Modules & VBA :: StoreProcedure Not Working For Excel To Access Update

Oct 4, 2013

What I'm trying to do here is, update my access table ("Table1") from excel sheet ("Myexcel.xls"). Excel file contains all the information however access table is not updated except "RefNo" field. Condition what I coded here is when once connection is build, "RefNo" in excel matched with "RefNo" of access table , update the other fields in Access table. Which is working fine (doesn't showing any error) but still data is not updated in access table. I don't know why is not updating it....

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim accessCMD As ADODB.Command
Dim accessRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim accessParam As ADODB.Parameter
Dim bFound As Boolean


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Modules & VBA :: Modify Working Code - Export Query And Update Worksheets In Excel Template

Mar 12, 2014

What I want to do instead is open an existing .XLSM wokrbook delete or update the 7 sheets it creates and replace them with the new query results from access.

I love this code below because it works really well but now I have a new requirement. I have a workbook that has a "dashboard" sheet that looks at the sheets from acccess and summerizes the data. So, I'd like Access to open that "template" excel workbook and delete the old sheets and put in the new ones..The required sheets to keep are called "Metrics", "Validation" and "Mara"

What I was trying to do for the past few hours was another work around which was to have Access run this code, then excel run some code to import the "dashboard" formulas but I can't get it to copy to another workbook because it links to the OLD workbook..Here is the working code that needs modding:


Option Compare Database
Public Function ExportAdvanced()
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strWorkSheetPath As String
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim Rng As Excel.Range
Dim strTable As String
Dim strRange As String
Dim strSaveName As String
Dim strPrompt As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strDefault As String


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Modules & VBA :: Update Access Table Through Excel

Jul 26, 2013

I have an access database that is used to store records of requests for for items. Example, ID, WhoRequested, CustomerName, Date, address, phone, WhatRequested, amt. I take this data and export it to an excel spreadsheet and send to another area for processing.

I then get the sheet back with the orderdate, ordernumber, and shippingnumber. I need to update the original table with this new information. it is not bad when there is only a few, but Ihave had 100 or so lately, and updating each record manually is time consuming.

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Still Not Working- Importing Excel Into Access

Nov 20, 2004

I tried posting this before, but I have not seen it posted yet, so I will post again.

I am trying to import an excel sheet into access.
I have searched the threads, and found similar problems, but none of the answers are helping.

The problem:
I use a macro to transfer the spreadsheet (Transferspeadsheet)

I have a column in excel that contains mostly numeric entries, but sometimes it will have alphanumeric entries.

Access will see the numeric entries and assume this is a numeric field- and then null my alphanumeric entries, and I will get importerror tables after the fact.

Many times the first 10 rows are completely numeric, but the 20th row is alpha numeric. If the alphanumeric row is closer to the top- no errors.

I have 60 spreadsheets to load every morning. Switching to access for all users would be a godsend, but also a fantasy in my environment. I have to find a work around for this. The users will always be using excel to enter this data.

I have tried:

1) Changing excel columns format to text.

Result: Access doesn't care. Sees the field as numeric- import errors on alphanumeric entries

2.) Linking to table

Result: if the first rows are numeric, when I scroll down to the alphanumeric entry it states "error" when I view the linked table in Access. (Access will not allow me to change the field properties of the linked table)

3.) Making a table in access with the "correct" feilds and exporting to excel. Having the users use that version.

Same result- import errors.

There is one thing I have not tried, and I am ready to try anything:
Somehow exporting excel to text and then importing the text.

HOWEVER: I read this as a solution someone has tried in this forum- but he had problems with date entries. (They didn't convert very well, I am assuming).

I have date entries in my spreadsheets, so I don't want to go there. Besides, I don't know how to automate the export of 60 spreadsheets to text.

I asked someone else, he suggested an "import map".

Did help search, Internet word search- nada.

Is there some sort of import template that can be used to force access to understand that I want a particular field as a text field?

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General :: Update Access From Excel

Jul 2, 2013

From Excel 2007 to Access 2007 I want to keep my Access database sync with my Excel SpreadSheet. I not to often change Excel but when I do Access will be updated.

Error #: -2147217887
"Field cannot be updated."

My connection string works fine and recordset is up and running!In my Excel file:


For k = 1 To Sheets("2013").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 4
If rs!Index <> k Or rs!total <> Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 5).Value Then
rs!Index = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 1).Value
rs!DatePaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 2).Value
rs!WhatPaid = Sheets("2013").Cells(k + 4, 3).Value


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Modules & VBA :: If And NZ Statement Not Working In Access?

Jul 8, 2015

why this IF and Nz statement in my code below is not working. I know the me.txtrefNo value is "" (null) on a form field with property set to General Number. Therefore the Nz statement should return a "0" as I specified making the statement true as in 0 = 0 and then execute the actions below to generate a reference number however this it now happening as it's rendering the if statement as false and showing me the message " Whats going On?" which is after the else statement.

If Nz(Me.txtrefNo, 0) = 0 Then
Me.txtrefNo = DMax("[refNo]", "[R_P_Data_P]") + 1
tmpRefNo = Me.txtrefNo
'testing variable value
MsgBox (tmpRefNo)
MsgBox ("What's going on?")
End If

PS. Does this have anything to do with the table field format that the me.txtrefNo value will be saved to?

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Program Working In Access 2007 Not Working In Access 2010 Due To Missing OCX File

Dec 27, 2014

I have a program that runs under access 2007 that I use at my work. We will soon be updating to MS office 2010 and the program will not work now because a calender file .ocx was removed from access 2010. Is there a way to get the 2007 .ocx file to work in access 2010?The program I am using is a relatively simple stand-alone and unsupported app that we use to request patient arrival and departure from various radiology tests inside a hospital. No reports are made from the app other than the number of patient transports for the day.

The app is placed on a common drive accessed from any pc in the hospital. No special permissions are required. But our app does use the calendar, time and date functions in access 2007. When I tried the app on a pc with access 2010, it basically says it (access) cannot open the app because a .ocx file is not present.Is there a way to make the access 2010 calendar file work in access 2007?

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How To Update Records In Access Using Data In Excel

Apr 15, 2015

I have a query in acess which brings data from different tables. Each month I print this query and I send to a person that will modify the numbers (manually - yes with a pen) and give it back to me. Then I update it manually (in the computer) and print it back to verify.Once I have the final version done, I have to put the updated data into access again. And this is the part I would like to automate (since its not possible to automate the first step because the other person is a retarded on computers and want to use a pen).

So how can I import the data I updated in excel to access? As far as I saw I can only import data into a table, not update using a query. Plus while we are making this manual updates, the data in access is changing. So copy and paste is not an option since the order of the records in the query will be heavily different.

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Modules & VBA :: Why AcFormatPDF Cmd Is Not Working In Access 2003

Jun 8, 2013

I used below vba code to to send email with PDF attachment in Access 2007 which works perfectly.

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "R_TradeOrdAck", acFormatPDF, strMailList, , , .............

But since the db is installed at single pc user to work with Access 2003, the command acFormatPDF wont work. Instead acFormatSNP is working.

But I need acFormatPDF to work in Access 2003.

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General :: Update Excel / Access Table Via Email

Jun 10, 2012

I would like to use the "Collect and update via email" function within MS Access 2010 which sends out and collects emails. I know how to use this function, but what I would like to do is something slightly different. Instead of emailing out a data entry "form" that has the employee/team member enter information for data collection purposes about their project, status, start date, end date, priority, tasks, etc. Instead, I would like send an Excel/Access table with all of the current project information displayed in the email data collection form and then have the employee reply to the email and overtype edits to displayed information and then have those changes automatically entered into my table. For example, one project table can have up to 50 rows and then column headers such as project status, start date, end date, priority, task description, etc.

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Update Access Table With Daily Excel Spreadsheet

Apr 28, 2014

what I have in Access is a table which lists jobs via their HB Number (as well as a ID number access gives them). For each job there is a bunch of details and some Yes/No fields.Each day I will get a dump from another system that will list jobs like this, I then need to "Update" the Access table with any new information from the excel dump. The update would need to:

1. Insert new records (jobs) from Excel dump into Access Table
2. Update any of the records fields (except HB of course as its unique) in the access table from the Excel dump (the Excel dump obviously wont have access ID numbers, but will have the HB)For a real basic example:

Access Table Like So:





the actually data has lots of different fields and many many many more records. But yeah basically need to update the table from an excel dump.I thought it was as simple as doing a Excel Import > Append Table thing in Access, but that just seems to add the new records and ignore the updated fields?

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Can Information In Access Update Records In Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 13, 2013

We are developing a work evaluation for all of out employees on the shop floor.

While Access is way easier to update and allow for quicker ways to gather information, our requirements is that we must display a training matrix. While access has great reporting features, it is tough to get it a format with all users listed on top, tasks listed on the LH side and knowledge levels showing what level each user is at for each task.

I am limited by standard practice on how to display it so I was curious to know if information updated in Access can be updated on an Excel spreadsheet as well. I know in Excel you can format one spreadsheet to update another but I can't figure out away to have Access do the same thing.

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Excel Import Link To Access Is Broken - Data Won't Update

Apr 12, 2014

I have a workbook which has links to access to import data. I have to have the information in Excel for a couple reasons:

1.) Many of our customers don't have Access.
2.) The customers use a "discount calculator" to apply their own discounts.

They also use it to then apply their own margin mark ups to be able to then use to quote to their customers. So a static report/pdf for them to look at doesn't work.

I've begun to create links from a number of queries in Access, which work fine. My problem is when I go to update the data. I'm not getting the following error coming up:

The database definitely hasn't moved. And I've run the queries in q, and there aren't any problems there. I've looked this error up and I'm seeing that it could mean that I've got some corruption going on.

Before I hit my main q, I should also note: I'm running all of this on a Citrix network. I should also note that it's a consulting gig. Once I'm done, I won't be available to fix major issues like this.

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General :: Update Preformatted Excel Spreadsheet With Access 2010 Query?

Jun 10, 2013

I have an Access crosstab query that I have exported to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have the spreadsheet formatted using conditional formatting and I'd rather not have to reset it every morning. It's a single spreadsheet (the columns/rows will not deviate greatly day to day) and should be very simple, but I'm not getting it for some reason.

So if I have "Test.accdb" and it contains "qryX" as my crosstab and "Sheet1.xls" is my formatted Excel spreadsheet, how do I code for the latest "QryX" to go in and replace the old "QryX" data in "Sheet1.xls" ?

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Modules & VBA :: Criteria On MS Access Query Not Working With Multi-Select Listbox

Aug 22, 2014

I am attempting to filter records using a multi-select listbox, but all records are being returned. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnKeyboxCount_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Import Excel Into Access

Jul 18, 2013

I'm trying to import an excel file that includes a column of Part Numbers that I am interested in. I am trying to import that excel file into an access table called 'TableForImport'. That table has a column called 'PartNumber'. Thing is it's not just one Excel file that I am uploading...although I am uploading one file at a time. So the column name for each excel file table is different but they all have one column for the Part Numbers that I am interested in.

My code won't allow me to import the excel file into table 'TableForImport' unless they have the same column name! They never will! How do I accomplish my task without editing the excel file information? Here is my code:


CurrentDb.Execute "CREATE TABLE TableForImport " _
& "(PartNumber CHAR);"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "TableForImport", Me.ExcelInput, True

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Modules & VBA :: Using Access To Get Data From Excel Objects?

Aug 18, 2014

using VBA in Access and Excel. I have an Excel form that I am using to collect data as the front end and an Access database to house the data as the back end. In my Access database I want to create a module that will open the excel files and retrieve data from Active X combo boxes, option buttons and checkboxes that are on the Excel form. I have been searching for the VBA code to get data from these objects but have not been able to find any examples. How to reference these objects and get the values from the excel form

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Modules & VBA :: Excel Instance Does Not Close From Access

Oct 4, 2013

I have two problems excel instance does not close at the end and two when I try to do the looking using text it works but soon as I try using date/time it returns nothing.

Private Sub Command84_Click()
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
On Error Resume Next


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Modules & VBA :: How To Disable SAVEAS In Excel From Access

May 14, 2014

I am wondering if there is a way to disable the "saveas" in excel from access with vba? I have the following code:

Private Sub cmdReport_Click()
Dim path As String
Dim XL As Object


Which I have used in another excel file. But I can't use that now. The file I am opening from access is a workbook generated from an excel template, and I have yet to find a way on how to transfer this Workbook_BeforeSave sub from the template to the new workbook.

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Modules & VBA :: Freeze Panes In Excel From Access

Aug 20, 2014

I need to freeze the panes in an Excel spreadsheet form within Access. I have the following code:


Dim ApXL As Object
Dim xlWBk As Object
Dim xlWSh As Object

Set ApXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWBk = ApXL.Workbooks.Add
Set xlWSh = xlWBk.Worksheets(1)

With xlWSh.Range("B5")
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End With

The codes runs, but the panes are not frozen. (I got this from the Excel macro recorder)

I need both panes frozen. Where is my error?

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Transport Variable From Access To Excel?

Aug 7, 2015

I have some shapes to be automated in powerpoint (Tables, Pictures and Charts). Each and every shape has to be created on basis of some reports (all excel files with a Dyno-Static Filenames: "Some Bond TE 1-29-2015.xlsx", "Scenario Analysis GSB 28th Feb 2015.xlsx"). Dyno-Static Filename: Filename having some part static and some part variable in it.

So I created a table with a list of file names (report names) with wild cards on it. Like "Some Bond TE*.xlsx", "Scenario Analysis GSB*.xlsx". I am opening these files using the following code from Access:

If Not IsWorkbookOpened(Dir(CurrentProject.Path & "Received FilesFiles" & SlideNshapes!Shape_File)) Then Set SourceFile = Excel.Workbooks.Open
(CurrentProject.Path & "Received FilesFiles" & Dir(CurrentProject.Path & "Received FilesFiles" & SlideNshapes!Shape_File), ReadOnly:=True)

There is no problem in Access Part. Now I come to my current problem. I am planning to have an attachment field (excel file) to store a table layout model identical to the powerpoint table (shape) to be automated.

The powerpoint table is like the following:
Rates Wtd Dur
US2Y 0.34
The Attachment Layout:
Rates Wtd Dur
US2Y =FilepathfromAccess!Sheet1!M24

There are so many cells to lookup on different excel files. The Following are the questions:

1. how to passs an access variable to a formula in a excel sheet?
2. How to refer only the opened sheets in an excel formula?

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Worksheets In Excel From Access

Sep 30, 2013

I'm exporting some data from an Access Database into an Excel Spreadsheet to create a report in Excel, and I'm running into some problems with that.

The idea is I have an Excel Template with a tab to take raw data from an Access Query, and then a couple tabs that manipulate that data and a final tab to format it for reporting. Basically, the formatted tab uses lookups to find data that's been exported from the query and display them in appropriate columns and rows (producing a result sort of like a cross-tab query but where I've got better control over the presentation of the results). My end-goal is to have this data formatted, to replace all the lookups with hard-coded values data, and then to remove the raw data tab and other tabs with lookup data to have a clean report ready for printing.

It's that last step - deleting all the extraneous tabs that are no longer feeding any equations because I've copy/pasted values over the lookup equations - that's proving vexing. Everything through this point is in the same On_Click event code:


Private Sub Command0_Click()
'Note: I'm using early binding right now to take advantage of Intellisense;
'My plan is to go back and replace this with late binding once I have code that works.
Dim objXLApp as Excel.Application
Dim objXLbook as Excel.Workbook
Dim objXLWS as Excel.Worksheet
Dim strPath as String


I don't get any error messages. I actually have a messagebox thrown up in the code to inform me that I'm getting to the right worksheets selected. (The loop is selecting the worksheets as expected. But when I open the file in Excel... all of the worksheets are all still there, including the ones that should've been deleted.Is there something I should be doing to make sure the worksheet deletion goes through?

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Modules & VBA :: Specific Fields From Access To Excel

Apr 15, 2015

VBA for a click button that extracts specific fields in an Access DB in to an Excel spread sheet.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Excel Into Access With A Default Value

Jun 6, 2014

I'm stuck on a step where I want to import an excel worksheet into the msaccess like we do normally. I do not have any data inside, it's just the header I will be importing. The data will be feeded by other forms based on some selections. My requirement is the "Default value" of each field should be set to 1 as we see in the property of a table in design mode.

The data would be updated later for some fields via macro or commands, but the fields were nor touched should be set to 1 (Value).

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Modules & VBA :: Export From Access For Each ID To Each Spreadsheet In Excel

Sep 3, 2013

I've got a table with data about a contract. Each contract has his own ID. For each contract i have Information from SAP, Information from a System called geris and a System called pauschale. No I would like to Export that to Excel. With VBA, I would like to transfer the data for each ID to each spreadsheet.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Export From Access To Excel / Overwrite

Jun 22, 2014

I have Query call "export to excel" these are columns in my query

employee id
total ex
date of ex
first name

which I would like to export to excel file name "access data"

columns in excel
employee id
total ex
date of ex
first name

now my problem is I cant manage to export the data to existing sheet within excel when I export it opens the existing file but create a new sheet / tab but I just want to delete the data in columns A,B,C,D only refresh the data in these columns when the user hits the command button in access on my form and takes the data from my query

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