Modules & VBA :: Control Height Of Multiple SubReports With Varying Content On Report

Jul 8, 2013

I am working on a report that will have 16 sub-reports, one right below the other. Because of the complex nature of the calculations in the groupings it seemed easier to "build" the report using vba rather than using the report's built-in grouping ability. The issue I am running into is that there seems to be no simple way to control the height of the sub-reports. I had hoped that setting "can grow" to yes would change the height of the sub reports and move all subsequent sub reports down (Allas)

As an alternative I thought too that I might be able to set the height of the sub-report control, which would make for a tricky but not impossible bit of programming, but (Again allas) I can't seem to find a reasonable way to determine the required height of the sub-report's control.

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Report With Subreports - If Subreports Grow, Other Fields Move

Oct 19, 2004

I have a report with several subreports that occassionally grow. I also have several fields that don't grow. If my subreport grows, it moves any other fields down as well. These are fields that are below the subreport, but not beneath it (e.g. on a lower line, but to the left).

Is there any way to keep the other fields stationary?


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Filtering Report (with Subreports) Using Multiple Parameters

Sep 17, 2006

hey there

i have a main PatientForm that contains patient information from multiple tables:

[GENERAL] values
Subform - [RefMD] values (referring doctor)
Subform - [Drugs] values (prescribed meds)
Subform - [Diagnosis] values (medical diagnosis)
Subform - [Encounters] values (visits to the doctor)

what i have is a form (image attached) and i need to be able to select any combination of parameters (including state, zipcode from GENERAL, i.e. referring doctor last name from RefMD, Drugname from Drugs, Diagnosisname from Diagnosis, and VisitType from Encounters) and filter PatientForm where all the selected parameters are true..

does that make sense?

all tables are linked using the field HistNum

how do i code this? i am pretty lost right now

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Reports :: Adding Multiple Subreports On Main Report

Feb 12, 2015

I am relatively new to Access. I am having difficulty summing up totals and bringing them into the main report. To be more specific I have two sup reports called WOExpenseTotalSubreport and WOServiceTotalsubreport. These two subreports are based off of queries that gather the description, price and qty of either services or expenses and then produces a "total" for me on the query.

When I bring these two queries into a report as sub reports I am able to Sum the "total" field in the subreport footer which works fine. What I would like to do is add those two totals together for a grand total on the main report. The two summed fields are called ExpensesSum and ServicesSum. It seems most things I have tried do not produce an expression error but the result is either #error or #name? Here are a few different scenarios I have tried both on the main report details section as well as the footer section.

=[Reports]![qryWOExpenseTotal subreport]![ExpensesSum]+[Reports]![qryWOServiceTotal subreport]![ServicesSum]

=Sum([qryWOExpenseTotal]![Total]) + Sum([qryWOServiceTotal]![Total])

=[qryWOExpenseTotal subreport].[Report].[ExpensesSum] + [ qryWOServiceTotal subreport].[Report].[ServicesSum]

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Modules & VBA :: Matching Content To Other Content?

Feb 4, 2015

how many elements matching to my primary elements from any records of my query and count match, if some element doesn't match then I need to add it to my primary elements, then at the end (rst.eof) count how many primary elements I have.


id colours
1 blue;red
2 purple;blue;green
3 red;violet;purple;blue

dim matching_elements as long
dim primary_elements as string
dim TheNumberOfPrimaryElements as long

First of all, if I open recordset primary_elements is empty so I need to assign a value form first record.

primary_elements = rst!colours (so primary_elements = blue;red)

Now I can start comparing my primary_elements with second record:

matching_elements= 1
primary_elements = blue;red;purple;green

comparing my primary_elements with third record:

matching_elements= 3
primary_elements = blue;red;purple;green;violet

It's my last record so I need to count primary_elements

TheNumberOfPrimaryElements = 5

I need "matching_elements" to count other function in my application.

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How Do I Set Control Height To 0 So That There Won't Be Any Space Between Printed Lin

Sep 21, 2004

How do I make the blank line disappear after the control is no longer visible? I tried to set the Height property to 0 in the OnPrint Event but I got an error message 2191, you can’t set height property after printing has started.

Thank you,


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Reports :: Automatically Adjusting Height Of A Control

Aug 18, 2014

I have a report that prints lab tests. One section has 4 columns that are framed. Only the first control (STest) expands to more than one line. The Can Grow works on this control and subsequently the section expands. I need a code that expands the height of the other three controls to match that of STest. I am using office 2010.

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Queries :: Using Same Field Multiple Times Under Varying Criteria?

Dec 30, 2014

Preamble edit: I'm running Access 2003.

I have two tables, Students and AttendanceRecords.

Students just has studentID and studentName

AttendanceRecords has AttRecID, studentID, presence, thedate

I'm looking to create what looks like an Excel grid, with the last 10 days as columns and the student names as rows. All the cells in middle will be filled with the values of 'presence' for that student/day (e.g., P for present, A for absent).

Here's something I'm currently considering.

-I could make 10 queries, each using LEFT JOIN to connect studentName with presence & thedate on studentID, varying the 10 queries only in that 'thedate' will have a criteria of Date() -1 , Date() -2 , etc.
-If I'm understanding it correctly, I'll then have 10 tables, each containing 3 rows -- student name, presence, and the date (with each table having only 1 date repeated throughout).
-I could then join those 10 queries together on studentName, theoretically resulting in 1 big table with all the student names and the corresponding presence values for the last 10 days

If I do that, I could make a form in Continuous view and have each row show the studentName and 10 text boxes closely bunched up with presence values.

That seems very inefficient? Making 10 queries separately and then manually merging them seems redundant.

Also, now that I think about it, will the final product end up being read-only, or if the user changes one of the presence cells will it update the corresponding record in AttendanceRecord?

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Reports :: Varying Images And Logos In Report Header

Aug 2, 2015

I create several reports for several different companies. Report data is the same but the report header data changes based on the company selected. All works well until I attempted to add their individual logos. I have tried many of the suggested methods both here and elsewhere to set the image path in Image.picture and image.control source. But I get "windows can't open file". Access 2010 on Windows10 insists on using the insert picture window when i select an image control. There is a drop down in the property sheet. I've gotten it to work a couple times but then its gone after restart.

The header data comes from a table [Company] which has the fields - name, addr, phone, path to image, and active(yes/no)

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Make Popup Form (Dialog)'s Height As Same As Window/Montior/Screen Height

May 7, 2008


When the user click the button, then it will give out a popup form to the screen, but I want to make the popup form's height as same as the screen/window/monitor's height, because the popup form's height is larger than the screen's height, and every user's monitor's height is different. So, I have to make it flexiable change of the height of the popup form.
How can I check the screen/window height by VBA function?
In Excel, it has Application.Height to check. In MS Access Form, I cannot find one for doing that.

Please let me know if you have one.

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Forms :: Custom Bar Chart Using Rectangles - Control Height Change Direction

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying to make something like custom bar chart on a form using rectangles. I made 4 rectangles (BarBZ, BarBA, BarKI and BarMA) and have the following code:


Dim PctBZ As Double
Dim PctBA As Double
Dim PctKI As Double
Dim PctMA As Double
PctBZ = Me.BZ / (Me.BZ + Me.BA + Me.KI + Me.MA)

[Code] ....

It works perfectly except... the rectangles grow/shrink downwards and not upwards. As a result the bars are aligned to top, while I would like to have them aligned to bottom.

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Import Text File / Multiple Lines And Varying Delimiters / Size To One Record

Aug 22, 2012

Using MS 2007, I have a 200 text files exported each day from another application that has two different types of lines (see below). I would like to import each text file in to a database as a single record.

Text file example (text.txt):

R111 WC 8/21/2012 7:00 Doe, John doej 10110110

First Question? Y
Second Question? N
Third Question? Y
Seventeenth Question? 10

As you see, I have the first row with multiple fields, but the next rows I have a question and an answer.

I would like to have this data imported as shown in the attachment.

Most answers I see are for either multiple lines (same data and sizing). I am not sure how to handle several different lines with that vary in size and delimiters.

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Content To Control Changed On Open Or View

Dec 22, 2006


I have a text filed on a tab control on a form. What I want to do is when the record is opened for viewing I am it changed the contents of that field. The reason that I am doing this is that I am auditing the changes in the database and any changes to any of the fields are recorded on the in this table along with the users windows username.

This would put an entry in the audit table for everytime a record was opened, even if no changes were made to the record and I want to use this information to create a last ten records form for the users to view there last ten records.

Does anybody know how I can do this.


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Reports :: Multiple Subreports And Underlying Data

Mar 31, 2013

I need to create a report based on how a user creates construction components of which there can be any number, e.g.

Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Component n

Each component has different data.

A report is needed to show the above components. The issue I am having is this - the user can select components to be repeated as follows:

Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Component 2
Component 3
Component 2

I have created subreports for the components but when I run the report (no master/child relationships defined for any of the subreports) I get:

Component 1
Component 2
Component 2
Component 2
Component 3
Component 3

So I created a master report (in design time) and added subreports using VBA and now I get the components in the correct sequence, but how do I get the data to show up correctly because at run time the same query runs for each subreport component and I end up with the above sequence.

Defining the subreport query at design time won't work because then the subreport for a particular component will show the same data.

I need each subreport to recognize which data to show at run time - but I am not sure how to accomplish this.

I'm trying to stay away from duplicating subreports in the case where the same components are selected.

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Reports :: Subreports Print Multiple Times

Dec 23, 2013

I've narrowed my problem to a subreport that prints multiple copies of the report based on the number of items generated in the subreport.

i.e. If I have an instructor registered to teach three classes in the subreport, the main report will print three time (identical). An instructor with two classes will print twice (identical).

No button...just good old "print" how? why? where?

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Forms :: Unable To Open A Report With Subreports

Nov 26, 2013

I am trying to open a report (with subreports) from a form. When the report opens, I want the form to hide, which most of the time does. Sometimes, though, it won't hide when the report opens. So, I even created an error handler, and moved that part of the code to SubExit section, but the problem still occasionally occurs. Here is my code:

Dim strWhere As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strDist As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
strDate = "=DateSerial(" & Year(Me.txtAsOfDate) & "," & Month(Me.txtAsOfDate) & "," & Day(Me.txtAsOfDate) & ")"
strWhere = "YearEnd = " & Year(Me.txtAsOfDate) - 1


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Reports :: Report Giving Duplicate Subreports

Apr 15, 2015

In my database, I have a report called "rptEventsbyEmployee" and in that a subreport called "sbrptEventsbyEmployee". The master/child link is the employee name. Everything is fine until you get to page 3 where the subreport shows twice.

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Reports :: Filtering Subreports On Main Report

Aug 8, 2014

I have a database (Access 2007) that handles a large number of consultants. Each consultant has a number of skills, has worked in a number of countries, and speak several languages. As contracts come in, I wish to generate a report based on the skill set, language and country/countries that best suits the contract; thereby identifying a group of most suitable consultants. I have designed a report with three sub reports for skills, languages and countries. Each sub report is linked to the main report through Link Master/Child fields using the ConsultantID. That's all fine; I get a report showing all consultants listing all their qualities.

Now, I want to be able to filter the sub reports on the three aspects: Skills; Countries; and Languages.

In the past, for other applications, and with the unfiltered form in preview I have used a popup form with unbound Combo Boxes to generate a string to use in the reports filter. I think I got that technique from Allen Browne, and it has really served me well.

Now, however, I can't use this technique since I can't set the filter for the sub reports. I thought that I might be able to use the Link Master Field with text boxes on the main report, but haven't managed to figure that out.

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Reports :: No Data Event For Report Made Up Of 3 Subreports

Jan 15, 2015

I have three reports that I have used as the subreports for one master report. The master report shows the three subreports on a page.

When one or more of the subreports contains no data the master report still shows the empty subreport. I would like subreports with no data to be left off the master report if this is possible.

For each of the individual subreports I have used the On No Data event to display a message and then not open the report if there is no data. This works fine for the individual subreports but when I open the master report the "empty" subreport is still displayed.

Is there a way to leave the subreport off the master report when there is no data in the subreport?

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Reports :: Max Height For Details On Multipage Report

Sep 18, 2014

I have a report which will be printed on preprinted paper. On this paper a footer is printed with e.g. address info.

The report has a detail section with a height of 3,5 inch and canGrow=true.

The reportFooter contains totals. The size of this footer, and placements of the fields prevents printing data on the pre-printed footer of the paper.

But when the report has multiple pages, the report footer will be printed on the laste page, and the detail section is expanding to the bottom of the paper, overwriting the pre-printed footer. I need a max height of the detail section, or another solution.

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Reports :: Fixing Report Height And Width

Sep 6, 2013

How to fix the height and width of a report. I would like the report to stay landscape, 100mm wide, 62mm high. This is required by a label printer.

The issue is that a A4 laser printer has to be set as default (for other software) so when the report is launched the size is set to the default printer size, when I select the label printer it fails as it is the wrong size.

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Header Section Of Main Report And Detail (subreports) Are Between 2 Pages??

Dec 30, 2004

I have a main report with 2 subreports. My main report has a header section, the 2 subreports are in the detail section of my main report. How can i prevent my report from splitting up my header and my subreports. (Header section of my main report is a company and the subreports are the detail of the company.. i don't want my compnay name on the bottom of a page and then the detail on the next page.. it does this sometimes. thanks!

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Reports :: Variable Row Height In Report Detail Section

Apr 16, 2013

In the detail section of my report, I recently added a second row which has only 1 text field. When the value of the textbox in the 2nd row is null, I want the total row height equal to just the first row. When the value in the textbox in the 2nd row is not null, then the total row height is equal to row 1 and 2. I tried to make the textbox in the second row invisible when it had a null value thinking that when it was null, the report would shrink to the first row height, but that didn't seem to work.

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Obtaining Multiple Report Parameters Via Menu Form Lookup Control

Feb 11, 2015

In our Student Administration database, we have a Student Evaluation Report which prints a 1 page per student report in memo like format. The instructor had previously input rating numbers (4=Best, 1=Worst) for 9 categories for each student via a database form into the Evaluations Table.

Two other elements of the rating are an Attendance based on number of days absent and a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated from the student's test scores. The instructor then prints and reviews the report with each student.

There is an Evaluations Parameter table which has the following fields:


The autonum key field.

eg., 2015-1

Evaluation Number
A single digit (eg., 1, 2). There may be more than 1 evaluation for each class.

The "as of" date of the evaluation.

There are then several other tables that are input to a query that will be the record source for the report:


Student Name, Class

Has a record for each student's absence with date and a 1 or .5 indicating a whole or half day absent.

Test Grades
Has a record with each student's test results with date and score.

Holds the rating score for each of the 9 rating categories.

The Student Evaluation report is launched from an unbound Reports menu form via a button. On the Reports menu form I wish to have controls for the user to select which evaluation to report on. The Absence and Test Grade information needs to include records that are <= the EffectiveDate in the Evaluation Parameter table. The Evaluations records need to match the Class and Evaluation Number in the Evaluations Parameter table.

I would like the user to be able to select the Evaluation Parameter via a combo box vs. specifying the Class, Evaluation Number and Effective Date separately and then have the query record source for the report use those two fields as criteria. But my limited understanding of the Combo box indicates that only 1 field from the lookup query of the Evaluations Parameter table can be stored in the control whereas I need 3 (Class Evaluation Number and EffectiveDate).

How the user can select the desired Evaluation Parameter record on the Reports menu form and use the 3 fields from the selected record as criteria in the report's record source query.

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Form To Select Report Content

Nov 24, 2005


I have a query set up as the record set for a form containing combo boxes.

The form has four combo boxes with various drop downs. I have linked these combo boxes to the query using this syntax in the query:


I have a preview button report on the form to load my report template to be populated with the combo selected info.

If I fill all four combo boxes with specfic info then my report displays all data records related as you would expect. For example I can select A 'Tool Type', 'Manufacturer', 'Model Number' and 'Tool Condition' and my reports will show me three test records relating to these specific parameters.

How do I set the code to allow me to complete only some of the boxes and return the records i.e. only 'Tool Type' and 'Model Number'.

I am trying to get my report to lift the data for test records for each specific tool by model number and tool condition and then do some calculations. This forms the full report.

I have tried this code:

If Not IsNull(Me![cboToolGroup]) Then
where = where & " AND [cboToolGroup] Like '*" & Me![cboToolGroup] & "*'"
End If

Can anyone help?

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Modules & VBA :: Set Height Of All Form Headers

Dec 16, 2013

I have built a database and I want to set the height of the form header on all forms using a module.

I am uncertain how to write the VBA to accomplish this task.

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