Modules & VBA :: Want To Get Status Of Fields Where Fields Are Empty

May 29, 2015

I am working on MS Access program where i import data from Excel and i would like to generate a report in MS Access where the fields are empty. Like the MS Access generate a table of errors when we import data and shows information like field name and row number along with Type Conversion label. Can i generate similar table from an MS Access table where fields are null.

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form With Required Fields Empty?

Mar 4, 2015

One form. Several fields which are required using event 'On exit' - "If isnull" statements for each one.

Button on form to close said form...

Where on the form would I put the event for the button to override all other events?

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Query To Set Status Based Upon 2 Fields

Jan 25, 2007

I'm trying to create a report eventually, however, I need to get my query set up.

My report should look like the following when complete.

Timeframe (mth,qtr,year)
# of Total Projects Completed - regardless of status
# and % of Projects Completed within Requested Delivery Date
# and % of Projects Completed within Committed Delivery Date
# and % of Projects Completed within Requested and
Committed Delivery Date

I have 3 different fields to base my calculation from:
Actual Delivery Date
Requested Delivery Date
Committed Delivery Date

I have created 2 new fields that calculate the number of days:
[Actual Delivery Date] - [Requested Delivery Date]
[Actual Delivery Date] - [Committed Delivery Date]

I'm trying to set up a "Status" field to indicate whether the project was completed "Within Requested", "Within Committed", or "Within Requested and Committed", however, I'm stumped. I've tried an Iff statement to no resolve. I don't want 10 queries just to get me there either.

Please help! :confused:


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Get Rid Of Empty Fields

Jul 27, 2005

I have a query that appends records to a table with a constant numer of fields. so sometimes I have fields with no data. is there any way to create query which selects only fields with data.

thanks in advance

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Fields Do Not Empty

Mar 14, 2006

I have an Input form that does not clear the fields after I hit the Save button. Data Entry is set to YES. If I use the navigation bar, there is no problem, but I would like to have the fields empty after hitting the Save Button, so that the navigation bar can be removed. What is wrong?

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Empty Fields

Jul 7, 2006

I am trying to make a query with two tables. Each row consist of a student ID, their name and all their personal information. Both tables are exactly the same. But one table is a link table. That link table gets update every so often from an outside program and the other table is not linked. I want to be able to run a query that updates certain fields called "address changes". I have figured out how to find the updates, but I am having a problem with a field that is blank. If I have a field in the non-linked table that is empty but there is information in the linked table, it does not see it. Is there a way to get around this empty field problem?


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Problem With Empty Fields

Dec 21, 2005

i wonder if anybody can give me a hand here...

i have an SQL insert query as follows:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Despatches (" & _
"[SupplierRef], " & _
"[DespDate], " & _
"[TimeIn], " & _
"[TimeOut], " & _
"[QtyLoaded], " & _
"[Shift], " & _
"[DocRef], " & _
"[TrailerRef], " & _
"[SealRef], " & _
"[Comments], " & _
"[TeamLeader]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & Supplier & "'," & _
date1 & "," & _
time1 & "," & _
time2 & "," & _
DespQty_1 & ",'" & _
shift1 & "','" & _
docref_1 & "','" & _
trailer_1 & "','" & _
seal_1 & "','" & _
comments_1 & "','" & _
TeamLeader.Value & "');"

This is working fine as long as I input the values for all the fields...when some values are missing, I get the error that Access can't append the query due to validation rule no clue what to do !

plss help!:o

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Querry Of Empty Fields

Oct 17, 2006

I have a Access DB which contains 2 categories either the value "2" or the field is blank. I'm using ASP btw.

Querrying the data with the category of "2" works fine. however when I try the following code I get an empty record set.

Code:"SELECT * FROM programs WHERE category <> 2"

I've also tried searching for "null" to get all rows with an empty category field.

Code:"SELECT * FROM programs WHERE category = NULL"

Short of changing all the "null" fields to a number which I can search for ( such as "empty") I am stump.

Any help is appreciated

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Query To List Non-empty Fields?

Nov 10, 2005

Hi...I have the following requirement:

I have a table called "tblselectrso" with the following fields:

stockno rso1 rso2 rso3 rso4 rso5
s1 1 3
s2 2 4 5

stockno is a text field and rso1 through rso5 is a Number field.

Given the value of "stockno" I want to run a query to list all the other fields (rso1 through rso5) that are NON-EMPTY.

Is this possible at all? Can anyone help me please?


Please find attached a sample db.

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Query Not Responding: Empty Fields?

Jun 26, 2006

Query not responding: empty fields?

I have a table with a field 'Fax number', type: text (since occasionally we write a comment in there, like 'prohibited').

Some records have fax numbers, others are empty.

I want to find all records which do have a fax number. So I wrote into the Query: "is not null", expecting to get only the records which have a fax number or some text in them.

In fact, all records came up in the query, empty as well as non-empty fax fields.

I was wondering if the 'empty field' had a blank space in them, but could not find any. Tried backspace key, but there was nothing to backspace on.

I used the find-replace utility and searched for single space in Whole Field. It picked out quite a few records, but not all - so something invisible seems to be there.

However, when I opened the 'replace' window of find/replace, and had the replace window empty, then clicked 'replace', the msg came 'Access cannot find the specified text'.

What am I doing wrong? What do I have to do to get the query to work?



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Tables :: Empty Fields In Some Records

Jun 19, 2015

In my table, I got text fields and numeric fields, however, sometimes, user put an empty field in some records which I disliked. I try to put some checking such as following syntax to check those empty field but nothing happened.

1) If len(NAME) = 0 THEN error message : for TEXT field checking
2) IF len(name) = NULL then error MESSAGE : for TEXT field CHECKING
3) IF NAME = "" then error message : for text field checking
4) IF LEN(AMT) = 0 THEN error message : FOR NUMERIC field checking
5) IF LEN(AMT) = NULL then ERROR MESSAGE : for numeric field checking
6) IF AMT = "" THEN error message : for numeric field checking
7) IF AMT = NULL then ERROR message : for numeric field checking

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Forms :: Empty Form Fields

Aug 12, 2013

I have a form that has validation rules, etc, and I want to let the user close it with custom error handling, so I was building a validation procedure for a form close button. The thing is, whether using Isnull, len()=0, or me.field.value = "", it only works until a value is entered. If the user enters a value, the form passes validation, even if the user then backspaces the data out. The only reasonable way to close the form as I see it is to check whether the record has been saved (via recordset),the user their changes will be lost (msgbox vbyesno), then use the undo command to clear the form making it safe to close it. I feel this is safe because my form validation will cover the save command.

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Criteria For Empty Fields (date/time)

Aug 10, 2005

I am creating a query with criteria for a dates column. The column cotaining dates in my Table has many empty fields. I want to limit the criteria for my dates to >#1/1/2004#, but I don't want Access to exclude all the empty fields because I want all the data displayed for the purposes of my report.

What do I do? I'm not terribly familiar with Access, so please explain as completely as possible. Thanks in advance!

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Reports :: Report Excluding Empty Fields?

Jul 23, 2013

I have a hourly report I need to run and one of the records will always be filled with a name of the employee. I need to hardkey some data in every day and instead of changing who is there that day I would like to be able to enter in, for example, sales data in a seperate record and when I go to create the report it will exclude any employee names that have 0 sales data or a blank record. so the table would be something like:


So when I run the report it will only pull Mathew's name and sales information and leave John and Steve off the report.

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Forms :: Fields Empty On Logon Form?

Jul 19, 2013

I have a logon form that always contains a value in the user name and password fields. How can I do it that these two fields are empty when the logon form is displayed? When I put this code in a program text12.value="" then it delete user name in database.

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Queries :: All Results Not Shown Due To Empty Fields

Sep 9, 2013

I have a query which is supposed to search for all engines with a power rating between a user-specified range ('Rated Power'). The results should state all of these engines along with a few more related details ('System_ID_No', 'Project No', 'Rated Speed', 'Other Ratings' and 'Cylinder Capacity') that are useful to know. However, the problem arises when these other fields are empty. If empty, the related engine results do not appear in the final results spreadsheet. How do I make sure they are included aswell?


SELECT tblProjectOverview.System_ID_No, tblProjectOverview.[Project No], tblProjectOverview.Customer, tblEnginePerformance.[Rated Power], tblEnginePerformance.[Rated Speed], tblEnginePerformance.[Other Ratings], tblEngineDefinition.[Cylinder Capacity]
FROM (tblProjectOverview INNER JOIN tblEnginePerformance ON tblProjectOverview.[System_ID_No] = tblEnginePerformance.[Sytem_ID_No]) INNER JOIN tblEngineDefinition ON tblProjectOverview.System_ID_No = tblEngineDefinition.System_ID_No
WHERE (((tblEnginePerformance.[Rated Power]) Between [Enter minimum power rating (kW):] And [Enter maximum power rating (kW):]));

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Reports :: If One Subreport Has Empty Fields Then Show None

Aug 20, 2013

I have some fields in form that most of the time have data in them. Now comes that when there is no data, there should be one different field filled in with "None."

The client could have 3 types of products, but when he does have none, the "None." should appear. Another catch is that I have the titles for the products on a textbox above the products. Is it possible to have them not appear in the report if the client has no products?

I guess that it could work like in excel with an IF statment. If no values found, then keep those text boxes from appearing on the report and put a text with "None."

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Reports :: Empty Fields In Record - Not Shrinking

Sep 3, 2014

I have a report that has the addresses from the client and auditor on the same level. The address of the auditor is on the left side and the client on the right side. They have both the same layout:

Auditor - client
Attn auditor - attn client

When the Attn for the auditor is empty, it will show and empty space between auditor name and auditor address.
All the fields have the can shrink to yes, but if they are on the same level in the report, the one have text in it, forces the empty space.

Is there a workaround for this?

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General :: Count Fields Filled Out And Empty

Apr 29, 2014

a table which has several fields (ProjectID, Name, PM, Category, Date, Tester).

I am trying to find a way to count how many of the fields have been filled out and how many are null for a particular Project ID.

For example, ProjectID=27 has a Name and a PM but no more data so when I load the form I want the db to tell me 3 of the fields have been filled out for this project. This way I can calculate how many are empty (3 in this case)

How would I go about doing this

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Modules & VBA :: Pass Data From Fields Into Table And Reset Fields

Aug 27, 2013

I have a database that will register the emails coming in and what time, also the time, date out and person.

I have a form with the fields to be filled in and a submit button. There are some fields that are automatically filled in and others need manually fill in.

below that part is a sheet (subform in the form of sheet) that should be filled in with the above data. Once it is there, it should empty the fields so they are ready to be filled in again. If I fill new data and press the submit button, it should go to the next available row.

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Select Query To Find Empty Date Fields

Jan 26, 2008

I am trying to create a select query on "ApprovedDate" where no approval is recorded. IsNull returns an expected type mismatch. Any ideas?

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If Some Text Boxes Empty Dont Allow Other Fields Access

Jul 27, 2005

Hello Friends,

Thank you for all the help i have gotten over the past couple days, as you can tell i am new and seek somebodys experience and wisdom to solve my issue.

I have a simple Form, That allows the users to enter contact information.

At the very top I have "Name" and "Age" and below it i have other fields such as Address, city, state, etc...

How can I make it so the user does not have access to the other information until they type in BOTH fields "Name" and "age" first.

Can somebody please show me how the Code might look like.

Thank you for your time.

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How To Make Empty Fields In A Report Take Up No Vertical Space

Aug 19, 2004

I have a database with one main table that contains info on a variety of organizations and the services they offer. Another table lists regions these organizations are located in. The services they offer are listed in 11 different categories, each with its own field in the main database.

The end product of the project will be several reports. In particular, I need one report that lists by zipcode, each organization, its contact info, and any details about its services. The data for each organization will appear on several lines, as shown below:
Org name Region
Address Driving Directions
Contact Name

Food bank: details of hours, etc.
Hot meals: details.... [any services not offered does not appear or take up any vertical space]

The problem:
Since the reports will be printed and put into booklets, we need to eliminate any blank lines caused by empty fields. In many cases an organization will only have one or two categories, so the other 9 or 10 lines would be blank and take up too much space on the page.

What I've tried:
First I tried creating SubReports so I could use VBA scripts on the On Print event on the Detail section to make the SubReport invisble if it didn't have any data (HasData is false). That did make the SubReport not print, but it still took vertical space.

I struggled with various combinations of Can Grow and Can Shrink, but kept having problems with multiple lines appearing where there should hav been one line, and sometimes they were blank lines (especially if I didn't allow duplicates and there were several entries exactly the same). Whenever I got that undercontrol, the fields with no data took up space. Frankly, I'm not convinced I ever got them to NOT take up vertical space. (Maybe I didn't get it right. I'm open to trying again.)

Then I tried concatenating fields onto one TextBox, like this: Code:=("Food Purchase: "+[Food Purchase]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ("Utilities: "+[Utilities]+Chr(13)+Chr(10)+Chr(13)+Chr(10)) & ("To Prevent Eviction: "+[To Prevent Eviction]) That works, but it seems like an ugly hack. The Chr(10)+Chr(13) create new lines. The + instead of the & makes it so that if any of the elements inside the parentheses are null, none of them print. So I can eliminate both the label and the new line, too.

Isn't there a better way to eliminate the vertical space when there's no data?

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Queries :: SQL Where Statement Linked To Fields When Field Is Empty

May 23, 2013

I'm having trouble with using a where statement linked to fields when the field is empty. I need a way to say if field is null then 'do nothing'/'select all' else use the text from the box.

I have a form (ServicesRCSSearch) which has 3 combo boxes (Location1, Location2 and Location3). These fields are linked to a query. The button on the form generates the query.

My SQL for the query is currently:

Select Services.Key, Services.Location, Services_1.Location, Services_2.Location
From Services, Services_1, Services_2 (copies of the same table all left joined)

((IIf(forms!ServicesRCSSearch!Location1 Is Null,"",services.Location=forms!ServicesRCSSearch! Location1))<>False)

And ((Services_1.Location)=IIf(forms!ServicesRCSSearch !Location2 Is Null,forms!ServicesRCSSearch!Location1,forms!Servi cesRCSSearch!Location2))

And ((Services_2.Location)=IIf(forms!ServicesRCSSearch !Location3 Is Null,forms!ServicesRCSSearch!Location1,forms!Servi cesRCSSearch!Location3))

This works in that it uses the fields to filter the query but when Location1 is empty there are no results as you can see from the code.

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Converting Text Field To Number Without #Error In Empty Fields

Apr 6, 2006

I have a text field I need to convert to numbers. There are both empty and non empty fields. I then need to show the numbers like this "1.234" and a "*" in the empty fields.

I have tried to convert the fields with Cint, but I get an #Error in the empty fields.

Is there any way to solve this??

Thanks in advance..

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Queries :: Design A Query To Show Only Empty Field As TEXT Fields In Table

Mar 2, 2014

I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?

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