Modules & VBA :: Update Table From TIFF Files

Dec 18, 2014

My database generates forms with a unique number displayed as a barcode. The paper forms are completed by employees and then scanned into a folder on the network in .TIFF format. I have seen other databases that can somehow pick up files like this and update the forms status in the database (i.e., Completed), assign a completion date and create a link to the file (a PDF actually).

I would really like my database to be able to do this but dont even know where to start. How do I get the file names for the .TIFF files to match the barcodes during the scanning process? How do I get Access to check a Completed field for each document in the folder? How do I get Access to put a link to the file in a field in the table?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Files And Then Compare With Files In Database Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have to write a code for my database,i have folder with files "pending Review" and a table with column "tblExcelLocation". when i run my database all the files from pending review folder goes to "tblExcelLocation" on a click of button.But,if the files already exists it should not insert those files and insert the rest.For this i tried to write a code but i think i m unable to do that .

Loop through files in folder
folderspec = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.files


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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Formatting With Files That Update In A Folder

Aug 20, 2013

I have a folder that .csv files which are connected to my database are updating in. Once the .csv that i specify updates I want a color box to turn green. Is there a way to do this? Maybe just use when the linked text file updates?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Files Listed In A Table

Jul 20, 2015

I have a folder that gets updated with a few new xml files every day. I need to import the data in these files into a table. The names of the files to import is in a field (FName) in a table (tblFiles).

The code that loads up the files is this:

Application.ImportXML DataSource:="C:ImportXML FILES" & FileName & ".xml", _

Up until now I specify the name of the file in an inputbox, so I have to enter a bunch of names to get it done.

I am looking for a way to get the filename from the table and then load up the file automatically.

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Tiff Images And Access 2003

Mar 24, 2006

I've read that Access 2003 does not support Tiff images anymore. I need to see a document or Website that indicates this so I can back up an arguement. I've seen a little regarding this matter but nothing solid. Can anyone help?

Thank in Advance

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Modules & VBA :: Renaming Files Based On Records In A Table

Oct 16, 2014

Code to rename photos (Access 2010). The new name (full path) is listed on a table (although I would love to accomplish the task from the list query that I later used to generate the table). There is one field in the table (or query) called OldPath and one field called NewPath. The table name is RenPaths. Both paths are located in the same drive. I want to rename the file in a new folder. I created the new folder which is contained in the NewPath.

I was trying to accomplish this using the Name function

Name OldPath as NewPath

Here is the full code:

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim OldPath As String
Dim NewPath As String
OldPath = "Select OldPath From RenPaths"

[Code] ....

Here is an example of the paths in my table:

Old Path is - C:UserskcrespoDocumentsFulcrum to MACPFulcrum_Export_a97dee97-ba92-455e-9d5c-3b35617ad357SAA Inspection Form367e14e0-439b-4a50-99e1-9154bcc9e3f7.jpg

New Path is - C:UserskcrespoDocumentsFulcrum to MACPFulcrum_Export_a97dee97-ba92-455e-9d5c-3b35617ad357SAA Inspection FormimageswwMH51856_A3f7.jpg

Im getting an error: Run time error '53': File not found

I checked the OldPath and everything is correct so if the code is working correctly it should have found the file.

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Modules & VBA :: Looping Through Files - Import Specified Cells Into A Temp Table

Jul 22, 2015

I am trying to write a VBA Module that will look in a directory for Excel files with a specific file prefix, and then import specified cells into a temp table. Once it processes the first file, it copies the file to another folder, and then kills the file. However, when I run my current code, it goes through the loop the first time, but fails on the second attempt, because it is still looking for the first file it came across even though it has been moved. The code is pasted below:

Sub Count()

Dim xlwrksht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlWrkBk As Excel.Workbook
Dim nIndex As Integer
Dim strMvPath As String
Dim mvPath As String
Dim strFile As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Reads List Of Files Sequentially - Check For Variable In A Table

Aug 2, 2013

I have a process that reads a list of files sequentially and then processes them .... As each file is processed, its name (strfile) gets written to a Table (Vault.[Processed_file])

I want to verify if the file exists in the table prior to processing it - if it exists, I won't process it again ...

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Modules & VBA :: Import Multiple Excel Files With Different Number Of Sheets Into Table

Jul 12, 2015

some code I've come up to in order to import multiple excel files each of them with a different number of worksheets into an access table. The procedure is called from an Access database. The problem I have with the code is that when it encounters a workbook with only one worksheets (e.g. Sheet 1) it gives the error that "Sheet 2$" is not a valid name. When geting to a workbook with 2 sheets it says that "Sheet 3$" is not a valid name and so on and so forth. Is there a way to "check" the number of sheets in the workbooks and when it has only one sheet to transfer it and go to the next file?

Below is the code:

Sub ImportExcelFiles()
Dim strFile As String 'Filename's
Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array
Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files
Dim filename As String
Dim path As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
path = "D:Tranzactii"


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Modules & VBA :: Update Access Table From SQL Server Table Source

Jun 17, 2013

I have created a code below to test whether I can run a query and retrieve a data from an SQL server table. And so far I can return the result using a messagebox. but somehow I just don't know how to use this connection to update the table inside this access file. Basically I want to use this as a front end file. then when the form is open it will automatically update the table inside this access file and load the data to the combo box as a list.


Option Compare Database
Sub LocalServerConn_Test()
Set conn = New adodb.Connection
Set rst = New adodb.Recordset


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Modules & VBA :: Identify Strings Into 2nd Table Records Then Update 1st Table

May 5, 2015

MS Access 2013: I have two database tables as below:

tbl1_MainDB --- It has a field named as "City" where I get huge data for some city names. Sometimes This field may have some unknown/new names which are not listed in our 2nd table ("tbl2_RefrDB")

tbl2_RefrDB --- It's a reference table which has raw names for cities, and then standard names of their city and state in another fields.

Target --- I want to create a VBA prorgram (Sql query) which can look from tbl1_MainDB.[City] to tbl2_RefrDB.[Raw_City] field, and if found then pick the "Standard_State" and "Standard_City" record values from there, and update into the 1st table "tbl1_MainDB".

...if not found in "tbl2_RefrDB" table, then user can be informed & ask for updating the new/unmatched city record as a new record in this table.

Attached sample database for more details.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Column In Table Based On Another Table

Apr 24, 2015

I'm trying to use VBA to update a new column in a table with info I already have in another table.The table I want to update is an inventory details table, it has around 25,000 records. I added a column called "UnitCost", of course the column is empty for all 25,000 records so I would like to fill it easily using DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE" feature.

I use that through-out the program however I'm unable to connect the dots for this one.What it needs to do is update "UnitCost" in "InventoryDetails" from "Products" where "InventoryDetails.ProductNumber" = "Products.ProductNumber"

The "Products" table has all the different unit cost, it just need to be placed in the "InventoryDetails" table for every record. Of course product1 needs products1 unit cost and product2 needs products2 unit cost, etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Use Criteria From A Table To Update A Category In Another Table

Jan 30, 2014

I have a table that has banking information in it (downloaded from the internet). I have a category field (lookup field) that I have to update manually so, for example, every time the electric bill is paid I have to click it and change the category to "electricity".

I want to set up a table with phrases for access to search for and a category to change to. For example if the banking table has "VIS ELECTRICITY 20812/773474868" and my search criteria table says anything with the word "electricity" should have category of "electricity", then I want Access to update the banking table based on that.

There will be several items in the search criteria table so Access will have to read through all of them to find the correct one. Is this possible?

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Modules & VBA :: UPDATE Table From Input Box

Jan 13, 2015

We receive hundreds of items at the time capturing the item barcode and the userID. I want to improve the process capturing the UserID once and updated the table with this entry on all empty records on the table. I have created the following script but I doesn't work.

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strUser As String

strUser = InputBox("Scan your badge")
strSQL = "UPDATE " & tblGER_ReceivingLog & " SET " & tblGER_ReceivingLog & _
"." & UserID & "='" & strUser & "' WHERE ([" & tblGER_ReceivingLog & "]. & UserID & is null);"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Update Record With Info From Another Table?

May 12, 2014

I have a database which tracks product batches test results and then any reported issues.

I have one table tblOne with [Batch Number] and [Release Time/Date].
The 2nd Table tblTwo [Problem/Issue] at [Time/Date].

What i need to do is get the last batch number from table one which would have been released.


Batch: 275 Released: 21/09/2012 06:15
Batch: 453 Released: 30/09/2012 07:20

Problem: Wrong Batch Time/Date: 21/09/2012 08:20 Batch:????

How would i update table with correct batch in tblTwo

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Modules & VBA :: DAO To Update Table Recordset - Increment

Jan 20, 2015

I have inherited an old database with a new field to add some new invoice numbers and increment the number to each recordset by + 1. Starting at 001. I have formatted the field to a Number Field and formatted it to 000"/2015". I now need to populate over 2000 records with the sequential numbers for each record.

I have created the following code as my attempt. Of course it doesn't work!

Sub AddNumbertoRecords()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim counter As Long
counter = 1
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Text Box To Update Value Of A Table

Apr 10, 2014

So I have this code in an afterupdate event in an unbound text box to update the value of a table if the textbox is updated:


Private Sub txtCustRepID_AfterUpdate()
'Go to Calls table and find original value for CustRepID
'Fin the Call ID first
Dim CallIDVar As Long
Dim ContactIDVar As Long
Dim CustRepIDOr As String
CallIDVar = Forms![Contacts]![Call Listing Subform].Form![CallID]


This code works well when entering numbers in the text box but it returns error 3061; "Too few parameters. Expected 1" when along with the numbers there is a letter in the textbox.The error happens in this part of the code:

'Accept change and add new value to table
CurrentDb.Execute _
"UPDATE Calls " & _
"SET CustRepID = " & CustRepIDNew & " " & _
"WHERE CallID = " & CallIDVar, dbFailOnError

The underlying table has text as type of data for this field.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Access Table Through Excel

Jul 26, 2013

I have an access database that is used to store records of requests for for items. Example, ID, WhoRequested, CustomerName, Date, address, phone, WhatRequested, amt. I take this data and export it to an excel spreadsheet and send to another area for processing.

I then get the sheet back with the orderdate, ordernumber, and shippingnumber. I need to update the original table with this new information. it is not bad when there is only a few, but Ihave had 100 or so lately, and updating each record manually is time consuming.

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Modules & VBA :: Conversion Table And Update Query

Dec 4, 2014

I am building an access database to manage a data conversion from multiple legacy systems (62) to a new non access database, and plan on making my Conversion Database reusable and functionally simpler.All data is imported to one common Table structure, with the source system identified against each record.In my legacy systems values are not coded the same ie

Title: Mr Miss Ms Mrs Record Type: Active, Inactive
System A: 1, 2, 3, 4 a , i
System B: a, b, c, d 1 , 2
System C: x, y, z, w ACT, ,INA

This applies to sooo many fields.I want to avoid having a mapping table for each field as I will quickly have an unmanageable number of mapping tables, and complex relationships in Queries..I would like to get to the point where I could have a single value mapping table something as follows

System, Field, Old Value, New Value
System A, title, 1 Mr
System A, title, 2 Miss
System A, title, 3 Ms
System A, title, 4 Mrs
System B, title, a Mr
System B, title, b Miss
System B, title, c Ms
System B, title, d Mrs

And some how call this in VB to go through all fields and records in a table if Old Value is found for a specific "System" and "Field" Change to new value, if noting found on Mapping table keep existing data.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Default Value In Linked Table

Jun 14, 2015

I have a split database ,and I need to update the Table default value of a field.Rather than go into the table I would prefer to use a form.I found this code but it wont work,I presume becouse my data base is split

Private Sub UpdateInvoiceReportNumber_Click()
If Not IsNull(Me.txtDefValue) Then
CurrentDb.TableDefs("PaymentsT").Fields("SelectInv oice").DefaultValue = Me.txtDefValue
MsgBox "Default Value has been changed to " & Me.txtDefValue


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General :: Ability To Dynamically Update Multiple Docs / Files

May 31, 2013

Lets say we have 100 documents. 30 of these documents contain the same exact set of instructions that i want to update/change. what options would i have that would allow for this 'mass update' so that i can change that specific instruciton and every document with that line would be updated to reflect it?

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How To Update Existing Tables Of Data From Exported Excel Files

Aug 7, 2014

Ive tried making command buttons for each of the three tables that when you click on it, it automatically updates the tables, but it doesnt seem to be updating them. Is this the right code for that to happen?

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim strFile As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' Set file directory for files to be imported
strPath = "C:SharesPublicStaff Public FilesBrandon PenlandUS Food Product Prices Newest"
' Tell it to import all Excel files from the file directory
strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xls*")


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Modules & VBA :: How To Loop Update Query On All Records Of A Table

Sep 2, 2014

I've set a database which has a table in which there are 2 fields "Account" and "Total Accounts". I want to have the amount of total summation of accounts in "Total Accounts" field of each record, which is the result of summation of "Account" values in all previous records till the current one. In order to do this purpose, I copied the value of "Amount" field of each record into "Total Accounts" field of the same record, at first. Then, I tried to add the amount of "Total Accounts" field of every record with just the amount of "Total Accounts" of previous one to earn the actual total amount of that record. I found that I need a VBA loop to do this query for all records (except first record) and so I code it as below, but it has the Run-time error '424' : Object required and it seems that I am in a mistake in definition of strSQL variable:

Private Sub doDataSegm_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("Table1", dbOpenTable)

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Update Table Field Based On A Query

Nov 16, 2013

I have a table 'table1' which has various field including an ID field and a yes/no field. I then have a form based on a query originally derived from data in the original table. The form provides a list with some ID's with a yes and some with a no.

I'm trying to write a button code to convert all the no's into yes' for those ID's picked out by the query.

I've searched lots of sites and get that I need to set recordsets for both table1 and the forms' query but all my efforts crash or give an error.

I am looking for the right way to say .." for each ID in form set the yes/no field corresponding to the same ID in table1 to yes"

I'd attach my version ....

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Modules & VBA :: Using Unbound Form Values To Update Table

Jul 16, 2015

I have an unbound form in which a user enters data relating to a credit dispute, and when they hit the Save button I have a sub that is intended to insert that data into a table. This is a bit out of my comfort zone, so I found some code from another forum and adjusted it to my needs. However, I'm getting errors.

The table name is tbl_complaints. The fields from the form are:


My code is below.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim StrSql As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
StrSql = "INSERT INTO tbl_complaints " _

[Code] ....

The error I get is error number 3075, and it says I'm missing an operator in the section that references cboResponseType, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing. My head is spinning from staring at these parentheses and apostrophes for so long.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Table From Another Table

Oct 20, 2013

I have 2 tables;

Compression and Compression_Import.

Table Compression is currently used to enter the load applied to the sample followed by a query that calculates the 'compression strength' using the entered load and the surface of the sample.

Table: Compression
.Labnr .,.... Load

What i would like to do is to import both the 'load' and 'compression strenght' from the machine.So i have managed to do an export on the machine (to Excel) and then made an import function which imports the content of the Excel file and puts it in a table called Compression_Import.

Table: Compression_Import
.Labnr .,.... Load........Compression strength

What i'd like to do is to update Compression.load with the value of Compression_import.load.I have tried several things like


UPDATE Compression_import INNER JOIN Compression ON Compression_Import.Labnr = Compression.labnr SET Compression.load = Compression_Import.[load];

But all it only seems to get the value of the last labnr from Compression Import and updates everything with it.



Is there a way of doing this using VBA? Or am i doing something wrong in the SQL statement?I have been trying to get this to work for a couple of hours, but after checking the internet for the last hour or so i can not get it to work at all..

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