Modules & VBA :: User Input Criteria For Union Query?

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to get my VBA code to dump a query once the user pushes a button. I have the following code to call up the Excel app.


Option Compare Database
hOwner As Long
pidlRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As String
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long


The qry_PP_Errors_Union is a Union query. In this query there is a date field. I would like to be able to to use that date field as a parameter. So I have written this VBA to prompt the user for a Begin Date and an End Date.

strBegindatemsg = "Enter the beginning date." & vbCrLf & vbLf
strBegindate = InputBox(Prompt:=strBegindatemsg, Title:="Begin Date")
strEnddatemsg = "Enter the beginning date." & vbCrLf & vbLf
strEnddate = InputBox(Prompt:=strEnddatemsg, Title:="End Date")

Now the part that I am missing is that I am not sure how to make the "strBegindate" and "strEnddate" the criteria for the union query.

The following is the SQL for my union query.

SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title, TeamName, WorkOrderNumber, DateCompleted, WorkCode, UICError AS Error, "Update and Internal Correspondence" AS Category FROM qry_PP_UIC_Error
SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title, TeamName, WorkOrderNumber, DateCompleted, WorkCode, BIDError, "Bids" FROM qry_PP_Bid_Error

[Code] ....

Without the criteria, my code works for dumping everything out into Excel. However, dumping all the data results in a 7 mb Excel file that requires manual deletion of the information that is not pertinent.

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Input Criteria Into Union Query From A Form

May 31, 2006

Based on information from a earlier thread.... I created a Union query that pulls information from multiple tables and fields.

SELECT AG_B_R1 as Num FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_B_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_B_R2 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_B_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_B_R3 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_B_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_B_R4 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_B_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_m_R1 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_m_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_m_R2 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_m_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_m_R3 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_m_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_m_R4 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_m_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_e_R1 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_e_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_e_R2 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_e_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
SELECT AG_e_R3 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_e_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll]
UNION ALL SELECT AG_e_R4 FROM dbo_ADC_Ag_e_Res WHERE Rollnmbr=[roll];

And then I created another query to get the STDEV of the above query

SELECT StDev([Num]) AS StDev
FROM Q_cals_ag_bme_STDEV_Union;

The result will be on a subform on my main page. How do I get my form to input the [roll] automatically and requery the subform, showing my result.

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User Input Multiple Criteria

Oct 5, 2006

Last question.. honest.. maybe ;)

I have a query that prompts the user to display certain/all of the members in my member table. The problem is, using a parameter query in the memberID field only allows the user to send the message to one member, not multiple members. "1 or 2 or 3" or "1,3" obviously don't work.
I've tried creating a form with a list box to select the members (which I;ve done) but obviously you need code and stuff to get it to work which I think will be too complicated. Is there a simpiler way or is the form the only thing that will work?

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DLookup With Criteria = User Input From Like()?

Dec 5, 2007

I seem to have run into a snag. I'm pretty sure this would work otherwise:

DLookup(iif(Left( [GenericFieldname1], 4) = "C101","Offered","NOT OFFERED"),"Generic Query")

When I added this field/function to the query, I got #error values and when I clicked on one, I got an error that said:

The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error:The object doesn't contain the automation object 'Please Enter Year'.'

I assume the problem is that I have the user filter the report by use of the Like() function for [Year] in the query when the report is accessed. How do I tell the DLookup function to search the column as filtered by the Like() function?

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Have User Input WHERE Criteria In An OpenRecordset Method

Jan 27, 2006

How can I have a user enter the WHERE criteria in the Set Rs statement below.

Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr] = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")

I would like a message box to ask the user to define the [Yr] = and [Event] = fields since they would change from time to time and then pass the values to the OpenRecordset method. Is this possible? Can someone help supply the code?

A parameter query won’t work because when you manipulate these queries in DAO through VBA you need to supply the parameter value before you open the recordset object. If you don’t DAO generates an error.

Here is my code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

Dim ConsqWin As Long
Dim ConsqLoss As Long
Dim tmpWin As Long
Dim tmpLoss As Long
Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")
Do While Not Rs.EOF
Do While Rs!Net > 1
tmpWin = tmpWin + 1
If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do
If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do
If tmpWin > ConsqWin Then ConsqWin = tmpWin
tmpWin = 0

Set Rs = Nothing

End Sub

By the way the YR field is a number and not a date so the WHERE clause doesn’t need #2000#

Any help would be appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Parameter Query - Detect If User Has Not Entered A Criteria

Dec 12, 2014

I have a report that is fed by a parameter query. When a command button (Command23) is clicked a parameter box opens and the user enters a subsystem number. A report for that subsystem then opens.

I want to open the report with VBA and show a message if the user has failed to enter a subsystem number in the parameter box and just clicked OK.

The problem is I don't know how to refer to the parameter box and detect if it has been left empty before clicking OK. I first tried to use IsNull in an If statement with Command23.Value, but now realize it is the value in the parameter box I am after, not the "value" of Command23.

How can I change my code to detect if the parameter box has not been filled out?

Private Sub Command23_Click()
If IsNull(Command23.Value) Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a Subsystem", vbOKOnly, "No Criteria Entered"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptTESTInfoBySubsystem", acViewReport
End If
End Sub

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UNION Query MS Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query.

Oct 28, 2005

Hello All,

I'm trying to run a UNION query that joins five queries through a MS WorkSpace into a DAO.recordset in VB. I'm pulling the data from a SQL Server Database through VB in Access. I'm attempting to open a recordset with a query passed to it as a string. The query is below. For some reason, I'm receiving a message: "MS Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query. Runtime Error 3078".

Here's what's puzzling. When I run a single query without any UNION statement, the code finds the table and runs fine without error, but anytime I join two or more queries with a UNION statement in the VB, it gives me the error.

I've executed the same UNION query in both Access Query Builder and SQL Server's Query Analyzer and they work fine in both environments. It's only when I call the query from a DAO.Recodset with VB that it causes this problem. The following is a sample of the UNION query joining two of the five queries. Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem? The following query executes in about 5 seconds so I don't think there's a "time-out" issue. I'm thinking that the UNION statement may be the culprit. Maybe there's another way to approach joining these separate queries? Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.

SELECT SalespersonID, Sum([SlsPrice]-[RtnPrice]-[SlsDiscnt]+[RtnDiscnt]) AS fldPrice FROM MyTable WHERE (((Source)='d') AND ((DistrictID)='01') AND ((CategoryID) = 'HCPROD') AND ((BrandID)<>'CSS')) AND (((BrandID)<>'1356')) AND (((BrandID)<>'1400')) AND (((BrandID)<>'1551')) AND (((BrandID)<>'555')) AND (((BrandID)<>'66'))
AND (TransDate >= 07/01/2005) AND (TransDate <= 07/31/2005) GROUP BY SalespersonID
SELECT SalespersonID, Sum([SlsPrice]-[RtnPrice]-[SlsDiscnt]+[RtnDiscnt]) AS fldPrice FROM MyTable WHERE (((Source)='d') AND ((DistrictID)='01') AND ((ProductID) = '0029800')) AND (TransDate >= 07/01/2005) AND (TransDate <= 07/31/2005) GROUP BY SalespersonID

Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "pw", "", dbUseJet)
Set db = wrkJet.OpenDatabase("DW", _
dbDriverNoPrompt, True, _
'Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

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Union Query - Possible For User To Select Tables ?

Jun 28, 2006

I have Access2003 and a problem creating a simple method of constructing a union query.

I am using a commercial paradox databse that has a habit of creating a new table every time a certain action is performed. There is currently a set of 160 tables with identical fields. The database allows me to view data in these tables individually. I would like to pull the information together, from between 20 and 30 specific tables at any one time, and view the data in one table.

I have linked the tables in a an access database and would go about viewing the data by creating a union query containing each of the tables of interest. Then appending the info in these tables to a new table.

Unfortunately manually adjusting the SQL expression is a bit cumbersome to say the least I am wondering if it possible to select the tables of interest from a List Box on a simple form and have those selected inserted into the union query ?

Alternatively, the table names are actually a field within a different table. Another field within this table actually determines whether they will be of interest. So ideally I could query that table to tell me which tables need to appear in the union query. Again I would like the union query generated automatically as a result of that query.

I am confident, perhaps without good reason , that this must be possible ....

any help much appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Recordset Based On User Input Box

Oct 13, 2014

I have a form in my front end database that is supposed to allow a user to search for a record based on account number and then make changes to the that record and for it to save in the back end database. I have the search function working where it populates different input boxes on the form with what is stored in the back end database but I cannot get the update function to work. I have tried to assign each input box with a variable and then run an Update SQL function to update each of the fields but the updates are not storing. Any example of a successful update statement that uses VBA variables in it or a way to update a specific record via a recordset type function?

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Modules & VBA :: Search 1 Field Based On Multiple User Input

Jul 4, 2013

I have a search form that looks up a value in a field and lets the user know if it is there or not, they have now asked to put in multiple values to search... eg. searching containers number, I will put user input box where they can put these numbers


This will search my container number field and show a pop up message box saying..
Please note below
NYKU023561 - has been found you cannot use this container
TRLU102356 - has not been found please check internal system
TCNU123023 - has beeen found you cannot use this container

Below is the basic search I had before which was all I needed.. how can I adapt this?

Private Sub Command256_Click()
If (CntSearch & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim CNT As String


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Modules & VBA :: Use Different Column Based On User Input To Update Data

Jun 29, 2015

I'm attempting to build an import module so that my users can take data from different walks of life and import it into my tables. I'm doing this by setting up a module and allowing the user to specify which column data will come from when importing data. So lets say I have a field that is CustomerID in my table and user one pulls data from 1 place and in his excel or csv file, customerid is in field 1. Another user does the same thing and its in field 2.

How can i make some form of a loop that when I'm attempting to update data, i pull the correct column?

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblImportTable"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
With rst
Do While .EOF = False
If IsNull(DLookup("DefaultValue", "dbo_tblImportTemplateDetails", "Template_ID=" & Forms!frmImport!TemplateName & " AND FieldName='CustomerID'")) Then


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Modules & VBA :: Update A Table With Dates Based On User Input

Dec 30, 2014

I am new to VBA and I'm trying to write a query that will update a table with dates based on user input. For example a user will run data each Monday and that date will be day01. The date table has 28 days total and I need each day row to update with the next date i.e. day01 is 12/30, day02 is 12/31, day03 is 1/01 etc..I am having issues just running the update the query. I get a too few parameters error message on the strsql statement. There are only two columns in the table, order_day(date column) and date_value(text). I want to update order_day. I also need creating a loop so it knows to go back and add days to the other values.

Here is what I have:

Sub Update_Dates()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim lmsg As String
Dim transactiondate As Date
Dim strsql As String

[Code] ....

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Query : Group By & Sum Total With User Input?

Mar 15, 2007

Hi all.
Stumbled onto this forum during a google search.. looks like a great forum.

I have a question.
this thread

goes into a simple function to group by the name and add their total.. however what i need to do is that plus have a user input of the date.

eg of the table

Date Title Invoice
02/02/07 ABC123 11.00
02/02/07 ABC123 12.50
02/02/07 DEC123 11.50
03/02/07 ABC123 10.50

What i need is a paramater query to be able to work to give me the total of the groups..
Whenever i try to join my Parameter query with my sum query it gets messed up..

heres the code... what am i doing wrong?..
What i want displayed after they input the date is the group by and sum total of the parameter query..

SELECT RawData_tbl.[Title 2], RawData_tbl.[Estimated Value], RawData_tbl.[Date In], RawData_tbl.Quote, RawData_tbl.GST, Sum(RawData_tbl.Invoice) AS SumOfInvoice
FROM RawData_tbl
GROUP BY RawData_tbl.[Title 2], RawData_tbl.[Estimated Value], RawData_tbl.[Date In], RawData_tbl.Quote, RawData_tbl.GST
HAVING (((RawData_tbl.[Date In]) Between [Please Type the first day of the month] And [ Please insert the last day of the month]))
ORDER BY RawData_tbl.[Title 2];

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Query Needing Like And A Place For User To Input

Apr 14, 2008

Okay my access skills are low at best and I'm trying to build a database for work so hopefully this isn't to stupid of a question.

I'm trying to creat a query that will allow the user to type in a work type and have it generate the all records containing that work type. The way the data is in there to get it to generate just a specific work type without the input I have to use Like "*newacct*" for example. Is there any way to do this since there are more then one work types for some records?

Thank you

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Getting User Input For Field And Table On Update Query

Jun 5, 2006

Is there an easy way to get user input like the parameter value box in an update query, where you want the user to specify the table name and field name to run the query on?

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Wildcard Query With User Input Parameter Not Working

Jul 12, 2007

I'm using an Excel spreadsheet that is importing external data from an access database in which I've got a field where the name of a person checking materials out is entered. it is currently set up, and I cannot change it, as a free form field. So folks enter information in a variety of ways.

For example, Larry Martin might be entered as "Larry Martin" or "Martin, Larry" or "". I'm trying to run a query that would look in that field for any entry with the string I enter, such as "Martin."

I've tried setting the criteria like this:

Like "*" & [Which Last Name] & "*"

However, when I try and run the query I get a message telling me the system is expecting two parameters.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've been banging my head against this for awhile now and am thoroughly stumped! All assistance, as usual, is greatly appreciated!

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Queries :: Query That Uses Different Columns Based Upon User Input

Sep 10, 2013

I have a database table in which I'm trying to pull sales data and generate sales reports from. The problem I face is that the sales data is recorded into a table with this structure:

Year | Customer | Sales_Month_1 | Sales_Month_2 | Sales_Month_3

Rather than having a single field "Month" in which I could set criteria or prompt the user to select a month to derive sales data from, I need to write a query that through user input (or through some code within the query) the right field will be selected. An example of this would be generating a report for the 1st month of the year, obviously.

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Queries :: Taking User Input In CrossTab Query

Jul 29, 2013

I have a cross tab query that takes input from the user. The code is as under:

TRANSFORM Round(Sum(([A_GAS_m3]+[NA_GAS_m3])/1000000),3) AS GAS_MMSCM
SELECT maindata.on_off, maindata.state, maindata.OPERATOR, maindata.field_block
WHERE ((PRODUCTION.MONTH) Between Format([START_MONTH],"dd-mm-yyyy") And Format([END_MONTH],"dd-mm-yyyy")))
GROUP BY maindata.on_off, maindata.state, maindata.OPERATOR, maindata.field_block
ORDER BY maindata.on_off, maindata.state, maindata.OPERATOR, maindata.field_block

I am facing 3 problems with the above code:

1. Access prompts to enter the start month and end month even when I click the save button.
2. When I run the query it prompts to enter the start month and end month twice.
3. I have generated a report based on the above query. When I run the report it keeps on prompting for start month and end month and does not give the final result.

Is it a common problem with cross tab queries?

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Queries :: Cannot Get User Input Box To Open On Crosstab Query

May 26, 2015

I have a crosstab query. users need to run the query for any week of a year. It is always a YTD query. I have used this process on many select queries. Will a crosstab query not support this simple method? See attached screen shots.

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Form Input To Query Criteria

Nov 4, 2005


This is simple im sure but i am a thicky

How do you allow a user to enter a value in a form; have access set that inputted value to a criteria in a query? Then ill have a button to run the query which i can do


thicky ste

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Show Records In Query Based Off User Input In Form

Nov 3, 2005

Ok this might be basic stuff i'm a bit dumb

I have a query showing lots of records of equipment that is in different rooms. I would like to have a form where the user can bash in a room number and all the records from the query that have that room number in it pop up.

Please help the dumb

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Query Criteria Based On An Input Date

Oct 2, 2006

I have a database with the following information:

FTA # Date Attended Last name First name assigned person......

Each week I need to generate a report that shows the people that attended for that week, grouped by the assigned person. I only want to show the data for a specific "date attended" (i.e. that days date). I figured I first need to generate a query that only returns the data for that specific date in the "date attended" column. I did that but it is manuel by using the criteria field.

Is there an easy way to type in the date that I want the query to use as the criteria?


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Form To Input Query Criteria Between Dates

Jan 30, 2006

I have this select query.
SELECT DISTINCTROW L160.Date, Avg(L160.Zinc) AS [Avg Of Zinc], Min(L160.Zinc) AS [Min Of Zinc], Max(L160.Zinc) AS [Max Of Zinc], Count(L160.Zinc) AS [Count of Zinc]
GROUP BY L160.Date
HAVING (((L160.Date)=[Forms]![L-160quarterfrm].[Date]));
How do I build a form that would ask the user to input a range of dates for the criteria?
Thanks! :o)

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Queries :: Using Combo Box To Input Criteria Into Query

Jul 26, 2013

I have a customers list that i am always ading to .I need to run a query to see what individual customers have ordered .

I have the query that works great when i manually insert the customers Surname .but i want the combo to do this job .Is it possible ,or should i be doing something different .

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Forms :: Restrict User Input In Textbox Depending On What Option User Has Selected

May 22, 2013

I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.

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Queries :: UNION / UNION ALL Query Crashed Access

Oct 24, 2013

I'm having a problem with a UNION / UNION ALL query.It seems there is a application crash fault when running the query that MS are aware of and have issued a hot fix. Unfortunately it will take my IT dept some time to check and install the hot fix If they agree to do it at all.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: MSACCESS.EXE
Application Version: 12.0.6606.1000


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