Modules & VBA :: Using Web API To Load Data

Sep 29, 2014

I have been dabbling in excel to get data from an online database however I would like it to come straight into access instead of coming through excel.

In excel it is quite easy using a web query however I have not been able to find anything that can do the same in access. Is it even possible or will I need to use excel as the stepping stone?

The data comes from this place: [URL] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve Data From Excel And Load It To Query

Aug 12, 2015

Current situation is that I have this form with a chart.

Row Source :

SELECT PolyWrongRegInsCount.[INSTITUTION], PolyWrongRegInsCount.[NO_OF_GROUP]
FROM PolyWrongRegInsCount;

PolyWrongRegInsCount; <- This table is one of the queries that I created.However, the data is manually added. I want to get the data from excel spreadsheet. And load into my queries

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Modules & VBA :: How To Load Print Dialog Box

Jul 28, 2015

Users of the db I am working on print using a regular network printer 95% of the time. 5% of the time however, they need to change that printer to another one, or to a PDF printing program. All of the printers they need are installed in their Printers folder.I can think of two possible courses of action here:

1. load the printer dialog box (preferred)

2. provide them with a custom interface to select a temporary printer

I don't want them to have to load the printers folder and switch the printer to load the printer dialog.

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Modules & VBA :: Load Sub Form From Variable?

Dec 29, 2013

I have a form which load data from variables in record set where i can make insert update and delete i need to load sub form when the form load the problem is that all text boxes in main box load from variable which are in rerecord set and how can navigate using navigation buttons in main form.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding New Records To Subform On Load

Jun 3, 2014

I have got a received form that has 2 subforms.

The main form is based on Received Table

The 1st subform is based on a query that shows the order detail and how many units are outstanding.

The 2nd subform is based on a receivedDetail table. so will have a list of items with the original order qty, and the qty still outstanding.

When the main form loads i want it to create new records into the 2nd subform based on the 1st Subform.

so the 1st and 2nd subform run parallel with each other and appear to be as one to the user.

both subforms are continuous style.

Private Sub Form_Load()
With Me.Form.RecordsetClone
Do While Not .EOF
!UserFK = Forms!frmReceive!cbxUsername

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Using If To Load Correct Form On DB Open

Sep 22, 2014

I am trying to load a form based on an if statement. I think my issue is that I have the DB set to Display form "frmSplash" on open. I have tried the following (frmSplash form load event) but it continues past the frmMenu and stops at the frmSplash. I want to open the DB and look to see if it is registered and if yes then open frmMenu. There is 1 record in tblRegistration so it should open to frmMenu. I checked and it is seeing the 1 record.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [tblRegistration]")
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then


Does the display form on open override all? how to achieve to goal?

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Modules & VBA :: Can Only Click Button Once Per Form Load

Feb 3, 2014

I have created a button that works fine however it will only work one click per form load and i cant seem to figure out why.

Private Sub BntExpired_Click()
Dim QryAllCourses As recordset
Do Until ExpiryDate > Date Or ExpiryDate = ""
MsgBox ([FirstName].Value + " " + [SecondName].Value + "'s course in " + [CourseName].Value + " has expired")
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_BntExpired_Click
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Date Filters - Work Load Criteria

Mar 25, 2015

I know in Access that you can filter your work load criteria for each employee which is fine using Como boxes to filter down specific criteria for that employee, however I'm trying to achieve it with date filters between certain dates, and it works but ends up filtering the dates for every employee, I just want it to filter that specific employee .

This is what I have so far.

PHP Code:

 Private Sub Date_Filter_Click()     
Dim strWhere As String    
Dim lngLen As Long    
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#"           
If Not IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Then        

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Load User Defined Function At Startup?

Jul 15, 2013

I have quite a few user defined / custom functions which I would like to be available in any new database that I create without have to copy the VBA codes in a module each time. Basically, some sort of add-in that loads on MS Access startup may be (but I am not too sure - never created one). So something that will start with the MS Access Application and not just a particular database. I know excel addins can be copied to the XLStartup folder to achieve something like this in excel, but not sure about Access.

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Forms :: Form Is Changing Data On Load And Close?

Feb 8, 2014

I have designed a form using the wizard from a table which records transactions for an entity.

I have a Primary Key (auto number), entity id, transaction amount, description and date fields in the table.

I look up the entity using a list box, then populate unbound fields then use CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO in order to save the new record.

When I open the form for use, it automatically changes the entity id of a previously added record to the most recently selected entry in the list box. I am unsure why it does this. It seems to be editing previous records when you change the value of the list box.

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General :: Code Error When Load Data From Server

Jun 5, 2014

Im using ms access 2010 and this program compatible with previously ms access.the error show is type mismatch (error 13) on


Set rbs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT MSysObjects.Name" _
& " FROM MSysObjects WHERE MSysObjects.Type= 1 And MSysObjects.Flags=0" _
& " and MSysObjects.Name='" & n_tb & "'")

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Modules & VBA :: Load Specific Email Items To Access Table

Jul 8, 2014

In my Access app, I need to be able to retrieve a specific email by date/time, then take the Subject, the Date received and body of that email and save it to a column in a to do this in Access VBA?

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Modules & VBA :: Birthday Remainder On Access Form Load Event

Apr 26, 2015

I would like to have a birthday remainder on access form load event VBA...

I have tblEmp with 2 fields,

Name DOB
A 22/04/1977
B 25/03/1965
C 17/08/1985

I would like to compare Date and month with my system date to show in the message box "Mr. A Birthday Today" on the Form load event...

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Modules & VBA :: Apply IF Statement To Each Record In Detail Of Subform On Load

Jun 12, 2013

The problem I am facing is applying an IF statement to every record in the detail section of the subform.

I have the following code:

If Me.status = "CONFIRMED" Then
Me.course_ref.Enabled = False
Me.course_date.Enabled = False
Me.cmbModule1.Enabled = False
Me.cmbModule2.Enabled = False
Me.course_start_time.Enabled = False
Me.course_end_time.Enabled = False
Me.course_training_cost.Enabled = False
End If

This is in the on load event of the subform and works 'sort of'

Basically I have a record with the status of confirmed and records without this status, but the result of the if statement is being applied to all records. Is this because I need some sort of loop? and if so how would I loop through all records in the detail and apply this if statement to them all?

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General :: Normalize Data From Spreadsheet Prior To Load To Access?

Dec 17, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet I need as the basis for an Access database.

The spreadsheet contains... Company Number, Name, Address, etc...

The Company number is consistant and always the same..

However the Name and address is different... eg LTD v Limited, ABC House v 34 High Street etc....

how I can prepare the data and get into access?

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General :: How To Load Data From Listbox Double Click Event

Aug 22, 2014

Is it possible to load the data in input from by double clicking on data from list box ?

I have single form on which both input form and read-only form is present. as i used visible property to display or not accordingly.

User enters the data from input form. (It has been done)

User go onto read only form where combo box and list box. from drop down values load into list-box. (It has been done)

Now double click on any record then it should re-directed on input form with loading the data in editable mode for updation purpose. ???? (How this step will be done) ?

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Modules & VBA :: Main Form Load Event Firing On Application Quit?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm developing in Access 2007 and created a runtime version.

When the user clicks the X to close the runtime application, the main form's Load event fires. Any clues as to why this might be? Some of the code is based on other forms that do close, so of course errors start flying. Note, this is only in the runtime version; the accdb file works just fine.

My current workaround is to put the offending code into the forms On Current event, which I'm able to do in this context.

Is it wrong to think that a forms On_Load event shouldn't be firing when the application is closing?

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Queries :: Counting Records Returning Load Of Lines Of Repeated Data?

Oct 11, 2014

I have created a query that is designed to return a count of how many records there are in various tables. There are 10 expressions in all, so when it is run I am expecting to see one row of data with each field populated with the number of records.

It does do this, but the data is repeated over line after line (see the attached picture)

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Modules & VBA :: Word Document Load When User Click Button And Perform Email Merge

Oct 7, 2013

I have a Word 2010 document linked to an Access 2010 data source. When a user clicks a button in Access, the Word document loads and performs a email merge using the below VBA code:

Private Sub Document_Open()
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToEmail
.SuppressBlankLines = True

[Code] ....

However, as the .mailsubject part is not in the loop it is only retrieving the first Return Code. I have tried to integrate in the loop to no avail. Also, how do I add static text to the Subject, I need something like "Your Return Code" + "Return Code"..

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Modules & VBA :: Datasheet Mode Form For Both Data Entry And Data Retrieval

Feb 9, 2015

I want to use the same form in datasheet mode for data entry and retrieval. When retrieving, all controls are disabled and locked. I am trying to enable and unlock them for modifying but that isn't working.

DoCmd.OpenForm "PO_Practice Data", , , , acFormEdit, acHidden

Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Locked = False
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Locked = False


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Data In Sheet1 Using Sheet 2 And Access Table Data?

Aug 5, 2014

I am using Excel/VBA as a frontend and Access backend. The sheet2 stores the queue name and Queue number. We have to update the sheet1 from column L to column O by looking for the values from the Access table for the date selected from the comboboxes. Now In sheet 2 , it says Queue number and in actual in access table it is the combination of Type & Type1 & Type2. So we have to look for Type & Type1 & Type2 in the table and find out total Batches ,Total Envelopes,Total documents and total pages and then store the values in the ExcelSheet1 from column L to column O.

The following formulas will be used in the select statment:

Total Batches = count(BatchNo) for date selected
Total Envelopes=sum(Envelopes) for date selected
Total Documents=sum(Cases) for date selected
Total Pages=sum(Pages) for date selected

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Modules & VBA :: Convert JSon Data String To Readable Data

Jun 2, 2014

thos is f.i. a json data sting :

{"vip_kaarten":"0","reg_kaarten":"0","extra_vip_ka arten":"0","bedrag_extra_vip_kaarten":"0.00","extr a_reg_kaarten":"0","bedrag_extra_reg_kaarten":"0.0 0","vrjr_kaarten":"2","extra_vrjr_kaarten":"0","be drag_extra_vrjr_kaarten":"0.00","website_link_spon sorpagina":"1","website_banner":"","social_extra_m ededelingen":""}

How can i convert this to readle data?First string is the field name, second the value.

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Modules & VBA :: Take Data From One Table And Insert Into Another Whilst Doing Calculations On Data

May 2, 2014

I am trying to use SQL to run queries in our access database in order to (hopefully) speed things up. I'm trying to create code that basically takes data from one table and inserts it into another whilst doing calculations on the data.

However I can't get past this:

Private Sub Test_Click()
Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "CREATE TABLE [TempRedAmberGreen]" & _
"AS (SELECT " & _
"[ID_CHK] String," & _
"[Red] String," & _
"[Amber] String," & _
"[Green] String)" & _
"FROM [035 - Meter Point HH Data];"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Sub

It keeps saying "Run-time error '3292': Syntax error in field definition.

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On Load

Aug 23, 2005

I need my menu form to load automatically (pop up) when you load up the database... i.e exactly like it does with the switchboard in the templates for access.



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Load My DB From Ram

Apr 5, 2006

Load my DB from ram


i have read that it is possible to upload my db in ram memory and open it from there. When i finished my work to save it at a external drive.

How can i do this ? or where to read ? or sample db ? or better a code ?


*i know that if i close my db before a save it at the drive , i will lose all the new records.

i have a friend and he bought a program(made by vb).
The program is stored in a usb flash drive and every morning he plug the flash run a small utility which upload the main program at ram. Then he unplug the flash and start working with the program.Everything is being saved at Ram. When he want to leave , plug the flash and run the utility which save the program at the flash.
If he close the program and he hasn't run the utility , he is losing the new entries.

The reason he is doing...
Simple to hide things that he is saving at the program.

1)Plug the usb
2)run the utility to upload the app
3)unplug the usb
4)work at the app
5)plug the usb and save data

if someone try to see the app , he is closing it or unplug the pc from electricity.
he will lose only the new data.

Good for people how want to hide stuff (will taxes)


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On Load Issues...

Feb 11, 2008


Im looking to have a particular form open on load of the database and in a uniform size. As well as this I would like have all fields on one of my forms disabled when I click to enter this form. Any help would be appreciated!

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