Modules & VBA :: Connect To Mdb From Accdb

Oct 20, 2013

I am trying to connect to an access database format 2003 from my access 2007 database. I would like to create a recordset from a table in the 2003 database and bind it to a listbox in my 2007 database.I tried to the following code that didn't work.

Dim DNHConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim connStr, xSource, xSys, xUsr, xPsw
On Error GoTo errH


When I try to execute that code, I get an error that the apllication can't start because the worgroup file is either missing or opened exclusive by another user.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Connect To A BE Database

Dec 11, 2013

Access 2007, split database, 9 users. I have been able to link the BE tables with the Linked Table Manager. I use the DNS name path because everyone has different drive mappings. I can open my linked tables as a RecordSet and AddNew and Update records. However, I cannot Seek and Edit the linked tables. I understand that I need to open the BE tables directly in order to do this. Now, I can do a connection like this, and it works for me:

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("R:DataTask_be.accdb")

But, as I said, everyone has different drive mappings. Therefore, I need to use the Network address instead of a drive letter. I tried this:

Set dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("ServerMyBackEndDataTas k_be.accdb").

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Modules & VBA :: Copying Objects To Another Accdb By Code

Jun 8, 2015

I'd like to know if it is possible to copy an object (typically forms, reports and queries) by code from the acces file I'm woriking in to another one that is not opened.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Produce ACCDR Files From ACCDB Version

Oct 7, 2013

I have a database (accdb) out of which I want to generate accdr files of which user can only access / view the reports section ONLY. Looking for VB code which will generate employee wise (or any criteria) accdr files?????

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To MySQL Via ODBC

Jan 24, 2014

I've developed an Acc2003 App that reads from a ODBC linked table.This link was created fro DBwindow->Link table. It often opens a window asking for userNmae and Pwd - I wold liek to aviod this wen distributing the App. So I wrote tis code:

Public Sub linkOdbcTable(DataSource As String, UID As String, PWD As String, dbName As String, ParamArray Tables())
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As Variant
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim linked As Boolean
Dim ConnectionString As String


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Modules & VBA :: Function To Find ACCDB File Date Created?

Jun 5, 2014

Is there a function I could use to find the date listed in the "date created" property of an Access file?

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Modules & VBA :: Connect Access Database With Softphone - Dial Through VOIP PBX

Oct 11, 2014

Is there a way to connect access database with a softphone? I have an IP PBX and a soft phone and i need to click on a form and auto dial the contact. My DB contains all the data I need and also PBX.

PBX running asterisk software.

Do i need a module or something like TAPI that call windows dialer (but win dialer use a modem and not Ip phone I guess)..Or something that just wake up voip softphone and paste data?

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Specific Version Of A Ribbon To Connect To Database?

Sep 2, 2014

I have been trying to come up with a solution for a problem I am having for a while to no avail. We have a backend database that stores various tables full of data. We then have a custom Excel Ribbon that connects to the database and pulls in the different tables depending on the user selection form the ribbon. Everything is working well on that end. The problem I am running into though is that in the development phase of the ribbon and database we had multiple versions and so there are still some people who are using old versions of the ribbon and therefore not connecting properly to the database. Is there some type of code I can add into the database and ribbon where it checks for a specific version to ensure the user is using the most recent version?

Basically, before any type of query is run to connect to the database the ribbon would have some sort of label on it somewhere and the database would check for that label and if it is correct, the code proceeds and if not a message box appears that tells the user they are not using the most current version of the ribbon and exits the sub?

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Modules & VBA :: Connect Datasheet Form To Active Directory Search Results

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to tie a from into the results from and AD Query. I'm not that experienced with doing this kind of thing so I may be going about this the wrong way. Anyway here's what I've got so far:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.ConnectionString = "Provider=ADSDSOObject;Trusted_Connection=yes;"

[Code] .....

When stepping through the code, it all goes well until it hits the line that actually connects it to the form "Set Me.Recordset = rs".

When this line is executed, Access crashes and attempts to restart.

PS: Access 2010, Win7 64bit

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To Excel And Delete Data From A Range On Specific Sheet

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to connect to excel from Access database. Once I make the connection I want to delete data from a range on a specific sheet. There are 4 columns on the spreadsheet but i wouldn't know how many rows. So for example, A150... but I may not know what the last row is. How would I be able to delete data from a range of columns to the last row?

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ACCDB Password

Feb 7, 2008

hello, is it possible to programmatically set or change the password to an accdb file from within an application? (my app is written in VB 6)
i know this was possible in the old mdb format but what are the options for the new format? i must use the accdb format for security reasons.


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Trouble Converting Mdb To Accdb

Dec 10, 2007

I have a mdb access 2000 database that I want to convert to accdb. I can't for the life of me get it to work as when I try the save as access 2007 it always tells me I have the database open exclusively which is normal as I am the only user at the time when I want to convert it... not quite sure how I can open my database not exclusive? I have tried read only but doesn't work either...

thanx for any advice you might have...

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General :: How To Convert ADP To ACCDB

Apr 27, 2015

I have a (Access Data Project) ADP project which was created in Access 2003.I need to convert it into an ACCDB file with Access 2007. How to do this besides exporting each and every table, query,report etc one by one ? I was hoping there was something where I could import or export the whole thing in one go.

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General :: Converting MDB Into ACCDB?

Jun 6, 2014

Is there an easy way to convert an old ACCESS db from version 2003 to version 2010?

My ACCESS db is .mdb and I want to convert it to .accdb as version 2010. It has hundreds of modules that may take awhile to export. Exporting is the only way I know to transfer from one db to another.

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Error When Importing From MDB To ACCDB?

Aug 19, 2013

Have an Access db created with Access 2003. Was not updated with Access 2007, and now need to work with it in Access 2010.

Saved the Access 2003 db, a *.mdb file as a *.accdb and imported the data from the *.mdb db.

The import failed and the error report and in the report the Issue Type Error and the Issue Type ID is ACCWeb107014. When I checked this error, the follow explanation was given. However, the tables have a PK.

ACCWeb107014Error text A Table should have a Primary Key and it should be a number with field size 'long' to be compatible with the Web.What it means The indicated table has one of the following problems:

The table does not have a primary key.The data type of the primary key is not Number.The primary key Field Size is not Long.

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How To Connect??

Apr 14, 2006

what options do i have to connect to my database if back end of my db is in newyork and front end is in washington. how do i connect to my db??

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General :: Convert ACCDB Data To MDB

Oct 6, 2012

I am using accdb but I wanna convert some datas into mdb, but I really don't know how to do this?

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General :: Can't Update Front End To ACCDB

Mar 3, 2013

I am in the process of updating a database to 2010 (.accdb) and cannot get past a problem. We are using Access 2010.

I updated the back end data to .accdb with no problem. I can't link the front end to that data without updating the front end to .accdb as well. There are no tables in the front end.

I try to update the front end to /accdb and I get the error message 'You are trying to convert an encoded database. Decode the database, then try again.'

How do I decode the database? I tried setting a password and then unsetting it, but that made no difference. I have not previously encoded the database.

can't finish the update to .accdb data. The alternative is to stay with 2003 MDB data. Is that a bad thing?

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General :: Open Accdb Without MS Access?

Aug 14, 2012

I have MS Access on my PC however wish to move the accdb file to a network location to allow other network users to have access to it.

Unfortunately a few of the other users do not have MS Access. Is it possible for them to still open the database without any admin or background - I would like them to be able to use the forms and 'front end'.

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General :: Split Accdb - How Many Backends

Dec 13, 2013

We have a split A2010 accdb, and the backend is now 1.8Gb so I need to do something If I put each of the 4 main tables in 4 separate backend accdbs, will the fact that the frontend then needs to link to 4 accdbs in some way impact on performance? Another possibility (given that 90% of our work only needs the recent data) is that I split the 4 main tables into 'archive' and 'current' (= recent) tables, with all the 'archive' tables in one accdb and all the 'current' tables in another accdb: but that would make it more difficult to run reports etc over the entire data Putting the 4 main tables in 4 separate backend accdbs seems like the answer to me - but are there any other considerations to this.

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General :: Locked ACCDB File

Oct 19, 2012

I have a database with extension .accdb. When I open it, everything is locked. I can't access VB Editor, Navigation Pane, Ribbon, nothing. It just opens a form and the only thing that can be edited are the text boxes on the form. I can't use Shift when opening it, that does nothing. It does not prompt for a password when opening.

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Possible To Change Desktop Icon For ACCDB

Nov 15, 2011

I'd like to have a custom icon for the accdb file for the users. I recall doing it for pre-2007 databases, but I can't figure out how to change the 2007 db. Is it possible with 2007?

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ACCDB - Can't Open In 2007 Or Import

Apr 25, 2013

I just finished a week long database project. All ready to show the users - who have 2007. I have 2010. I can't get it to open on their PCs even though it's saved as 2007 set. So I try to import it into 2007 - nope no going. Can I install 2010 runtime on their PC and have that database automatically open with it ....

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Best Way To Connect To BE Database

Oct 29, 2007

Hello my helpfull friends,

I am going to build a multi-user database with the tables en queries stored on a server. So I will deploy multiple front ends.

Here is my question:

What is the best way to connect to the BE?
Should I link the backend using the linkingmanager (bound to a recordset) of access 2007


should I interact with the data in the backend using undbound form using a disconnected recordset

OR using SQL

I would prefer the first option because it's the easiest way.

But what do you guys (and girls) recommend?

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Why Can't I Connect To The DB In This Manor?

Mar 9, 2006

I tried referencing a table in my Access DB that held my login id and password info but it didn't work. How can I make it work?


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How Can I Connect Two Forms Together

Dec 6, 2005

Hi all,

I'm designing a db in which I have a list of teacher names, and for each record (each teacher), there is a list of subject that this teacher teaches.

what i did is the following:

I have designed a form with teacher name, and a form for subjects.

I have added a button in the teacher form, next to each teacher name, this button we take the user to the subjects form to add the subjects for this particular teacher.

To link these to form, I have added the primary key of the teacher table (TeacherID) in the subjects table, so the relationship is one-to-many.
but I couldn't get to connect them.

I want the subject form to get the TeacherID from the teacher form to connect each teacher with his subjects. How can I do that?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Best Regards,

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