Modules & VBA :: Using SQLite As Backend

Nov 12, 2013

I am using SQLite as a backend as the speed/size is so much better. 400 Mbs down to 39 Mbs. Query time 14 seconds down to less than 1.

However what would be the best way to append data. Even though the tables are linked, a normal Append does not work, and a pass thru query does not work. Local data needs to be transferred to the SQLite backend, but a pass thru cannot deal with a local and remote table (apparently).Current solution is to dump the data to the backend as a table, then execute an insert query on the other remote table, then drop the uneeded table.

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Modules & VBA :: Can Split A Backend Into Two

Jul 1, 2013

I've got a Split Database (Front End & Back End). So far it was all good until recent when a department placed in a different city (200 Miles apart) wants to use my application. The Application has gone very slow for them when they access the back end.

Things which I've already done.
Analyzed Tables
Analyzed Performance

The only best way I could think of is to have two separate Back Ends for both cities and synchronize them may be every hour or so. Is this possible and how much feasible is this? Or is there an even better way to accomplish this.

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Modules & VBA :: Backup Backend Using Batch File?

Aug 14, 2014

I've created some code to make a backup of my database backend. I've tested it and it seems to work fine, I just have some questions about it's use. Here's the code:

Public Sub backupBackend()
Dim TestFile As String
Dim strReplFile As String
Dim copyFromLocation As String
Dim copyToLocation As String
copyFromLocation = "S:Trust 2 AnalysisData"


It will be triggered by a button push. It creates a batch file to do the copy operation and then delete itself.

In an ideal world I would schedule the backup at a safe time through the Windows scheduler, but our IT department won't allow me to do so.

The concern I have is that we could potentially press the backup button while a user is performing an action that writes/modifies data. If this were to happen would my backup potentially contain corrupted data?

If so, is the workaround to simply press the backup button when nobody is using the database?

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Modules & VBA :: Force Disconnect From A Backend Database

Nov 17, 2014

I have a database stored out on a shared drive at my company that multiple users connect to via a front end application that they save on their own hard drives. Recently I have noticed that the back end database keeps getting opened exclusively which prevents other users from being able to access the back-end database. For the life of me I cannot figure out what about the front end opens the back end exclusively and cannot find any plausible solutions I thought I could develop something that could force close a back-end database or disconnect all users from it?

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Modules & VBA :: Create New Backend File From Existing One

Nov 4, 2013

I'm trying to create a button that will open a save window so that user can select where and the name of a new backend file.

and create a new backend file from the one in use and link to the new open.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Open Form After Linking To A New Backend Database

Mar 18, 2014

I have an Access DB with a form that allows the user to select a new backend database. I can connect to the backend and then .refreshlinks but nothing on the form is updated. I have tried requiring the form but that doesn't do anything. I've tried loads of other things, refresh, recalc etc., but nothing updates the open form.

The only way I have managed to get it to work is to close the form and reopen it, then it shows the data from the newly linked backend database.

While it works, it doesn't look good but also there seems to be some problem with it because eventually it reports an error saying "cannot open any more databases" and when clicking OK comes back with "An error occurred while sending data to the OLE server (the application used to create the object" and a whole bunch of other messages.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that the form has a number of MS graphs open on it, but I'm not sure. Also, I can't track down a particular line of VBA code which causes this error.

how to update a form after changing the backend database.

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Modules & VBA :: Split Database - Moving Table To Existing Backend

Apr 8, 2015

I have a client that is using a split database. I am working on an update to the program and need to transfer a table to the backend that has the correct structure and information included in it. My thoughts are to make a one time use program that transfers the table to the backend. I have seen DoCmd.TransferDatabase and DoCmd.CopyObject as possible ways to go.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Unbound Form On Front End Of Database To Populate Backend Tables

Apr 12, 2015

Is there any particular reason I would choose to use

DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into...


CurrentDb.Execute "insert into.... ??

I am using an unbound form on the front end of my database to populate the backend tables (multiple tables). Some forms only have a few fields, while other forms have about 15 fields with 3-4 tables updating.

I am okay using the DoCmn.RunSQL , but I keeping reading on the forum that others chose CurrentDB.Execute and it has me thinking.

My database is stored on a network drive with only on front end.

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Backend Backup

Mar 27, 2006

is it alright to backup the backend while the database is in use by other users connected through front end or users must log off before the backup

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Path Of Backend

May 25, 2006

Anyone know how to find the path of your backend database using VBA code?

I am trying to determine whether the application is using a database via a network path.

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Backend Isn't Quite Secure

Apr 27, 2007

Hi all.
I know Access security has been discussed ad nauseum in these forums and that there is a wealth of information in the archives, nearly all of which I have read often.

And I have a small question.

For years I produced applications which didn't need tight security. However, I tried to stay well informed on the matter.

Security is important in this project. I secured a database properly, as well as I can determine. I then made a copy and deleted all the tables in the one which will be the frontend and linked to the tables in the copy which will be the backend. Only Groups had permissions, individual Users, none. Life was good.

Then I did something, not sure exactly what. The end result is that the frontend seems fine; I cannot open it unless attached via the .mdw I created specifically for this project.

The backend, however, I can open even when attached to the system default .mdw.

Can anyone tell me what I've likely done, and how I might nail down the backend once again?

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Backend Database

Nov 2, 2007

I have been given the responsibility for a database that resides on a company network. The Database has been created by using Access 2000 in Windows XP. There are windows folders fro each team that needs use of the database and within these folders is a macro that loads the form for each team. There is a shortcut folder to the Admin Entrance point wher the actual database and tables_be are located. I have looked at both the properties of both these files and both are Access 2000 databases?

The Database called Database( not my choice of name ) contains all the forms, queries, reports,modules etc and the tables are linked to what seems to be the Admin Entrance point. Unfortunately I am unable to see the full link when using linked table manager. This I presume is the tables located in tables_be. The database table_be contains all the tables.

When trying to store the Autonumbering to the database after corruption using a solution kindly supplied by Pat Hartmann by taking a copy of both the database and table_be and working on these I successfully got the autonumbering working.

What do I need to do to successfully implemting these on the network. I have tried to copy the new files back to the network with the same names and in the same location but am getting error messages when I try access some of the forms.

Unfortuately there is no documentation as to how this database has been constructed hence the long winded post.

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Security On Backend

Mar 18, 2008

can i put a password for a backend database without affecting the front end?
i have in the past put the backend database on some secured drives and i had problem with the front end. My main concern is to protect the backend which sits on a drive that has no security with it at all.
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated

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Corrupt Backend

Mar 21, 2005

I have a database with backend tables. I came back to work today and somehow the main table in the backend has been corrupted. I tried to repair the table in the Backend and I get the following error Could not find field 'Description'..

Now when I try and open the Backend I get this error. The database 's:SOE_CONTROLSoeControlDatabaseBackendew_1-8T_SOE_DATABASE_be.mdb' needs to be repaired or isn't a database file.

You or another user may have unexpectedly quit Microsoft Access while a Microsoft Access database was open. Do you want Microsfot Access to attempt to repair the database?

When I click yes I also get [B]Could not find field 'Description'.[/]

Each time I have done this another DB1 or DB2 or DB3 or DB4 table has been created. When I look in the tables I can see that somehow there is a deleted record and it will not let me delete that record. I delete it and then open the table again and the same deleted record is still there.

I hope this is making sense because I sure need help!!


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Jun 24, 2005

I have created a form that I want to share with other people. They will never add or change any of the data - they will only use the form as an information source. I need to be able to access the database to add/change information.

What is the best way to do this?

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Backend - Frontend..

Dec 10, 2004

Hi Experts,

I am trying to develop a multiuser database. I heard that in a multiuser setup the back end should be on the network and front end on the users machines. Could anyone please explain what is these back end front ends and how should I set it up.

And one more (silly) question... Do we really need MS Access to be installed in the users machines in order to do this?

Any help is appretiated..

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Password Protect Backend

Jun 17, 2005

I have an Access 2000 split into FE and BE and the client has requested the BE be password protected. I attempt set database password on BE but then when I open FE I get error msg " not a valid password". I get the same error message if FE has same password or if FE has no password.
Any ideas?



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Frontend Backend Problem

Dec 8, 2005

I have a database split with a frontend (FE) and backend (BE). Both reside on our network. I give a copy of the FE to all users. The FE is linked to itself so if I make a change to the network copy the next time a user opens theirs it tells them to close down and it recopies itself. This works really good. The problem we're having is people going and making a shortcut to the networked FE. So WHENEVER they open their FE everyone gets a message saying to close and recopy. The database is about 10mb but for someone across with a slow intranet connection it can take a bit to download. I'm looking ways to prevent users from accessing the networked FE. Can you simply hide it?


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Frontend- Backend Problem

Jan 31, 2006

I´ve just made a frontend backend solution with a db i Access2002.
I made this because my users 5 persons have a booking system wich they use at tehe same time.

But the db locks all the time... I thougt we would get rid of that problem now.

Is there something I have to check?

I have some lookup tables, can this cause this kind of trouble?


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Problems Accessing Backend

Jun 6, 2006


I have split db with the backend residing on a computer in my workgroup in the shared files folder. I have access to the folder and can view the file perfectly fine on the other computers in the workgroup (a wireless 54Mbps network). The problem I am having is that almost every time i access the backend tables from another computer in the workgroup, access freezes up and has to be shut down. Sometimes, after restarting access it works fine, others not at all.

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Password Protecting Backend

Mar 2, 2007

I managed to password protect my backend (as the backend is on a server and anybody could access it) so i have it password protected so only i can gain access to the data.
Now, when i try and access the backend from the front end, the frontend prompts me that the password is invalid (indicating its trying to enter the backend using no password, thus an invalid password warning appears. And this means nobody can access the data from the frontend)

Is there a way to get round this password issue from the frontend? I.e. have the password for the backend, but when you access the frontend, it doesnt need the password for the backend (i have my own username/password system to log on to my database)

I know there are different user level securities you can use, but im not familiar with this. So if you have an idea about this, then im all ears but keep in mind I don’t really know how the security levels work in Access (nor do i have the time to learn it in depth or even find help other than here)

Many thanks for your help


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Guidance On Backend/Frontend

Apr 18, 2007

A simple personal database created by me is to be deployed on a home network having two PCs. I did splitting to FE and BE. The BE shows only tables. I would like to have the guidance of experts in this forum for the following:
1. Whether BE to be copied first in the host PC?
2. FE to be copied in the other PC?
3. After copying the Access DB how to link FE and BE between the two PCs?
4. Whether data entry, edit, search etc. possible from both the PCs?
5. If I test with dummy records, how do I delete dummy records, from BE or FE?
Shall be grateful for help.

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Problems Accessing Backend

May 1, 2007


This is a bit of a weird one I hope someone can help with. I have a fairly small db that needs 3 con-current users. It is split and until recently, the backend resided on one of the computers in the shared folders directory. In this configuration it worked fine, but just recently I have set up a network using a Mac OSX server (xserve) and it is causing a bit of grief. It seems that only one user can access the backend at a time and I have tried just about everything listed in these forums with regards to permissions etc. One bizarre thing is a post here suggested I join/create a new workgroup, did that, stored on the same shared directory on the server. Every time one of the other users on the network joins the workgroup, then re-opens the frontend, they are still logged in as Admin, not the new user recently created. The folder where the workgroup file and backend reside definitely has no access restrictions. Is it something to do with the Mac environment or something else. The only way around it so far is to log 2 of the computers to the server as the same user, this sort of works.
Another weird thing is every time one of our users opens the frontend, a new workgroup file is created, system1, system2 etc. Is this normal?

Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.!!

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Access Accessing A SQL Backend

May 4, 2007

I have an MS-SQL backend which i use for my data source. I then use Access for reporting services. (It works so much better than SQL Reporting Services 2005).

this seems simple, but i can't get it to work. Everytime the users start up access, It pops up a login and password for the ODBC link. Even when i have the password and login setup in the ODBC DSN, it still requests it everytime you start connecting to the datasource.

Is there anyway to somehow hard code this into the Access front end somehow so i don't have to give the password to the users?

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BackEnd Linking Problem...

May 27, 2007

This is a basic thing, i think.

How do I link the backend tables to the front end so it works everywhere?
I mean right know it says C:ewprojectackend.mdb how do i change that to newprojectackend.mdb ?


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Closing A Backend Database

Jun 13, 2007

I have a front end and back end database

I have broken the links between the 2 databases

how can I close the backend database using VB from code in the front end database?

I keep getting errors that the DB is not exclusive

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