Modules & VBA :: Updating Record In Table / Query

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to edit an existing record in my database.It goes to the correct record to update but will not update if "RecordUpdate" is specified as auto numbered.If the "RecordUpdate" is just specified as a number in the query it is fine.

CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE QryIssueData " & _
" SET RecordUpdate =" & Me.txtRecordNum & _
", IssueDate ='" & Me.txtIssueDate & "'" & _
", Equipment ='" & Me.cboEquipment & "'" & _
", IssueDocNumber ='" & Me.txtIssue & "'" & _


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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Record And Then Updating With Additional Info In Various Fields

Apr 24, 2014

In the code below I am creating a record with the INSET INTO statement and then Updating with additional info in various fields. it is not working the way I thought it would, so I am trying to create the record in it's entirety.

SQL_Grade_GUSD_ID = "INSERT INTO Grades (GUSD_Student_ID) VALUES (" & Me.GUSD_Student_ID & ")"
SQLM1_1_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Subject = ""BM1(ELA)"""
SQLM1_2_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Type = ""Exam"""
SQLM1_3_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Score = ""0"""
SQLM1_4_ELA = "UPDATE Grades SET Grades.Nam = ""GUSD BM-1"""

[Code] ...

I am running to syntax problems when I try to USE the INSERT INTO to create the record with all the info in one statement.

SQLM1_1_ELA = "INSERT INTO Grades ( GUSD_Student_ID, Subject, Type, Score, Nam ) " & _
"SELECT (" & Me.GUSD_Student_ID & ")"" AS GUSD_Student_ID, ""BM2(ELA)"" AS Subject, " & _
"""Exam"" AS Type, ""0"" AS Score, ""GUSD BM-1"" AS Nam " & _
"FROM Grades"

I am Getting this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(12345)" AS GUSD_STUDENT_ID,
"BM2(ELA)" As Subject, "Exam" AS Type, "0" As Score, "GUSD BM-1" AS Nam From Grades'

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Error In Updating Record In Table

Jan 1, 2015

I have a separate button to update the record, but when I run or click the cmdUpdate button it gives me an error;

Code below is the one I'm working thru.

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
strSQL1 = "UPDATE tblAMHMace " & _
" SET ReferenceNo=" & Me.txtReferenceNo & "'" & _
", DateLog='" & Me.txtDate & "'" & _
", DocType='" & Me.txtDocType & "'" & _

[Code] ......

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Modules & VBA :: Run-time Error 3021 While Updating Existing Record In DAO Recordset

Jun 16, 2014

I have a linked table to a DB2 database. this table contains key-pair values and has about 140k records.

I use a Sub to update the value of a specific record.

The sub starts by opening the needed DAO recordset
Then it uses the rs.Findfirst method
It checks if rs.Nomatch is not true (so the records exists!)
Then it starts updating the record with
rs!value1 = myvalue1,
rs!value2 = myvalue 2
There is where I get the '3021 No current record' error

I use the same sub on the same table to update to different parts. One part works the other gives me the error.

I have checked for typos.

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Record From Table Or Query

Feb 20, 2014

I am trying to delete a record from a table and when I pass the variable as a text value it works but when I pass as a number I am getting a mismatch error.

I have to use it as a number as I am doing other update code in my database and it is a number.

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM TblIssueData Where tblIssueData.SerNum = ' & Me.txtserNum & ';"

When I am using TblIssueData SerNum as a text variable in table it works but when I specify SerNum as a number in the table it gives me data mismatch error. I have to leave it as a number for other VBA code in my database. I believe it is just a syntax error but not sure where to go with it.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Master Table From Temp Table

Jun 5, 2013

I have two tables that are formatted identically....

Table1 = MasterTable
Table2 = TempTable

I am taking a copy of one of the entry from the master table and Copying it to the temp table.I then open a form on the TempTable that enables the user to modify the content without affecting the information in the MasterTable.On Completion and Save I wish to take this modified content and update the MasterTable Using the Field "ID"

the tables for example look like this


I am guessing I need to use a

DoCmd.RunSQL UPDATE "MasterTable" WHERE "TempTable"

Type of command but not to sure on the correct syntax and as everything is the same the use of wildcards for all fields

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Table Where Table Name Depends On Combo Box Value

Jan 17, 2014

I am trying to update a table with the value of a text box on the form where the table to update is as selected from a combo box on the form.I keep getting the following

Error message:
Run-time error 2465
Microsoft Access cant find the field & table_to_update & referred to in your expression..

But really can't see what I've done wrong. Have checked that the table_to_update string does contain the name of the table so guess it must be sql..

Private Sub Command91_Click()
Dim table_to_update, sql_string As String
table_to_update = Me.Combo49
Debug.Print table_to_update
sql_string = "UPDATE [" & table_to_update & "] SET [" & table_to_update & "].[Project] = """ & Text89.Value & """ WHERE [" & table_to_update & "].[ID] = " & Forms![T_entity]![" & table_to_update & "]![ID] & ""
db.Execute sql_string
End Sub

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Forms :: Updating Record With Form - Category Table

Feb 20, 2015

Here are my tables

Question Table

Answer Table

Category Table

So my form shows :
Question, Answer, Category

And I can display any existing question and make updates to the question and answer, that works fine. BUT, what I want to do is update which category a question is in. If I change the Category in the form, it updates the 'Category' in the Category table. What I want it to do is update the CategoryID in the question table.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Table With New Data Value

Aug 11, 2015

I have a VBA script that looks at a date on a form, adds a certain number of months (selected by the user). at the moment i can output the new data to a message box. I want to update a table with the new data value.

This is the code i have so far.

mySQL = "UPDATE job master file " & _
"SET [BBDate] = " & newdate & _
"WHERE [job name] = " & strname

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Modules & VBA :: Query A Table To See If Record Exists With Particular Field Blank

Mar 14, 2014

I am trying to achieve the following - I want to query a table to see if a record exists with a particular field blank. If so, I would like to prompt the user for data.

In real world terms, when assigning an item to a user I would like to first make sure that the item is not already assigned to somebody else. I have 4 fields, UserName, Item, IssueFrom, IssueTo. So when an item is assigned to a user, the first 3 fields are populated and the IssueTo remains blank, until that item is assigned to somebody else.

At the minute I have nothing in place to prevent a user from assigning the same item to multiple users and having multiple records for the same item in the table.

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Modules & VBA :: Moving Record From One Table To Another - Incomplete Query Error

Sep 25, 2014

The below SQL is basically trying move a record from one table to another, the table a copies of one another and the AlphaName variable is a string.

I keep getting the incomplete query error, somethings missing but what.


strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Holding Table].* SELECT ([Import Table].* FROM [Import Table]
WHERE ([Import Table].[Alpha Name] = '" & AlphaName & "'));"

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Repeat Last Record Under Certain Conditions In A Table / Query

Jul 15, 2014

I’d like to repeat the last not = 0 record under certain conditions, in a table or in a query.What I have:

Calendar_All Dates
Calendar dateMyValue


Basically, if Calendar date > Date(), if Calendar Date not Saturday or Sunday, weekday(Calendar date<>1 and <>7), AND Calendar Date not in (Holidays table).Then repeat the last not = 0 value of MyValue. I thought of changing the default value but the value is already 0, while default is null + I need to set the default value under certain conditions.

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Modules & VBA :: Skipping Last Character When Updating A Table

Sep 3, 2014

In attached file i am updating the YU field in YABANCI_UYRUKLULAR table where CALISMA_IZIN_NO fields is matching from YU table. But there is a problem after update i see one of the record's YU field is 10 character, it must be 11 character as in the YU table.

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Forms :: Updating Record On Table - Enter Parameter Value Dialog Box Appearing?

May 16, 2015

I am having a problem updating a record on a table called BookInTable . The field I want to update is called Engineer and the record is found using the field Barcode. I have a form with 2 text boxes BarTxt and EngTxt as well as a button called SaveBtn. on the OnClick event of the SaveBtn I put the following code


Private Sub SaveBtn_Click()
If IsNull(Me![BarTxt]) Or (Me![BarTxt]) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a value!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
Exit Sub
End If

DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET Engineer = " & Me!EngTxt & " WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"

End Sub

But this is bringing up the enter Parameter value dialog box for whatever I type into EngTxt. If I enter text into that box and then click okay it then updates to the record. how can I stop the from enter Parameter value dialog box appearing?

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Dynamic Combobox - Pull Data From Table

Oct 31, 2013

Right now I have a subform with a combobox that pulls it's data from a table. I want the user to either select an existing item or type in a new item and have a macro create the new table row. What I have right now works in the sense that it prompts the user if they want to creat a new item and the new item is created (and I can see it in the combobox list), but I'm still getting an error saying that the item does not exist in the table forcing the user to manually select the newly created list item they just typed in.

Private Sub MaterialCostCode_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Update value list with user input.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim bytUpdate As Byte

[Code] ....

It appears that the new item doesn't always show up automatically and requires the form to be refreshed, so now I need to figure out how to get it to consistently appear right away without a refresh.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating 100 Records In A Table Using Single Form Entry

Feb 25, 2014

I Work for an NHS organization. A department here orders prescriptions and sends them out to Gp Surgeries. I have been tasked in designing a database to make this easier for them.

Prescriptions arrive on a Pallet. Each pallet has 100 Boxes of prescriptions on it. Each box Contains 2000 Individual prescriptions. I have a table which contains the following:

Box Number
Serial Start Number
Serial End Number

When the user enters the first box number and the serial start number, i need it to calculate the serial end number and insert another 99 rows into the table and also calculate the serial start and end numbers for these other 99 records.

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Queries :: Update Query (table To Table) Not Updating All Records

Nov 26, 2013

I'm using an UPDATE query to update records in one table (tblMain) from another table (tblTemp)

Here is my SQL :


UPDATE [tblMain]
INNER JOIN [tblTemp] ON [tblMain].[MainField1] = [tblTemp].[TempField1]
SET [tblMain].[MainField2] = [tblTemp].[TempField2];

I only want to update the records in tblMain which have a corresponding record in tblTemp (linked by MainField1 / TempField1)

If any record doesn't appear in tblTemp, I want tblMain to retain the existing value for that record.

However, it appears that in such situations, the record in tblMain has it's MainField2 value set to null / ZLS.

I've tried using LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and also tried WHERE clauses but the result is the same every time.

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General :: Show Query Result In Form Textbox Immediately After Updating A Record

Nov 24, 2014

I am building a Inventory Management Application for Tyre Shop. I have SaleMainTbl and SaleDetailTbl both used for preparing daily sale summary. I have Mainform based on SaleMainTbl with TxnDate and Total Amount (Sale) and the TxnDate is in one to many relation with SaleDetailTbl. FormSaleDetail is multiple row(continuous) form that makes billwise summary of each day having -TxnDate--BillNo--ItemSold--Company--Qunatity--Rate--Amount fields. I have inserted this form in FormSaleMainTbl.

So FormSaleMainTbl is Main form and FormSaleDetail is subform. TxnDate in FormSaleDetailTbl is automatically taken from SaleMainForm. I have further added text boxes in Main Form to show company wise sale for each day for which there is a query build one for each company that takes the currently loaded date from FormSaleDetail and calculates the Sale (Sum) of each brand (Company) of Tyres. All these objects are working very fine. However I have to close the MainForm and reopen it for result of query to appear in the appropriate text box in Main form.

Is there way to do this as soon as record is entered or at least at the end of completing the entry of each days sale transactions without closing the form. So the gist of the problem is realtime display of query result in text box on a form or updating the form screen immediately on updating any record or at the most after completing the updating of form but without having to close the form.

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Add To A Query Without Updating Table

Mar 3, 2008

Is it possible to update a query without updating the underlying table?

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Updating A Table From Second Query

Sep 22, 2011

Let's say I have a table with employee's info In that table there's a field about their salary. In this table I have different pay scales. I have another table with Just pay scales..for instance

Auto Record EmployeeName Workaddress PayGrade Salary
1 Joe "B"
2 John "C"
3 Steve "A"

Auto Record Grade Salary Comments
1 "A" $25.00 Technician
2 "B" $22.00 Administrative
3 "C" $23.00 Operations Spec.

If I were to run a a query from the employee table and pull all the fields to my QBE under design view. and selected my criteria and UpdatedQuery to change the update to...(what do i click to get to change the new salary.. ???.

A) Select the proper criteria and and change the update query to the new salary and do it manually?....
B) Can I somehow follow option "A" but at the end select the proper "grade" under my update query and let that somehow change it to the new salary?...(with out me having to type the salary..but only the salary grade?)
C. Or can I just type the auto record under to the updated query . Under my update query to ??.

In other words I am trying to select a salary from me typing a record number or a salary grade field..

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Append Query Not Updating In Table

Feb 5, 2006

I have a query called providerIds
It appends to the a table called providerIDS

Everything works fine however when ever new data is added to a form
The data shows in the append query but not in the table where it appends to.

How do update the table where the append query is attached to.

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Queries :: Updating Table From A Query?

Jan 6, 2014

I have a table and a query both of which have the same [Resource ID], [Resource Name] fields.

I am trying to update the [CBL_1_Date], and the [CBL_1_kW] fields in the table with the [CBL_x_Date] and [CBL_x_kW] fields of the query. The problem is that when I try to run the query I keep getting "Operation Must Use and Updateable Query" error.

here is the SQL Code

UPDATE tCBLAggregation
INNER JOIN qBestof4CBLs_avg
ON (tCBLAggregation.[Event Date] = qBestof4CBLs_avg.[Event Start Date]) AND (tCBLAggregation.[Resource ID] = qBestof4CBLs_avg.[Resource ID])
SET tCBLAggregation.CBL_1_Date = [qBestof4CBLs_avg].[CBL_x_Date], tCBLAggregation.CBL_1_kW = [qBestof4CBLs_avg].[AvgOfCBL_x_kW];

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Tables :: Updating A Table From Query

Feb 9, 2013

i want to update a field of the table from a field of query .

this is the syntax :

UPDATE tbl_PresentStockAll INNER JOIN qry_BroachStock ON tbl_PresentStockAll.ProductId = qry_BroachStock.ProductId SET tbl_PresentStockAll.Broach = [qry_BroachStock].[BalanceQuantity];

but i am getting error of "operation must use an updateable query".

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Queries :: Updating Table Through Query

Aug 9, 2014

I'm working on a project management database for my fathers small business. Data Entry goes as follows: Users enter a Work Order, and all the parts that must be created for that work order. The parts have different processes (tasks) done to them to be created. The database runs a simple system like this as we want it to work. I am now attempting to allow handling of more advanced work orders. Specifically, some parts require the completion of multiple other parts before they can be created.

Here is how the database should handle these events:

1) User clicks button named "requires other parts" when entering a new part.
2) On click a subform is opened that allows the user to enter which other parts need to be completed first.
3) Once all of the parts are completed the next part can begin.

This is my current solution:

1) A query calculates if a part is complete
2) Some form of logic looks up to see if all the required parts are completed. If the answer is yes, a field named ready changes to "Yes" and if the answer is no, a field named ready changes to "no"

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Updating A Field In Another Table With Query

Sep 5, 2012

I have a field in table A (used as my main form) that I would like to update with a unique yet understandable name. I have created a query that takes the first few characters of two other fields and the event date and concatenates them to a unique name.

Challenge is the three fields that create the unique name are in table B.

So I tried the following in query design just to see if I could update a field in the same table


The results were #Error# in the cells.

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Updating Checkbox In Table With Query?

Jan 10, 2015

I need to update a checkbox in a core table from a temp table. How can this be done?

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