Modules & VBA :: Code For Without Entry Duplicate Records

Oct 21, 2014

How to give a VBA code for duplicate records is without entry in Subform datasheet. I just used in the screenshot code but that is not working properly. how to change a vba code for without entry duplicate names.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Remove Duplicate Records?

Jun 12, 2014

I have a table which has duplicate records so I want to write down the code so that when the user click on a button then it should remove the duplicate records from the table.

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Code To Refrain From Duplicate Entry

Sep 18, 2005


Please help. I have create the below code in red but what is the mistake.

If DCount("[product_code]", "PRODUCT MASTERLIST", "[product code]"= " & Me.Product_code& "'") Then
MsgBox "This Product Code has already exists!!"
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
Else 'Do nothing
End If

Thank you

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Prevent Entry Of Duplicate Records

Apr 17, 2008

I am using a data entry form to enter new data into one of the tables.How can we prevent entry of duplicate records? Duplicacy shall be checked on the first two fields only.
Please help.

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Prevent Duplicate Entry In Records

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to prevent a user entering duplicates of date and time in an appointments table for the same do I do this?

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Find Records With A Duplicate Field Entry

Jul 24, 2007

Hi, I have a cross-ref table (called MFC_CIBC_XREF) which links a bank account to a fund number and a general ledger number. It should be a unique relationship, wherein (the "=" means corresponds/links to)

Bank Account # "=" Fund #

For each bank account, there are sometimes multiple currencies being used, so each currency then links to a general ledger account, such that

Bank Account #.Currency = Fund #.General Ledger #

Sorry, if that's kinda cryptic, but here's an example:

Bank Account - ABCD123
Currencies operated in - CAD, USD
Fund # - F30

Based on the above, ABCD123 "=" F30, and including the general ledger numbers, ABCD123.CAD "=" F30.100, ABCD123.USD "=" F30.8121.

Basically, it's a way to keep track of not just the transactions for a particular bank account, but for the transactions in a particular currency.

Anyway, as I said, it's supposed to be a 1-to-1 relationship: each BankAccount.Currency should correspond to 1 and only 1 Fund.GeneralLedger. However, there are some entries in the table which have each BankAccount.Currency corresponding to multiple General Ledger numbers. Using my example above, ABCD123.CAD has two records in the table, one corresponding to F30.100, and another corresponding to F30.8101. This was probably because F30.8101 used to be linked to a different bank account, that got merged (ie, it might have been linked to ABCD124.CAD that then got merged into ABCD123.CAD).

Now I want to run a query on MFC_CIBC_XREF and find all the records where for each BankAccount.Currency, there is more than one Fund.GeneralLedger. I don't really know that much SQL, and even in Design View, I'm not sure of the statements to use. Any help is much appreciated.

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SQL Code To Delete Duplicate Records

Feb 19, 2013

I have a table that has 1335 records in, and columns names, Title, First Name, Surname, Address, Address2, Town/City, County, Postcode.I want to know how to write a SQL code, which will locate all the duplicates that match the First Name, Surname and Postcode and delete them, but keeping 1 copy of the duplicate.I have created a query to locate the duplicate records, and I have put the SQL code there. I tried changing this, however it would delete all the records, so I am not to sure what to try...

SELECT SurnameSearch.Title, SurnameSearch.[First Name], SurnameSearch.Surname, SurnameSearch.Address, SurnameSearch.Address2, SurnameSearch.[Town/City], SurnameSearch.County, SurnameSearch.Postcode
FROM SurnameSearch
WHERE (((SurnameSearch.[First Name]) In (SELECT [First Name] FROM [SurnameSearch] As Tmp GROUP BY [First Name],[Surname],[Postcode] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [Surname] = [SurnameSearch].[Surname] And [Postcode] = [SurnameSearch].[Postcode])))
ORDER BY SurnameSearch.[First Name], SurnameSearch.Surname, SurnameSearch.Postcode;

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Take To A Duplicate Record

Aug 13, 2013

I have a form based on a query and have written code to display a msgbox if a duplicate entry is inputted in the NHS_Number field in the form. I have also added code "me.undo" to clear the form so that it is not saved. I am looking for a piece of code that will display the duplicate record. Here is my code thus far:

Private Sub NHs_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim x As Integer


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Modules & VBA :: Code To Consolidate Two Tables And Remove Duplicate Entries

Oct 3, 2013

I have two tables in my Access database. Table 1 has three columns, First Name, Last Name and Phone Number. Table 2 has just 2 columns, First Name and Last Name. What I would like to do is write a VBA macro to consolidate Table 2 into Table 1 and insure any duplicate First Name-Last Name combination is removed.


F.Name L.Name Tel.N.
John Smith 12345
Larry Miller 12344
Tony Woods 12333


F.Name L.Name
Albert Black
Larry Miller
John Bush

Table1 Post-Macro

F.Name L.Name Tel.N.
John Smith 12345
Larry Miller 12344
Tony Woods 12333
Albert Black
John Bush

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Modules & VBA :: Checking For Duplicate Records

Jun 29, 2013

What would be the Access 2007 VBA code for checking for duplicate records?

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Modules & VBA :: Preventing Probable Duplicate Records

Jun 21, 2013

I have a table called tblCompanies in which I have a field called CompanyName that is indexed set to "no duplicates". However, I want access to be able to pick out probable duplicates instead of only exact duplicates.

So, for example, if "Butter Fingers" is entered and "Butterfingers" is already in the database, I want access to prevent the new record from being created.

The code I found on MS Developer's reference only prevents exact duplicates which seems pointless since this can be done just as effectively on the table level using an index.

Anyway, here is the code:

Private Sub CompanyName_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Not IsNull(DLookup("[CompanyName]", _
"tblCompanies", "[CompanyName] ='" _
& Me!CompanyName & "'"))) Then
MsgBox "Company has already been entered in the database."
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

Can it somehow be modified to do what I want it to do?

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Modules & VBA :: Writing Macro To Duplicate Some Records?

Apr 14, 2014

I have a table it contains a list of opening and closing values along with a date and a couple control fields. What I would like to do is duplicate a few fields from records that meet a criteria onto the same table. After that is done there will be a few updates on the new records. Looking at it, it would be: 'duplicate' where field2 <> 0 and field5 = No and field6 = Yes. All other fields on the newly created records would be their default values.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Create Duplicate Records On A Subform?

Nov 20, 2013

I am working with a sub-form where once a staff member enters there sub measure I would want to create a duplicate of that record. The problem I am having is that once you enter the sub-form and click the duplicate button it creates a duplicate of the record selected but overwrites the first record in the table. I want it to create a new SubMeasure Number which is the primary key and assigns the record the next available number.

Also if I try to add another record after one has been added I get runtime error "3021" - No current record. I would have to close the form and reopen for it to be able to add again.

I have attached the code below:

Private Sub cmdDuplicate_Click()Dim dbs As DAO.Database, Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim F As Form
'Return Database variable pointing to current database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set Rst = Me.RecordsetClone


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Modules & VBA :: Create Duplicate Records With Incrementing Dates

Jun 27, 2014

I have almost no experience of VBA outside of working a little with codes generated for me like docmd etc.

I am trying to create a database for resourcing staff.
I have a form where the user inputs a start date and an end date which updates a table.
I have a query that works out the number of working days between those dates.
I have a table with all the working dates between now and 2016
I want to put a duplicate record button on the form (I can do that bit)

The tricky part is I want it to create a new record for each date in the dates table between the start and end dates.
Example 23/06/2014-18/07/2014 = 20 working days. I want to end up with 20 records with start dates as below and the same end date.

23/06/2014, 24/06/2014,25/06/2014,26/06/2014,27/06/2014,30/06/2014,01/07/2014,02/07/2014,03/07/2014,04/06/2014,07/07/2014 etc up to 18/07

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Modules & VBA :: Alert About Existing Records During Data Entry?

Jul 23, 2014

I need to alert the user of the database in case he/she enters a record that already exists in the database. If a person enters a key type and a serial number combination that already exists in the system and has status "issued", I need a pop up message to show up.

Am I missing some quotation marks somewhere in that DCount?

Private Sub SerialNumber_AfterUpdate()
If DCount("*", "tblIssuedKeys", "KeyType = '" & Me.KeyType & "' And "Status = 'Issued'" And SerialNumber = '" & Me.SerialNumber & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "This key has already been issued"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Duplicate Records To External CSV File From Form

Nov 24, 2014

I have some code which creates a record in an external csv file to provide information to upload a vehicle to the website. It works fine with the exception of creating duplicates when, for example an option to amend a record is given to the user before continuing to a new record. The option has to be in place in case there is an error in the specifics of what is important to be recorded in the database and under such circumstances the form code allows the user to tab through the form and correct any errors, but this creates duplicate entries in the csv file as the user has to pass through the 'SavePrintVehPurch_Exit' button a second time after corrections are made.

I am wondering if there is a way of altering the following code to effectively look look to see if the csv record exists and if so correct any changed field information rather than create a whole new record or create a new record where the record does not exist - The record in the csv file is determined by the 'Me.VP_VehRegMark.Value '.

Private Sub SavePrintVehPurch_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim fileText As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileNumber As String
fileNumber = FreeFile

[Code] ....

I am wondering about introducing the something like the following ( but can't work out how to clarify comparison of the fields)

If Len(filename(fileText)) = ? Then
Do not change entry
Overwrite the new detail

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Modules & VBA :: Create X Number Of Duplicate Records According To A Field On Subform

Jun 13, 2013

I have a code that works great from the parent form but I decided to change the format and call it from a lostfocus event in the subform instead. Now I keep getting error 3314:"You must enter a value in the tbGuests.LastName field".

The code should copy the parent form fields and create x number of duplicate records according to a field on sub-form. It then runs an append query to add the information from the subform.


Private Sub GuestsInParty_LostFocus()
Dim partymsg As Integer
Dim dbs As dao.Database, rst As dao.Recordset
Dim F As Form
Dim intHowMany As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer


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Modules & VBA :: Data Entry - Subform Creating Orphan Records

Feb 13, 2015

How do I display a more meaningful message instead of the cryptic error about having to enter data into blah blah blah. How can I trap that error and provide them a more meaningful message about entering data. I have tried the following;

Main form name frmPatientRecords
Sub form name DentalRecords Subform
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Nz(tblPatientDetails!recordid, 0) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("sorry. Please complete the main record entry")
End If
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Updating 100 Records In A Table Using Single Form Entry

Feb 25, 2014

I Work for an NHS organization. A department here orders prescriptions and sends them out to Gp Surgeries. I have been tasked in designing a database to make this easier for them.

Prescriptions arrive on a Pallet. Each pallet has 100 Boxes of prescriptions on it. Each box Contains 2000 Individual prescriptions. I have a table which contains the following:

Box Number
Serial Start Number
Serial End Number

When the user enters the first box number and the serial start number, i need it to calculate the serial end number and insert another 99 rows into the table and also calculate the serial start and end numbers for these other 99 records.

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Not Allow Duplicate Entry

Dec 8, 2004

I have a Timesheet form where you select your name from a combo, and you select a Timesheet Period from another combo. Then you can enter various details in the sub-forms.

I want to prevent a user from being able to enter two timesheets for the same period. What's the best way of achieving this? I would like a pop-up to appear saying "You have already started a timesheet for this week. Please use the Update Form Dialog"

The timesheet form is bound to tblTimesheets which contains fields TimsheetID, StaffID, and TimesheetPeriodID

In cboNameSelect, StaffID is bound
In cboPeriodSelect, TimesheetPeriodID is bound.



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Modules & VBA :: Tracking Form - Code Does Not Review All Subform Records

Jun 5, 2013

I'm having some problems with VBA code I'm writing that references a subform. I'm pretty new to VBA and am not sure what the problem could be. The parent form (TrackingForm) tracks dates different tasks were completed. The subform (Child2) tracks exceptions that also need to be marked completed. I need ALL dates to be marked as completed before the entire tracking record can be marked as completed.

I have the following code entered into the OnFocus event of the tracking records Me.Completed_Date field:

Private Sub Completed_Date_GotFocus()
If IsNull(Closing_Date) Or IsNull(Package_Received) _
Or IsNull(Upload_By) Or IsNull(Initial_Review_Date) _
Or IsNull(Me.Child2.Form![Date Exception Completed]) Then
Me.Completed_Date.Locked = True
MsgBox "Completed Date cannot be entered - outstanding items.", vbOKOnly, "Warning!"
Else: Me.Completed_Date.Locked = False
End If
End Sub

What ends up happening is that, if there is more than one exception record on Child2, the code only seems to care if one of the records (usually the first record) has something entered in the [Date Exception Completed] field. I can't seem to make it look at any successive records in Child2 to ensure they are also completed prior to unlocking the Me.Date_Completed field. I have googled this extensively over the last day and the only response that seems to recur involves using a Recordset function that I have never used and am unsure how to.

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Duplicate Entry Woes

May 30, 2005

I have a table that has (to simplify things) two fields.

[Patient_No] [ID]
BA4206 1067404
BA4206 1067405
BG1013 1067545
BG1013 1067546
BG1013 1067547
BG1111 1078432

I want to be able to count the number entries where the Patient_No is the same and output the query like this:

[Patient_No] [ID] [COUNT]
BA4206 1067404 1
BA4206 1067405 2
BG1013 1067545 1
BG1013 1067546 2
BG1013 1067547 3
BG1111 1078432 1

Hopefully this is just a simple query but for some reason i cannot get it to work.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Prevent Duplicate First & Last Name Entry

Feb 28, 2005

Have read through all the threads related to this topic and can't find anything to help. Just want a message box to pop up after entry of first and last names in a form if the string already exists in the database. DLookup works wonderfully for validating on one field, but adding the second field is driving me crazy - Can I use DLookup to check more than one field? The following code gives me the error: "Run time error '2001' - You canceled the previous operation."

Private Sub LastName_AfterUpdate()

Dim x As Variant

x = DLookup("[txtLastName]", "[tblVolunteerInfo]", "[txtLast Name]= '" & Me![LastName] & "'" & " And " & "[txtFirstName] = " & Me![FirstName])

On Error GoTo CustID_Err

If Not IsNull(x) Then
MsgBox "This name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate person before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub



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Detecting Duplicate Entry

May 22, 2006

I have a Form based on a table of current Players in a football league.
The Form is used to edit, but mainly add new registrations. The fields are...

Surname FirstName Address Suburb Age Club YearRegd

Is it possible in some way to have an alert or message come up stating that the Player is already registered if the Table already contains a player with the same Surname and FirstName only. This would need to happen after the FirstName has been entered as it is the second field after 'Surname'. I'm not sure if Access can do this type of function or not.

I've searched the Forums but have had no luck.

Any advice/assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank-you very much.

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Notification-Cancellation Of Duplicate Entry

Sep 20, 2005


I am using Access 97 at work, Access 2000 at home. This is a work project.

I have a database that tracks employee awards. One type of award is the Peer Award. An employee can receive more than one award during the reporting period (01 May 05 through 30 April 06), but an employee can nominate someone only ONCE during this period. The query also filters all award for the word PEER in the Award_Type field.

I need a method in my subform (where all of the award info is entered) to display a message if the NOMINATED_BY field contains the name of a nominator more than once. I am using a combobox (cboNominated_By) to select the nominator from a query based on the Employee_Name table.

I had thought of making the field NO DUPLICATES, but cannot do that, as I also keep these records as multi-year archives.

In my query I have as the criteria to limit records for the reporting period above.

In my subform, is there a method to check the combobox that I'm using for a duplicate nominator, then notify the user of this duplicate?

I've seen something similar to what I want in the below thread, but FoFa didn't offer an example of how this would be accomplished;
Notification of Duplicate Records

Thanks all for any assistance you might offer!

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Preventing Duplicate Record Entry

Aug 23, 2006

Hi all,

I created a form for entering employee skillset in Accounting.

I have set up three fields - one for Primary Skillset and the other two for secondary skill sets -

The skillsets are -Payables, Receivables, General Ledger, Purchasing etc.

How can I ensure that a user will not enter duplicate values in the three fields.

That is a user will not enter for examply "Payables" in the Primary Skillset, and Secondary Skillset fields.

I tried creating a multiple field index but it does ont appear to work.

I will appreciate all the help.


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