Modules & VBA :: Check User Level Then Continue

Aug 2, 2014

I am trying to check for certain user levels then if criteria is met it will ask to continue then clear a table..


Private Sub Command9_Click()
If strSecLvl = dev Or admin Or sprvsr Then
If MsgBox("Do you wish to clear the logs?", vbYesNo, "Clear Logs") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tblLogs"

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: User Security Level For Tab Control

Sep 16, 2014

I have 7 tabs in a tab control and I would like each one to be editable depending on the users' security level (set by Admin)

I have managed to get the following code working for one tab, but I do not have the knowledge to make it work for the rest.

So, just trying to make things more understandable...

Tab Names:

User Security Levels and what users with those levels should be able to edit:
1. Admin - No tab restrictions
2. Test Bay - TabUnitInformation, TabLabelChecklist, TabTestBay
3. Returns - TabUnitInformation, TabReturns, TabDemoStock
4. Label - TabUnitInformation, TabLabelChecklist
5. Sales - TabUnitInformation, TabUnitHistory, TabDemoStock
6. User - TabUnitInformation
7. Technical - TabUnitInformation, TabUnitHistory

The code I have written ( which works for whichever tab control I list, but not sure how to write in more than one):

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Security As Integer
Me.TxtUserLogin = Environ("USERNAME")
If IsNull(DLookup("UserSecurity", "TblEmployees", "[UserLogin] = '" & Me.TxtUserLogin & "'")) Then
MsgBox "No UserSecurity set up for this user. Please contact Administrator", vbOKOnly, "LoginInfo"

[Code] .....

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User-Level Security

Mar 12, 2007

Hi, I need to add a security feature to my database. Basically I want different users to access the database with different permissions. I want a "basic user" to be only able to access the the forms with their respective default settings. I want an "admin" to obviously be able to access all the content and edit the design. I know I can do this with User-Level Security somehow, but i've tried it and it isn't working like I want it to. DOes anyone know or have any experience with this security feature.

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User Level Security

Mar 26, 2008

How do you set up user level security for your database?

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User Level Security

Jan 30, 2005

I have a small problem here

I was creating a human resource database for a large firm. The number of records ranges from 5000 to 6000. Initially everything went well. My designs and development were highly appreciated. But now because of just security my DB is being rejected. The problem aroused because of the security issues. I tried using the Logging On database as presented here in the Code section of this Site. But it was completely rejected by the authorities. They wanted something like following

1.The administrator has the power to give the user special privileges like mentioned in the User level security i.e making users like read-only, backup, data entry etc
2.The administrator has the power to block any user from opening any form whenever he likes.

When I presented them with the user level security as in Ms Access they were completely lost and they find it really difficult to use. Further more the names of the forms as I have used are starting with “frm” where as they want only the simple names of each form. If I start changing my form names I would complete mess up my DB

Please advice what should I do to make the user level security easy for them to use.
Or how can I develop my own security system in which user can use my above mentioned points.

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User Level Security

Jul 21, 2004

I have implemented user level security on a database and it seems to work fine. The issue is that every other database on that computer seems to have inherited the permissions. I only want these permissions to refer to that one database.

What have I done wrong?


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Asking About User-level Security

Jul 18, 2006


I have a question.

When we create a user-level security, we can do it of the Tools-Security-> user-level security.

can we use VBA code to create user-level security? Yes/No.

I just curiously want to know.

Because I just know that VBA can update the user-level security.

Please let me know, thanks.

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User-level Security. How Effective

Dec 23, 2005

I want to put 2 Dbs on a network server. Below are the groups that can get to each directory.
Directory Students: Students, faculty, few staff
Directory Staff: all Staff

I will have a separate workgroup for each Db because each group of users is so different. Each Db will have all deselected user permissions and assigned groups and group permissions.

-Could a computer programmer student get into any code in the Db in the Students directory, even tho they would not have user-level permission to do so?
-Could a student somehow affect in any way the other Db in the Staff directory?
In other words, could somebody use the Db in the Students directory to cause trouble anywhere else in our network?


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How To Prepare 'user Level Security'

Mar 21, 2006

Hello guys

i want to prepare User level security for accessing database/tables/fors and reports.

So can anyone have step wise procedure? I am using wizard, but am not able to set up.

Thank very much:)

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User Level Security Wizard

Aug 23, 2006

I need to give different users different levels of access to my database.

I ran the user level security wizard and have correctly created user accounts. I chose to make my account a member of the Admins group, and that appears to have worked in that I can go into User and Group Accounts and create accounts, remove passwords, change group membership etc.

However, I am no longe able to access the User Level Security wizard. Access gives me a message when I try, saying that I need to be a member of the Admins group to control security settings.

Can anyone confirm if this is correct or if I have done something wrong? I don't want to let my users start using the database and then find out I've actually locked myself out of some vital settings at a later date!

Thanks in advance,


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Abour User Level Security

Jan 21, 2007

I created my user group in access and I want each user to reach different datas in the same database. I can do that for tables, forms, and reports and I also did bat I am just asking how each user can see different datas in the same table? If anybody can help thanks from now. :)

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User Level Security ... Please Save Me

Jul 3, 2007

Hi all,

I am in a trouble now..... please save me.

I did User Level Security wizard for my application. Is there any way to reverse that step I mean how can I delete this security option to make my application normal to open.

thanks for your help


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Confused Regarding User Level Security

Nov 14, 2007

Hi everyone

I'm relatively new to MS Access, and I have no experience dealing with workgroups and user-security.

I have a database that I need to put on the company network. The database will be accessed by many different users and computers. How do I set up the database so that only certain users can modify data, and others can only read and display data?

I looked at
but wasn't sure if the steps outlined applied to my situation.
Should I use the security wizard? What are the pros and cons of the wizard?

Thanks in advance!!!

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User-level Security Using A Module

Feb 15, 2005

I have a module that authenticates users and controls who has full or read-only access to certain forms. My problem is this; things such as combo boxes and checkboxes that are meant to be used for any user are disabled in read-only mode.

I was thinking that I could use the tag property on my controls to establish which controls should always be enabled and then using my module to dynamically enable/disable the appropriate controls each time I load a form. Can anyone help me do this?

Basically all I really need to know is how to address the form in a module (since I can't use "Me.Controlname" and I don't know which form is being worked on until runtime. And also I don't want to lock records, since this won't allow other users to view the tables being used.

Also I don't want to use the Enable property because I don't want the data to be "greyed out". I could use the Locked property, but that poses the problem of multiple users trying to access the same table. So is there a way I can set certain fields to read-only without making the whole form read-only or locking the data?

By the way, I am working in Access 97

Here's a pseudo-code example of what I want

for each Cntrl in PassedForm.Controls
if Cntrl.Tag <> "AlwaysEnable" then
Disable Cntrl
end if

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Compact The User-level Security

Apr 27, 2006

Thank you.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop But Continue To Next Command

Nov 18, 2013

this is a progress bar, what i need is, while execute loop (progress bar) but also execute next command = "LedgerExe:

On Error GoTo Proc_Err
Dim inti As Integer
Dim dblPct As Double


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Modules & VBA :: Navigation Button Do Not Continue

Sep 3, 2013

I have made a contact form where particular member credentials are coming in text boxes, i have kept a combo box also on the top to view by the phone number, if the phone number is entered the credential of the member comes, and also the navigation buttons that is first, previous, next and last.

The main problem if i select phone number by combo box on the top, the navigation button do not continue from that part, even if i press next or previous it shows no records found.

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User Level Security Halts With Code

Jul 19, 2005

I have created a multi-user database and stepped through the security wizard to create accounts etc. The database also has VB code in it that calculates values for a text box based on values in the form.
The PROBLEM is that when I open the database which Auto Executes the form (with VB) to open, it halts with RunTime error 2147467259 which reads "You do not have necessary permissions to use the .mdb object".... then when I "Debug" this error it takes me to the VB code???? :confused:

The code works fine without security....

Thanks for any help


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Access 2007 User Level Security

Mar 13, 2007

As I'm sure many of you know, Access '07 no longer supports user level security.

My question to you all is, how do you secure your DB's in '07? I just built a DB that stores patient data, and it needs to have some type of user authentication to gain access to it.

I know I can assign a general password to it, but I need each user to have their own username and password.

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Access 2007 User-Level Security

Mar 10, 2008

Why the new format .accdb does not support user-level security? I know Access 2007 still supports the old format .mdb, but why is it deprecated in the new one? Does microsoft want us to buy SQL Server instead of Access to support user-level security?

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Using User-level Security On A Shared Database?

Jan 9, 2012

I am going to put my access database on a network drive so that four different computers can have access it. However will user-level security work if I implement it? For example, from one of the computers I implement 2 different usernames and passwords. If one of the other computers tries to access the database will they also be presented with the logon screen?

If not, how can I go about setting this up?

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Access 2007 User Level Security Articles

Jan 30, 2008

Has anyone seen any good links to explain why Microsoft discontinued User Level Security in Access 2007? If so can you post the links. There is a debate at my work and I want to get all the infomation possible. It is my understanding that the beefed up the encryption on the standard password so the did away with ULS.

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General :: User Level Security / Access Control

Jun 27, 2012

I have a question about user level security / access control.For my database I have a back-end containing the tables and a front-end with forms, queries and everything. I have set up the access user level security.Dependent from the access level of my users, some front-end options will be hidden and some queries retrieve only part of the data. For example: I have a form to calculate clients' end prices. A vendor can only see prices for his own clients, not for other vendor's clients.

BUT: to make the query work, all users need access to the tables and the back-end must be stored in a public place, right? Now all vendors can just open the back-end and see all information.Maybe protect the BE with a password and store this in the queries?

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General :: Database User Level Security Setup

Jul 2, 2015

I have a database whereby users already have to sign in with a username and password, using a form which them allows them to view a front page. The front page allows them to access data and add/amend it.

I now have to adjust this setup as we have directors who want to view the system, but we don't want them to amend it.

Is there anyway to change the current setup that I already have or do I have to scrap it and start again?

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How To Apply User-level Security To Multiple Computers

Mar 16, 2012

I've designed an Access Database (using Access 2003) and assigned user-level security to it such that some users are read only and some are full access. Everyone requires a login and password to access the database. The problem is, once I copy/paste the database from my computer to the shared drive (where it will be accessed by all the users) the prompt for a username and password disappears.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Delay A Query But Continue To Enter Data

Jul 23, 2015

I am using Access 2007 & trying to update a database to include a check & balance.

Currently a user enters their name into a form, selects a check box (Pass or Fail) & clicks a save button. Real simple form. The actual testing is performed on a standalone piece of equipment separate or outside of the MS Access database.

Here is the challenge, if someone does select Fail, I want to ensure this person comes back into a blank form (new entry) & confirms they have eventually passed. I want to give a time limit of 10 minutes before an email is sent out to their superiors. (I have the email portion figured out already).

Other entries will take place before the failed user comes back to the entry form so the form needs to be available for other people to enter their results.

I believe this can be done using some VBA and a query but I am not sure where to start especially with the 10 minute allowance to recheck the test status.

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