Modules & VBA :: Write Separate CSV File From Each Record In A Table

Jun 22, 2015

I have the requirement to write EACH record from a table to its own CSV file with name of the file being combination of 2 fields

So let's say I have Table1 with 3 columns (Field1, Field2, Field3) with following content :

Field1 Field2 Field3

I should get 3 files with names AA1.CSV, AA2.CSV and AA3.CSV and each file contains its respective row from the table.

I tried to do it with DAO Recordset, but I do not find a way to write only the current record from recordset while looping.

See below the code I was using, but issue is that code does succesfull creates the 3 CSV files as per above example, but in each file it writes ALL 3 ROWS instead only the respective ROW.

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFilename As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Write A Procedure To Send A Separate Email To Each Store That Contains Records Found In Table 2

Feb 9, 2015

I have two tables

1) has email address, and Store ID
2) has multiple records per store

I need to write a procedure to send a separate email to each store that contains the records found in table 2 ( excel format).

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Modules & VBA :: How To Publish And Save Each Record Report In Separate File

May 24, 2014

Trying to make this code work, don't know how to filter as it prints identical all reports.

Private Sub cmdExportPDF_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyPath As String
MyPath = "C:Reports"
If Len(Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory)) < 1 Then
MkDir (MyPath)


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Modules & VBA :: Access 2007 / Code For Bulk Importing TXT File Into Separate Records Same Table?

Jul 9, 2014

I have 12,000 cvs that i need to get into An access database so i can start to extract email info etc. They are stored in one folder All Cvs under each of their names edc.txt (i have converted them to .txt) i want to create one table with two fields name (taken from the cv filename and contents (taken fromthe contents of the .txt file). I am using Access 2007.

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Modules & VBA :: Write To A Text File

Jul 7, 2015

I have header table and a distribution table that both need to be written to a txt file. They need to be written in a certain order Header. Distribution. Header. Distribution. etc. There can be multiple distribution lines for the header line.

So far this is what I'm trying and its not working right.
hrst = header record set
drst = distribution record set
tblHeaderExp = header table exporting from
tblDistExp = distribution table exporting from
~End of Legend~


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Export Each Record To Separate Text File

Jun 30, 2005

I would like to export each record of an access table to a separate text file and use one field of each record as the source for the file name of each exported text file.
Does anyone know a way of dong this?

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Modules & VBA :: Using FSO To Write To Text File - Avoiding Conflicts

May 21, 2015

I have a function to write some data to a text file (as an activity log, separate to the live data contained in the DB)

It uses the FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile method and works fine

However, I'm conscious that, although perhaps unlikely, there is the possibility (which is enough for me to worry about it) that multiple users could trigger the function simultaneously, which could cause a conflict when multiple FE's try to write to the same log file at the same time.

So I'm trying to add some code to prevent this from happening, by checking if write-access is available before proceeding.

Below is the piece of code I've added. Was considering, as an alternative, looping until the objFile is no longer Nothing, rather than depending on the Err.Number?

Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFile As Object
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

[Code] .....

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General :: Does LDB File Have To Be Closed For Another User On Network To Read / Write Info To Table

Feb 11, 2013

Does a (the) .ldb file have to be closed for another user on a network (separate FE linked to network drive BE) to read/write info to a table? Or even select info from a table?

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Update Separate Table When Record Is Edited

Aug 5, 2015

I have a form where a user can change the scheduled start date for a job. On a sub form on the same screen is a list of notes relating to that job.

Any notes added, automatically have todays date and are locked when the user clicks off.

When the scheduled start date is changed I need a note to be made. Either forced, then entered by the user or automatically.

I was thinking of making the scheduled start appear in a small form and the button to make it come up could add a new note on the click event (possibly in a message).

Or even better (probably harder) any time the value is changed in the form a new note is added.

Other options could be a pop up form to add one note on a change.

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Create New Record & Pass Autonumber To Separate Table

Mar 10, 2008

I have a form, frmSub, that contains the combo box comProducts. I also have two tables, Products and PurchaseDetail. Both tables have the field ProductID.

I want comProducts to create a new record in the Products table, using the input in a field called Product and then to use the value of ProductID to create a new record in the PurchaseDetail table. Ie, so the PurchaseDetail table has a record that links to another record in the Products table via the feild ProductID.

I hope I was semi-clear.

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Modules & VBA :: Looping Through Records To Collect Data And Write To New Table

Jun 27, 2013

I am the first to admit I struggle with looping through records.

I am trying to loop through a table and collect external income data and write it to a new table.

My issue may be the way the table is laid out. ???

The attached pictures show the tables. The tblExtInc is where the data are. I am trying to create a table that looks like tblExtIncYr that shows each year and separate entries by item.

How would I loop through tblExtInc and grab ex:$2000 every year for upto 100 years but only get the $1000 for year 6,7,8 only?

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General :: Simple Audit By Posting Whole Record To Separate Table?

Jul 30, 2014

I need a simple audit capability

I have a table (Called Master Active List)

I have an empty duplicate of it called History of Master Active List. (Identical fields, with the addition of a distinct ID (primary key)

I have a form where the master can be changed (Called customer details)

When any change is made I want to post the whole record to the history table

1 - Am I correct I no longer need a form based one,(office 2013) and can do one on the data table itself?

I want to capture everything, can this be done with a wildcard, or do I need to go line by line?

The master table has a ton of fields.

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Modules & VBA :: Write Select Query That Will Search The Data From Bottom To Top Of Table

Dec 3, 2013

see below the code . The select statement searches the Printpoolno value from the top to bottom in table tblmaster. As in my table tblmaster there are thousands of records and it takes long to search for that Printpoolno from the table . Is there anyway we can write a query that will search the table from bottom to top as the Printpoolno will always be in the bottom records and not in the top records.


Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long


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Modules & VBA :: Print Preview Button On Main Form That Previews Current Record In A Separate Report

Jan 25, 2014

I have VBA code for a Print Preview button on the main form that previews the current record in a separate Report using this code:

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If


I use this Print Preview code on a Button in the Form Header. The Main form lists head of household information. I also have a tabbed control with three tabs that have SubForms for Address, Children and Contact details. The problem I have is that if any of the subforms are left blank I get a Run-Time Error '3021': No Current Record. If I Debug (press the button), it takes me straight to this line:

varAge = DateDiff("yyyy", varBirthDate, Now)

highlighted in Yellow.Anyone on my database must have an address, should have contact details and could have children. If any one of these is blank then the print preview will not work.I would like to know how to stop this error happening for blank records in my subforms.

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Queries :: Appointment Database - Query Most Recent Entry For Each Record In Separate Table

Jun 20, 2013

I have a database that is used to allocate appointments to our staff. It has 2 tables, one that lists the clients we need to call in that day, and another that stores details of each contact attempt. I'd like to design a query that find all clients who we have not dealt with so we can easily get their details in a list. I know what the criteria for the query would be, but I'm stuck for how to actually execute it. Here are the details.

Table tClients stores the current clients - primary key is named "clientRef"
Table tContactEvents stores each contact attempt and the date/time is stored in a field named "dateTime".

When an entry has been dealt with successfully a yes/no field named "completed" will be set to "Yes".

There may be many attempts to contact a specific client on a given day, unsuccessful attempts will not have the completed flag set.

Once the completed flag is set that client will be ignored so no further entries will appear.

So I need a query that searches tContactEvents for the most recent match to each number in tClients.clientRef and checks if the completed flag is set. If the completed flag is false, or if the number has no match (i.e. no contact attempts made yet) then the clientRef should be displayed. I also need this to be restricted to the current date, as the same client could have rebooked their appointment to a different day.

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.ldb File Write Admission Problem For Our Users

Nov 28, 2007

I open my database when I click on the link in a pdf file!
I created a database and if I look in the properties every domain user has full control to my database.
When I open the database it creates a .ldb file, but in the ldb every user has only a read admission. I can change the admission to write, but it only stays in the lbd file until I close the database again!

ohhh I hope I can fix it soon, waiting of your help!!!! Thank you:rolleyes:

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Read/write Issues After Copying An Access .mdb File

Aug 1, 2006

I'm currently creating an interface program for a MS Access database. I've only used Access once in the past but used other DB's a handful of times so I didn't have any trouble getting the general program created. My issue arose when I tried to make it so that the users needing to use the program can just copy the .exe and the .mdb files and use it.

The program doesn't require users to share the database but to store their OWN programs information in their OWN database, so basically each needs to have their own database with the exact same design (but different data). The original plan was to just get them to copy over a near empty .mdb with the design set up and have them slowly create their own dataset with it. However, upon copying these files between my computer and others it ends up allowing my interface program to retrieve data from the DB but not write any new entries to it. All security permission on the file itself are set to allow read/write to everyone so I'm not sure what's causing this. Is there any other security settings I should worry about? Everything I could find within access seemed to be set so that it could be used freely so I'm not sure what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. - I apologize if there is already a related topic in existence, I am new to these boards and tried to search beforehand for any information on this topic but came up empty handed so decided to start my own topic about this problem.

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General :: Microsoft Access Database Engine Cannot Open Or Write To The File

Jul 2, 2013

I am currently using Access 2010, and have successfully split a database, using the Access wizard.However, whenever a second or third user opens the database - with their front-end database file - they encounter the following message;The Microsoft Access Database engine cannot open or write to the file ". It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.

I have researched the internet and see that it has something to do with network permissions. I have worked with my IT department and this appears to be resolved!

Is there a setting I need to check in the front-end and/or back-end copies of the databases?Why is there no file name in the error message?

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General :: Delimiting - Separate File Into Individual Records

May 24, 2013

I am trying to import several hundred records into Access from a txt file but I can't find a way to separate the file into individual records. A portion of the file is given below:

'C Olive Teece', 'Census, 1940', 'birth: 1919 New York', 'residence: 1940 Ward 4, Canandaigua, Canandaigua City, Ontario, New York', 'spouse: John H Teece', 'parents:', 'children:'
'Edith Teece', 'Census, 1940', 'birth: 1888 England', 'residence: 1940 Smithtown Town, Suffolk, New York', 'spouse:', 'parents:', 'children:'
'St Clair Teece', 'Census, 1940', 'birth: 1867 Pennsylvania', 'residence: 1940 Ward 3, New Castle, New Castle City, Lawrence, Pennsylvania', 'spouse:', 'parents:', 'child: Edward C Teece'

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Record And Then Delete Listed File?

Jan 7, 2015

What is the correct syntax that would delete a file when the record is deleted. The file's path is listed in a record field, MailLocation. Every time I try this code, I receive an error!

I've tried the below, and number of iterations, including calling the killfile differently (me![MailLocation], me.MailLocation).

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
Dim KillFile As String
KillFile = me!MailLocation
Kill KillFile
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Browse For A File On Shared Drive And Link It To Record

Feb 24, 2015

I have a form displaying records. I would like the user to be able to select a button, browse for a file on a shared drive and link it to that record.

I have been exploring hyperlinking, which works for the most part, although I need it to display the share name rather than the drive assignment for that user. Such as drive1folder rather than C:folder.

Hyperlinking also unfortunatly requires the user to right click on a field select edit hyperlink then browse.

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Modules & VBA :: Auto-export Query Record / Row To Text File

Oct 24, 2013

I have 3 queries that provide the same printer information. Each one is queried by a different field: IP address, asset tag, and serial number. This may not mean anything in the long run, though I figured it is worth mentioning.

The users need to be able to quickly query a printer utilizing one of those criteria and then copy and paste it into our ticketing system. Is there a way to automatically export the record from the query to a text file? I have extensively searched online and have tried to come up with something but I have found that I don't know where to start. This is the code for the query:

Dim intCount As Integer
intCount = 0
If DCount("Location", "Phone numbers Query") > 0 Then
intCount = intCount + 1
DoCmd.OpenQuery "", acViewNormal, acReadOnly

[Code] .....

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Update (write) Current Record

Jun 27, 2006

I have a small problem: I just want my form to update the current record because I'm opening (with a button) a second form which uses the values of some of its table fields.
If I open 2nd form without updating, it will use old values, and if the record I was worknig with is a NEW record, 2nd form simply can't find it because it's not been written!
1. I want to tell the button to UPDATE record before opening the 2nd form.
2. In addition, I could want to go to 2nd form DIRECTLY from the same field I want to update and use in 2nd form (through a Keypress event instead of a button), but this is more difficuolt because I still didn't EXIT from the field but I already want to use the text manually updated in the field... any idea?


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Modules & VBA :: How To Write A Function That Does Query

Jul 22, 2013

I have a query string in the following code. I want to put the entire code into a function so I can use it somewhere else as well.


Private Sub Form_Load()
'To enable the AllowAddition property once the form is opened
Dim dbs As DAO.Database


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Modules & VBA :: Importing CSV File Into A Table

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to import a csv file into a table... it works fine however it put all of the row in just one column ...

DoCmd.TransferText TransferType:=acImportDelim, TableName:="tblTempImport", _
Filename:=CurrentProject.Path & "/xxx.csv", HasFieldNames:=False

And i end up with tblTempImport only having one column F1....

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Get To A New Subform Record From A Separate Form

May 30, 2006

I think what I want to do is simple but I can't figure it out. I've tried searching the forum for the solution but I'm having trouble with what I've found. Here's what I'm trying to do: I'm composing a text string on one form (recipe ingredient) and, once it is complete, I want to add it to the records in a subform on a separate form (the recipe). The string composition works great, and I can use:

Forms!frmRecipe.fsubIngredients!txtIngredient = Me.txtEntry

to paste the string into the textbox on the subform. The problem is "finishing" the record in the subform. When I prepare a new string for the next ingredient, it copies over the previous string. So, I'm not moving to a new record in the subform. I've tried:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "frmRecipe!fsubIngredients", acNewRec

but Access tells me the form isn't open, which isn't true.

So, what I want (I think) is a way to direct the subform to move to a new record before I paste in my text string. Or, to direct the subform to move to a new record after I paste in my text string.

By the way, the subform has a before insert event that copies in the record id of the recipe for the new record holding the inserted text string, so the table relationships will be fulfilled:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me!lngRecipeID = Me.Parent!lngRecipeID
End Sub

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something simple here, and I really appreciate anybody's effort to help me get it right.

Thank you!!!

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