Modules & VBA :: Update Value From Form

Mar 27, 2015

I have 2 forms: Form_1 and Form_2. In each on them I have a 2 Fields named ID. I need when I open Form 2 to update the field ID with number from field ID, Form_1.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update / Requery A Form From Another Form

Jul 18, 2015

How do you requery/refresh a form from within another form?

refresh formA from within formB in VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Form From A Module Function

Jun 16, 2013

I have this code below that is working however the calculation are updating on my form late.

Basically, I have some calculation that are performed on a "After Update" event on some controls on my form. I wanted it to do the calculation after I update the control on the form.

The code is in a module and I just call the function after update on the control But the form is not updating when I change the value in a field. I have to change the field again for it to update.


Call GeraAuditCalc


Function GeraAuditCalc()
Dim fHrs As Double
Dim Ttl As Double
Dim Ttl1 As Double
Dim Ttl2 As Double

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Form Event To Update Stock?

Nov 14, 2014

I have an order form with an order details sub form. Both are bound to their respective tables and function correctly, with the OrderID being inserted automatically into the order details table.

However I am using VBA to update and check stock and have it working when attached to a separate form called process orders. Which event would be the best place to place this code. I do not really want to have the process orders form. Would it be on the master form or the sub form. I thought of placing it in the after insert event on the subform, but there can be many order items per order and it will run before I have finished adding order items. I tried it in the after insert event on the master form, but I think that this will run the code too soon as at this stage the order details will not have been written to that table.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Data To Update Based On Combo Box

Sep 4, 2014

I have a form named CustomerForm.I have a query named CustomerQ. On my form I have a combo box named combo6.Combo 6 lists all of the company names from my customer table and includes the autokey field which is hidden.When I click on a value in my combo6 I want the values on my form to then be based on the value from combo6 whereas at the moment I select a value in combo6 and nothing happens other than combo6 now displays a different value. how to refresh/ repopulate the data based on combo6 without having to create more forms and queries.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Text Box From Entered Value Of Previous Form

Sep 17, 2013

I have a log in screen called frmLogIn and on there i have Unbound Combo Box cboUser and Unbound Text Box txtPWord. I also have cmdOK.

IF the user sucesfully enters his password it takes him to frmMainMenu.

On that form i have a lable called lblYouAreCurrentlyLoggedInAs and a unbound text box called txtUserName.

How do i update that txtUserName to whatever was entered in the previous form's cboUser.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Unbound Form Values To Update Table

Jul 16, 2015

I have an unbound form in which a user enters data relating to a credit dispute, and when they hit the Save button I have a sub that is intended to insert that data into a table. This is a bit out of my comfort zone, so I found some code from another forum and adjusted it to my needs. However, I'm getting errors.

The table name is tbl_complaints. The fields from the form are:


My code is below.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim StrSql As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
StrSql = "INSERT INTO tbl_complaints " _

[Code] ....

The error I get is error number 3075, and it says I'm missing an operator in the section that references cboResponseType, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing. My head is spinning from staring at these parentheses and apostrophes for so long.

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Modules & VBA :: Update All Rows Within Column Using Value Entered On Form?

Nov 7, 2013

I'm trying to update all the rows in a column (column A, PO Number) within a table (iSupplierTable). The value (txtPONbr) is entered by the user on a form (NewPO).

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdSubmit_Click_Error
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "iSupplierTable"


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Modules & VBA :: Update Open Form After Linking To A New Backend Database

Mar 18, 2014

I have an Access DB with a form that allows the user to select a new backend database. I can connect to the backend and then .refreshlinks but nothing on the form is updated. I have tried requiring the form but that doesn't do anything. I've tried loads of other things, refresh, recalc etc., but nothing updates the open form.

The only way I have managed to get it to work is to close the form and reopen it, then it shows the data from the newly linked backend database.

While it works, it doesn't look good but also there seems to be some problem with it because eventually it reports an error saying "cannot open any more databases" and when clicking OK comes back with "An error occurred while sending data to the OLE server (the application used to create the object" and a whole bunch of other messages.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that the form has a number of MS graphs open on it, but I'm not sure. Also, I can't track down a particular line of VBA code which causes this error.

how to update a form after changing the backend database.

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Event To Update Automatically A Field In Form

Mar 18, 2015

I have a form and a subform

Which method should I use if I need to update automaticaly a field in form based on an event in subform ?

Just to be more clear, have a look in the below example.

In first print screen, student "Johnson Nick" has not completed all tests in TestA subform, the form field "DateCompleteA" is blanc.

Once a student completes all tests in Period A, I need the form field DateCompleteA to show the date that he completed the last one. (18/3/2015).

If student has not yet completed all tests in TestA subform the Form field DateCompleteA must be blanc.

Student has not completed "literature"yet, DateCompletA field is blanc

Student completed ALL his test, subform is updated, Form field DateCompletA is updated with the maximum date.

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Modules & VBA :: Way Of Looping Through Continuous Form Recordset And Running Update On Each Line?

Jun 11, 2014

i have set up an update query. is there a way of looping through a continuous form record set and running the update on each line?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Specific Record In Table Using Unbound Field On Form

Dec 4, 2013

How to do an UPDATE using VBA on a form to update a specific record on the table using an unbound field on the form to filter the update.

Every time the code runs, it tells me: Run-time error '3144': Syntax error in UPDATE statement and takes me to the "CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError" line at the end of my sample below.

Here's my code:

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL & " UPDATE [tblTicket] SET"
strSQL = strSQL & " ([UpdatedBy], [AssignedTo], [Requestor], [Dept])"
strSQL = strSQL & " Values"
strSQL = strSQL & " ('" & unbEnteredBy & "','" & cmbAssignedTo & "','" & cmbRequestor & "','" & cmbDepartment & "')"
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [tblTicket]![DateTimeOpened] = #" & FORMS!frmTicketTracker.unbDateTimeOpened & "#;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

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Modules & VBA :: Set Datatype As Date / Time In The Form - Update Table With Null Date

Mar 12, 2014

I have a form with Date of Death (DOD) field. I would like update DOD from a table dbo_patient into Z_Patients table.

I have set the datatype as Date/Time in the form for Date of Death.

Private Sub Update_DOD()
Dim rcMain As New ADODB.Recordset, rcLocalDOD As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DOD As String
rcMain.Open "select distinct PatientKey from Z_Patients", CurrentProject.Connection

[Code] ....

However I am getting some error Run-time error '-2147217913 Date type mismatch in criteria expression in section below.

CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "update Z_MAIN_Processed_Patients set DateOfDeath = '" & rcLocalDOD!date_of_death & "' where PatientKey = " & !PatientKey

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Modules & VBA :: Running Update Query On Record And Have Form Show Updated Record

Jan 26, 2015

i want to be able to create an On Click Event when pushing a command button that will run an Update query to update a record and after it has been updated that specific record will pop up on a Form and be displayed. i know a different way is to run the Update query and then have it displayed in a Select query but i want it to be displayed on a Form instead. is it possible?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Or Add Records?

Oct 16, 2014

I have a table with about 1,2million records. I get an Excel list of about 35000 weekly, using which the table has to be updated: the records, that exist get fields updated, the ones that are new have to be added.

What is the fastest way to do this?

I'm trying with this code, but it's awfully slow, even if I read the update ranges into memory:

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.Open "Select * from tbl_TTextract", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
i = 2
Do While i < lr_2 + 1 'update
With Rs


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Modules & VBA :: After Update Event

Jan 14, 2014

I have a DB with TblInspector and TblViolation Data. Here is what I am having trouble with. On my form I have a combo box named Inspector and a text box named ARNumber. What I would like to have happen is anytime that I select John Doe from combo box Inspector it pulls his ARNumber from TblInspector and saves his ARNumber in TblViolation Data.

I have fields Inspector and ARNumber in my TblViolation Data. I am pretty sure it is an After Update Event. I just don't know what code to put where. This is what I currently have on my combo box. It pulls the number and displays it in the text box on the form but does not save it to the table.

Private Sub Inspector_AfterUpdate()
Me.ARNumber = Me.Inspector.Column(1)
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Update Every Records Using Queries

Dec 27, 2013

I am new to MS Access and using MS Access 2013.I just added 50 new fields into a table. I need to update these new fields on every record.The table layout is as followed:

-Company Id


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Modules & VBA :: Append And Then Update Query

Apr 4, 2014

I have two tables: tblModels and tblParts. tblModels has primary key ModelID; tblParts has primary key PartID, and also has a ModelID field that's hooked to tblModels's ModelID with referential integrity (cascade all). I have a button on my form that duplicates the model (creating a new record in tblModels and getting a new ModelID), and when that happens, I'd like for the duplication process to run an Append Query that captures all records in tblParts that matches the FIRST ModelID (the original one), and makes new copies of them in the same table, but then sets the ModelID for each new record to the NEW ModelID (that was created with the button press).

I have done this using TempVars in my Append Query, and everything is working great, except for when all the Parts records get copied and added, they all have the OLD ModelID on them, which essentially duplicates the records in the old Model and leaves the new Model empty of associated records!The Append Query is using the ModelID field to find the records I want, so how do I then get it to write a NEW ModelID to each record after they're added to the table?

EDIT: I thought of maybe doing the old TempTable, Append Query dumps to that, Update Query changes ModelID's, Append Query dumps them back to the original table... but that seems like the long way around.

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Modules & VBA :: Lock Record After Update

Mar 2, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view and on that form I have a yes/no tick box is it possible that when the tick box is ticked it locks the line from further entry.

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Modules & VBA :: Nested DLookup In SQL UPDATE

Jul 31, 2013

I have a nested DLookup in a SQL UPDATE that is not working. The DLookup has an "AND" in the WHERE Statement as well. I cannot figure out the problem. I got a type mismatch with this code and when I take out the single quotes I do not get an error message but the data is not updated in the table.

SQLstock1 = "UPDATE TBL_STOCK SET Stock = '" & DLookup("RemainingQty", "QRY_STOCK", "ActionEntity = '" & Me.cmb_customer1 & "'" And "StockType = '" & Me.cmb_stock_type1 & "'") & "' WHERE StockEntity = '" & Me.cmb_customer1 & "'"

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Modules & VBA :: Update RowSource In Subform

Jun 21, 2013

I would like to update the SQL for a subform. I have an SQL statement that I have placed into a string and now I would like to update the subform using it's RowSource property, but I get an error when trying to use the following statement:

QuestionableShip].RowSource = strSqlForSummary

(the message board has split this into two lines, it is really one)

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Modules & VBA :: Date Update Automatically

Mar 19, 2014

In my Access form, users update 4 checkboxs when their work is completed, when this 4 boxed checked then the 5th checkbox will check automatically using afterupdate. Now i have added the 6 the column with date completed, here i want the date to be updated automatically when the 5th column is checked automatically. how to do it?

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Modules & VBA :: Update SQL With Multiple Where Clause

Sep 29, 2014

I have an update sql statement that isn't quite working properly.

My where clause has 3 criteria.
*print = -1
*stDocCriteria (project_num and client_id)

Below is what the code looks like.

updateSQL = "update tblTimedTasks set printed =-1, invoice_date = Now() where print = -1 and " & stDocCriteria

Add watch: so you guys can see "stDocCriteria"

updateSQL = "update tblTimedTasks set printed =-1, invoice_date = Now() where print =-1 and ([project_num]= '140012' And [client_id] = 87)"

I want to only updates records that meet all three criteria. The above sql not only updates all records that satisfy stDocCriteria regardless if print is -1(true) or 0(false).

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Modules & VBA :: Cannot Update Unbound Textbox

Sep 24, 2013

My form has a button that opens another form on which I enter meeting RSVPs. Then that form is exited. I have an unbound text box on the main form that I want to show the total number coming. I have a summation query that totals the number. I have tried everything I can think of to force the text box to requery. I tried putting the dlookup in the textbox itself, then I removed that and tried all of the things below, both in the gotfocus event and the onCurrent event. What else can I do to trigger the recalc?

Private Sub Form_GotFocus()
Me.numcomingtxtbox.Value = DLookup("howmanycoming", "numcoming") & " Coming"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update Text Box Depending On Value

Mar 30, 2014

right I have auditing system in my database that tracks any changes made to any records. it logs it on a separate table and i show it on a continuous form.

right my problem is that I have loads of check boxes and text boxes on my main form on the form that records the main form I have a field call "new value" this is a text box but if I change a checkbox on the main form it will show -1 or 0 in the new value field on the recording form but I would like it to say yes or no I have tried the following


Private Sub New_Value_AfterUpdate()
If [New_Value].Value = -1 Then
[New_Value].Value = "yes"
End If
End Sub

this only works if I enter -1 manually but the data is entered automatically after the record is saved on the main form ...

I have also tried on enter before update I get error but now I need it to change on new entry...

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Update Time

Jan 25, 2015

I have a form fmrClasses and what I'm trying to do is write a code that as soon as the user types a beginning time will update the end time to 3 hours later for example If user enters 9:00AM for beginning time the end time will be set to 12:00 pm.

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