Modules & VBA :: Table Relationships And Nested Forms - Copy Sub Form Records

Aug 3, 2015

I've attached screenshots of the table relationships and some nested forms that I need to discuss in my database.

If you look at the forms screenshot you'll see I have a main form "business/cmc issues" that uses a combo box to select a business name; nested into that I have a second form "policy issues log" that holds details of policy issues about that business; then inside that I have a sub form "issue updates" that records brief details about the actions carried out in trying to resolve each policy issue.

The same policy issue can affect more than one business (because of a relationship between the two companies etc) but still needs to be viewed separately. So for example in the business selector combo box I might have business "ABC". In the policy issue it might say "doesn't pay on time". The "doesn't pay on time" issue might also apply to business "123" and so if I picked that business from the combo box you'd see the same policy issue.

Because it's the same issue for two separate businesses, the actions carried out will be the same, so what I want to do is, after a new action is carried out (where relevant) to be able to click a button that would run some code that copies the actions entered in the sub form for business ABC and pastes them into the sub form for business 123 where the product area and policy issue are equal. This is to avoid having to enter the same data twice.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Records To 2nd Table

Mar 28, 2014

I'm getting myself into a bit of a muddle.

I have four tables:
tblinvoice / tblinvparts
tblquotes / tblquoteparts

when I open the tblinvoice form it has tblinvparts as a subform. tblinvoice has a listbox that lists quote numbers linked to vehiclereg. I have a button on the tblinvoice that will open a popup tblquoteparts continuous form linked to the quoteid on tblinvoice. These filtered records have a select button so I can select all or some.

I have now got stuck as I need a button on tblquoteparts popup that will copy the selected records from tblquoteparts and paste them into tblinvparts where quote (on tblequoteparts)=quoteid in tblinvoice.

In a nutshell, I would like to copy selected records from tblquoteparts to tblinvparts.I need to duplicate the records because only 10% of invoices are generated from a quote and the quote parts/prices may differ from the final invoice.

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Modules & VBA :: Macro To Copy Records From One Table To Another

Jun 22, 2015

I have two tables in my Access database, their fields are exactly the same (for now). One table is called Uncheched. The other one is called Checked. So what is need is a macro that takes selected records in table Unchecked and copies them to the end of table Checked. Actually CUTS from Unchecked and PASTES to the end of Checked table.

Sub MoveRecords()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCut
DoCmd.OpenTable "tblChecked", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPaste
End Sub

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Copy Records From Split Form Datasheet Section To Another Table?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a split form (frmPatient Schedules) that shows me my records in the datasheet view at the bottom section of the form. My records have a field with a checkbox (ckbxHOLD).how can I get the records that don't have their checkbox checked to be copied as new records to a different table (tblHome Visits)?

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Value From Current Form To A Table

Aug 27, 2013

I have a projects Database with: Projects_Table, Staff_Table.

Both tables has forms for data entry or update. Each project has many staff allocated to it.

In the Staff_Form I placed the Project_Code in the form heading section. The form opens based on a search criterion on the project_code so it shows the staff for that project only. The issue is when I try to add a new staff for that project on the Staff_Form, the project_code stays blank in the staff_table.

What I need is that the project_code in the staff_table for that newly added person to have the same project_code on the opened form. Simply to link the staff to the project they work in when I add them using the form.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Copy Partial Data To Another Form / Table

Jul 16, 2014

I have prepared a table in a database which includes a yes no box to one of the fields.

The idea of the yes/no field is that this is recording if the record is awarded. What i would like to achieve is that if the yes no box is checked "True" i would like to be able to copy some of the data from this table into a new table and that the form associated with this table opens up to enable the user to populate the remaining fields.

I believe i need to run this as an on click event procedure but cannot identify the code to enable the data to be copied accross to the other table.

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Forms :: Copy Record Data To Another Table Through Form

Aug 1, 2014

I have a form with 2 subforms, each based on their own table. One displays categories of invoices (e.g. rent, electricity, etc.) including some details like monthly costs.

I would like users to be able to select one of those categories and copy this to another table, after which they can enter on what date the invoice was paid, to make a history of payments.

At first I based fields in the history table on fields in the categories table so that you could simply pick a category from a combobox. I had an after update event on that combobox that also automatically set the 'costs' combobox to the matching price.

Worked fine, but had one snag: if I update the costs of a category in the categories table (e.g. the rent goes up) then all the costs in the history table was also updated because the fields got their info from that table.

So now I no longer have field from the history table based on the other table, and want to use 'set value' to copy values from one table to the other. I'd like the user to be able to somehow select a category with a single click on a button, and getting the info for that category copied. However, how can I get access to know from which record I want the fields copied?

Or is there a completely different way to get a history of payments that works much better?

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Queries :: Search Form That Fetches Records In Nested Tables?

May 25, 2014

I have three tables, tblPeople, tblAddresses and tblVehicles. I have a form called frmPeople that shows a single person record, and has subforms with the list of addresses and vehicles for that person (each record has several). I want to create a single search form with each of the fields in my tblPeople, tblAddresses and tblVehicle tables, and allow the user to type anything into any of the fields on the search form, and have the search form fetch records that match.

So far, I have the query built, and the tables all linked the right way (I think), and I have all the search fields coded. And it works GREAT... except for this one little issue: If I do a search, and I put "Smith" in the last name field, I will get several Smiths in my search result, one for each address and vehicle combination. In other words, if I have ONE Smith in the table, and two vehicles and two addresses for that Smith, the query results give me FOUR Smiths! One with Vehicle1 and Address1, one with Vehicle2 and Address1, one with Vehicle1 and Address2, and one with Vehicle2 and Address2.

What I would LIKE is to have ONE record in the query results, and that record shows me that one Smith. And if I then search for "Plymouth" in the VehicleType field, and I have Smith in the name field, I'll get ONE record, and it will be the one of Smith with his Plymouth (Vehicle2).

Here is how my query looks right now (this one ONLY has the last name and vehicle search function to save space), and this is the one that gives me multiple results (which I do NOT want, unless multiple PEOPLE match the search criteria):

SELECT DISTINCTROW tblPeople.LastName, tblPeople.FirstName, tblPeople.PersonID, tblAddresses.Address, tblVehicles.Vehicle, tblVehicles.Plate, tblVehicles.VehicleYear
FROM tblPeople LEFT JOIN tblAddresses ON tblPeople.PersonID = tblAddresses.PersonID
WHERE (((tblPeople.LastName) Like "*" & [NameField] & "*")
AND ((tblVehicles.Vehicle) Like "*" & [VehicleField]));

Did I write the query wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: DMax Nested In Open Form

Sep 19, 2013

I need to use DMax to open the form on the last record based on the serial number. This code is what I have to open the form currently, but I want only the latest record related to the serial number:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", , , "incoming_module_sn = '" & Me.txt_sn & "'"

Here is what I tried and it did not work:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", , , DMax("incoming_module_sn", "tbl_module_repairs", "incoming_module_sn = '" & Me.txt_sn & "'")

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Forms :: How To Copy Unbound Text Box On Form To A Current Record In Table

May 17, 2015

I created an unbound text box on a form that automatically pulls the current logged in user by using this:

Private Sub Txtuser_Click()
Me.Txtuser = Environ("Username")

The form grabbs the logged in user with no problems, however, I ultimately want this information to also end up in my table. So the form has three boxes (to keep it simple). The user will type their first name and last name manually on the form which the record source is this "table" where their name goes to the table last name =Field 1 and first name=Field 2 respectively. I want the unbound box from the form to place the logged in user in Field 3 for the current record.

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Forms :: Nested IF Statement To Check If Input Box Is Null On Form

May 9, 2014

I have a form in my Access database that has 3 input boxes by which a user can locate a record by. The problem I am running into is that I can not get a nested IF statement to work properly to first check which of the search boxes are filled in and second search by whichever is filled in. I have come up with the following code that seems to be only searching by the first input box. If the first input box is blank it does not move to the second or third numbers so I imagine there may be something wrong with the order of my IF statement or the syntax is off.

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How To Copy Records To Different Table

Jun 22, 2006

Hi all

This gonna be a long one.... I've search the whole forum for answer to this problem, but couldn't find the one suitable enough.

I have a quote table with the following field:


and booking Table:


The real table is much more complex, but this will do for now.

When a client call up for a quote, their request will be added into the "QuoteTable". One name can occur many times depend on how many they ask for quote. Once they decided to proceed with the booking, all the records need to be transfered into "BookingTable".

Currently, I use either one of the following codes found in this forum:

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstQuote, rstBooking As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstQuote = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM QuoteTable " & _
"WHERE QuoteName = ' " & Name & " ' ")
Set rstClient = dbs.OpenRecordset("BookingTable")

Do Until rstQuote.EOF
For Each Field In rstQuote.Fields
rstBooking.Fields(Field.Name).Value = _
Nz(rstQuote.Fields(Field.Name).Value, "")
Next Field


Dim lngOuterCounter, lngInnerCounter As Long
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstQuote, rstBooking As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstQuote = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM QuoteTable " & _
"WHERE QuoteName = ' " & Name & " ' ")
Set rstClient = dbs.OpenRecordset("BookingTable")

If Not rstQuote.EOF And Not rstQuote.BOF Then
For lngInnerCounter = 0 To rstQuote.Fields.Count - 1
rstBooking.Fields(lngInnerCounter) = _
Nz(rstQuote.Fields(lngInnerCounter), "")
Next lngInnerCounter
End If

But none seem to work. Can anyone help?


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Record To History Table And Then Delete It From Main Table

Jul 9, 2014

I have a form with a sub form. when a record is choosen in a combo box the sub form is filled out with a record.

what I am trying to do is have a button that will copy that record to a history table then delete it off the the main table.

I cheated by using the wizard to get the code to delete the record but I am having troubles modifying the code to copy that record to the history table. Here is the code below. I have tried to insert code in several places but it just errors out.

' Master_tbl_sub_fm
Function Master_tbl_sub_fm()
On Error GoTo Master_tbl_sub_fm_Err
With CodeContextObject
On Error Resume Next

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Create Sequence From Table Of Relationships

Jan 14, 2015

I am writing a deposit recording database for archaeological layers. My units are recorded in one table, and then the relationships are recorded in a separate table. I have limited the recording of relationships to be either "same_as" or "below".

So in tblContexts is have say: 1,2,3,4,5,6

In tblcontextrels I have say : 2 is below 1; 3 is below 1; 4 is below 3; 1 is below 5; 6 is the same as 5

I want to view the deposits on screen in their stratigraphic sequence. So I think I need to write a piece of code to run through "tblContextrels" which will then create a hierarchy attribute. This attribute can then be used to sequence the context deposits I am looking at.

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Modules & VBA :: Table Relationships And Select Statements

May 8, 2015

I have coded a select statement that uses multiple tables for information used to populate a report. It returns the correct information, sort of, but it doesn't recognize the already existing table relationships so I get dupicate records. Is there a way to run the code so that it recognizes the table relationships?

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Linked Table, Cannot Copy/paste New Records

Feb 16, 2006

I have an Access database with linked tables from Sybase SQL Anywhere, via an ODBC data source. I have just linked the tables recently, all the data used to be in native Access tables. It is fairly common for members of our team to open these tables in datasheet view, and copy/paste several records to create new records, then edit a few fields on the new records. This used to work fine with native Access tables, but when we try it with the linked tables we either get an ODBC error - "primary key value already exists" or the new records show up with #Deleted.

The root of the problem is this: In the old Access tables, the primary key was an autonumber field, and Access was smart enough to assign new ID's when you copy/pasted records. In the linked table, the primary key is type "Number" in Access, and Access is not smart enough to let Sybase assign new ID's when you copy/paste records in datasheet view. Access is trying to force the existing ID's into the primary key field, and Sybase says "too bad so sad".

Of course, I could just write some quick append queries to copy/paste the data. And in the short term, that's exactly what I will have to do. But is there any way, long term, to allow members of my team to do it the "quick & dirty" way by copy/pasting in datasheet view? I have tried to change the primary key to an autonumber field in design view, but Access doesn't allow that. Is there a way to do it in code, or a way to force Access to allow Sybase to always handle the primary key field?

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Queries :: Unable To Copy Records Into Another Table

Sep 7, 2013

I'm using Access 2007.

I have a button on a form that when clicked, does the following:

I have a table called [Workorder Parts] that has 128 records in it with Fields named WorkOrderPartID (Autonumber), WorkorderID(Number), PartID(Number), Quantity(Number), UnitPrice(Currency), Notes(Memo), KitID(Number).

I want to copy records into another table called [tKitsWorkorderParts] that has the identical structure based upon a value in the field WorkorderID. For testing purposes let's assume that the field contains the value "12". There are 28 records in the table that have the value set to "12"

If I hardcode the value "12" into the following SQL statement, it finds and copies the 28 records correctly.

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [tKitsWorkOrderParts] SELECT * FROM [WorkOrder Parts] WHERE [WorkOrder Parts.WorkOrderID] = 12"

so far so good.....

Now, on the form there is a Text Box called WorkorderID that contains the value "12".

If I change the code to the following, I get all 128 records instead of just the 28 I am expecting:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [tKitsWorkOrderParts] SELECT * FROM [WorkOrder Parts] WHERE [WorkOrder Parts.WorkOrderID] = WorkorderID"

I have inserted a few MsgBox displays to display the value contained in WorkorderID and it shows "12"...

What am I doing wrong???

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Structure Of A Table To Make A Temp Table

Apr 20, 2015

I'm trying to copy the structure of a table to make a temp table. I'm using CopyObject (which also copies the data). So when I delete the data from the temp table, it also deletes data from the source table. Is the data linked? It should just be deleted from the temp table. Below is the beginning of the code. I've stepped through, and at the last step shown, the data in the source table deletes.

Dim strFile As String
Dim temp As String
Dim tbl As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

' error handle
On Error GoTo F_Error

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Copy Fields To Multiple Records?

Jul 17, 2015

I have this access "Database" that contains only one table that I'm trying to make a form for. I want it to allow the user to enter a value for field A and a value for field B then a list of values for field C (which is the key, so each would be a new record all with the same values for field A and field B). I tried to make a multiple item form but when I click on the new row for field C, fields A and B both disappear.

Disclaimer: I know that the creation of a one table database is a mortal sin but that's what my boss gave me and there are already >8000 records with a million mispelled words, so I don't think there's much I can do to make it a relational database without entering each record in again.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Value To 2nd Table

Jun 18, 2014

I have a database with two tables, and a form that is bound to the 1st table. I have a duplicate record button on the form. One of the functions I want to happen is when the duplicate button is pressed, one value is copied from the form and added to the 2nd table. The tables are basically set up the same with an ID column which is the key and an autonumber, and the second value is a number. So I want to copy the number to the other table and add a record. What is the best method? Can I use an insert into and just copy from a variable, or is the better method with a recordset. Either way, I have not been able to figure this silly thing out and it is preventing me from moving forward with this database.

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Forms :: Comment Box To Copy To The Rest Of Queried Records

Jan 13, 2015

Here is my code...if I take out the where copies the remarks all the way down my table to all the records...with the where's prompting in for parameters..

Private Sub Remarks1_Click()
Dim strMsg As String, strQry As String, strRemark As String
strMsg = "Update All Comments in the Current view. IMPORTANT!!! Will update a the Viewed records."


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Forms :: Create A Button To Copy Records From One Of Subforms

Jan 26, 2015

I have a form with several subforms for entering information while surveying rooms in a building. I am trying to create a button to copy records from one of the subforms if the data is the same (for example if there are 3 types of flooring in multiple rooms) and append it into the same subform with a different space ID. I can not get it to recognize the Space ID on the current record. This is what I have in the command button code:

Private Sub AppendFloorCmd_Click()
Dim FloorTypes As String, SpaceUpdate As String
Dim CurrentSpace As TextBox
Set CurrentSpace = Me.SpaceID
FloorTypes = "INSERT INTO FlooringSurveyTable (FlooringHomoID)" & _
"SELECT FlooringSurveyTable.FlooringHomoID FROM FlooringSurveyTable " & _
"WHERE (((FlooringSurveyTable.SpaceID)=[Enter Space ID to copy]))"


When I click the button, it appends the right records but makes me type in the current space ID - I've tried a bunch of ways of naming that control, but it will not work.

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Forms :: Loop Through Records And Copy One Of Fields For Each Row Into Another Subform

Apr 12, 2013

I have a subform for which I want to loop through all the records and then copy one of the fields for each row into another sub form.

I came up with the bellow code but i get an error when I run it.

The error is an "error 438".

Code is at follows and I am copying the field called price:

Do Until Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].EOF
[Roll Out - Sign items added].Form![Price] = [Roll Out - Sign items pick list].Form![Price]
Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].MoveNext

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Queries :: Insert Into - Copy Records From Another Base Into Existing Table

Apr 15, 2014

I'm trying to copy records from another base into existing table in current base by:

DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO pivot (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) SELECT (RFO_CLIENT_ID, FOLDER_DATE_CREATE, start_time, end_time) FROM svod IN 'Z:NPSNPS - Operator - 1.accdb' ")

But it doesn't run. Says insert into syntax error.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Field1 To Field 2 In Table

Feb 20, 2015

I want to save the timestamp created in a table when a user opens the database. My vba saves the computer name and user name and sets the currentuser = yes. The table is mysql odbc, and has the requisite timestamp and id fields. I have a form that I can open that shows who is online at that moment. When a user closes the database, the currentuser field is set =no. All of that works well. Now, I have added a "starttime" field in which I would like to store the timestamp that was set upon opening, since when a user logs off, the timestamp gets changed to the log off time.


Dim myQry As String
Dim sUserName As String
Dim sUserComputer As String
Dim currentVersion As Date


The UserTimestamp in red is the field value of the first record in the table, not the usertimestamp in the user's record. How do I store the log on timestamp in the "starttime" field?

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Linked Table To Another Back End

Jan 12, 2015

I have the usual setup with a front and back end.

I want to copy three of my tables from the back end to another database (backup) at regular intervals. When using docmd.CopyObject and docmd.TransferDatabase it is the link that get copied (naturally) and not the table itself.

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