Modules & VBA :: Using DLookup / DCount To Control Duplicates

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to put in a control measure which won't allow the user to accidentally add a client to areferral more than once. The simplified relationship structure reads:

tblClient 1-------n tblClientReferral n---------1 tblReferral

I am as a far as using a dlookup which correctly gives the error message, but only if it is the first client added to the tblClientReferral table. If the hypothetical situation arises in which the user adds a client, then adds a second client to the referral and accidentally adds the second clientn twice, the Dlookup is not picking this up.

I suppose the solution is using a dlookup which has the criteria saying if the referralID = 'this' AND the clientID = 'this' Then 'do this'. But as far as I am aware you cannt use AND in the criteria?? atleast, it hasn't worked when I tried. A snippet of the vba code used is below:

Dim objClient As Object
Set objClient = Forms![frmAddClient]![cboClientID]

If (DLookup("clientID", "tblClientReferral", _
"referralID = Forms![frmReferral]![referralID]")) = objClient Then
MsgBox "Client already added"
GoTo ExitSub

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Duplicates, Editing , Dcount

Oct 9, 2004

I am trying to check for duplication with three fields while entering data.

I have set up a query on the recordsource query and dcount the records
this works in the before update code initially but when editing the record in any field
and moving off the record, I am incorrectly told my once correct entry is now a duplicate.
as though the record compares itself with itself.
ONly if I return its value to empty, move off the record and then reenter the field does it accept it as not duplicated

I'm confused and a little desperate.


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Dlookup / Dcount ? Stumped!!!

Feb 10, 2005

Hi all,

I have a form with the following fields:-

StartTime = Format dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss
ExpFinishTime = Format dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss
Dentist = Number

StartTime is bound to my table, ExpFinishTime is calculated in the forms underlying query.

Before the record updates I am trying to check if anyone already has an appointment scheduled in during that particular time for that particular dentist. So if the record being added has a starttime between those two times for that dentist, throw up a message box.

Thanks for any help.


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Forms :: Finding Duplicates - DCount Not Providing Expected Results

Mar 8, 2013

I've been working on trying to get this code to work as expected for days. I'm trying to find duplicates (I can't use primary keys or indexes alone to weed out duplicates due to the structure of the tables involved) in a subform as a user enters data. As soon as a project number is added, the code is supposed to count the number of records that contain that particular project number as well as a category number (there can be multiples of the same project numbers as long as their category numbers are different). This is the code I am using in the "Before Update" event of the field in the subform:

Private Sub ProjectID_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Dim strCriteria As String
Dim RecCount As Integer
strCriteria = "([ProjectID] = " & Me.ProjectID & ") AND ([CatID] = " & Me.CatID & ")"
RecCount = DCount("[ProjHrsID]", "tblProjHrs", strCriteria)

[Code] .....

What could I be doing wrong? Nothing about this code seems to work properly - even the Undo and Cancel=True is a problem (I get the "No current record" error).

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Dlookup To Prevent Duplicates

Jan 9, 2014

I have a form with a text box called txtID. When the user types a value in the text box I want it to check if the value already exists in the field ID in table "Headcount" (a linked table from SharePoint). If it does, then I want a pop up box to display with error. Is this a Dlookup function?

I've tried DCount but can't get that to work.

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Dcount Vs SQL(VBA) For A Calculated Control

Oct 7, 2005

Here is the SQL that A2K gives me for the query that has the actions I want it to perform. But I can't get it to give me a count of the number of records returned. I would love to use DCOUNT but I am having a tough time working it out. Also in the final soultion, the numbers 2 and 23 are fields that I have 2 = weekday and 23 = [weekday] + [tt] which are in a different table. If someone could help me out with the DCOUNT formula, I would be forever appreciative.

SELECT DISTINCTROW noweekend.noweekday, noweekend.dayid
FROM noweekend
GROUP BY noweekend.noweekday, noweekend.dayid
HAVING (((noweekend.noweekday)=1) AND ((noweekend.dayid)>=2 And (noweekend.dayid)<23)) OR (((noweekend.noweekday)=7) AND ((noweekend.dayid)>=2 And (noweekend.dayid)<23));

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Dlookup In Calculated Control

Apr 24, 2007


I am trying to create a calculated field in a query which uses another value in the query to lookup a table. I get an error running the query :

"Microsoft Access can't find the name 'Indcat' you entered in the expression."

The expression I am using is as follows:

Expr1: DLookUp("[Class]","Class","([Indcat] = [Clind]) AND ([2007] Between [From] AND [To])")

Indcat and 2007 are valid field names in the query.

I used this Dlookup in a form and it worked fine (with Form! etc references to Indcat and 2007)


Tony Randell

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General :: DLookup In Control Source

Sep 26, 2014

I have a 2 unbound text boxes.1 populates the id number from a table.I want the other to display the first name where this id occurs. I am currently putting this in the control source of the seconded textbox

This is what I have


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Forms :: DLookUp In Text Box Control Source

Feb 7, 2014

I currently have a DLookUp formula in a Text Box Control Source. It returns the value I am looking for, however, the value will not add to the record. I have tried putting the DLookUp formula in the Default Property, but it is not working.It is a multi-criteria DLookUp, where the criteria is entered into the form.

=DLookUp("[TBA CUSIPs]","[TBA CUSIPs]","[Settlement Month]=" & [Forms]![Enter Trade]![Settlement Month Text Box] & " AND [Coupon]=" & [Forms]![Enter Trade]![Coupon Text Box] & " AND [Instrument] = '" & [Forms]![Enter Trade]![Instrument Combo Box] & "'")

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Use DLOOKUp And Trim In Calculated Control On A Form

May 22, 2013

I am trying to use DLOOKUp and Trim in a calculated control on a form - D look up works but when i add Left trim to trim a telephone number to just the prefix - it wont work

=DLookUp("[CSP]","[Csp_Codes]","[Data] = '" & [Forms]![Application_Frm]![CommsData_tbl subform].[Form]![Data] & "'") - Works OK
=DLookUp("[CSP]","[Csp_Codes]","[Data] = '" & [Forms]![Application_Frm]![CommsData_tbl subform].[Form]![Left](Trim([Data]),7) & "'") - appears to put square brackets around Left ??

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Queries :: DLookup In Reports Control Source For Each Field

Jun 13, 2013

I am trying to create a form with multiple combo boxes where users can select fields from my main database and click a button to generate a report based on their selections. I think I am supposed to create a generic report with perhaps 4 fields where I would link the four combo boxes to. The issue is I cant seem to get the selection of the combo box to change the field that the report should pull from the database. I think I am supposed to use dlookup in the reports control source for each field, but I cant seem to get it to work.

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DLookup In Control Source Of Text Box Only Returns Value When Clicked On

Apr 23, 2015

I have 3 text boxes on a form each of which gets their values from different queries using DLookup this is functional but only when I click on the text box its self, I have tried using the "On load" & "On current" to requery the textbox (Text38 as control name) but no luck,, another strange thing i've noticed, when I have the form open in access and i click on my taskbar, thus switching windows from access to the desktop but keeping access in view, all text boxes are calculated immediately.

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DLookup Returning Circular Reference Warning In Control Source

Oct 15, 2015

I'm working on my first report and am trying to get my textbox, tboJob to show a field value and not the ID. I have tried the following Dlookup in my control source with no luck.

=DLookUp("[JobName]","Jobs","ID=" & [tboJob])

JobName is the field I want to show from the table Jobs.

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Queries :: DLookup Command And Evaluate Return Value For Null To Be Used To Control Program Flow

Apr 6, 2015

I have a search from that has an option group, text fields, and a checkbox where the users selects a variety of option that generates a query. If the query return at least on record a split form (form on top/datasheet on bottom) is displayed and the form has an Edit and Close button. If the query returns no records the form is still displayed except the buttons are not visible.

If I knew the result of the query and then made a decision whether to open the form or release control back to the search box that would be great. To open the form I am using VBA with the DoCmd.OpenForm(,,"MyQuery","criteria") command.I thought about using the DLookup command and evaluate the return value for null to be used to control the program flow.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount On Two Fields

Jul 14, 2014

I need to check the combination of a text box and a combo box that are bound to the same table for duplicates and then give a message box telling of the existing records. The 2 fields are set up as a compound index so access displays a generic message but I am trying to customize the message without doing it through error trapping (because I want it earlier in the processes on the form).

I am trying to us Dcount as follows but this is not working. It seems to be checking for either rather than a combination of the 2 fields because I get my message if either the Description OR the Group is duplicated (both of the text box and the combo box can have duplicates and it is only the combination that is singular) .

If DCount("[Description]", "[ItemTBL]", "[Description] = '" & Description & "'")
And DCount("[Group]", "[ItemTBL]", "[Group] = '" & Group & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "This Item is already in the database.", vbExclamation, "Already in Database"

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Modules & VBA :: Dcount With Date Variables

Jul 11, 2015

Im a relative novice with access VBA, and I'm really struggling with using Dcount with date variable. All I want to do is count if a certain date appears in a table. Here is the extract from my code:

Dim WorkoutDate as Date
Dim datecount as integer

datecount = DCount("[WorkOut Date]", "tblworkoutlogs", "[workout date]= " & WorkoutDate)

Whatever dates are in tblworkoutlogs, datecount is still = 0...I've trawled the net and tried many variations of the code but no success!if I change all the date formats to strings in the code and the tables, it works so I know i'm looking in the correct place.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount Returns 0 For All Departments

Jun 8, 2015

Upgraded from Access 2003 to Access 2010. My DCount query was working fine in Access 2003 for many years but now I am having issues. Everything is written in VBA.

1.) Insert records into table tblEmployee
2.) Query table tblEmployee to count how many employees are in each department using DCount.

DCount returns 0 for all Departments.

If I manually open table tblEmployee and edit an employees department (I actually named it the same department), DCount will then find 1 person in that department (the record I manually edited). It seems a manually edited record will be counted but anything written by the insert query is ignored.

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Modules & VBA :: 3 Field Duplicate Dcount

Jun 18, 2015

I have a tblManualRewardIncident in there I have 3 fields I want to have my staff in put these rewards via a frmRewardIncidentEntry However im concerned over another staff member in putting the same data so I want the form to highlight on update that a duplicate is there already so cancel the data entry.

The 3 fields that need to check and match are StrataID , DateOfIncident , EndDateOfIncident these are all in the tblManualRewardIncident and appear as buttons in the form frmRewardIncidentEntry the buttons are as follows
cboStrataID , txtDateOfIncident , txtEndDateOfIncident

I want the VBA to run when I CLICK another button on same form cboSQCDP..All 3 fields must match exactly to flag a issue.

StrataID , DateOfIncident , EndDateOfIncident from tblManualRewardIncident

If it doesn't find a match continue and add the inputs in these boxes to the table if it finds a match flag a message and delete the data from the form.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount Function Counting 0s As 1s

Sep 24, 2013

In my database when an item is currently being loaned the item's loaned field will have a 1 to indicate this. When the item is returned the value is 0. Only so many items are available and when I use the DCount function it is counting the 0s as 1s.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount Using Date Comparison

Mar 6, 2015

I'm trying reference a dcount on two fields, one is a string and works fine, the other is on a date which does not.

I've investigated the problem and found a couple of references to making sure I use a # symbol to reference the date but I think the thing that's throwing the comparison out is that the date field stores time as well, even if you can't see it?

MsgBox DCount("*", "[healthcheck]", "[check_date]=#" & Format([Forms]![MAINTENANCE_FRM]![MAINTENANCE_DETAIL_TBL subform].[Form]![FIRST_HEALTH]) & "#")

I thought should count the records in the healthcheck table that match the check_date field against the first_health field on the current form, but I keep getting a 0 count even though the dates seem to match.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount Not Finding Records?

Sep 11, 2013

My DCount statement is not finding a record that I know is there.

Private Sub Transfer_WN_Books_Click()
Dim ST As String
ST = "H"
If DCount("*", "Books", Author = " & Me!AuthorID & " And StatFlag = " & ST & ") > 0 Then
End If
End Sub

It never beeps!

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Modules & VBA :: DCOUNT With Date Criteria

Feb 3, 2014

I can't get the following DCOUNT working for the life of me: DCount("EmployeeName", "tblAttendance", "EmployeeName = '" & cboEmployee Name. Value & "'" And "AttendanceDate = #" & txtAttendanceDate.Value & "#")I have checked this forum along with Google and there seems to be no easy way to do this? I have tried editing the syntax over and over again. I have been able to run a query and get the desired result in that query; however I am unable to call that result in VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount Works But DSum Doesn't

Jun 19, 2013

Mycode works great when I use the DCount function, but fails when I change it to DSum which errors with: Error 94 - invalid use of null.

dblCntr = DSum("[intEventCount]", "tblResourceEvents", "[ResourceEventTypeID] = " & myKey & " AND [TimeFrameID] = " & Me.cbo1)

The entire table has valid data - no nulls. myKey and Me.cbo1 both have correct values.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount With Custom Fiscal Year

Jan 21, 2014

I have having an issue with determining how to use a customized fiscal year with a DCount function.

My Code:

ThisYear: DCount("*","Open Issues","year([RequestDate]) = " & Year(DateAdd("y",-1,Date())))

The code only does from Jan 1, YYYY TO Dec 31, YYYY

I'd like the code to read from Oct 1, YYYY TO Sept 30, YYYY

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent A Duplicate Record Using DCount

Jun 15, 2014

If expression to determine if a duplicate records has been entered.

DateAte is a date
MealType is a list box (text)

All I want to do is prevent two lunches, etc. from being entered on the same date. Code that results in the message box every time, regardless if a duplicate record or not.

Private Sub MealType_AfterUpdate()
Dim strDA As String
Dim DA As Date
DA = Me.DateAte.Value
strDA = "[DateAte]=" & "#" & DA & "#"
If DCount("[MealType]", "tblmeals", strDA) > 1 Then


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Modules & VBA :: DCount - Checking If A Record Exists

Jul 17, 2014

I am trying to check if a record exists, but I keep getting a error!!!

Private Sub Command10_Click()
If DCount("*", "tbl", "[ID] = "") <> 0 Then
MsgBox "This record already exists.
stDocName1 = "McrAddNewRecord"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName1
End If
End Sub

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