Modules & VBA :: Check Box To Alter Form Properties

Feb 3, 2015

I have a form called Orders.I need to lock this form once an invoice has been printed .

I have a check box on this form ,that if ticked should lock that specif order .

This is my Code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.lockorder = True Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
End If
End Sub

The problem is it does nothing . I am using the open event of the form .The checkbox is called LockOrder.

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Check The Properties

Mar 27, 2006

I was doing my assignment with the table in access, and my sister came up to me and ask me “why it is important to check the properties of each field in a table before developing a form based on that table.” Can anyone help me and answer this, because I don’t know how to answer her question.:confused: :confused::confused:

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Modules & VBA :: How To Alter Tables In SQL Server From Access

Jul 7, 2015

I have an access front-end package that works just fine but if there is an update, I just want the program to run scripts to update the SQL Server tables that it is connected to. I just don't know how to do this. I know how to do this on SQL Server Management studio and all, I just was hoping I could do it straight from my access front end so that a user could just click a button and update the tables or something.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Temp Table - How To Alter ID Field

Nov 19, 2013

I have some code that creates a table based off another table. This code works perfect but Im trying to alter my ID field and change it to an auto increment. How can I fix my code so that it alters my ID field?

Private Sub Command0_Click()
'OBJECTIVE: to build a table by extracting some fields from a main database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim intCount As Integer

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Alter Table Statement To Add Field And Make It Unique

May 18, 2015

I am using the following to add a column to an existing table. How do I make this column indexed with no duplicates?


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Queries :: Alter Selection Criteria Of A Query From A Form

Nov 25, 2013

I have a form that runs off a query that displays further details of a record in a datasheet when you double click on a row.

The query itself has criteria that looks at the open form and selects the correct record.

My question is can you change the results of the query either using vba or a built in feature of access without having to use a separate query.

The selection criteria in the query is:

Forms]![Main]![Ordering-Supplier]![Ordering-Order List].[Form]![suppOrderID]

Basically I want to override the resulting data with another record when I run an event on the form.

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Filter And Exclude With Check Box?

Aug 14, 2014

I have the following code which builds a filter on my form which i can then generate a report from.

However id like to add a check box to exclude rather than include a certain [Error_Type] which is "Wrong Batch" and im not sure how id do it..

the vba i have so far is as follows

Private Sub cmdFilterConvErrors_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "#mm/dd/yy#"
If Not IsNull(Me.txtqccheckby) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Error_QC_By] = """ & Me.txtqccheckby & """) AND "


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Modules & VBA :: Check That Certain Controls On A Form Have Values

Sep 15, 2014

I have a bit of code that uses controls on a form to batch add records to the tables. Before the code executes, it needs to do a check to make sure that all of the needed data has been supplied.


If IsNull(txtDateAdded) Then
MsgBox "Please supply the date that the Label record was created"
Exit Sub
If IsNull(cboRecordCreator) Then

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Lock Check Box On Open Form

Jun 29, 2015

I'm trying to lock a checkbox when the forms open and depending if one has role as admin, it should unlock it.When I add the below code in the on open form I get error:

Me.lock_case_admin.Locked = True
Me.lock_case_admin.BackColor = 12632256

This is the part that should onlock if it is admin:

Me.lock_case_admin.Locked = False
Me.lock_case_admin.BackColor = 16777215

Maybe it is me, or the checkbox is giving the error that causes the dialogbox to open to to choose the ID nr.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Macro Properties

Sep 19, 2013

Using Access 2007:

how to get macro properties using vba? I've attempted something similar to the below to try and divine macro properties:

Sub MacroDiscovery()
Dim mcr As AccessObject
Dim prop As AccessObjectProperty
For Each mcr In CurrentProject.AllMacros
Debug.Print mcr.Name
For Each prop In mcr.Properties
Debug.Print prop.Name
Debug.Print prop.Value
End Sub

Nothing comes up except the macro names. In my database, I have an AutoExec macro that I have manually added a description to; "This macro auto-executes when the database is opened by virtue of it's name." I can view the description by right-clicking on the macro and choosing 'Object Properties'.

Background:I am attempting to make a universal Access Database documenter for the many, many homemade databases on our network. I'm only interested in certain pieces of information and I would like to make a report to view the information how I want to view it. Thus, I don't care for the built-in documenter--I want to do it my way.

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Modules & VBA :: Check Status Of Insert Key (On Or Off) When Form Is Loaded

Sep 12, 2014

is there a way in vba we can check the status of Insert key if it is on or off when the form is loaded?

i want for the insert key to be on, where the key strokes write over the existing entry.

i do set the key preview to "yes" in the form, and it works fine, but i wanted it only on a specific object.

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Modules & VBA :: Programmatically Alter Detail Of Report Then Use That Report As Subreport

Jun 26, 2013

I have a report which programmatically sets the value of some labels based on its own internal logic for each line of the detail section of a report. This all works fine and dandy, using the Detail_format event, and accessing detail.controls.item(x).caption.

HOWEVER, when I then embed the report as a subreport (which I need to do), I goes wrong. Here, I get the values of the last row of the detail repeated in every previous one. I'm suspecting because the parent report has its own 'detail' (I've tried giving the subreport its own distinct detail name).

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Modules & VBA :: Insert Two Values From A Form In Table And Check If They Already Exist

Jan 27, 2015

I'm trying to write some Code with the target to take a value from a textbox (out of a form) and a pregiven value (in this case = 2) and enter them in a new record in a table. But only if there is not already a record with the exact same combination of these to values. When done, the same button should proceed you to the next form (but this code is not already implemented in the fragment below) even if no values are added because they already exist in this combination.

Public Function GetID_PatientStudiesGroup&()
GetID_PatientStudiesGroup = [Forms]![frm_PatientStudiesGroupTZP]![ID_PatientStudiesGroup]
End Function
Private Sub BPRS_T1_Button_Click()
Call GetID_PatientStudiesGroup&
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

As you can see, I tried to use a function to refer to the value out of the form, because I didn't find out how to refer to a form in an SQL Code.

Just to give you a better overview: The table where the information should be added is named "tbl_PatientStudiesGroupTZP". The form where you find the Textbox "ID_PatientStudiesGroup" (with the value I need to transport) is named "frm_PatientStudiesGroupTZP". Every part (except the WHERE NOT EXISTS part) worked perfectly for itself, but not when thrown together.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Check Box On A Form To Filter Out Results From A Table That Is Checked

May 23, 2014

I have kept the names as simple as I can for the example sake to which I can substitute my names in after.

I have a split form - form1, I have a check box on this form - checkbox1 - That I would like to use to make only the checked results from the table - table1 - show and if it is not checked to show all the results. How would I go about doing this? The table field is called field1.

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Modules & VBA :: Retrieve Field Properties DAO Recordset

Jan 25, 2014

Is it possible to retrieve the format of a field when looping through recordset.

e.g you can get the field type by using



But the type for decimal or percentage is the same. It is the format that is different

I need to be able to see what is formatted as a percentage and what is formatted as fixed.

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Modules & VBA :: Listing Field Properties Indexed In Each Table

Mar 17, 2015

Is there a way to gain access to the Field Properties using VBA?

I'm trying to loop thru the Tables in a database and find out the Fields that are indexed in each table.

I can loop through the table Defs to get each table name and a list of Fields but I can't seems to get to the Field Properties, namely "INDEXED".

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Properties Not Working First Time On Subform

Jan 13, 2015

I have a form that uses a listbox. I can select multiple items and then update a subform. When I press a button with VBA and use the filter property on the subform for the first time, nothing happens. When I press the button a second time, it does - and it works thereafter with different selections. It only happens that first time, after loading the form and pressing the button for the first time.

I have tested that the list items are accessible via the vba variables and stepping through my code and the problem starts with the filter properties.

the statement:

Me.sbfrmCluster.Form.FilterOn = True
Me.sbfrmCluster.Form.Filter = strFilter

is not switched on first time (I have tried a requery and refresh statement after this). When I step through the code the first time, the FilterOn property remains false. A second button press and it is fine.

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Duplicates When Importing Multiple Records Into Datasheet View Form

Aug 15, 2014

I am using the following code to check for duplicate tickets when importing multiple records into a datasheet view form by using the paste append function.

Private Sub Ticket_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If DLookup("Ticket_Number", "Record_Store", "Ticket_Number= '" & Me.Ticket_Number.Value & "'") > 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "There were import errors, please open View Import Errors above."
End If
End Sub

The form is used to insert multiple records into the database at a single time.

That codes works to check for duplicates. And if there are none there are no popup messages.

If there are duplicates though it gives a popup for every single Ticket_Number that is a duplicate.

I am wondering if there is a way for it to give only a single popup once it completes checking all the records to be imported for duplicates.

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Sub Form Properties

Sep 13, 2006


I have created a sub form and wanted to make it's background transparent and also be able to enter new data and change it on the form. I sat Data entry = Yes, but I still can't enter any data. And I can't find the Back Style property at all.

Any help how to do that will be very much appreciated.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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New Field Properties In Form

Jul 14, 2005

I created and new field and made the source "Unbound" so that it is not connected to the field I copied it from. How do I now make that the information I enter in the new field does not duplicate in all of the similar fields in other entries.

Specifically, my database is a database of employees and the field Title is "Active". If I enter "Yes" by one employee entry, all employee entries will then state "Yes" by the Active field.

How can I change the properties so that by some employees I can write "Yes" and by others I can enter "No".

I am not so familiar with Access so if you can be specific I would greatly appreciate it.

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Setting Form Properties...

Jul 6, 2006

I have a form that is intended to be used for both data entry and to edit/delete records.

The form properties are set to:
AllowFilters = YES
AllowEdits = YES
AllowAdditions = YES
AllowDeletions = NO
DataEntry = YES

When a user opens the form from a menu they are given the choice for NEW, EDIT or DELETE.

If the user chooses NEW, the properties remain as above

If the user chooses EDIT or DELETE the form should open to a specific record as chosen on an interim form.

I have been using the following code to open the form for EDIT:
stLinkCriteria = "[fldID] = " & Forms!frmsearchresults.fldID
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmJobInfo", acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, , acFormEdit

However, the form continues to open in Data Entry mode.

I have a public variable that is set to NEW, EDIT or DELETE that can be used to trigger code...

Where should the form properties be set to make sure that the form opens correctly?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Open The Same Form But Change Properties

Oct 28, 2005

I have a standard form but i would like it so that when a user clicks on the button from the main menu to open the form it changes the default view which i have set to data entry and change it to not data entry. Also another button to change its record source to a different query. Rather than make lots of different forms that have the same thing but for just different purposes.

I hope that makes sense?


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Forms :: Setting Form Properties From Another Form Gives Nothing?

Aug 23, 2013

So I have two forms: Af and Bf

In Af, when a button, Abtn, clicked, it'll run

Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "Bf", , , , acFormEdit
Forms![Bf].Form!Blabel.Caption = Me.Atxtbox
Forms![Bf].Form!Bcombox = Me.Atxtbox

Then Af lost from view and Bf appears in form view, with Blabel and Bcombox show the value of Atxtbox.

BUT if I try something like this in Bf when an event happens

Me.Bcombox2.RowSource = "SELECT xx FROM tablexx WHERE yy = '" & Nz(Me.Bcombox) & "'"

Nothing will be shown in Bcombox2, because Me.Bcombox return Null. I know this from doing

MsgBox Me.Bcombox

and the message box will shows nothing. The same thing also happen with the Blabel's caption. In form view, it shows Atxtbox value, but when I accessed its caption's value, it returns Null.

What I wanna do is:

1) Open Af, insert value to Atxtbox

2) clicked Abtn, pass the value of Atxtbox to Bcombox

3) Af is closed, and Bf is opened

Why the null...?

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