Modules & VBA :: Argument In Custom Function

Jun 6, 2014

I'm having a problem with argument in custom function..My table is like this:


What I want to achieve is to multiply each value with the average of all values, so that at the end I get (avg(myValues) = 233.1):


For this I would like to have a function (this is simplified example of bigger problem, that is why I need function, otherwise simple SQL would suffice as mentioned below also), so that I could do something like this:

'SELECT TestFn([myValues]) as myValues2 From MyTable' or
'SELECT TestFn("[myValues]") as myValues2 From MyTable'

and I should get the table above.

My code is like this


Public Function TestFn (FieldName) as String
Dim myAvg as Double
myAvg = Davg(FieldName, "myTable")
TestFn = FieldName * myAvg
End Function

I understand the problem is that Davg needs string, but if I change to string then the multiplication does not work. The 'FieldName' parameter does not have a Type specified because that is where the problem is if I give string Avg works ,but calculation does not. If I give Number, avg does not work.

P.S. "as String" at the end of function is not a mistake, I need number as a string

P.P.S I did not inculde NZ either as in my example it can never be Null.

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Modules & VBA :: Function Not Returning Argument

Jan 13, 2015

I have just added a function to a database to strip out any commas or quotation marks from a passed string.

However, it is returning a black string even though when I step through the function it creates the out string correctly and the variable "OutString" is populated when the Exit Function command is executed.

Calling code.
InString = Btxt
OutString = ""
Call Strip_String(InString, OutString)
SBtxt = OutString

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Public Function - Giving Control Name As Argument

Oct 22, 2013

I am designing a Public Function F()

I want this function to populate value from a any field selected from any table to any text box in any form ...... Lets say in a Database named TestDB we have a Table named tblTest , a Form named frmTest and in this form( frmTest ) we have one Bound Combo Box named cmbTest and one unbound TextBox named txtTest

We assume that the table tblTest has three fields : TestID , FName and LName .

We also assume that there are already some records in the Table tblTest .

If the function F() is already programmed it should take as arguments as it follows :

F(FormName as??? ,ControlName as ???, TableName as ???, FieldName as ???, ID_Field_Name_of_the_Table as ???, Combo_box_selected_ID as ???)

In result the function should (probably) DLookup (FieldName , TableName , ID_Field_Name_of_the_Table = Combo_box_selected_ID ) and then store the value in a variable ( probably Variant ???) , lets say called varSetValue.

The problem is IF this is the correct way to handle that issue , than what should i do next.... I really don't know how to pass a Control's name to a function from the Event module of the ComboBox -

I mean - how can I obtain the value so it is usable for the function .... What data type should be the function arguments so I can use them to set a value for a control in any form .

In example : If the Dlookup() is somehow successfull then I want to assign the varSetValue to the txtTest what should I do : FormName.ControlName.Value = varSetValue >??????

I have read a lot materials but couldn't find a good answer for that , and aswell what data type should be the arguments that the function accepts and how do I obtain Controls and Forms names so I could use them in the function as described above .

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Modules & VBA :: Email Function Using Optional Parameters - Optional Argument Error

Aug 12, 2015

I keeping getting the error "Invalid use of Null" when i call my email function using optional parameters.

Email Me.ProjectID.Column(1), _
Me.ProjectAddress, _
Me.TaskDescID.Column(1), _
Me.TaskDescExt, _
strStatus, _
Me.TaskStatusID.Column(1), _

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Using A Custom Aggregate Function With GROUP BY Clause

Dec 20, 2013

I am trying to calculate annual percentiles of a large set of data and I have only been successful at retrieving the percentile of the entire data set (and not by the grouping). See provided example database for code/query. Query1 is what I want to happen to make the Percentiles table.

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup In Custom Function Not Returning Values

Sep 13, 2013

I made a custom function to look certain value from table based on couple of criteria that it gets from query where I want to use it. Function's code is below:

Public Function PotteryWeights(strLocusID As Long, nrPotSubID As Long) As Variant
Dim priSubID As Long
Dim priLocusID As Long
Dim priResult As Variant
priSubID = nrPotSubID

[Code] ...

However, when I use it in query it only returns Case else - option and everything else is empty.

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Modules & VBA :: Function To Get Fractions From Double - Error 91 With Custom Class

Jun 10, 2014

I haven't created classes in a while, and I don't see what is the problem

I'm modifying a function to get fractions from double. It worked well, but it returned a string.

I need it to be in parts, so I created this class

Option Compare Database
Public Entier As Integer
Public nominateur As Integer
Public denominateur As Integer
Public Function getText()
getText = Entier & " " & nominateur & "/" & denominateur
End Function

I changed the function type and the assignation:

Function GetFraction(ByVal Num As Double) As nombreEnFraction
Set GetFraction = New nombreEnFraction
If Num = 0# Then
GetFraction = "None"
Dim WholeNumber As Integer
Dim DecimalNumber As Double

[Code] ....

For some reasons, when I get to the end of the function, I get a 91 error, like if it was nothing

But when I use a spy, I see values in the object until the end.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Function Module - Find Records With Specific Keywords

Feb 28, 2014

I'm looking for some type of custom function that will search a specified column for any keywords listed inside another table.

I can run a query on each keyword individually, however there are 50 and it takes a long time each time I do it. I was hoping to write in a function for that column and it would just select all records that match.

These would all need to be a "like" with an " * " on each end of the word.

With SQL it would look something like:

select a.address1
from main_tbl as a
where a.address1 like '* north *'
or a.address1 like '* park *'
or a.address1 like '* south *';

I just want it to read each of the table values instead of hard coding them and the column name would be the function name so it can be used in any column I specify. I'm just not sure how to incorporate this into a custom function.

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Queries :: Error - Invalid Argument For Function

Jan 15, 2014

I have the following in a query to assign a sequence number to each record:

[qryPTLActivity] AS T WHERE T.EmployeeID=[qryPTLActivity].[EmployeeID] AND T.PickDateTime <= [qryPTLActivity].[PickDateTime] AND T.PickAisle=[qryPTLActivity].[PickAisle])

I have used this in other databases without issue but for some reason this time I keep getting an "Invalid Argument for Function" error.

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Queries :: Counting Rows In Query Groups - Invalid Argument To Function

Jan 3, 2014

I have a query with about 7500 records that are grouped as follows and sorted by Mtr_Reading

ID Name Event_Start_Time _Hour, Mtr_Reading
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 17 150
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 14 143
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 16 115
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 15 110
2210 XYZ 7/15/2013 13:00 13 100
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 12 100
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 17 150
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 14 147
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 13 113
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 18 110
2210 XYZ 7/16/2013 12:00 15 100

There are about 75 distinct sets of ID's and Names not shown here

The rows were sorted by the Mtr_Readings and we have to take the best four readings out of each group and average them. If a group has more than four rows then the top 4 are taken out and the balance is discarded. If the group has four rows or less all of the rows are taken.

I did try nested select statements and kept getting "invalid argument to function" exceptions.

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Restarting Custom # Each Year Using Dmax Function

Jan 18, 2007

I have been racking my brain trying to get this to work with no success :(

I have read through these 2 posts numerous times trying to apply the coding/methodolgy and can't seem to get it fine tuned.

Here is the structure I need to use for the number:


What I need is for the 00001 section to reset to 0 each year so the numbers will look like such:


AR-CR-2008-00003 etc....

I have the code working great to generate the different sections.
I have a table with 3 fields (seperating the number) and 1 field that is the combined number. The fields are:

FormatID (Text field),YearID (Text field),BaseID (Number field ) (These are populated using a form called "Test")

FormatID = AR-CR- (This is set as the default format/value)
YearID = 2007- (I have this obtained automatically using code in the default
value of the data tab) =Right(Date(),4) & "-"

BaseID = 00001 (Sequential by +1)

I have a button on the form called "Save" which I have placed this code in the "On-Click" event.
Private Sub Save_Click()
If IsNull(Me![BaseID]) Then
Me![BaseID] = Format(Nz(DMax("[BaseID]", "[tblTest]"), 0) + 1, "00000")
End If
Me![CustID] = [FormatID] & [DateID] & Format([BaseID], "00000")
End Sub

What I can't figure out is how to get the Base ID to restart with 00001 at the beginning of each year? What am I doing wrong?

I have also attached an image showing the increment change if I was to change the year to 2008 how it just incriments the last numbers instead of resetting to 00001.

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Modules & VBA :: Drop Table Using If Argument

Oct 1, 2013

1) I want to figure out how I can drop a table using "if argument". If the table exists then drop table, if not exists do something else.

2) I want to figure out (ALSO) how I can drop a column using "if argument". If the column exists then drop column, if not exists do something else.

I wrote something but is not enough..I can't find more clear information about that.

Function first()
On Error GoTo Macro1_Err
Dim BD1 As Recordset
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Set BD1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("BD_example table")

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Shell And Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument

Feb 23, 2014

I have a form with a button to print preview a report. This report needs one input parameter before executing. The computer this will run on is a touch screen and does not have a keyboard. Windows 7 has a "on screen keyboard" program. I want this to run first so that my user can input the parameter.

I have the following which throws an "Invalid procedure Call or Argument"

Sub CallTeclado()
Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("c:windowssystem32osk.exe", vbNormalNoFocus)
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument Using Shell Command?

Feb 6, 2015

I'm developing an application where I want to call the keyboard up on the screen when a user enters a field. This is my setup:

Windows 8.1 32 Bit, Access Runtime 2010.
Exact lines of code are:

Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("C:Program FilesCommon Filesmicrosoft sharedinkTabTip.exe")

These lines of code work perfectly fine on my development PC which is running Windows 7 64 bit, Access/Office 32 bit.

I know the path to the exe is good. I can navigate and double click it and it works great. but the shell command is resulting in the invalid procedure.

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Argument With Search Box - Missing Space Or Quotation Marks

Mar 25, 2014

I found this code on a website that uses a form to search all tables in my database. Problem is that when I click "search" I get an invalid argument error. I am guessing that there is a problem with my SQL string. Missing space? Missing quotation marks? etc etc.... Anyway, here is the code:

Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSearch As String
Dim strTableName As String

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: MessageText Argument To Be Auto-filled With Whatever Value Combo Box In Form Holds

Jun 28, 2013

I want the MessageText argument to be autofilled with whatever value the combobox in the form holds. This is my code so far...

Private Sub Command54_Click()
Dim EmailText As String
EmailText = "Submitted By: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Description: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Subject: "
If Combo18.Value = 1 Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , "", , , , EmailText, True

For instance, after "Submitted By: " I want the value from the combobox: Submitted By in the form to be automatically placed there.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Get All Records By Excluding Numrows Argument In Getrows Method?

Jul 31, 2014

Why I am not able to get all records by excluding the Numrows argument in the getrows method?

Sub Test2()
Dim myrset As Recordset
Set myrset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Holidays;")
MsgBox Excel.Application.WorksheetFunction.Networkdays(#8/1/2014#, #8/31/2014#, myrset.GetRows(myrset.RecordCount))
MsgBox Excel.Application.WorksheetFunction.Networkdays(#8/1/2014#, #8/31/2014#, myrset.GetRows())
End Sub

Second MessageBox is giving a wrong value.

Is it a mandatory one? Or Do I have to do some ritual like (Movelast) before that?

(Holidays table is just having the values in the array only ie. #08/15/2014# and #08/29/2014#)

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Function That Counts Records And Use That Function In A Query

Dec 11, 2013

So basically I need making a function that will count the number of records from another table/query based on a field from the current query.

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting With Custom Name

Jul 16, 2015

I have created 2 reports one that needs to be exported as an excel file and the other report as a PDF file. I have the exports working correctly for each on a button except this saves the files with the name of the report. The client wants the name of the file to appear as one of the fields on the report (the info that is in the description text box for example).

I have thought of two ways to do this and neither seems to be great - one is create a copy of the report with the new name and then export that saved file then delete the renamed report OR similar to that but instead rename the file save and rename it back (this causes all kinds of problems if the user cancels out that would need to be handled in the error handling - this is not a good way to go.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Event Does Not Fire

Jul 8, 2015

Ihave implemented custom events to sync between open forms. I noticed that if the code is engaging in middle of the way referncing a form with form constant (Form_formName) then the listeners stops listening so the event isn't firing, without getting the reason of this i just avoid using it Now, i have a problem that i want to open multiple instances of the same form and i didn't find another way than set frm = new form_formName as this is the only way i seem to be able to reference a closed form, so my question as followes

1. whether the "breaking" issue can be solved without avoiding "Form_FormName"
2. or a way to open

eference a form without using "form_FormName"

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Custom Shortcut Menu

Jun 5, 2014

I'm working to put together a shortcut menu for a form that will be viewed as a datasheet. I'm trying to put together the vba to create the menu. I'd like a lot of the standard options i.e. sort a-z, filter toggle etc. I'd also like to add the menu option that is displayed in the default menu called "Text Filters". I've been unable to find the id code for that option, and since it, when chosen opens another menu, I'm not real sure how to code it. Here is what I have so far:

Sub CreateWIPShortcutMenu()
Dim cmbRightClick As Office.CommandBar
Dim cmbControl As Office.CommandBarControl
' Create the shortcut menu.
Set cmbRightClick = CommandBars.Add("cmdWIP", msoBarPopup, False, True)


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Modules & VBA :: How To Build A Custom Record Delete

Sep 24, 2013

I'd like to override the default behaviour for deleting records in a form.Specifically, I want to build my own custom delete procedure so that when the user presses the Del button, my code fires to complete the deletion of the selected record(s). In order to do that, I'd set Allow Deletions = No for that form. I'd also want to code the KeyDown event for the Del key so that if record(s) are selected, my custom delete code fires, else the default behavior for the Del key happens.I'm primarily interested in how I might code the KeyDown event.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Record Counter Of A Form?

Jan 27, 2015

I have a custom record counter on a form using the below code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.lblRecordCounter.Caption = _
"Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & Me.Recordset.RecordCount + 1
Me.lblRecordCounter.Caption = _
"Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & Me.Recordset.RecordCount
End If
End Sub

I think at some stage the form was saved with a filter on and this may be causing the issue. The problem I have is:

There are 1749 records. Everytime I open the form the custom record counter displays "Record 1 of 501". The built in record counter shows 1 of 1749. The moment I hit the next record arrow the custom record counter displays "2 of 1749" and if I go back again it displays "1 of 1749.".

I know it's a filter causing the problem because I have a macro that does a clear search. As soon as I hit the clear search the custom counter goes back to "1 of 501" again (even though the built in one stays at 1 of 1749).

I have Filter on Load set to No.

what I am doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: DCount With Custom Fiscal Year

Jan 21, 2014

I have having an issue with determining how to use a customized fiscal year with a DCount function.

My Code:

ThisYear: DCount("*","Open Issues","year([RequestDate]) = " & Year(DateAdd("y",-1,Date())))

The code only does from Jan 1, YYYY TO Dec 31, YYYY

I'd like the code to read from Oct 1, YYYY TO Sept 30, YYYY

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Modules & VBA :: Delete A Record With Custom CMD Button

Jul 12, 2015

I am building a db for reservations for my limo company. I want to have a cmd button that verifies the user to make sure she wants to delete a run. This is what I have so far:

Private Sub cmdDeleteRun_Click()
Dim Response
Response = msgbox("Are you sure you want to delete this run?", vbYesNoCancel + vbCritical, "Really delete run?")
If Response = vbYes Then

End Sub

I don't know what I am missing for the cmd to actually delete it.

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Record Navigation Buttons

Jul 11, 2014

To briefly explain my database; it is a bespoke referral management system within a hospital. Each record on the database contains patient demographic information, as well as information on their referral (i.e. date of referral, date of assessment, date of commencing treatment, discharge date etc.) Therefore, the same patient will appear multiple times in the database, with each separate record corresponding to a unique referral pathway.

The database forms are split to show patient information at the top, with referral information shown in a subform. I am trying to add navigation buttons to the subform that will allow the user to scroll through the referrals corresponding to the patient currently displayed on the main form.

Each patient has a uniquely identifiable number associated with them, and so it seems straightforward enough in my mind to have a button that will search for the record in the database where the patient's number matches the patient number of the current record, and where the referral date is minimum (for "First Referral"), maximum but less than current (for "Previous Referral"), minimum but greater than current (for "Next Referral"), and maximum (for "Last Referral").

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