new records that are not yet in the database I want to pull the records to.

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Queries :: Export Selected Records From A List To Excel

Dec 11, 2014

I'm selecting multiple records from a list, now I would like to export these selected records to excel.How do I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Excel With Filters

Aug 30, 2014

I'm trying to create a button that will export the filtered records on the screen to an Excel file.

I'm using strWhere as my where string and found this code in one of the posts from this forum, but unfortunately, I can't get it output only the filtered records. It outputs all records instead.

Dim db As dao.Database, qdf As QueryDef, mySQL As String
Dim strWHERE As String
Const strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Action Register] "


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Modules & VBA :: QueryDef And Export To Excel

Jun 13, 2014

So I had this code working and then I cleaned it up a little and it no longer works. It should export data from a created query using criteria selected by the user on a form and put it into an excel file that exists. I get no errors but it does not export anymore. After pouring over it for a while checking for mistakes with my form control references and variables I have yet to find anything. I did change my form name and edited the code accordingly after I already had it working, and changed a few form settings but changing them back did not fix the issue. I am not very experienced and stumped since I am not getting error messages.


'First set variables for the SQL string and CreateQueryDef command
Dim strExport As String
Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
'Then define the SQL to be exported (Static Response Info by ItemID)

[Code] ......

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Regularly Import / Export Different Records To Multiple Excel Worksheets

Mar 16, 2014

I'm building a data base for my company, which is composed of items we sell. I then need these records to populate our pricebooks, which are excel worksheets, under multiple workbooks.

So essentially, I would like to have all the fields separated by vendor, series and series items, then populate the proper Excel worksheet (within a supplier's workbook). I have the know how to build a query to narrow down a particular vendor/series/groupofitems, but I don't want to be creating an enormous list of queries which have to be run each time.

I also have the know how to create a joined table which pulls the item list into the proper group, creating one large table with every vendor, series, and items. But what I'm looking for is some type of hybrid, which will allow me to export all of the items to their corresponding worksheets in one fell swoop. This will be done regularly as prices from suppliers change, certain colors are discontinued, sizes added, etc.

I'm guessing when I use the query which creates the large table with all the product that it's indexed, and that I would be able to use this to then import the data into excel/export the data to excel. But I'm not sure about this.

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Format Excel Export?

Dec 11, 2013

I'm exporting a query to Excel, and I want to be able to conditionally format certain rows of the export using Access VBA. Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Excel - Multiple Tabs

Aug 18, 2014

I have a main form with two subforms. I'm trying to get my code so that it allows me to put 1 subform on one tab and the other spreadsheet on the other tab.Heres my code:


Option Compare Database
Public Function Send2Excel(frm As Form, Optional strSheetName As String)
' frm is the name of the form you want to send to Excel
' strSheetName is the name of the sheet you want to name it to


It won't let me pass more than one subform when I call Send2Excel, so I have to list it twice, which opens two excel files.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Table From A Different Database To Excel

Jan 31, 2014

I have 2 databases, mymacros.mdb and otherdb.mdb

I am writing some vba code in mymacros.mdb to try and export a table from otherdb to excel. I do this becuase there is a new copy of otherdb created on a daily basis.

I have tried using docmd.output and docmd.transferspreadsheet to achieve this but dont know how to specify that the table I am exporting is in the otherdb.mdb file.

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Modules & VBA :: Open The Export To Excel Window?

Aug 21, 2013

Is there a command that I can use to export a spreadsheet to Excel...

I could use docmd.transferspreadsheet

however that would also mean i would need an input window where users would need to manually put in the location they wish to save to...

Instead, could i not get a "SaveAs" command window or a file browser at least for them to search that way?
Alternatively, If it was possible to use VBA to pop up the "Export - Excel Spreadsheet" window, that would be just as good.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Visible Fields Only To Excel

May 15, 2014

I have a query tool that allows users to create their own custom queries. Basically, it's a form that allows the user to check boxes for the fields they want to see. The code behind it simply hides the fields in the query for which the user has not checked the box. That works very well.

My problem is I would like to have a command button that will export the query to excel. The OutputTo and TransferSpreadsheet commands will just export the whole query into excel regardless of whether or not the field is checked. I'm looking for a way to only export the columns the user has checked. Is this possible, and if not is there a workaround that would do something similar?

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Modules & VBA :: Rent Contracts - Export To Excel

Feb 27, 2014

I have a database, which analyze rent contracts.

I export each rent contract to excel by the following code.

Each contract gets each spreadsheet. So right now i export all contracts.

Private Sub Befehl1_Click()
Dim xlApp As Object 'Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Object 'Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet
Dim rstID As DAO.Recordset, tmpStr As String
Dim rstGr As DAO.Recordset, strSQL As String

[Code] .....

Is it possible that, before the exports starts that an import box shows up and the user can enter special contracts by SUWID number?

For example 5,6,7 and 10.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Data In Listbox To Excel

Jun 18, 2014

I have a Listbox named List5 and a search textbox named txtProperty and a table name sms , after i search in textbox the results in listbox . i would link to inport the results in listbox to excel but the code i have export the whole table to excel .

here is my code

''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''' '''*''''''''*''''''''*'
''''''''*''''''''*'''''''' BUTTON 3 ''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*'''''''
''' EXPORT THE LIST TO EXCEL AS List5.XLS ''''''''*''''''''*''
''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''' '''*''''''''*''''''''*'
''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''''''*''''' '''*''''''''*''''''''*'

Dim outputFileName As String
Dim oXL As Object
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim sFullPath As String
Dim sPath As String
outputFileName = CurrentProject.Path & "List5.xls"

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Special Table In Excel

Mar 19, 2014

the access database is about contracts.Each contract has an ID. So starting from ID1 to ID250. Right now i export in via VBA to excel. I have to create before in the excel the 250 tables. If the ID10 is not existing anymore i still have the table 10 left and then i have to delete this table.

Dim xlSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet
Dim rstID As DAO.Recordset, tmpStr As String
Dim rstGr As DAO.Recordset, strSQL As String


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Modules & VBA :: Export Subform Filter To Excel

Feb 10, 2014

My subform is filtered via using VBA.


strFilter = "[FK_D_TO_ID] = " & passProgram & " AND [isPending] = " & Me.txtIsPending & " AND [isApproved] = " & Me.txtIsApproved
Me.sfrmContainer.Form.RecordSource = "qry_WorksheetFund_Status_TollFree"
Me.sfrmContainer.Form.Filter = strFilter
Me.sfrmContainer.Form.FilterOn = True

It works as I expect to see in my Subform. Now I want to export the results out to excel.

The problem is that I want to only export what is actually being viewed on the subform. Not the underlying query that it uses which has many more columns that are not displayed on the subform.

Is it possible to use the result being displayed on the subform and make that into a temporary table and export that to EXCEL?

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Modules & VBA :: Export From Access For Each ID To Each Spreadsheet In Excel

Sep 3, 2013

I've got a table with data about a contract. Each contract has his own ID. For each contract i have Information from SAP, Information from a System called geris and a System called pauschale. No I would like to Export that to Excel. With VBA, I would like to transfer the data for each ID to each spreadsheet.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Export From Access To Excel / Overwrite

Jun 22, 2014

I have Query call "export to excel" these are columns in my query

employee id
total ex
date of ex
first name

which I would like to export to excel file name "access data"

columns in excel
employee id
total ex
date of ex
first name

now my problem is I cant manage to export the data to existing sheet within excel when I export it opens the existing file but create a new sheet / tab but I just want to delete the data in columns A,B,C,D only refresh the data in these columns when the user hits the command button in access on my form and takes the data from my query

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Modules & VBA :: Export Query To Excel Skip One Row

Apr 8, 2014

I export data via vba from access to excel.

Here my VBA.

Dim xlApp As Object ' Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Object ' Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Object ' Excel.Worksheet
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

How can i do it that by exporting the data to excel, that it will skip one row.


I have the following querry

country/date apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan feb mar


It starts with A4 to J4 and then it will skip the row K4.

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