Modules & VBA :: Create X Number Of Duplicate Records According To A Field On Subform
Jun 13, 2013
I have a code that works great from the parent form but I decided to change the format and call it from a lostfocus event in the subform instead. Now I keep getting error 3314:"You must enter a value in the tbGuests.LastName field".
The code should copy the parent form fields and create x number of duplicate records according to a field on sub-form. It then runs an append query to add the information from the subform.
Private Sub GuestsInParty_LostFocus()
Dim partymsg As Integer
Dim dbs As dao.Database, rst As dao.Recordset
Dim F As Form
Dim intHowMany As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer
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Nov 20, 2013
I am working with a sub-form where once a staff member enters there sub measure I would want to create a duplicate of that record. The problem I am having is that once you enter the sub-form and click the duplicate button it creates a duplicate of the record selected but overwrites the first record in the table. I want it to create a new SubMeasure Number which is the primary key and assigns the record the next available number.
Also if I try to add another record after one has been added I get runtime error "3021" - No current record. I would have to close the form and reopen for it to be able to add again.
I have attached the code below:
Private Sub cmdDuplicate_Click()Dim dbs As DAO.Database, Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim F As Form
'Return Database variable pointing to current database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set Rst = Me.RecordsetClone
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Nov 29, 2013
I am trying to create duplicate records from a main form frmManagers which has a subform frmSubMeasure. I have placed the duplicate button on the main form. It creates a duplicate of the main form data and gives me the option to add new record to the sub. I want the duplicate to be created on the sub form for me to just edit the scores.
I don't know how to pass the sub form data to be duplicated I thought the append query which I used would update the tblSubMeasure table which created the subform frmSubMeasure.
In the sub the append query do update the form with the new MeasureID from the mainform and the form is available to enter new data. I want the subform data to be duplicated as well
In the query I included all the fields from the tblSubMeasure table and this is appended to the same table tblSubMeasure and I place a tag on the MeasureID using "[Forms]![frmManagers].[Tag]"
Private Sub btnDuplicate_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database, Rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim F As Form
'Return Database variable pointing to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set Rst = Me.RecordsetClone
[Code] .....
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Jun 27, 2014
I have almost no experience of VBA outside of working a little with codes generated for me like docmd etc.
I am trying to create a database for resourcing staff.
I have a form where the user inputs a start date and an end date which updates a table.
I have a query that works out the number of working days between those dates.
I have a table with all the working dates between now and 2016
I want to put a duplicate record button on the form (I can do that bit)
The tricky part is I want it to create a new record for each date in the dates table between the start and end dates.
Example 23/06/2014-18/07/2014 = 20 working days. I want to end up with 20 records with start dates as below and the same end date.
23/06/2014, 24/06/2014,25/06/2014,26/06/2014,27/06/2014,30/06/2014,01/07/2014,02/07/2014,03/07/2014,04/06/2014,07/07/2014 etc up to 18/07
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Jun 18, 2015
I want Access to automatically generate a reference number for a record based on the values in on two other fields for a given record using a form.
The first field is called Operation Number.
The second is Bag Number.
The reference number needs to be in this format: 19C.3.1
Where 19C is the Operation Number, 3 is the bag number, and 1 is automatically generated. Additionally I need the last number --the automatically generated one--to go back to 1 if with each new bag number.
This is kind of like library catalog numbers. Not sure how to do this.
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Mar 21, 2014
See attached picture where I am stuck at?
I have a table that holds UK Postcodes and a customer table that holds customers.
I am trying to create a relationship between the 2 so when I enter a postcode in the customer table this is then related to the postcode table.
The main problem I have is that there is a lot of duplicate postcodes in postcode table so the primary key is simply a number as you will see in the picture.
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Oct 24, 2013
I want to filter my subform data, to only show records where field A is a higher value than field B.
Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > B"
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True
This way it doesn't find field B.
Me.MySubform.Form.Filter = "A > " & MySubform.Form!B
Me.MySubform.Form.FilterOn = True
This way it seems to filter all record to the field B value of the first record.
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Feb 22, 2006
Acc 2003
Does anyone know if this is possible. I've looked but can't find anything like it posted within the forums unless I'm searching for the wrong keywords.
If I have a list of records on a continuous form, I want to drop a combo box at the end of the each record with a list of numbers in ranging from 1 - 100.
When a value is chosen, the selected record is then duplicated by that number.
For example, Select a record, choose 20 from the combo box = 20 new entries of the record.
Also, as a side issue, is there a way of omitting or clearing certain fields from the process.
For example, Serail Numbers are unique, so I want the user to have to manually key these in once the duplication process completes.
Hope I have explained this in enough detail.
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May 29, 2014
In my simple database (attached), I need to mass duplicate Tasks and their Notes.
I have three tables: tbTasks (PK: Task_ID), tbNotes (PK: Note_ID), jtbTaskNotes (FKs: Task_ID and Note_ID). jtbTaskNotes is my many-to-many junction table that ties Tasks to Notes.
The main form (fmTasks), bound to tbTasks, has a subform (sbfm_TaskNotes) that displays notes associated with each Task. On themain form,you select which Tasks you want duplicated via a checkbox. The append query (quCopyTasks) will duplicate all tasks that have the checkbox checked. All good there. However, I can't figure out how to also duplicate each task's Notes.
I found Allen Browne's solution [URL] ....., but that only handles duplication of one record at a time, whereas I need to duplicate many records at a time (sometimes 10+ records). How do I go about duplicating multiple Tasks and their associated Notes?
Before you ask "why are you duplicating records?": There are times when tasks need to be re-accomplished and therefore need to have a new record. It's easier to duplicate records than it is to hand-jam everything again.
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Jun 25, 2015
How to duplicate records in SubForm, i have created a form (transmittal) with a subform that contains all items listed:
Master Field : Transmittal No
Child Fields: IDTransmittalNumber
There is a button that allows me to duplicate form , however when i change the Transmittal no in the main form it automatically deletes all data in subform since they are both linked by that field..
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a form that uses Table A as a record source and has a subform that uses Table B as a record source. There is a one to many relationship between Table A (one) and Table B (many).The user opens the form to a set record, then uses the subform to create a new record in Table B.
This works perfectly and I can do everything I want. But sometimes the subform creates a blank entry in Table B before I enter any data. Then, once I start entering data, it creates another record in which it stores the data that I am entering.The result is two records: One that only has the date of the record's creation (I set that to be automatic upon creating a new record) and the primary key that links Table B to Table A. A second one is the "true" record, the one which stores all of the data that I am entering.
It won't happen for 10 records or something and there is no apparent pattern. In case it makes a difference, the form is set to open as the subform as the focus.
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Mar 9, 2015
I currently have a report which contains a subform. The master/child fields used to link them are called 'StudentID'.
In the table on which the subform is based, it is possible for multiple records to be associated with a single StudentID: in this case, the subform shows the locations where a student is studying, therefore if a student is based in three different locations the subform will display all three.
This seems to be resulting, when I run the master report, in three identical iterations of the same report being displayed (at least this is the only reason i can see why these duplicates would be displayed; it doesn't happen if a student only has one record in the subform).
Clearly, as a single instance of the report shows all three records in the subform anyway, I don't want to be seeing these duplicates.
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Sep 11, 2012
create an expression in the Validation section to prevent duplicate entries in a field. Please view Powerpoint file on slide 1 on attachment for More detail instructions. Instructions are in simple Text and images which makes it easy to understand. I am using Access 2003.
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Jun 10, 2013
I am not sure if it is possible to implement this but I would like your input. We get request from client via a web based form which contains a unique ID number called RDEFNumber. When we process the request internally, we use this number to identify the request throughout the process. The request from client contains processing of multiple files which are transmitted to us in different times of the day or days.
Every time we receive a file, an email is sent to the IT team with all the information about the file. We use an internal database to send the email to the IT team and use the RDEFNumber as the identifier in the subject line. What I am trying to do is to add an additional number at the end of the RDEFNumber automatically to differentiate the subject line.
For example, we take "1791" as a RDEFNumber. For the first time we enter 1791 to the database RDEFNumber field, it should check the table "tblRDEF" (record source) for duplicate value. If no Duplicate exists, it should keep the number as same. When we get the next file for processing with the same 1791 number and enter this number in the RDEFNumber field, it should automatically change it to "1791-1" since "1791" already exists in the database. When we get the next file, the number should change to "1791-2" and then "1791-3" and on.
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Nov 26, 2014
I have a table with an empty column called ActionID. I need to generate a numerical number that begins with 5000 and goes up by 1 number on each saved record. I have a basic form that links all of my other field to the table except the one I need to generate (ActionID) but will need that number saved to the table once its created.
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Apr 8, 2015
I know this has probably been gone over, but I'm just looking for a super-simple way to put a button on my form that will create a number of records equal to the number of days in the month listed in a field. For instance, if MyField is "4/1/2015", I'd like the system to create one record for each date between 4/1/15 and 4/30/15.
I have scoured the forums, and I find many threads on creating multiple records, but none of them deal with the same type of thing I need. I have a field, called MyField, and I have a table called MyTable with a column called MyDate. I want to enter a date into MyField, then click a button, and the button will run code/macro/whatever that will create multiple rows in MyTable, one for each date in Month([MyField])
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Apr 16, 2014
I am looking for a way to use vb, or any other way, to allow my users to enter a railcar initial and then a number sequence and add new records to the end of the table.
For example in a form the user can enter the car initial and the number sequence
Railcar initial: GATX
Number sequence : 290001 - 290100
I would like a way to create a temp table that then has 100 records
GATX 290001
GATX 290002
GATX 290003
etc etc.
I can then use this temp table in an append query to add them to my main table.
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Jun 4, 2013
I'm trying to duplicate the records in a subform to a new form but keep getting a too few parameters error.
strSql = "INSERT INTO [OrderDetailT] ( OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, DiscountPercentage ) " & _
"SELECT " & lngID & " As NewOrderID, ProductID, Quantity, DiscountPercentage " & _
"FROM [OrderDetailT] WHERE OrderNumber = " & Me.OrderNumber & ";"
The debug.print comes out as below:
INSERT INTO [OrderDetailT] ( OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, DiscountPercentage ) SELECT 49 As NewOrderID, ProductID, Quantity, DiscountPercentage FROM [OrderDetailT] WHERE OrderT!OrderNumber = 11;
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Jun 18, 2014
I have an "Returns" master form that contains two subforms. The subforms contain items that we are returning back into our inventory. The underlying queries in each subform show only those records where the "Return Date" is null. The query(s) works fine, except that if there are 3 items that need to be returned there are 3 records that show in the master Returns form. I tried the Totals option in the query but the I need that Return Date on the subform. I only want one Returns master form to show the 3 records (not 3 records of the same master form).
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Apr 11, 2006
I have searched, but found no reference to my exact question. I have a list of drivers I need to create a checklist for each day. The Parent form is the day and the subform is the list of drivers. What I would like to do is have a command button automatically enter all the drivers that are active (denoted by a chechbox) into the tabular subform.
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Aug 12, 2007
there is a field in my form named "numphotos" and I write the number of photos than that folder contains.
I have a subform in that main form named "descriptions", here I describe, one for one, all photos of that folder.
Itsnīt a problem if the folder contains a few photos, but I have folders that have even 100 photos :confused: then I must to create 100 records in my subform :eek:
I would like than Access create those records automatically according to the number of photos that I indicate at the field numphotos.
My example in photo:
I only would desire that Access create that many lines to me as I have written on "numphotos". I would write the rest of the information (photographer and description)
is it possible?
access 2007
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May 17, 2005
I am trying to write a training register DB for my department basically:
There are three tables: trainees, training sessions, and trainees on courses.
The training sessions will be mapped out in advance: so that's easy we will plug in the training dates when necessary.
the tricky bit is the booking form for trainees. I'd like a form/subform where the trianing session info is at the top and the subform lists trainess for that day.
Now here's the rub. we may not have the trainee's name in our database already so I created a combo box with the all the known trainees. This way if they exist their details pop up and we have a new "trainee on course" record for them.
So what I need is a macro or some code that will check whether they exist and if not create a new traineee record and then allow us to fill out the booking form. Perhaps I'm rusty and not thinking this through properly.
I'[ve attactched the db in case anyone needs a visual. I'd be grateful for any suggestions
The problem is when we get a new trainee with no history we cant create them. either I have
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Jun 29, 2013
What would be the Access 2007 VBA code for checking for duplicate records?
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May 12, 2015
I'm trying to create a database for a construction company, as an experiment more than anything, and my problem is this:
I need to create a set of identical records in the table "buildings" based on the information entered into a text box by a user on the form for registering a new project. I want each record to be identical except for the "plot number" field, which I want to start at one and increase to the number of buildings defined in the text box.
"Projects" is one table and "Plots" is in the other.
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Jun 21, 2013
I have a table called tblCompanies in which I have a field called CompanyName that is indexed set to "no duplicates". However, I want access to be able to pick out probable duplicates instead of only exact duplicates.
So, for example, if "Butter Fingers" is entered and "Butterfingers" is already in the database, I want access to prevent the new record from being created.
The code I found on MS Developer's reference only prevents exact duplicates which seems pointless since this can be done just as effectively on the table level using an index.
Anyway, here is the code:
Private Sub CompanyName_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Not IsNull(DLookup("[CompanyName]", _
"tblCompanies", "[CompanyName] ='" _
& Me!CompanyName & "'"))) Then
MsgBox "Company has already been entered in the database."
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Can it somehow be modified to do what I want it to do?
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Jun 12, 2014
I have a table which has duplicate records so I want to write down the code so that when the user click on a button then it should remove the duplicate records from the table.
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