Modules & VBA :: Update Records In Subform On Click

Aug 13, 2014

I have a form that contains a subform. I want to make a button that on click updates all the records listed in the subform. This is the best I came up with.

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.SubList_for_Billing_Center_Form.Form.RecordsetC lone
With rs
Do While Not .EOF
UPDATE Billing SET Billing.Billing_Declined = True, Billing.Billing_Declined_Date = Date()

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Checkbox Used As Condition To Update Records

Aug 26, 2013

My subform consists of a list of tasks that are waiting to be verified. in order to verify tasks, the user scrolls through the list of tasks and checks a checkbox (discrepancyverified) on each record they wish to verify. After the user has finished checking all the records they wish to verify, they click a verify button on the main form which should then go back through each record and update the verifieddate value of any that are checked to today.

This is what I have so far:


Private Sub Command19_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant


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Forms :: Update Records On Button Click?

Jul 3, 2014

I have a form listing out a bunch of clients. There is a button associated with each client that pulls open a new form with additional client information. There is information that is calculated on the backend and stored in the database when a user is inserted or different fields updated (i.e. there are reports that are due different time frames after the clients admission date. I automatically populate the database with those dates once the clients admission date is updated).

The problem I am having is that when I enter a new client or update a current client with new information and then click the button to go to their details page, those auto-populated dates are not populated. I am calling a subroutine that is within a module when the button is clicked. The subroutine works fine at other instances throughout the application so I know there is no issue with the code. I even call it if they click the close button, but before the information is auto-populated, I had to run a Me.Requery on the close button. I think this is because the records are not actually being updated in the database. I even have a DoCmd.Save acForms, "Clients" command before running the Call updateDatabase subroutine, but that doesn't do the trick. I can't run the Me.Requery after the click of the details button because when I do that it always opens the details form to the first ORDER BY record. I think that I need to update the selected record and re-call it in order for this to work.

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Queries :: Update Multiple Table Records With Button Click Event

Oct 29, 2014

I have a table with many records, using a form with an update button click event, I would like to update ALL records where the Item in the table = the Item in the form.

There are 6 checkboxes and 6 text boxes that will need to be updated, but right now I am just trying to test if i can even change one text box to keep it simple. I have tried to start by using this:

Dim mySQL As String
Dim ItemNo As String
Dim SO As String

mySQL = "UPDATE BT200 SET Part = '" & SO & "' WHERE Item = " & ItemNo
DoCmd.RunSQL mySQL

So every time i run this command button, it gives me a prompt "You are about to update 0 row(s)". Nothing gets updated at all, I am clearly missing something vital here.

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Modules & VBA :: Subform DS Click Field To Open Tab On Another Form

Apr 19, 2015

How do I reference a subform DS field to open up a tabbed form on another subform.

Here's what I have.

field one on the Sub DS opens up tab one on another form, as does field two on DS open tab two on another form.


how can I click on "any" field on the DS, run an IF statement, and it checks if that record on the Datasheet, contains information in regards to, IF field one OR field two contains any data, and opens the tabbed form respectively on the other form?

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Fill In A Textbox On A Subform On Button Click

May 4, 2014

I have a mainform with a combobox and a button. What i want is when i click on the combobox and then on the button I want that the textbox in the subform automatically fill in.

The mainform name is FrmTakenInvoerenEnToewijzenAanEenMonteur,

The combobox name is Keuzelijst1,

The subform name is SubTakenInvoeren,

And the textbox name is txtOpdrachtnr.

I tried this code in on button click:

Me.SubTakenInvoeren.txtOpdrachtnr = Me.Keuzelijst1

But that doesn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: On Click Cmd Yes Tick All Records

Oct 29, 2013

I have a form called frmBillingExport. On that form i have a button called cmdExcel that when clicked exports all the records to excel.

On the form i have a sub-form called subfrmBillingExport and in that form there are lots of fields and one of them is a tick box called blnInvoiced. The subform is also in datasheet view.

Its also worth mentioning that the subform runs off a query that displays the values based on criteria provided on a previous form.

What i want to do is when you click cmdExcel I want a window to pop up to say "Are you sure you want to invoice all of these bookings?" with buttons for Yes and No. On the Yes click i want it to tick the blnInvoiced for all those records and then only export it so i assume take whatever code is suggested and place it before that export happens.

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Modules & VBA :: Query Records By Current Date Then Email Results On Button Click

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to query my records by the current records selected date then send the results in the body of an email on click. I believe I am close but I think there is a problem with the date format because I am getting 3421 Data type conversion error. Here is what I have:


Private Sub eMail_Click()
On Error GoTo EH
Dim dbExceptions As Database
Dim rstExceptions As Recordset
Dim dbDate As Database
Dim rstDate As Recordset


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Modules & VBA :: Update Subform Requery Other Subform

Oct 5, 2013

i have a main form with three sub forms on it. when i update subform 1 i want subform 2 and 3 to update..currently i have an after update event in a combo box subform 1


when the user updates the combobox in subform one nothing happens to the other subforms until close and reopen main form

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Modules & VBA :: Create Multiple Records Based On Date Range - Button Click Event

Jul 31, 2014

I work for a company that manufactures home appliances & electronics. When those products fail within the warranty period, we are obligated to repair the units for the customers.

We have around 200 factory technicians who make those repairs. Each tech is able to make approximately 8 repairs each day. We have a dispatching system that assigns the repairs to the techs based on their availability each day. But the problem is that we have to manually enter and adjust the schedule for all 200 techs every single day, and this takes a lot of time. And of course technicians get sick, take vacation, etc, so we have to adjust the schedule so no techs will be assigned calls when they're off.

The problem: For example, currently when a technician takes off for 2 weeks, the user has to enter 14 individual records for the tech, which is somewhat time consuming. What I need is to program a button click event to determine the two dates (startDate & endDate) and append multiple records from one single entry in the form for each date in between and including the two date fields.

I know I'll probably need to create a loop that will loop through the two dates on the form and append a record for each day, so I can then cross reference the dates to the master schedule dates to make sure that no availability is opened for the techs taking time off.

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Update Subform Records

Sep 29, 2005

I am building a debt management program in A2k. I have created a tabbed control which contains 6 pages based on a set of queries. These pages are a budget template and the intention is that when this form is inserted as a subform into the customers form the budget will open as a blank template with the budget categories displayed. The clients budget will then be entered and saved. The Budget table contains 56 budget categories.

At the moment when I insert the budget form and use it the only records that change are the template. I want the first 56 records to remain with zero values so that they display as blank for a new client but I want the total 56 new records to have the customer ID associated so that when that client record is accessed again their budget will appear. I have attached the SQL code for the query that displays a sub portion of the budget.

SELECT Budget.BudgetID, Budget.ClientID, Budget.SectionNumber, Budget.BudgetTitlesID, Budget.Description, Budget.Cash, Budget.Credit, Budget.Frequency, IIf([frequency]=1,([cash]*52/12),IIf([frequency]=2,([cash]*26/12),IIf([frequency]=3,([cash]),IIf([frequency]=4,([cash]/12),0)))) AS Totalscash, IIf([frequency]=1,([credit]*52/12),IIf([frequency]=2,([credit]*26/12),IIf([frequency]=3,([credit]),IIf([frequency]=4,([credit]/12),0)))) AS Totalcredit
FROM Budget
WHERE (((Budget.ClientID)=[forms]![customers].[clientid]) AND ((Budget.BudgetTitlesID)=1)) OR (((Budget.ClientID) Is Null) AND ((Budget.BudgetTitlesID)=1));

My thought was to do an after update event that would copy the clientID from the main form to the sub form and populate all the records in the budget. However, I have only succeeded in populating the individual record that has changed.

I probably haven't explained the problem sufficiently to get some help but would appreciate any thoughts.


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Update Multiple Records In Subform

Aug 11, 2005

Hoping that this is a simple problem :confused:

I have an orders form and subform, ie one order can have several product records with the following firlds
At the bottom I have a command button 'ReceiveOrder'
What I want is on click of this button that the received field (that is 0 by default) will equal Ordered.
ie If I had orderd 2 and I hit the button it would change the recieved to 2 as well.
This much I have done with the following code
Private Sub ReceiveButton_Click()
Me.frmReceivingSubform.Form!QtyReceived = Me.frmReceivingSubform.Form!QtyOrdered
End Sub

This work fine if there is only one product, but if I have more than one it will only update the selected record, is there an ammendment I can do that means all the product records on that particular order will update.

I've searched the forum for the answers but can't find the answer, can anyone help,

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Modules & VBA :: Subform To Update A Different Subform

Jun 6, 2013

How could I write vba in order to get one field in a subform to update another field in a different subform?

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Modules & VBA :: Update RowSource In Subform

Jun 21, 2013

I would like to update the SQL for a subform. I have an SQL statement that I have placed into a string and now I would like to update the subform using it's RowSource property, but I get an error when trying to use the following statement:

QuestionableShip].RowSource = strSqlForSummary

(the message board has split this into two lines, it is really one)

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Modules & VBA :: Login Name - Update Field On Subform

Feb 27, 2015

I have an access 2010 database with an initial form for user login. After selecting their login, users go to the main tabbed navigation form. On the first tab, I have form with a dashboard as a subform containing a field that says "Welcome" with the user's name (obtained from the login). My problem is, users have to click on the subform for the name field to update. How to have the name automatically populate when the login form closes.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Update On Subform If Field Is Not Set

Jul 23, 2015

I have a main form and 2 subform. The first subform has a field for %. And the 2nd subform has series of checkbox (Checklist or error made by the student)

Because every checkbox will lower the mark from 100 to x points per checkbox.So, I want that, if the field is not set to 100 yet, then they will not be able to check any box in the subform.I tried, before update of the subform, etc, but none work properly.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Subform To Unbound Textbox Value Change

Aug 4, 2015

As the unbound parent list box record selection is changed, I want the sub form to refresh. Do I put code in the Subform Current Record event?

Master Form Name: frmsr_NewWellEntry
Unbound Listbox - when record selected the primary key populates txtNavWellID (unbound) on parent form

subform Container fsubsrNavSHLBHL Link Master Fields =Forms![frmsr_NewWellEntry].[txtNavWellID]

The read-only form in the subform Record Source is something like: select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =90243..Key The Form used as the subform above will be re-used in multiple parent forms. The parent form data is form SQL Server, the subform from Oracle.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Or Add Records?

Oct 16, 2014

I have a table with about 1,2million records. I get an Excel list of about 35000 weekly, using which the table has to be updated: the records, that exist get fields updated, the ones that are new have to be added.

What is the fastest way to do this?

I'm trying with this code, but it's awfully slow, even if I read the update ranges into memory:

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.Open "Select * from tbl_TTextract", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
i = 2
Do While i < lr_2 + 1 'update
With Rs


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Modules & VBA :: Database Project - Update Entire Column Of Subform

Oct 31, 2013

I am working on a database project where I will Select a record on a subform

See the picture attached.

I know that using DAO recordset, i can update the checkbox one by one, but it become way too long when I have thousands of record...

May I know if there is a way to Select entire column of the subform?

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Event To Update Automatically A Field In Form

Mar 18, 2015

I have a form and a subform

Which method should I use if I need to update automaticaly a field in form based on an event in subform ?

Just to be more clear, have a look in the below example.

In first print screen, student "Johnson Nick" has not completed all tests in TestA subform, the form field "DateCompleteA" is blanc.

Once a student completes all tests in Period A, I need the form field DateCompleteA to show the date that he completed the last one. (18/3/2015).

If student has not yet completed all tests in TestA subform the Form field DateCompleteA must be blanc.

Student has not completed "literature"yet, DateCompletA field is blanc

Student completed ALL his test, subform is updated, Form field DateCompletA is updated with the maximum date.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Every Records Using Queries

Dec 27, 2013

I am new to MS Access and using MS Access 2013.I just added 50 new fields into a table. I need to update these new fields on every record.The table layout is as followed:

-Company Id


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Modules & VBA :: Update Selected Records

Mar 5, 2015

I have a datasheet subform where i need to select some records by clicking a check box and update a certain field/s of only those selected records.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Multiple Records With Value From Inputbox?

Sep 11, 2014

Instead of using an update query, so my Audit Trail will continue to update correctly, I'd like to use an input box and run a function that performs much like an update query.

My problem is, only one out of 4 records updates correctly.

Me.txtTranTo = InputBox("Enter Location Transferring To:", "Location Transferring To", "")
Me.txtTranFrom.Value = Me.Location 'Old location
Me.Location.Value = Me.txtTranTo 'New location

The txtTranTo and txtTranFrom are unbound text boxes.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this is in a continuous form.

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Modules & VBA :: Subform - Up Down Arrows Through Records

Jun 16, 2014

I have a form which has a subform that holds records from a table. When in the table i can move through the records with my up and down arrows but when I am in the subform i can not move in the same manner with up and down arrows. What needs to be done on subform to allow user to move through records using up and down arrows.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Reference All Records In A Subform

Mar 5, 2015

I have a form with a subform. I would like a control in my parent form to uncheck a checkbox control in my subform when that field value is deleted . I can get that to work if there is only one record in my subform but it doesn't uncheck the rest. how to I reference all the records in my subform so all of them will uncheck when I delete that field value?

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Add Records To Subform

Nov 16, 2013

I have created three forms using three tables tblUser, tlbMeasure and tblSubMeasure. The tblUser is linked to the tblMeasure table via UserLogin and tblMeasure is linked to tblSubMeasure via MeasureID. The forms are created with frmMainMeasure being the main form and frmMeasure6 a subform and frmSubMeasure a sub with frmMeasure6.

I want to be able to add sub measures that will be linked to each MeasureID and each MeasureID link to each user via UserloginID. The forms load the data in the sub forms but when I try to add sub measures using a button I added on the frmMeasures6. The button works when I try work on the form fine but when I try via the main form I am not able to add or view other records within the table.

When I click the Add button I want to be able to load back the same MeasureID number in fmrSubMeasure to ensure that it is linked to the same measure and the MeasureID is linked to the same UsrrLoginID.

The code is included below and I've attached the file as well.

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
If Me!frmSubMeasure.Form.Dirty = False Then
End If
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

[Code] ....

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