Modules & VBA :: Update Column With Sequential Numbering
Jan 8, 2014
I have column called "order" in table called "mov" and this column has this layout
And I want to update this column to be corrected numbering from 1 to the last cell number - lets say it 17540 - this update has no criteria conditions, just this field.
I have a question concerning the automatically sequential numbering of a primary key as part of a composite primary key.
Tbl_treatment: ID=numeric field (also in tbl_pt and in tbl_tumor) Tumornr=numeric field (also in tbl_tumor) Treatmentnr=numeric field
[ID] and [tumornr] are fixed and i would like to automatically number [treatmentnr] per [ID] AND [tumornr] in a way that the output will look like this:
However, when i use the SQL-formula below my output looks like this. It seems as if the function is not properly taking the composite primary key of [ID] AND [tumornr] into account or not finding the true max value:
Shall be grateful for clarifications for these two :
1. I have two fields - TheYear (set to take the current year) and another for sequential numbering. In fact I created this to replace the autonumber field. As suggested by a member I created a Generate button with the criteria as under
Private Sub Generate_Click() If IsNull(Me![NumFld]) Then Me![NumFld] = Format(Nz(DMax("[NumFld]", "[DiaryTable]", "[TheYear]='" & Year(Date) & "'"), 0) + 1, "00000") End If Me![NumFld] = Format([NumFld], "00000")
End Sub
It works fine. and when the year is changed, the numbering starts from 1 again. My question is how do I make it to auto generate the number so that the user doesnt have to click the Generate button everytime to get the number. Suggestions please.
2. Is it possible to change this sequential numbering midway i.e. to start from a different number and increment by one?
I have an existing table with a field labelled Job Number (17 Job Numbers). Each month I import a new table and match each record via another field (serial number). For each new record, one or many, I want to attach a sequential Job Number. In this example the new job numbers need to start at 18 then 19 etc. How is this possible? I am fairly new to Access so please be gentle!. Cheers
I need to generate line numbers for an access query. This query is run via VB code. After it runs, a Dlookup is performed to search for the line number of a particular order detail id. When it finds it, it puts the line number along with other unique order detail information into a text file to be used by a computerized saw that cuts the parts out. Here's a sample query:
The query is supposed to be sorted with SortID Descending, Frmlgth Ascending, Stilelgth Ascending - in that order. The sort is working fine. However, the Sequential numbering is not. The OrderdetailID has NO bearing on the sort order. Here is my SQL code:
SELECT OrderDetails.OrderDetailID, ProductTypes.ProductTypeSortOrder, OrderDetails.FrameStileLengthActual, OrderDetails.FrameRailLengthActual, OrderDetails.OrderID, (SELECT count(*) FROM OrderDetails As x WHERE x.orderdetailid <= OrderDetails.orderdetailid AND x.orderid = orderdetails.orderid) AS SeqNo FROM OrderDetails INNER JOIN ProductTypes ON OrderDetails.ProductType = ProductTypes.ProductType GROUP BY OrderDetails.OrderDetailID, ProductTypes.ProductTypeSortOrder, OrderDetails.FrameStileLengthActual, OrderDetails.FrameRailLengthActual, OrderDetails.OrderID HAVING (((OrderDetails.OrderID)=[forms]![orders]![orderid])) ORDER BY ProductTypes.ProductTypeSortOrder, OrderDetails.FrameStileLengthActual DESC , OrderDetails.FrameRailLengthActual DESC;
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not too good with SQL, but I can figure it out (I think!). I've searched all the formus, but all the reference I can find regarding this don't work for me in my application...
Just trying to figure out how I can run a select query on some data I have and how to also include an additional field which has a value counting the number of rows.... eg in the first row there would be the usual results and the new field would have a value of 10001, second row would be 10002, third would be 10003.
I've done some searches for sequential numbering but couldnt find anything so far.
I've taken on the task of transitioning excel reports (and their format) to a database. One report summarizes all the parts of a piece of furniture, and the order of the machines each part goes to.It looks similar to this:
Part# Part Name Machines/Operations M7264Top Panel 112114116120121325216 M7265Under Top Panel 112114116120121 M7266Base Assembly 411325216311310312316
The table this comes from has both operations and setups, so I used a query to filter only the operations.The query (qryOperations) result looks like this:
i need to add sequential numbering (1,2,3,4...) to each line of the qryOperations and use the sequential numbering as the column header.How do I add sequential numbers to the query, that restart after each change in part number? I can do this in a report easy enough, but not a query.This is the SQL of the query I need to have the sequential numbers in...
SELECT tblparts.[PART NUMBER], tblOperationCodes.MachineCode, tblOperationsList.Order FROM tblparts INNER JOIN (tblOperationsList INNER JOIN tblOperationCodes ON tblOperationsList.OperationCode = tblOperationCodes.OperationCode) ON tblparts.[PART NUMBER] = tblOperationsList.[PART#] WHERE (((tblOperationCodes.Function)="O")) ORDER BY tblparts.[PART NUMBER], tblOperationsList.Order;
I have a query that groups the data by customer. How can I create a "Transaction Number" field where I assign a sequential number to each invoice, starting at 1 with the oldest invoice and increasing the sequential number by 1 with each invoice. I need to create this field in a query without code.
How I can create a sequential number in a field that looks like this:
(Example: 15-100-00 -- the next sequential number would be 15-101-00)
I don't want to hard code the year, and the last 2 numbers must be entered manually.
It gets even more exciting --> this number has to be able to be duplicated in a table. Those last 2 numbers is a revision number. We might have a 15-100-00, 15-100-01, 15-100-02, etc.
One of my forms has a text box which is bound to a field called teenumber. This form is set up that "on current" has code
If Me.teenumber = 0 Or IsNull(Me.teenumber) Then Me.teenumber = Nz(DMax("teenumber", "tblteeofftimesshotgun"), 0) + 1
This enables the text box teenumber to be auto filled with sequential numbers growing by 1 for each record. This database is for a golf tournament and this form enables user to set up tee times for shotgun start for the players.
When the user gets to tee number 18 or whatever the last hole on the course is the teenumber field needs to be reset to 1. With the above code I a unable to do this.
Creating a form against a table with the following fields
EC Project Originator Title Full description Effectivity Etc....
Easy enough to create the Project combo box, problem comes with trying to systematically assign the next EC number.
When I select a Project from a combo box I want an EC assigned with format ECXXXX-### where XXXX is the project number from the combo box and ### is a sequential number. ECs should start at -001 for all projects.
Do I need to add an EC suffix field to hold just the ###? Then what?
I've received a database that is a digitized population register from the 19th century. All adults have been entered into the database, but all children are missing.
Every person has a unique number that corresponds with the original source (this variable is called 'no', this is not the autonumber primary key thing). Instead of searching in the original source which numbers are still missing, I would like to add the missing numbers (with no additional information, because I still need to type that in).
For example, the table now looks like this:
no - name_last - name_first - occupation etc
1 Smith Henry baker 2 Smith Mary 5 Williams John butcher 6 and so on
So 3 and 4 are missing.
How can I add these missing numbers automatically?
DoCmd.RunSQL (" update tbl_userinformation SET [05-Henrichpiramid] = Yes where Username= Text146.value AND actualdate=Text148.value ;") DoCmd.RunSQL (" update tbl_userinformation SET [combination] = [05-Henrichpiramid] where Username= Text146.value AND actualdate=Text148.value ;")
i want to update the column combination to its last value with concatanation to the value of current column.
I ran some code to number old records in a column to order items in a datasheet subform however after updating the column in the inventory transactions table when opening the main form that relies on it. It runs a query to determine the customers balance due and the query for that is taking forever to run like 2-3 minutes or more however reverting to an old copy of the data it runs fine and all I did was renumber records in one column most of which had 1s in them the code to re-number the records:
Code: Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim i As Long Dim OID As Long Dim stringSQL as String i = 1
[Code] .....
I continued playing with this today and the query that is breaking the 2nd level subquery that actually references the inventory transactions table that I changed runs fine but go up a level to subquery1 which references subquery2 and a sum of payments query and it chokes however sum of payments only refernces the payments table.
I did some more testing today Subquery2 and sum of payments query both run faster than what I can time with a stopwatch but when combined they take approximately 1:45 there are only 5 columns in subquery1 four from subquery2 and 1 from the sum of payments 3 of the first 4 are sum and the last is group by and then the one from sum of payments is group by
Subquery 2:
Code: SELECT CLng((nz([UnitsSold])*nz([UnitPrice]))*(1-nz([Discount]))*100)/100 AS [Line Total], CLng([Line Total]*(1+nz([SalesTaxRate]))*100)/100 AS [Line Total With Tax], [Line Total With Tax]-[Line Total] AS [Line Tax], [Inventory Transactions].*
I'm trying to update all the rows in a column (column A, PO Number) within a table (iSupplierTable). The value (txtPONbr) is entered by the user on a form (NewPO).
Code: Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click() On Error GoTo cmdSubmit_Click_Error Dim db As Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "iSupplierTable"
I have the auto ID number set up set up on my Access database which gives me membership numbers. How do I have a supplementary auto numbering column to give me invoice numbers. You used to be able to do this automatically up until a few years ago. Now I have to enter them manually.
I'm attempting to build an import module so that my users can take data from different walks of life and import it into my tables. I'm doing this by setting up a module and allowing the user to specify which column data will come from when importing data. So lets say I have a field that is CustomerID in my table and user one pulls data from 1 place and in his excel or csv file, customerid is in field 1. Another user does the same thing and its in field 2.
How can i make some form of a loop that when I'm attempting to update data, i pull the correct column?
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblImportTable" Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges) With rst Do While .EOF = False If IsNull(DLookup("DefaultValue", "dbo_tblImportTemplateDetails", "Template_ID=" & Forms!frmImport!TemplateName & " AND FieldName='CustomerID'")) Then
1. Which event occurs when anything changes on subform (Delete row , add row , perform the sort, Especially when you add a row to be inserted in the current sorting between the rows)
2. I have column sequential number that need updating when occurs any event on subform
3. "On current" is event that occurs always when changing rows in subform, how to process rows sequential (row by row) thru subform and update field that represent sequential number.
I am trying to run a simple update query to copy data from one column (Addrl1)to another column (Working_Addrl1) within the same file and I can't for the life of me figure it out. Then I need to repeat for addrl2 and addrl3 to working_addrl2 and working_addrl3.
I have a database for quotations. The database automatically generates a new quotation number every time a new quote is started. This works great, and I am very happy. My next task is to allow the employee to pull up a quote that has already been generated and edit it. I would like for the new quotation process to be followed step by step, but with all of the information already filled in.
This will allow for any edits that need to be made, and keep from having to re-enter a lot of data. I want one thing to change, which is the QuotationNumber. It is currently formatted by "yyyymmdd-01" for the first quote generated on that day. I want the edited quote to have a QuotationNumber formatted by "yyyymmdd-01a". For every edit that letter change going through the alphabet in order. How would this new QuotationNumber code differ from that of the Other?
I'm trying to use VBA to update a new column in a table with info I already have in another table.The table I want to update is an inventory details table, it has around 25,000 records. I added a column called "UnitCost", of course the column is empty for all 25,000 records so I would like to fill it easily using DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE" feature.
I use that through-out the program however I'm unable to connect the dots for this one.What it needs to do is update "UnitCost" in "InventoryDetails" from "Products" where "InventoryDetails.ProductNumber" = "Products.ProductNumber"
The "Products" table has all the different unit cost, it just need to be placed in the "InventoryDetails" table for every record. Of course product1 needs products1 unit cost and product2 needs products2 unit cost, etc.
I am not sure if it is possible to implement this but I would like your input. We get request from client via a web based form which contains a unique ID number called RDEFNumber. When we process the request internally, we use this number to identify the request throughout the process. The request from client contains processing of multiple files which are transmitted to us in different times of the day or days.
Every time we receive a file, an email is sent to the IT team with all the information about the file. We use an internal database to send the email to the IT team and use the RDEFNumber as the identifier in the subject line. What I am trying to do is to add an additional number at the end of the RDEFNumber automatically to differentiate the subject line.
For example, we take "1791" as a RDEFNumber. For the first time we enter 1791 to the database RDEFNumber field, it should check the table "tblRDEF" (record source) for duplicate value. If no Duplicate exists, it should keep the number as same. When we get the next file for processing with the same 1791 number and enter this number in the RDEFNumber field, it should automatically change it to "1791-1" since "1791" already exists in the database. When we get the next file, the number should change to "1791-2" and then "1791-3" and on.
I am using an access program with a form with detail section. I would like to create auto sr.No when i am creating a new quotation. Using Autonumber didn't work because it start numbering from last quotation.