Modules & VBA :: Add Multiple Recipients To Email Code?
Sep 18, 2013
How do I add multiple recipients to the '.To' line in the code below?
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With MailOutLook
.BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
If Me.txtDepartment = "IT" Then
.To = "my email"
End If
.Subject = "hi"
.HTMLBody = "hi"
End With
I'm not sure which Form topic this post should go under ...
I have an Access Database which contains contact information including email addresses in a number of tables. Each table is a reference group of individuals interested in a particular topic and has three fields (contactID, name and Email). All tables relate back to a master address list.
This allows me to have different (or multiple) people from within the same master address as contact persons for different reference groups. When I am doing labels, or printed reports for labelling I simply combine the address from the master list with the conact from the reference group list.
I would like to be able to replicate this approach for e-mail messages.
Ideally the databse would create distribution lists and export these to outlook global address list where they would be available to all users.
Alternately, I would write a module that automatically generates a new email message with all the Email Address entries from a user selected table in the To: field. The user would then edit the email message and press send.
It seems to me that eitehr way I will need to somehow concatenate all emails addresses in a table into a list separated by semi-colons.
I have this code below its giving me the RUntime 2295 error. Unknown message recipients. I have check all email addresses and they are fine. Everything else works except when it gets to Outlook and do not send email. I did a Debug Print but didnt understand how to do it.
Private Sub Command9_Click() Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim strEmailAddress Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T_Inspectors") Do Until rst.EOF
I've got a form which emails out a report when a new record is added to my database but I'm stuck when it comes to making it send it to more than one recipient.
I came across this on the web... which suggests I should be using an array but I don't know anything about arrays.
For multiple email addresses you just set MailDoc.sendto to an array of variants each of which will receive the message. So
Dim recip(25) as variant recip(0) = "emailaddress1" recip(1) = "emailaddress2" e.t.c
maildoc.sendto = recip
My problem is I'm not sure how to implement it? My 'recipients' are being pulled from a query... how do I get that into the array of variants?
Body (pre filled with "Dear ([Contact]if possible) Please find enclosed your documentation for your recent telephone order bla bla bla and our logo.jpg if possible)
then i would like to attach to the email the cover letter/invoice(report), book page(report) and the book (pdf) from the hard drive (r.eports changed to pdf)
if i can press a button on the form to send it that would be good.
if i could link it to a query to send a batch of them that would excellent.
The Database is Named: b4s.mdb The table is called: Main Table The input form is called: Client The letter/invoice report is called: b4sletinv The Book page report: b4sbook The pdf book is located at c:Documents and SettingsAdministrator4sfinal.pdf The query for the batch is called: coverlet&proforma
I have read through I think every post with the word email in the title ! and in the subject... and tried various bits of code that were posted, but can't get anything to work... :mad:
Here is what I want to do.
I have a form (based on a qry called "QryInvoices Due") which brings up a list of people.
On this form is a field called "send email?" which is a tick box which the user can select.
I also have a command button ! which When Clicked I want it to do the following.
Send an email to all of the recipients which have "send email?" as YES
their email addr is in a field called "Contact email"
I don't want the email as an attachment, I don't need the message or even the subject included (although wld be nice as will be fairly static i think :) )
All I want is it to bring me up the Outlook New Message with all the recipients in it, I can add the subject and message then if necessary. Oh and there's more !! ;) I need the recipients to be in the bcc field as I don't want them all to see each other, the to: field can be blank or the first recipient whatever.
Anybody got any code that I can just copy and paste !! and that will miracleously work (sp?) ... Hope u can follow what I;m looking for..
I have made a query with the name "Confirmation" and it is setup like this:
Name trainee Email Training John Tr one Mary Tr two
I also made a button in a report with the title "Send Mail" now is my goal that if i press that button automatically multiple e-mail message's will be generated with data from people in that query. So if click on that "Send Email" button i want two different mails messages generated that will be send to and with in the mail body their data.
I have a large report that generates information specific to a large list of contacts. I would like to email each contact a .pdf of their part of the report. If possible, I'd like access to run a loop and do this in one button click. I'm not even sure to begin with this.
I currently have a code set up which sends an attachment from a drive on my computer to all the email addresses in a certain query. I would like to change the code so that I can add a button that will allow me to send an email with a specific attachment depending on their individual code in a table, e.g each person will receive a specific attachment. At the moment, the attachments are saved with the same file name as the person's specific code.The code I am currently using is:
Private Sub Command9_Click() Dim MyDb As DAO.Database Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim prm As DAO.Parameter Dim strEmail As String Dim strMsg As String Dim oLook As Object
VBA Code to go in the on double_click event of a name field in a Subform bound to a table. The subform is just a copy of a data table and within the subform view, When the field "employee name" which contains e.g. John is double clicked, I would like access to Lookup and get John's email in the employee table under field "Email" and launch outlook application and insert it into the To field.
I assume hyperlinking the field can also achieve this similar to what excel does but I am fast learning that what is standard functionality in excel is a whole another story in Access..
I have created a database that auto emails and works well, my problem now is that though there are multiple emails to send to it is only sending to the first one. The way I have set this up is I have created a qry to combine all emails using Allen Brownes concatrelated in below
Code: SELECT DISTINCT Left([Copy Of tbl_Depot]![Depot],3) AS Port, ConcatRelated("[Copy Of tbl_Depot]![ContactEmail]","[Copy Of tbl_Depot]","[Copy Of tbl_Depot]![Port]=""" & Left([Copy Of tbl_Depot]![Depot],3) & """") AS Email FROM [Copy Of tbl_Depot];
I then link this to an append qry which becomes my data source
Code: INSERT INTO tbl_dptem ( [Empty Return Location], [Container], ContactEmail, DepotEmSent ) SELECT qry_emdepot1.[Empty Return Location], ConcatRelated("[qry_emdepot1]![Container No]+chr(13)+chr(10)","qry_emdepot1","[qry_emdepot1]![Empty Return Location]= """ & [qry_emdepot1]![Empty Return Location] & """") AS [Container], qry_Portem.Email, qry_emdepot1.DepotEmSent FROM qry_Portem RIGHT JOIN qry_emdepot1 ON qry_Portem.Port = qry_emdepot1.[Empty Return Location] GROUP BY qry_emdepot1.[Empty Return Location], qry_Portem.Email, qry_emdepot1.DepotEmSent;
Below is the code I use to auto send emails and when I check it shows all email addresses in sent email but it is only going to the first recipient.. not sure what I need to do so all of them get it.
Code: Sub EmDepot() Dim Notes As Object Dim Maildb As Object Dim MailDoc As Object Dim objNotesDocument As Object Dim objNotesField As Object
I am trying to send emails using CDO to an array of recipients loaded from a query. I have made this work using Lotus Notes so i know the first part of my code is correct, and the current code I have works when I input an actual email address. But when I try to add the Array name into the 'To' field I get a data mismatch error.
I am trying to populate multiple email addresses based on a table and a yes/no check box. If the checkbox is checked, they receive an email. I have a table with Employee/email combobox with the second column being the email address, and a checkbox.
In an Access 2007 module, is there a way of sending an email to a list of people stored as a list in a table in the database, rather than having to put all the names into the function?
I have a function I'm using to generate and send out an email to certain people, but the list is constantly growing so I'm looking for a better way to manage it! The main issue is having to kick users out of the database every time I need to update the recipients list... because it's stored in the code.
If I create a simple table containing all the names, how could I then ask it to use that instead?
This is the function I'm using currently - found on here and adapted to my own purposes
Syntax to use for the function: SendNotesMail "recipients", "Body Message", "Additional Text", "Subject"
Code: Public Function SendNotesMail(strSendTo As String, strBody As String, strExtraText As String, strSubject As String) 'This public sub will send a mail and attachment if neccessary to the recipient including the body text and additional comments from the Active record DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "REP09emailnotification", acFormatRTF, "x: endersgroup tendering databaseTenderUpdate.rtf", False Dim Subject As String Dim Attachment As String
[Code] ....
So I guess my question is: how do I get my recipients from a table into the strsendto?
I am currently in the process of creating a form that will allow you to enter details for an email sent, select a number of documents from a list box and then open the mail message pre-written with attachments. The attachments reside in a list box currently, and I am attempting to use a "For Each" with item selected.column(3) as the file path, as column(3) contains the filepath from the table.
Currently my code is:
Private Sub OutlookBut_Click() Dim olApp As Object Dim objMail As Object Dim varItm As Variant On Error Resume Next Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
[Code] ....
When this code runs, outlook will open as a process when it is closed, but then freeze and not allow me to see it or access it in anyway. If Outlook is opened Microsoft office usually gets angry at me and decides to throw error messages at me.
I have some code that takes from a query, an email address and sends out an email.Due the security warning that happens for each individual email, i want to create ONE email for all email address in the query and populate them to the BCC section of the sendobject.Here is the code that I currently use
Code: Private Sub cmdSendEmail_Click() Dim MyDB As DAO.Database Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset Dim sToName As String Dim sSubject As String Dim sMessageBody As String
I want to populate the BCC field with multiple emails addresses seperated by ":" and send just one email.
Staff are monitored to make sure they are keeping up to date with our customers. A customer can have multiple projects going through the factory at any one time. Each customer has a record per project and a 'general' record. Ideally we would like our staff to be able to move the 'general' record when they update a project record as opposed to either having to find and then update the general record after, or forgetting and calling the customer again 2 days later!
Including a msgbox for the EnqNum seems to show the general record correctly, however being new to access I am unsure if I have the update part correct.
Code: If Me.chkMoveGen.Value = "-1" Then Dim EnqNum As Integer EnqNum = DLookup("[e_id]", "tblEnquiries", "[c_id]=" & Me.txtc_id & " and [e_status] = " & "13") DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tblEnquiries " & _ " SET e_date_due=#" & Format(Me.txte_date_due, "MM/DD/YYYY") & "#" & _ " WHERE e_id= EnqNum"
I have created a database that generates a report with customer debts. I have a lot of customers and in a report each page is a different customer with individual debts info. What i would like to do is to create a button and distribute individual report page as pdf to individual customer by email. I'm using Lotus notes. I have searched the forums i found something but it was not what i was looking for.
I have a form which has a button to email the data out in a standard email message.
Private Sub Command60_Click() Dim MyDb As dao.Database Dim rsEmail As dao.Recordset Dim sToName As String Dim sSubject As String Dim sMessageBody As String
This works well enough, however, FIELDS 11 through to 16 contain the venue address. This is all we ll and good if every field of the venue address is populated. here are times when not all of the fields are populated, for instance, the address might only be 5 lines.I know I can do this using IIf statements on a report, but how can i achieve the same thing for the email.
I am currently using vb code to send an email in Access on the click of a button. I want the database user to be able to enter the recipient in a text box [ToEmail] which is on form [GroupStockProfiler]. However, I'm unsure how to put this into my code. I currently have the following which doesn't work (unless I put a specific email after 'To'):
I am sending an email from a form and it almost works the way I want it to. I need to accomplish two more things. Here is an example of what the subject needs to be: 2:00 Report Wednesday March 15th, 2006 I cant get the values into the subject line at all.
I can get the info into the body, but I cant get the date to format as the long date, it only shows as 03/15/2006.
Here is my code, can enyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
I can create PDF's, DOCX's retaining the PDF formatting save them back to different network locations and then retrieve and attach to emails that are generated for different areas, however I have been asked to scrap the attachment and insert the content of the attachment directly into the body of the email. I have had a good browse around the net with no real approach. The code below simply gets the recepients email address adds the subject and then is looking for the .HTMLBody which simply comes through in the body as
"O:divAKLResgroupE - ReportsHTML FilesDRAFT TEST .html".
I have an automated email system (Lotus Notes) in a Access database I have created and am looking for the code needed to add up to 3 c.c addresses into an email prior to sending automatically.
The code I have to send the email to the To: individual is all working but what code I need to add and where for the c.c addresses of which there could be 1, 2 or 3. The control for To address is EmailTo = CustCopyEmail The controls for the 3 c.c emails are cc_EmailAddress, cc_EmailAddress1 and cc_EmailAddress2.
Here's the code I have:
Private Sub SEND_CC_Click() ' Set up the objects required for Automation into Lotus Notes. Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database. Dim Session As Object 'The Lotus Notes session. Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself. Dim UserName As String 'The current users Lotus Notes name.